Local medicines for cancer

As for local medicines for cancer, they pursue four goals: to destroy cancer from the roots - this is difficult, to prevent its growth, to prevent ulceration and to heal the ulcer. In relation to drugs intended to destroy cancer, they turn to substances that dissolve malignant matter already formed in the tumor and drive away matter that is ready to penetrate the diseased organ. At the same time, they should not be very strong and not move matter too much, because strong drugs make cancer worse; Burning substances should also be avoided. Therefore, washed mineral medicines are useful for cancer, for example, washed tutia, to which rose oil or wallflower oil is added. Tumor growth is inhibited by preventing the formation of matter, correcting the diet, strengthening the organ with already known distractive drugs and using mineral mud cakes, for example, cakes with scraps from a millstone or with scraps from a grindstone, as well as cakes prepared from the slurry formed between the board for rubbing incense with a lead pestle, in a liquid poured on a tablet, that is, for example, in rose oil or coriander juice. Dressings with crushed unripe grapes are also good and useful.

Medicines to prevent ulceration. The mud cakes mentioned above, which prevent the growth of tumors, if there is nothing burning in them, are all beneficial, especially if you mix with them the mentioned gruel from a pestle and a lead tablet. If the combination of medicines includes printed clay or Armenian clay, or unripe olive oil and tenacious juice and white with squeezed lettuce juice or plantain mucilage, or lead white, then an excellent combination is obtained; One of the powerful and useful remedies for this is a medicinal bandage made from fresh river crayfish, especially with kalimiya.

As for the treatment of ulcers, a good remedy for this is to constantly apply a linen rag soaked in black nightshade juice to the ulcer; As soon as it begins to dry out, it is sprayed with this juice again. Or they take mucus of wheat grains, incense, lead white - each for a dirham, Armenian clay, printing clay, washed sabur - each for two dirhams, bind it all, grind it and use it for a wet ulcer - in the form of a powder, and for a dry ulcer - in the form plaster prepared with rose oil. Sometimes cancer ash with wax ointment on rose oil helps; It works best if you add an equal amount of kalimiyya to this, and sometimes a medicine from tutia or tutia washed in the juice of purslane or in the mucilage of flea plantain is beneficial.