Almond oil for dark circles reviews

According to reviews from cosmetologists and consumers, essential oils for the skin around the eyes help get rid of puffiness, dark circles and other signs of fatigue. Based on them, you can prepare masks, creams, lotions, and mixtures for compresses at home.

Almond oil for the skin around the eyes

Almond extract is useful for dry, tired, mature skin. The substance easily penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, saturating it with the necessary beneficial elements.

  1. starch;
  2. Sahara;
  3. linolenic, palmitic, oleic acid;
  4. carotene;
  5. phytosterol;
  6. vitamins E, F, group B, retinol;
  7. zinc, magnesium, phosphorus;
  8. amygdalin.
  1. nourishes;
  2. improves elasticity;
  3. protects the skin from negative effects;
  4. eliminates dark circles;
  5. restores water balance;
  6. eliminates peeling.
  1. masks;
  2. massage;
  3. lotions;
  4. compresses.

Soak the sponge with 2-3 drops of almond oil. Apply the product to the skin around the eyes. Use your fingertips to massage using gentle tapping movements. Carry out the procedure daily before going to bed. To get rid of dark circles, a course of 1 month is required.



The basic component of cosmetics to combat signs of fatigue is olive oil. The product is universal and can be used for any type of epidermis.

  1. carotene;
  2. squalene;
  3. vitamins A, E, K, D;
  4. iron;
  5. calcium;
  6. copper;
  7. monounsaturated fats.
  1. eliminates dark circles/bags;
  2. moisturizes;
  3. helps preserve youth;
  4. protects against exposure to UV rays.
  1. masks;
  2. massage;
  3. cream;
  4. lotions.

In 1 tbsp. l. olive oil add 2 drops of lemon juice. Apply the composition to the skin around the eyes, leave for 10 minutes, wipe with a napkin. It is recommended to make a mask against dark circles and puffiness every day for 3-4 weeks.


Using coconut oil around the eyes will not only help solve the problem of bags and dark areas, but will also provide elasticity and firmness to the epidermis. Unlike other extracts, the substance does not create an oily sheen.

  1. acids: ascorbic, folic, lauric, pantothenic, stearic, caprylic, oleic;
  2. vitamins: E, PP, group B;
  3. phytosterols;
  4. calcium;
  5. iron;
  6. zinc.
  1. moisturizes, nourishes;
  2. improves cell regeneration;
  3. relieves swelling and fatigue of the eyelid skin;
  4. reduces wrinkles, dark circles.
  1. massage;
  2. enrichment of eye creams;
  3. masks;
  4. cream.

Apply 3-4 drops of coconut oil under your eyes to the dark areas. Massage the skin with gentle movements without stretching it. Carry out the procedure daily for 2–4 weeks.


Avocado oil

Essential oil for the eyelids and eye area, obtained from avocado, is suitable for normal to dry skin types. It can be used for young skin, since the product does not have an aggressive effect. Using avocado oil is one of the effective ways to combat dark circles.

  1. phytohormones;
  2. vitamins E, C, group B, retinol;
  3. linolenic acid;
  4. squalene;
  5. magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, copper.
  1. slows down the aging process;
  2. fights age-related pigmentation;
  3. moisturizes;
  4. protects against harmful factors;
  5. reduces wrinkles;
  6. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  7. improves oxygen metabolism;
  8. stimulates blood circulation, eliminates dark circles/bags.
  1. compresses;
  2. enrichment of cosmetics;
  3. masks;
  4. massage.

Compress for circles under the eyes. Heat ½ tsp. avocado oil up to 50 degrees. Apply the warm product to the skin under the eyes, cover with film. Leave to act for 15 minutes, remove excess with a napkin. Apply a compress once every 2-3 days. The course lasts 3–4 weeks.


Homemade cosmetic preparations based on the product are recommended to be used to combat signs of fatigue and lack of skin nutrition. The component is suitable for dry epidermis.

  1. phosphates;
  2. fatty acid;
  3. vitamins A, D, E, K;
  4. minerals (zinc, iodine, selenium, manganese).
  1. provides nutrition and hydration to the skin;
  2. smoothes wrinkles;
  3. reduces swelling and circles.
  1. masks;
  2. cream.

Soften the butter at room temperature. Take 1 tsp. product, mix with ½ tsp. chopped parsley. Apply the product to the area of ​​dark circles and leave for half an hour. Remove any remaining residue with a napkin. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times/week. Course – 1 month.


Wheat germ oil

The product is suitable for very dry skin. Its rich composition will help get rid of dark areas and wrinkles under the eyes.

  1. tocopherols;
  2. carotenoids;
  3. nicotinic, pantothenic, folic acids;
  4. choline;
  5. biotin;
  6. vitamins E, group B;
  7. vanadium;
  8. silicon;
  9. selenium;
  10. manganese.
  1. moisturizes, restores water balance;
  2. improves cell regeneration and metabolic processes;
  3. promotes the production of elastin, collagen, smoothes wrinkles;
  4. has antiseptic properties;
  5. evens out the texture and helps lighten the skin;
  6. protects against UV rays;
  7. strengthens capillaries, relieves bluish circles and swelling.
  1. masks;
  2. lotions;
  3. enrichment of cosmetics;
  4. compresses..

Apply wheat germ oil to a small piece of cotton cloth. Apply the application to the area under the eyes. Leave the product for half an hour, remove excess with a napkin. Apply 1-2 times/week. Course – 7–10 procedures.

Rosehip oil for dark circles under the eyes

The plant fruit extract contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. The substance is recommended for use on the eyelid area with dry or mixed type of epidermis. Rosehip oil extract may cause allergic reactions and should be used with caution.

  1. myrimtic, linoleic, palmitic, linolenic, stearic acids;
  2. vitamins A, C, E, F, group B;
  3. molybdenum;
  4. strontium;
  5. copper;
  6. magnesium;
  7. manganese;
  8. calcium;
  9. iron;
  10. phosphorus.
  1. improves the protective function of the epidermis;
  2. normalizes metabolic processes in cells;
  3. prevents aging;
  4. moisturizes, gives firmness, elasticity;
  5. reduces pigmentation;
  6. gets rid of circles under the eyes.
  1. aromatic mixtures;
  2. masks;
  3. on one's own.

Mix 1 tsp. cream and almond oil, add 4 drops of rosehip extract. Apply the product to the area of ​​dark circles for 20-30 minutes. Remove the mask with a napkin. Use the product 2-3 times/week, for a course of 20-30 days.



An extract from bitter orange flowers is useful for fading, sensitive dermis. The substance will help remove dark areas and other signs of fatigue, smooth out fine wrinkles.

  1. camphene;
  2. ocimene;
  3. nerolidol;
  4. jasmone;
  5. eugenol;
  6. dipentene;
  7. farnesol;
  8. geraniol;
  9. phenylacetic, benzoic acids;
  10. nerol;
  11. pinene;
  12. linalool.
  1. tones;
  2. makes the skin smooth and soft;
  3. improves microcirculation;
  4. reduces wrinkles, bags, circles under the eyes;
  5. contributes to the restoration of the hydrolipid cover.
  1. cream;
  2. massage;
  3. applications;
  4. masks.

Steam or bake the pumpkin. Pass the cooled vegetable through a fine grater. Mix 1 tsp. pumpkin pulp with 3 drops of neroli oil. Apply the composition under the eyes, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with water. The mask should be done twice a week. Course – 1 month.

Shea Butter

The product can be used in its pure form or as a component of masks. The substance is highly absorbent and penetrates well into the deep layers of the epidermis.

  1. tocopherols;
  2. linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, linolenic acids;
  3. triglycerides;
  4. steroids;
  5. triterpenes;
  6. phenols;
  7. terpene alcohols;
  8. hydrocarbons.
  1. gives firmness and elasticity;
  2. fights fine wrinkles;
  3. eliminates swelling, circles under the eyes;
  4. nourishes.
  1. on one's own;
  2. masks;
  3. massage.

Take 1 tbsp. l. grated raw potatoes, add 2 tsp. milk, wheat flour and 1 tbsp. l. shea butter Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mask to the problem area for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The frequency of the procedure is once every 2–3 days. Course – 2–4 weeks.



Flax seed oil has a lot of useful components and is a biostimulator (improves the effectiveness of other products). It is not recommended to apply it at night as swelling may develop.

  1. polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  2. tocopherol;
  3. folic acid;
  4. phytohormones;
  5. magnesium;
  6. zinc;
  7. potassium;
  8. copper.
  1. nourishes, moisturizes;
  2. promotes regeneration of dermal cells;
  3. protects against external factors;
  4. smoothes out small wrinkles;
  5. improves blood circulation, removes dark circles.
  1. compresses;
  2. masks;
  3. lotions.

Mix 1 tsp. glycerin and linseed oil. Heat the composition to 35–40 degrees. Saturate pieces of cotton fabric with the product. Apply a compress to your eyes and leave for 25–30 minutes. Remove excess with a napkin. It is recommended to use the compress every other day for 1 month.


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As you age, dark circles under the eyes can become a real problem. They can be caused by fatigue, allergies, and pigmentation disorders. I wrote about this in detail in a separate article. And here are five home remedies to get rid of dark circles.


He is a great help in this matter! They contain antioxidants that help reduce irritation. Chilled cucumbers help especially well. They must be kept in front of your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Another alternative is to mix cucumber and a couple of drops of lemon juice and then apply the mixture to the eyelid area.



This simple ingredient will help eliminate problems with annoying dark circles. Soak a cotton swab in cooled milk and rub under the eyes for 10 minutes, then rinse. Keep doing the procedure for about 6 weeks and you will definitely get rid of your annoyance.

Vitamin C

It does not need to be applied to the face. Simply increasing your vitamin intake through citrus fruits and supplements will reduce melanin production in the skin.

Almond oil

Dark circles under the eyes occur when blood vessels dilate. Almond oil will help narrow them. This is facilitated by vitamin K contained in the oil. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, so not only the circles under the eyes disappear, but also the puffiness under the eyes.

Castor oil

Helps fight various diseases, clears scars and gets rid of dark circles. You can mix a little oil with the cream, or apply the oil itself to the area under the eyes. Rubbing should be done in a circular motion. After consistent use, dark circles under the eyes will begin to disappear.

Luckily, dark circles are not a serious medical problem. There are many cosmetic ways to get rid of them. Read more about aesthetic methods in cosmetology in the article “how to remove dark circles under the eyes.”

I’m 25, I have no problems with my liver or kidneys, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I get enough sleep, but for about a month now I’ve been looking like a late-stage alcoholic! the only change is that I started using almond oil, and applied it to damp skin. The skin, of course, became tender and soft, but around the eyes it began to swell. I’ve stopped using it for 3 years now, and the bags just won’t go away. really forever? experts

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and do you smear it around your eyes? quite possibly because of him. For example, when I smear castor oil on my eyelashes at night, in the morning there are slits instead of eyes

What kind of bags do you have, are they swollen or sunken blue?

You can’t smear your eyelids with oil and cream, only gel (and even then infrequently)

I smear my face with oils at night - alternating almond oil and rosehip oil, no bags, on the contrary, the skin has improved. Almond oil is probably not suitable for you..

funny, you haven't seen alcoholics in their last stages

Related topics

3. I have sunken blue eyes. I really drink, but for others it’s normal. Any advice?

Same thing for me. In general, my face after the oil looks like I’ve been drinking for 3 days

3. I have sunken blue eyes. I really drink, but for others it’s normal. Any advice?

There really is a lot of work. But there are strong means. But these cucumbers won’t help. In general, there is a thread about this.

oh..and for me..I started smearing mynd at night and couldn’t figure out where the bags were coming from..

Apply the oil incorrectly - probably right on the eyelids - so whoever you want will get swelling. You just need to apply just a little and on the bone around the eye. The same applies to cream.

gel under the eyes only 2 hours before bedtime or earlier, and at the pharmacy they told me that when the eyes are the heart and not the kidneys, as many people think

The thing is that I haven’t applied anything, not even cream, for the 5th day now, but the bags don’t go away. I was wondering if I had really started some kind of irreversible process? It’s definitely not related to the kidneys, I don’t eat salt, I tried to limit myself in drinking yesterday, but I still have balls under my eyes this morning.

with the heart, if nothing has changed in six months, there are no problems either. and another question, how many days do the heaviest swelling from oil/cream/gel usually go away? :)

Hurray, comrades, the decline of youth is postponed indefinitely. Today there was practically no swelling. I won't do such stupid things again!

Apply the oil incorrectly - probably right on the eyelids - so whoever you want will get swelling. You just need to apply just a little and on the bone around the eye. The same applies to cream.

Ndaaaaah. I’m 22..and I’ve had bags and bruises under my eyes for a year now..I’ve tried a lot of things! I want to do blepharoplasty.

Chlenus Maximus
3. I have sunken blue eyes. I really drink, but for others it’s normal. Any advice?
the heart needs to be checked, maybe overwork is taking its toll

Maybe you are allergic to oil?

Author, don’t you eat cottage cheese at night?
I had this happen.
It turned out that some people's kidneys do not tolerate cottage cheese well, especially in the evening.

The cosmetologist told me that nothing is applied to the eyelids at night. Like the skin there is thin and the blood vessels are close and at night the pores are open and the skin breathes (during the day there are all sorts of creams, mascara, eye shadow, etc.). So she was talking about creams, but you covered your pores with oil. I have the same problem and I noticed a long time ago that when I apply it under my eyes in the morning, everything is fine, but at night I get bluish bags. Now at night I wash my face thoroughly and at most I spray with mineral water so that my skin is not dry, and during the day I use all sorts of creams, etc. Now I bought this tonic. I’ll use it to moisturize my face at night, but it’s not suitable for my eyelids - there’s a little alcohol in it. Although it does not feel drying and smells like herbs.

Yes, the thing is that if not at night, then never) during the day I can’t wear anything on my face. but the lesson is learned, I won’t put oil on my eyes anymore. but I can’t give it up completely, my skin has become very fresh. thank God there are no more bags.

This happened to me because I was taking birth control pills. Constantly swollen Chinese child. More than 2 years have passed since the cancellation, the photo still makes me laugh


I also used this oil. When I applied it at night, there was swelling in the morning. I just started applying it in the morning - everything is fine, the skin around the eyes has become better.

I also got some strange documents with at least a cloud. Is it because of the oil? Apricot in the morning. Almond in the evening. Wrinkles are almost invisible, but this garbage has appeared under the eyes. I saw an allergist and he said that I was allergic to both apricots and almonds. Is this the point? How to remove them, help!

The thing is that I haven’t applied anything, not even cream, for the 5th day now, but the bags don’t go away. I was wondering if I had really started some kind of irreversible process? It’s definitely not related to the kidneys, I don’t eat salt, I tried to limit myself in drinking yesterday, but I still have balls under my eyes this morning.

Ndaaaaah. I’m 22..and I’ve had bags and bruises under my eyes for a year now..I’ve tried a lot of things! I want to do blepharoplasty.


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