Biorhythms of facial skin by the hour

Each of us has our own daily routine. For example, you are used to waking up at 7:00 in the morning, washing your face, having breakfast and leaving the house by 8:00. At one o'clock in the afternoon you have lunch, and at 4 - afternoon tea. Then you got used to coming home at 7, having dinner and rest, and going to bed at nine. If this biological rhythm is changed, a person will feel discomfort, and if it is systematically disrupted, there will be a chronic feeling of fatigue, anxiety will increase, and life balance will worsen. The same thing happens with our skin.

Have you heard about the concept of skin biorhythms? The fact is that cell activity completely depends on the time of day. Biorhythms manifest themselves differently during the day, evening, night and morning. You can look at how certain changes occur over time and how this affects the quality of daily care.

Skin biorhythms and their features

To provide proper care, you need to understand how our epidermal cells work at certain times of the day. Thus, you can choose procedures and care options, learn how to apply makeup correctly so that it is as long-lasting as possible.

5-7 am - at this time the skin begins to prepare for the new day. Special hormones are produced that activate the protective barrier of cells. The protective function increases at this time, so from five to seven you cannot apply nourishing masks or active creams. The substance simply will not penetrate deep into the skin and will not give the desired effect. It is best to take a contrast shower before 7:00 am. Washing with cold water will not only wake you up, but will provide a healthy complexion to your face. Renew the fluid lost overnight by drinking one glass of clean, non-mineral water.

7-8 am - blood circulation becomes faster, the number of active elements in the skin increases. There is the highest probability of developing allergies, so you cannot experiment and test new care products.

8-10 am - during this period, vasoconstriction occurs and blood pressure increases. Since there is a large load on the vessels, thermal effects from eight to ten are contraindicated. At this hour, do not go to the solarium, avoid baths or saunas. A cigarette smoked at this time ages the skin cells twice as much, causing them to become dry and sagging. After 8, the likelihood of allergic reactions decreases and it’s time to apply morning make-up.

13-15 - vascular tone becomes lower, complexion is lost and wrinkles stand out strikingly. To cheer up during this period, you need to take a walk in the fresh air or use a thermal facial spray. If you have a business or romantic meeting scheduled for this period, brighten up your cheekbones with soft pink powder and blush. This will refresh and invigorate, hide a pale complexion and add bright colors to your image.

15-17 - activity decreases, and attention is strikingly dull. The skin cells also cover themselves and the skin begins to prepare for sleep. Susceptibility to care procedures is as low as possible. Any cream that will be applied during this period will only be absorbed by 30%, so you should not apply masks or nourishing patches. For the same reason, do not sign up for cosmetic procedures during this period, as you will simply waste your money.

Evening biorhythms

17-20 is a period of emotional upsurge and physical surge. Muscles become toned, all organs and systems are activated. The skin is again invigorated and ready to accept cosmetic products to remove all the effects of daytime stress. This is the best time for fitness and all kinds of spa treatments.

20-22 - the body is activated and determined to remove all accumulated toxins. In order to cleanse your pores and prepare for bed, around ten in the evening you need to cleanse your skin and apply a nourishing cream. All chronobiologists say that anything consumed after ten in the evening will negatively affect the complexion and cause clogged pores. The main reason for this is the lack of production of food enzymes, so food is no longer digested and is deposited in places other than where we would like it.

From 10 pm to 5 am is a period of intense rest. It's time to go to bed. Remember that one hour of sleep before 12 am is equivalent to two hours of sleep after midnight. This is the best period to recuperate. If you are awake at this time, effective cell division does not occur, the body gets tired, the skin becomes depleted and becomes flabby.

When is it good to sleep?

Between 10:00 pm and 5:00 am, when you are sleeping peacefully, maximum absorption of the moisturizers and nutrients you applied the night before occurs.

Skin care morning noon and evening

In order to look attractive and be healthy, you need to carefully care for your skin three times a day. This is work, and the more time we devote to care, the better and younger we will look. In the morning, work to regain your strength and prepare for the new day. Cleanse the skin thoroughly and apply any toner. Apply day cream to strengthen protective barriers. Be sure to put a separate layer of protection under your makeup. In the morning, you cannot use exfoliating scrubs and creams aimed at regeneration. The effect will be exactly the opposite.

During the day, to reduce fatigue and minimize moisture loss, eliminate oily shine by spraying thermal water on your skin. It can even be used on top of regular makeup, the effect will be exactly the same as with cleansed makeup. To hide oily shine, use concealers.

In the evening, allow your skin to get rid of accumulated toxins and receive all the substances it needs to restore itself. Cleanse your skin of makeup and all accumulated dirt. To start regeneration, carry out exfoliating procedures. After soothe the skin with a gel or balm, apply your favorite mask or use a regenerating serum. An hour or an hour and a half before bedtime, you can apply products that include caffeine and escin to your skin. This will allow you to look fresh and alert in the morning.

Secrets for healthy skin

The main advice is a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating and regular care. We will not consider the first two options, since this is not the topic of our article today, but we will talk about the third in more detail.

Remember the secrets:

  1. Regardless of skin type and condition, apply nourishing and regenerating cream. Do not consume it in excessive quantities. For one-time use, a pea-sized amount of cream is enough;
  2. Creams do not need to be applied daily. 2-3 times a week will be enough. Daily use will not allow the pores to breathe and will not promote the release of natural fat;
  3. Do not apply nourishing cream to the part of the face where active hair growth occurs (upper lip, temples, chin);
  4. Apply night skin care cream one and a half to two hours before bedtime. If you don’t have that much time, pat your face dry with a dry cloth before going to bed.
  5. The products are applied half an hour or 40 minutes before you are going to go outside. If you make an exception and go out immediately after applying the cream to your skin, you will lose the protective barrier and be at risk of infection;
Apply any cream only along massage lines. And with slightly pressing movements, smooth the skin, stimulating nerve endings and increasing blood circulation; Apply any nourishing or moisturizing element to previously cleansed and dried skin. This is the only way to increase the permeability of cosmetics; To speed up the absorption of gel, mousse or cream, first apply it to your palm and hold it for a while so that it warms up to your body temperature, only then apply it to your face.

Apply the care product pointwise using light patting movements. Initially, distribute the substance in the chin area, then move to the cheekbones and nasolabial folds. Leave the forehead and nose last. After this, proceed to applying the cream to the surface of the neck and décolleté.

Without disturbing biological rhythms, you will create a unique schedule for your body and ensure a healthy and radiant appearance of your skin. Take care of yourself, love and pamper yourself with regular care. This is the only way to look beautiful and at the same time remain healthy and active.

We all know very well, my beloved readers, that in order to maintain youth and elasticity of the skin of the face and body, it is necessary to take care of yourself comprehensively.

The use of elite anti-age cosmetics, of course, gives excellent, noticeable results in a short period of time, but it is also important to take care of your feminine and emotional health. I recommend at least once every 2-3 weeks to arrange for yourself, as I call them, emotional release days.

After all, prevention is always better and does not have such negative complications as possible treatment of the consequences of nervous stress and overload at work. After such days, not only your mood and well-being always improve, but you also look noticeably rested and rejuvenated.

Deep expression wrinkles are formed not only because of our habits of wrinkling our forehead or pursing our lips, for example. But also because of the constant tension of the facial muscles.

Once you learn to control your emotions and relax during the day, you will notice that your skin will improve greatly - not only will deep wrinkles become less noticeable, but your complexion will also improve. Blood flow will become freer and more intense, so the skin will receive maximum saturation with oxygen and nutrients.

Comprehensive care includes not only the mandatory cleansing of the skin in the morning and evening - this is the undeniable first rule of beauty. It includes facial massage, which is easy to learn, and gymnastics for the facial muscles, which helps maintain muscle tone and skin elasticity.

And also gymnastics for the eyes, which will help not only improve vision, smooth out crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes, but also improve the condition of all facial muscles. Therefore, you can alternate these two gymnastics, for example, every other week.

In an article about homemade masks, I already wrote that their regular use can replace the effect of not only anti-aging cosmetics, but also anti-aging salon procedures.

But, in order for such comprehensive care for your appearance to be more effective, it is important to choose the right time during the day: the same procedure can give a more or less noticeable result.

How to care for your skin in accordance with biological rhythms.

Each organ of our body functions in accordance with daily biorhythms. For example, at night the liver and kidneys are actively cleansed, and metabolic processes occur. Therefore, late dinners are not recommended - the stomach is forced to spend the body’s energy on the digestion process, taking it away from other organs, forcing them to work extra, rather than recover and cleanse the body. Our skin is an organ like others, which obeys its own rhythms.

The earliest hours are from 5 to 7

At this time, the body begins to prepare for awakening. The process is accompanied by the active activity of the endocrine glands, the level of hormones increases, including cortisone. This can be manifested by increased swelling - bags under the eyes.

But they quickly, if you do not have any diseases associated with heart failure or kidney disease, quickly decrease as blood circulation begins to become more intense. Using an eye contour cream with a cooling effect will help: with mint and aloe extracts.

Our morning is from 7 to 10.

The body finally wakes up, and all processes are activated. Morning hours are the most optimal time for carrying out all procedures for our beauty and youth.

The use of tonic and cleansing tonics and lotions, nourishing or moisturizing cream, depending on the time of year, will be effective. Skin care in winter has its own characteristics. The usual cream that suits you in spring or autumn can lead to increased dryness or irritation.

In the summer, it is necessary to use cosmetics with an SPF filter, which will protect the delicate skin of the face from ultraviolet radiation and will avoid the appearance of age spots.

On a day off, instead of cosmetics, apply a moisturizing or nourishing mask for 10-15 minutes. All useful components will be maximally absorbed by the cells of the epidermis and dermis. And massage and gymnastics will help with this.

To beauty salons - from 10 to 12.

It is also better to plan your visit to the beauty salon in the morning. Any procedure: lifting or paraffin masks, massage, all rejuvenation methods, for example, ozone therapy or mesotherapy, used in salons, will be effective.

During these hours, metabolism and blood circulation intensity are at their maximum. Therefore, not only cosmetic procedures, but also visiting the gym or swimming pool, sauna, general massage or self-massage, if such an opportunity arises, will be the most beneficial for the body.

But during these hours the activity of the sebaceous glands is also activated. Therefore, for oily or problematic facial skin, it is recommended to cleanse with tonic and use mattifying creams.

If your facial skin is of normal or mixed type, then it is enough to use a moisturizing tonic or thermal water, if necessary, because you will have to renew the macchiah. Sometimes it is enough to blot your face with special mattifying wipes.

The day continues from 12 to 15.

At this time, metabolic processes slow down, the level of hormonal activity decreases, and fatigue accumulates. And the skin also looks a little tired. Refresh your makeup, and if possible, apply a daytime hydrating or toning cream.

This is especially true during the winter season, when the indoor air is dry. In winter, before going out into the frosty air, be sure to apply a thin protective layer of powder.

At this time, your body will gratefully accept all water treatments - a contrast shower, a session in the pool, hydromassage of the face and body.

The most unproductive hours are from 15 to 17.

Our body is a wise and self-regulating system. Therefore, during these hours, in order to prevent overstrain, all processes slow down: metabolic, blood circulation, hormonal, emotional.

The effectiveness of all cosmetic procedures will be reduced by 50-60%, so it is better not to waste time and money on them.

During these hours, not only the skin's sensitivity to cosmetics decreases, but also the feeling of pain. Therefore, you can schedule a visit to the dentist or other medical specialist if you have a reason to do so.

In order not to waste this time for your beauty, you can sign up for a manicure or pedicure - the procedures will be more comfortable, and in case of possible cuts, the bleeding will stop faster.

The day ends from 17 to 24.

After 5 p.m. and up to 8 p.m., there is a gradual return to active life. All processes are activated again, new energy appears, concentration increases and memory improves.

During these hours, you can plan all cosmetic procedures, both salon and home, a visit to the gym, fitness or yoga classes. You can arrange a SPA salon at home in order to relax from the most stressful day.

After 20 hours and before 22, all procedures related to skin cleansing will be the most effective: the use of foams, masks, lotions, scrubs, cleansing at home.

After the face and neck have been thoroughly cleansed, you can apply a night cream according to your skin type and time of year. Be sure to blot off any remaining cream after 30-40 minutes to allow your skin to rest and recover overnight and avoid swelling in the morning.

After 22 hours, it is more effective to use a regenerating serum instead of a cream - it is lighter in consistency than a cream and is absorbed faster. Its action coincides with the active process of cell regeneration, which takes place between 22 and 24 hours.

Therefore, those who are used to going to bed at 11 pm provide their body with a whole hour of intensive recovery, they look better and younger, their biological age is much less than their passport age.

One of the great actresses, in my opinion, Sophia Loren, said in her interview: “The hardest job is to be beautiful 24 hours a day.” It’s a little easier for us, but if you not only take comprehensive care of the skin of your face and body, but also do it in accordance with its biorhythms, it will thank you with youth, beauty and freshness.

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To properly care for your skin, you need to understand how its cells work at different times of the day. This is the only way to choose care products and procedures that optimally correspond to the processes occurring in the body during a given period.

5:00 – 7:00

Regardless of whether you are sleeping or have already woken up, your skin is preparing for a new working day. The production of hormones begins that mobilize its protective functions. Cell division slows down, and absorption function increases. Therefore, you should not apply a nourishing mask or super-active cream in the morning - the skin, configured to protect against external influences, will not allow the components to penetrate into the deeper layers.

Nutritionists and cosmetologists advise starting the day with a glass of water

But she will gratefully accept cold water - washing with ice water at 6 am will not only help you wake up, but will also ensure a good complexion for the whole day.

The morning hours are generally favorable for consuming liquid that has evaporated overnight, so all nutritionists and cosmetologists advise starting the day with a glass of water.

7:00 – 8:00

During this period, blood circulation sharply increases, and the content of active substances in the skin gradually increases. The likelihood of allergies also increases, which means you should not experiment with new products in the morning, especially if you have sensitive skin.

8:00 – 10:00

The vessels narrow, the pressure increases, the walls of the vessels become more sensitive to external and internal influences. Due to the load on blood vessels in the morning, sauna, bathhouse and any thermal effects on the skin are contraindicated (in addition, the effect of these procedures will be less pronounced). A cigarette smoked in the morning ages the skin more.

After 8 am, the likelihood of allergies decreases: you can safely apply makeup.

10:00 – 12:00

The work of the sebaceous glands is activated - it’s time to powder your nose or use a matting napkin. If you have oily skin, your face may start to look shiny.

13:00 – 15:00

Blood pressure and tone decrease. During these hours, the skin often looks flabby, the complexion is dull, and wrinkles are more noticeable. You can invigorate your skin with a thermal water spray (in summer) or a walk in the fresh air (in the cold season).

If you have a romantic date scheduled for this time, be sure to use pale pink blush in your makeup: they refresh your complexion.

15:00 – 17:00

Studies have shown that at this time a genetically programmed decline occurs: physical activity decreases and attention becomes dull. Skin cells also “close.” She falls into a kind of sleep, becoming less susceptible to cosmetics. The effectiveness of the cream applied to the skin during this period is reduced by almost 70%. Therefore, making an appointment with a cosmetologist during these hours is a waste of money.

Chronobiologists say that everything eaten after 22:00 negatively affects your appearance.

But it is at this time that it is good to do a manicure or pedicure, as well as to treat your teeth: during these hours, not only the risk of bleeding decreases, but also the susceptibility to pain.

17:00 – 20:00

A period of emotional and physical recovery. Muscle tone increases, the work of internal organs is activated, and memory improves. And the skin is again ready to accept cosmetic components to recover from the stress of the day.

This time is favorable for any spa treatments, as well as for fitness.

20:00 – 22:00

The body adjusts to removing toxins accumulated during the day. It is very useful to go to a bathhouse or sauna to activate this process. In addition, the body cleanses, relaxes and prepares for sleep. Closer to 22:00 it’s time to cleanse the skin and apply cream.

Chronobiologists say that everything eaten after 22:00 negatively affects your appearance, worsens your complexion and causes clogged pores. The reason for this is a decrease in the level of digestive enzymes, due to which food is less digestible.

22:00 – 5:00

It is best to go to bed at 10:00 p.m. An hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours after. The body recuperates best during this period.

At night, the most efficient division of cells throughout the body, including the skin, occurs. In addition, it is while you sleep that the skin absorbs the restorative, moisturizing and nourishing substances included in the creams to the maximum.

About the expert

Céline Laperdrix – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Yves Rocher Cell Biology Laboratory.