Lots of skin on fingers

Help me please. I really want to have tightened skin on my fingers. Not to say that I am fat, but folds appear on the fingers in those areas where the fingers bend. What should I do? Are there any hand baths?

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Think about it: if the skin is stretched there, your fingers/elbows/knees will not bend.

Think about it: if the skin is stretched there, your fingers/elbows/knees will not bend.

Author, go and get finger liposuction

Author, go and get finger liposuction

Piz. ts, how do moderators skip such topics. Brady nonsense.
Author, think about it, if you cut off the skin, your fingers won’t bend

Hello girls, our Lucky Company offers professional nail cosmetics for your attention.
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Oooh, the trolls and ***** attacked right away! Apparently, the girl simply did not fully describe the situation correctly. What worries her is not the presence of folds in the folds of her fingers, but the fact that she has more skin and these folds, apparently, than most people. And it really doesn't look very good. And I know, because I’m the same way myself. It's kind of unnecessary. Slender body, long fingers. with motney!! I’m also interested in where this feature comes from and where to put it =\


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Many of us are used to spending a lot of time taking care of our facial skin, but we usually take care of our hands in a hurry: we apply cream and that’s it. But our hands, especially the skin on our fingers, need no less careful care than our face, because it is our hands that often give away our passport age, nullifying all the tricks to create an external shine.

What about your nails? You've probably noticed that if you haven't had time to get your nails in order, you feel internal discomfort, even if everything else is at the highest level: your facial skin is flawlessly evened out, and your makeup has taken five years off your shoulders.

Nails must be in order, and for this you need high-quality care products. For example, you can purchase a professional gel polish kit that does not contain harmful ingredients.


But beware of Chinese counterfeits!

Cheap shellac contains an excess of methacrylic acid, due to which it “tightly” sticks to the stratum corneum of the nail, corroding it from the inside.

Moreover! The skin on the fingers also becomes damaged, becomes dry, and irritation and peeling may occur.
Professional shellacs contain more gentle acid primers, which do not contain methacrylic acid.

Skin problems on fingers

Peeling and irritation of the skin on the fingers can not only be caused by the use of low-quality manicure kits. Our hands are great workers! And they are constantly exposed to aggression: harmful household chemicals (not eco-friendly), frequent exposure to water, temperature changes - all this provokes problems.

And sometimes, the skin on our fingers cracks and peels from cosmetics that are either expired or not suitable for us at all.
Often the problem is caused by allergies or individual intolerance to one or another component. For example, regular onion or garlic juice can irritate the delicate skin of your fingers.

The skin on your fingers needs attention

Why did PhotoElf magazine “Facial Skin Care” focus on the skin of the fingers? Because it is the damaged periungual area that not only looks unsightly, but also opens the way to various types of infections. Therefore, do not forget to take care of your nails.

A great way to improve aesthetics and add health to your nails: do a hot manicure or paraffin therapy, for which the skin on your fingers will tell you: thank you very much!

How to do a hot manicure?

You will get a hot manicure at the salon, and you can also do it yourself at home. The only BUT (!) is that you will need to purchase a special bath for the procedure. The result will exceed your wildest expectations! Literally after two or three procedures, your nails will look more beautiful, and the skin on your fingers will delight you with its softness and delicate pink tint.

Paraffin therapy

A great way to make your hands softer, whiten your skin, strengthen your nails and promote the rapid healing of small cracks (if you have them, of course).

The essence of the procedure

  1. We apply nourishing cream to our hands, then dip our hands in pre-melted paraffin, take it out, wait 5-7 minutes until it “sets”, then lower it again, and so on 3-4 times.
  2. Then we put on cellophane gloves or just plastic food bags, and put warm mittens on them.
  3. We leave the paraffin wrap for half an hour, then remove the paraffin (it can be removed very easily, together with gloves).


All! There is no need to wash your hands, just wipe them with a damp cloth and apply the nourishing cream again. The effect is immediate! The skin on the fingers and hands themselves will become softer and this effect lasts for several days.

The rejection of dead cells of the upper layer of skin is an integral process of life. In most cases, the process is completely invisible. However, it is worth paying attention if the dry epidermis begins to be rejected excessively. There are quite a few reasons why the skin on your fingers may peel off. Knowing the possible circumstances that cause the process will help you deal with tissue peeling. Once the cause is determined, it will be easier to treat and eliminate the problem.


Any adult sometimes notices that the skin becomes drier and rougher. It is believed that women are more susceptible to excessive peeling of the skin (desquamation) on the fingers and palms. Men rarely encounter this problem.


Skin peeling off on fingers

The main characteristic signs of peeling:

  1. Usually soft, smooth tissues become rough;
  2. roughness appears;
  3. the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis disappear;
  4. cracks are observed;
  5. the epidermis is covered with dead scales.

Internal factors

Among the causes of the problem, internal factors stand out. A distinctive feature of the causes hidden inside the body is that they cause gradual peeling of the epidermis. If measures are not taken in time, the consequences may include necrosis and psoriasis. Among the internal factors are:

  1. hormonal disbalance;
  2. allergy;
  3. decreased protective functions of the body;
  4. depression, stress.

Hormonal disbalance

Important! The hormonal background is responsible for the processes occurring in the body.

When hormone levels decrease and imbalance occurs, a malfunction occurs. It affects a woman’s mood and leads to the development of pathologies. It is because of the interaction of hormones that the body begins to produce in insufficient quantities that the skin can peel off. The process begins with the fingertips, moving to the phalanges and palms. Other symptoms of hormonal imbalance include:

  1. hair loss;
  2. lack of sleep;
  3. endless fatigue;
  4. poor health and irritability;
  5. the appearance of excess weight, etc.


This is one of the most common reasons why peeling occurs.

Important! An allergic reaction is a response of the sensitive immune system to an irritant. In some women, this process is expressed in nasal congestion, sneezing, and tearfulness. Skin manifestations are also possible.

According to doctors, if the skin on your fingers peels off due to allergies, then most often the causes are food:

  1. natural milk from a cow;
  2. eggs (quail, chicken);
  3. soy dishes;
  4. seafood and fish;
  5. honey concentrates and honey;
  6. chocolates, etc.

Decreased immunity


When the body’s protective properties are weakened, the skin is the first to suffer.

When the body’s protective properties are weakened, the skin is the first to suffer. It is the skin that allows us to determine the characteristics of immunity. If the epidermis is soft, elastic, delicate, and has a pleasant color, it means that the person has strong immunity. Otherwise, the epithelium becomes dull and defects appear, including peeling and desquamation of tissue on the fingers.

Depressive state

The epithelium of the hands can peel off due to excessive worries and stress. A person suffering from depression provokes skin problems. The reason lies in the hormones that are produced during stress. These hormones directly affect the appearance of tissues, which begin to peel and crack. It is noteworthy that the skin with depression is very difficult to put in order. The point again is hormones, which create a barrier that prevents the restoration of the epidermis.

Important! To determine whether the skin is actually peeling off due to a stressful nature, you can look for bouts of maximum irritation. If, after quarrels or conflicts, the epithelium begins to actively reject dead cells, it means that the problem with the hands is due to excessive worries.

External reasons

It is easier to identify external stimuli than internal ones. They are characterized by fast response. That is, the epithelium begins to peel off immediately after the appearance of factors independent of the human body. Among the external reasons are:

  1. lack of personal hygiene;
  2. chemistry included in various products;
  3. change of seasons and weather conditions.

Failure to comply with hygiene procedures

Lack of proper care causes skin defects. Dirt causes pathogenic microorganisms to enter the body. Epithelial protection is reduced. There is a malfunction in the cells. They stop retaining moisture. Due to this, their life cycle is shortened. Old cells dry out and cover the surface of the fingers and palms.

But it is not only the presence of dirt that provokes desquamation. Improper hand washing and neglect of using cream lead to skin problems and rapid aging of the epithelium. The skin begins to itch, itch, and peel off.

Note! Typically, this situation occurs among women working as conductors in public transport and saleswomen at the market. Representatives of the fair sex in these cases are constantly in contact with dirty bills and small change.

Chemicals in household products

Modern household chemicals are excellent at combating various types of pollution. Powders, sprays, gels wash away old grease, scale, adhering dust, etc. The only drawback in such home helpers is aggressive substances (alkalis, acids). They affect the skin in the same way as pollution, that is, they easily corrode it. As a result, if you tidy without gloves, the epithelium will begin to peel off, itch, and crack.

Change of seasons

Weather conditions affect the skin. This is especially noticeable with the arrival of autumn and winter. Hands get cold outside, the wind causes friction of air masses against the epidermis, the lack of sunlight deprives vitamin D. All this causes maximum drying of the cells and deprives them of sufficient moisture. As a result, dullness and fatigue of the skin are observed. The epithelium on the fingertips and palms begins to peel off and crack.

Treatment options

Note! An experienced dermatologist will suggest effective treatment for desquamation.

Among the popular ways to get rid of the problem are the following:

  1. the use of medicinal ointments from a pharmacy;
  2. cosmetic products;
  3. vitamin immunomodulators.

Drug treatment


Ointments from the pharmacy not only get rid of external manifestations of peeling, but also increase the immunity of the epithelium, restore metabolic processes and eliminate inflammation. Among the effective means:

  1. Bepanten and Bepanten plus. This is a kind of stimulant that has a positive effect on skin regeneration. The property is due to the presence of vitamin B in the composition. Bepanten has a healing effect, restarts cellular metabolism and normalizes it. The skin looks healthy, moisturized, restored.
  2. Boro plus. The composition of the product is almost completely natural. It contains oils, chamomile decoction, aloe juice, etc. The healing ointment eliminates peeling, wounds, cracks, and inflammation. Thanks to the use of Boro Plus, allergic reactions and flaking caused by seasonal changes and chemicals disappear. Applying ointment before going outside will protect your hands from maximum evaporation of moisture.
  3. Hydrocortisone. The ointment contains a small amount of hormones. It is recommended to use it only after a visit to a dermatologist. The medication is prescribed for severe and advanced peeling of the skin, as well as suspected psoriasis and dermatitis.
  4. Radevit Active and Radevit. The ointment contains a bouquet of nutritious, beneficial compounds and substances. Apply a product to treat flaky, peeling skin. The effect is noticeable after the first applications. Radevit prevents the occurrence of consequences in case of problems with the epithelium.


Among cosmetic creams, there are many that maximally moisturize the epidermis and fight cracked skin. Basically, manufacturers achieve the desired effect using a variety of oils included in the product. According to reviews, among the worthy cosmetic products are:

  1. Natura Siberica "Oblepikha". The manufacturer promises deep hydration for a long time.
  2. Nivea universal moisturizer in blue jars. Delicately cares for hands and other parts of the body, saturating the tissues with the necessary nutrition for the day.
  3. Intensive care product from Garnier. Helps in tissue regeneration, relieves irritation.
  4. Intensive nourishing composition for hands Dr.Sante SOS. Helps in restoring the skin and softening the epidermis.
  5. Librederm Aevit. The cream has a regenerating effect, relieves fatigue and improves tone.

Vitamin immunomodulators

Note! With the help of vitamin complexes, you can overcome not only peeling skin on your hands, but also the internal causes of the problem.

Immunomodulators help increase the body's resistance to infections, normalize hormone production, reduce anxiety, overcome stress, etc. Popular effective vitamins:


  1. Aevit;
  2. Complements Radiance;
  3. Rev >

Additional Information. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions to know about contraindications and methods of use.

Treatment at home

You can try to fix the skin on your fingers that is flaking and peeling with home treatments.

Bath of warm water with starch

Boiled warm water is poured into a bowl. 15-30 g of starch is placed in it, and a few drops of linseed oil are added. The resulting mixture is mixed well. You need to put your hands in it so that the solution hides both your palms and fingers. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your hands with boiled water, wipe with a soft, clean cloth, and lubricate with cream.

Honey porridge bath

30 g of instant oatmeal is poured into 0.3 liters of boiling water. When the porridge has cooled, add 15 g of honey and 50 ml of kefir or sour cream. The resulting mixture is mixed and hands are placed in it. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

Lard wrap

Pork lard must be melted and applied to damaged areas. Next, film gloves and cosmetic gloves are put on your hands. It is best to do the wrap before bed. In this case, only cosmetic gloves are worn, without film gloves.

Oil wrap


The mixture is completely applied to the cyst

You can buy sea buckthorn, flaxseed, and almond oils at the pharmacy. They are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is completely applied to the brushes. Next, film seals are put on, or wrapping is done with cling film. The duration of the procedure is 60 minutes.

Clay mask

Ordinary clay (it is better to give preference to blue color) is diluted with boiled lukewarm water. A few drops of flaxseed oil are added to the creamy mixture. The mask lasts for 30-50 minutes.


The state of health directly depends on what kind of diet a person has. To have a strong immune system and not have problems with peeling fingers, the menu should include:

  1. lean meat;
  2. red fish;
  3. vegetables and fruits;
  4. kefir, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products;
  5. chicken eggs;
  6. cereals;
  7. nuts;
  8. olive and sunflower oil, etc.


Note! Doctors advise following simple recommendations that will help you avoid problems with the epithelium on your hands.

Among the main instructions are the following:

  1. Take care of your health. You should eat right, get enough rest, engage in physical activity and not worry.
  2. Take courses of vitamin complexes 1-2 times a year.
  3. Use gloves while cleaning.
  4. Hygiene must be maintained. Wash your hands with mild soap and apply moisturizer.
  5. With the onset of cold weather, you should wear mittens or gloves. They are worn indoors rather than outdoors.

The epithelium on the fingers can peel off for both external and internal reasons. If the problem appears after cleaning or being outside without mittens, you can overcome it with the help of cream from the pharmacy or home treatments. If the skin on your fingers peels off profusely and the process is accompanied by itching and irritation, you should consult a dermatologist.