There will never be wrinkles


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Saturday, April 27, 2019 18:57 + to quote book


Bay leaf has incredibly strong properties, which have been skillfully used in cosmetic procedures. If you want to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, then you need to pour 5 bay leaves with one liter of boiling water and leave for 24 hours.

Then you need to pour the infusion into ice molds and freeze them in the freezer. Wipe your face with the prepared cubes in the morning.

To improve your complexion, you need to take steam baths. To prepare them, you need to pour in five bay leaves, put on the fire and boil for five minutes. Then you need to remove the pan from the heat and hold your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes. From such procedures, the skin of the face will be smoothed out, soft and silky.
liter of boiling water and add one teaspoon of lemon juice.

For medicinal purposes, bay leaf also has great benefits. When stung by a wasp or bee, you need to apply a crushed bay leaf to the wound. It relieves pain well and speeds up healing.

To relieve headaches, steam a few leaves with boiling water and then apply them to your forehead and temples. The pain will subside in a few minutes.


Daytime fatigue and tension will quickly be relieved by an evening bath with the addition of an infusion of 30 laurel leaves, which must be poured with one liter of boiling water. And then pour the infusion into the bath.

To get rid of insomnia, make a small pillow and fill it with crushed bay leaves. Place this pillow near your bed and you will sleep soundly!

To relieve back pain, you need to pour 10 leaves with one glass of vodka and leave in a dark place for three days. Then you need to apply a warm compress to the spine, in those places where the pain predominates. Within 3-4 procedures the pain will subside.

For osteochondrosis, you need to pour one tablespoon of crushed bay leaves with one glass of olive oil. Keep the infusion for two weeks, and then rub the product into sore spots. The same oil can be used to lubricate diaper rash in children, as well as other rashes and irritations on the skin.

The best and most affordable remedy for your beauty and health is bay leaf!

Salon anti-aging masks are based not only on components that promote skin regeneration and cell restoration, but also relax, tone, and give positive emotions. It was on this principle that the composition was selected homemade face mask for wrinkles with green tea.

The course of home rejuvenation is 6–8 weeks. If consider cheap ingredients and pleasant sensations during and after the procedure, then this period will not seem so long.

Homemade anti-wrinkle mask

The effect of this mask is noticeable after several procedures: the skin becomes tightened, and small wrinkles are erasedlike an eraser. Before the first application, make sure that you are not allergic to any of the components.


  1. 1 tbsp. l. green tea ground in a coffee grinder
  2. 0.5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
  3. 1 tsp. honey
  4. hot water


  1. Mix green tea and cocoa, dilute with water to a thick paste.
  2. Let the mixture cool slightly and add honey.
  3. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water or olive oil.
  4. Apply the mask to damp, cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Apply moisturizer.

For the first 6–8 weeks, the mask should be applied every 3 days, then to maintain the effect, carry out the procedure once a week.


IN anti-aging mask You can add a drop of your favorite essential oil, natural yogurt, lemon juice or vitamin E solution. It’s good to alternate this pleasant facial therapy with another home cosmetic procedure - a coffee grounds scrub.

Set up a real SPA salon at home with your friend, and in the meantime, share an excellent recipe with her!

What do women value most about their appearance?

Most will answer that the face, because it is the calling card of every person. This is why women are so worried about their face, and in particular about the wrinkles that appear on it.

This is why women need to know about the myths and facts about wrinkles, which will open your eyes to many things.

Myths about wrinkles

You need to drink more water, then wrinkles will not appear on your skin

These are more than just stories. Yes, you definitely need to drink water and its amount should correspond to the needs of your body, but the liquid entering the body will not affect your wrinkles in any way. The fact is that moisture does not reach the surface layers of the skin, and to moisturize it, it is better to use a moisturizer or toner.

If you get Botox injections, wrinkles will not appear

Each person’s facial expressions are individual and it is simply impossible to know in advance where a wrinkle will appear, so Botox injections that you decide to do even before facial wrinkles appear are pointless.

Wrinkles are genetic

Indeed, heredity plays an important role in our lives. But not with regard to wrinkles. Just because your mom retired with wrinkle-free skin doesn't mean you'll be as lucky. Or, if your closest relatives have previously had skin aging, this also does not mean anything. Nutrition, care, stress, ultraviolet radiation, ecology - this is what affects your skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Wrinkles are aging skin. When you’re young there’s no point in thinking about it, but when you’re old it’s too late

Wrong again. Young women also have wrinkles and this does not mean that they have aged prematurely. Ultraviolet radiation has a great influence on the appearance of our skin. If you like to spend time in the sun without using sunscreen, you can prepare for the early appearance of wrinkles on your face.

The skin gets used to the same cream

Marketers and cosmetologists have been fooling all women with this statement for a very long time. They claim that the cream needs to be changed because the skin gets used to its ingredients and it stops working at full strength. True, there is not a single study that would confirm this fact. The main thing in this matter is to find “your” cream that is completely suitable for your skin type and meets its requirements.

Oily skin ages slower

Also a very common myth. It has long been argued that those with oily skin are actually lucky, because their face may never even know what wrinkles are! Of course, all this is nonsense; the occurrence of wrinkles does not depend in any way on the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Only an expensive cream can fight wrinkles

Naturally, it is beneficial for marketers and manufacturers that you pay the nth amount of money for a jar of cream, but if you are not ready for such waste, then there is no need! This will prevent your skin from immediately becoming covered with a web of wrinkles. The main thing is that you follow three basic rules in skin care: cleansing, toning and moisturizing. And, of course, don’t forget about sunscreen!

The less you laugh, the fewer wrinkles there will be.

Do you think that if you walk like Princess Nesmeyana with a mournful face, that this will make you more beautiful? Yes, facial expressions are imprinted on the face, any kind, be it a smile or constantly lowered corners of the mouth. So it’s better to smile, since facial wrinkles cannot be avoided anyway.

Facts about wrinkles

Smile and your skin will thank you

When a person frowns, he uses 43 muscles, and when he smiles, he uses 17. Therefore, for the good of your skin, smile!

Skin and smoking

Smokers have 10 times more facial wrinkles than non-smokers.

Wrinkles and vision are linked

Wrinkles between the eyebrows may be a sign of vision problems

Another reason to moisturize your skin

If the skin is excessively dry, then wrinkles appear even more noticeable. This is another reason to think about moisturizing it.

Effect of ultraviolet

Frequent visits to the solarium provoke the appearance of wrinkles. It's all about ultraviolet radiation, which has a detrimental effect on the skin. Therefore, we repeat once again, do not forget about sunscreen!

Food against wrinkles

Brightly colored products can prevent wrinkles and contain antioxidants that protect the skin from environmental damage.