Why are there wrinkles on the cheeks?

Every woman at some point experiences discomfort due to the formation of wrinkles on her face. After all, a real fashionista wants to hide her true age, look attractive, fresh, despite her age. Wrinkles on the cheeks, which can appear at different ages, especially age women.

What are cheek wrinkles?

Often the appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks makes women think about their age. They believe that this skin defect is caused by temporary changes. But this is not true in all cases. In the cheekbone area, the appearance of wrinkles can be caused by various reasons, which we will discuss below.

The appearance of small, deep lines on the skin of the face can be caused by dehydration, nervous tension, and stress. Wrinkles can be of the following types:

  1. facial expressions. Changes in mood are reflected in the face, which changes with joy, frustration, or a smile. Such wrinkles appear on the cheeks and under the eyes;
  2. age. When the dermis loses its elasticity, vertical wrinkles appear. They indicate a loss of elasticity and are the first signs of aging.

This video will tell you about the reasons for the appearance of such wrinkles:

Reasons for appearance

No one can reverse age-related changes in the skin. After all, over time, the tone of the facial muscles responsible for facial expressions and expression of emotions weakens. Wrinkles on the cheeks occur under the influence of a number of factors:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. bad habits. Smoking has a particularly negative effect on the condition of the epidermis. After research, it has been proven that muscle tone in women who smoke is much weaker than in those who do not smoke;
  3. strong emotionality. Cosmetologists recommend restraining emotions so as not to provoke the appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks prematurely. Laughter and smile leave deep marks on the skin - wrinkles;
  4. dehydration.

Wrinkles on the cheeks (photos before and after treatment)


How to get rid of them

You can get rid of wrinkles or prevent their increased manifestation at home.

  1. To do this, it is enough to watch your facial expressions (do not grimace in vain, restrain your emotions), give up bad habits, and apply anti-wrinkle masks.
  2. Various cosmetic procedures (massage, peeling, injections) can also help. In more complex cases, special procedures are performed for rejuvenation (mesothreads, fractional photothermolysis).

At home

At home, you can perform special exercises that strengthen the tone of the facial muscle fibers. It is also convenient to apply oils, make masks, massages. When using cosmetics, the main thing is to choose them correctly according to age. Anti-wrinkle cosmetics should have a number of properties:

  1. UV protection;
  2. nutrition of dermal cells;
  3. toning;
  4. strengthening the regeneration process.


It is quite difficult for very emotional women to monitor facial expressions. To get rid of prematurely appearing wrinkles on the cheeks, you can train the muscles of the cheeks. Facebuilding, facelifting is specific gymnastics for the facial muscles. Its goal is to maintain the tone of the facial muscles. Try the following set of exercises:

  1. Before starting the exercise, relax. We close our lips with a tube, place our index fingers on our cheekbones. At the same time we smile with our upper lip and pronounce the vowel “E”. The lower jaw should not move, only the cheeks move. You need to do 20 approaches.
  2. To tighten the cheeks and improve the oval of the face, we perform this exercise. We take a mouthful of air, like a balloon. We “roll” the balloon in a circle, left/right. While doing the exercise, you can take water into your mouth.
  3. We puff out our cheeks, stretch our lips in a circle, and blow out the air very slowly.
  4. Open your mouth (it should be oval-shaped), press your index fingers to your cheekbones. We smile with an open mouth, the oval shape should be maintained. The fingers help hold the cheek muscles. You need to do at least 35 repetitions.
  5. We draw a lot of air into the mouth, while the cheeks swell, the lips are closed tightly. We release the air through the mouth covered with our hand. The cheeks should swell more and hurt from the inside.



Massage helps remove wrinkles in the cheek area. You can use different types of it:

  1. plucked. We perform pinching along the massage lines (back and forth). This type of massage stimulates blood circulation and relieves tension. It is recommended to perform it after bodyflex;
  2. wet. A terry towel is moistened with water and patted on the skin of the cheeks until it turns red;
  3. vacuum. To do this you need banks. Cupping massage combats sagging dermis and vertical lines. It refreshes the skin of the face, restores freshness, increases the tone of the dermis, eliminates tension from the cheek muscles and muscle fibers responsible for drooping corners of the mouth.

You can also use special massagers:

  1. mechanical (from 2 balls). They should be guided along massage lines;
  2. electric massager. Much more efficient than mechanical;
  3. vacuum. It has several effects at once (cleansing pores, creating a vacuum effect, eliminating wrinkles on the cheeks and forehead. But there are a number of contraindications to its use, which you need to familiarize yourself with before use.

The Japanese recipe for fighting the disease is in the video below:


Almost all vegetable oils are effective in the fight against wrinkles. They need to be applied to the problem area daily. Be sure to apply the oil in the morning and evening, and if possible, you can carry out the procedure several more times during the day.

The following oil mixtures work well against wrinkles:

  1. Jojoba + avocado + wheat germ. Take 1 tbsp of each vegetable oil. l., add rosewood essential oil (4 drops), frankincense oil (3 drops). Apply the mixture of oils at night, you can repeat the procedure during the day. Helps remove deep wrinkles.
  2. Peanut butter (1 tbsp) + almond oil (1 tbsp) + cypress oil (2 drops) + orange oil (2 drops).
  3. Peach oil (2 tbsp.) + ylang-ylang ether (3 drops) + lemon oil (2 drops). Copes well with expression and shallow wrinkles.
  4. Rosehip oil 1 tbsp. l.) + sesame oil (1 tbsp.). Smoothes out shallow wrinkles.
  5. Solid shea butter (1 tbsp) + olive oil (1 tbsp) + avocado oil (1 tbsp) + patchouli oil (2 drops) + sandalwood oil (2 drops) + neroli oil (3 drops) ).


To moisturize the epithelium, increase its elasticity and smoothness, you can use cosmetic masks. Let's look at the most popular ones.



Its consistency is similar to cream. To eliminate deep wrinkles, it must be applied regularly. Prepare a mask from the following components:

  1. 3 egg whites;
  2. bay leaves (5 pieces);
  3. olive oil (2 tbsp);
  4. burnt alum (2 tbsp.).

First prepare a decoction of bay leaves (300 ml). Mix the beaten whites with bay broth (3 tbsp), add alum. Apply the resulting cream using a cotton pad and leave it overnight (for convenience, secure it with a band-aid). The effect will be noticeable after a week of regular application of the mask.


The quick effect of the mask is explained by the presence of collagen in gelatin. It's easy to prepare a mask:

  1. Pour gelatin with warm water or herbal decoction, vegetable/fruit juice, milk (1:5).
  2. Let the gelatin swell.
  3. Bring to a liquid state in a water bath.
  4. Remove and let the mixture cool.
  5. Apply to the problem area (cheeks).
  6. Let stand for 30 minutes.
  7. Wash off with warm water.


Injections with hyaluronic acid are considered a very effective way to eliminate wrinkles. They not only have an immediate effect, but also activate the natural synthesis of this acid inside epithelial cells.

For biorevitalization, Botox and Dysport are most often used. After the drugs are administered subcutaneously, nerve impulses traveling to the muscle from the brain are blocked. At the same time, muscle immobility is achieved, and the smoothing of wrinkles is noticeable after a couple of weeks. The effect of the procedure lasts about six months. Then it is recommended to repeat the injection.

Treatment without surgery

Peeling is considered the simplest way to rejuvenate the epidermis. During the procedure, dead cells are removed. This is done in several ways:

  1. chemical. It is carried out using acid-based preparations;
  2. laser;
  3. mechanical. Carried out using special devices;
  4. ultrasonic.

Another effective way to eliminate wrinkles on the cheeks is “beauty injections”. These are injections of hyaluronic acid. Cosmetologists will need only half an hour to restore the elasticity and smoothness of the dermis to the skin.

Cosmetic procedures will help eliminate small, deep wrinkles in the cheek area:

  1. biorevitalization is represented by the subcutaneous administration of hyaluronic acid preparations;
  2. redermalization is represented by the subcutaneous administration of a special drug “Hialual”;
  3. mesotherapy is represented by an injection procedure, which involves the injection (to a depth of 0.5 - 6 mm) of a drug containing the components necessary for the skin;
  4. mesowarton. The method of injection rejuvenation and restoration of the dermis is carried out using the following drugs: Mezovarton, Mesoxanthin.



Surgical methods are also used to smooth out deep wrinkles on the face. They are used in extreme cases, because these methods of rejuvenation are traumatic. Of these, they are often carried out:

  1. fractional rejuvenation. It consists of targeted evaporation of areas of the dermis using a laser. Helps remove fine and deep wrinkles;
  2. laser resurfacing. The classic method of rejuvenation is to evaporate the surface layer of the dermis. This procedure helps to start the process of skin renewal;
  3. thermolifting (laser lifting). Collagen is heated using infrared laser radiation. Experts compare this method of rejuvenation in terms of effectiveness with plastic surgery for a facelift;
  4. contour plastic surgery involves filling wrinkles with special fillers based on hyaluronic acid (fillers);
  5. mesothreads are considered the newest anti-aging procedure, which is classified as minimally invasive. Special threads are inserted under the skin. Thanks to the ribbed shape, the threads cling to the internal tissues. In this way they are tightened;
  6. Plasmolifting is considered a cell therapy for rejuvenating the dermis. It is carried out on the basis of platelet-rich plasma.

How to do a cheek lift with your own hands? The video below will tell you about this:


Over the years, the skin loses its original smoothness and elasticity. Signs of aging appear in the form of wrinkles on the face. The most noticeable wrinkles are on the cheeks, they give a tired look.

Their location depends on the anatomical features of the face, and are especially pronounced when smiling. Over time, small dynamic folds turn into static and deep ones.

What to do if you find wrinkles on your cheeks? The answer is in this article!



Before you start dealing with the problem, you need to find out the reasons. The appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks is associated not only with age-related changes. They can appear at a fairly early age. The following factors contribute to this:

  1. Bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse - negatively affect not only the external condition of the skin, but also slow down the process of production of collagen and elastin, the main proteins responsible for the elasticity of the skin.
  2. Excessive emotionality - the manner of expressing emotions with the help of bright facial expressions has a detrimental effect on the muscles of the cheeks. Over time, curves appear more and more clearly along the initially smooth massage lines.
  3. Excess weight - in the presence of excess weight, muscle tone weakens, under the force of natural gravity, the muscle frame sags. Sudden weight changes as a result of hormonal imbalances and pregnancy are harmful.
  4. Heredity – a person’s condition is determined by genetic predisposition.
  5. The external environment - excessively dry, dusty air, leads to dehydration and accelerated aging.
  6. Ultraviolet - exposure to a solarium or open sunlight leads to depletion of epidermal cells.
  7. Abuse of cosmetics - for people for whom makeup is an integral attribute of their profession, care should be more thorough.

You need to know not only how to remove wrinkles on the cheeks, but also the main reasons that cause them. And thereby adjust your lifestyle and eliminate the negative factors listed above that cause hated wrinkles.


As you can see in the photo of these lovely women, wrinkles on the cheeks are especially noticeable when smiling.

How to deal with wrinkles on the cheeks

Unfortunately, the only 100% recipe for youth has not yet been invented. But this is not a reason to let the natural aging process take its course. How to effectively get rid of wrinkles on the cheeks? There are various methods to combat wrinkles on the cheeks:


Light exercises can smooth out existing superficial grooves on the cheeks and prevent the appearance of new ones. The cheeks rarely tense up and are in a relaxed position. The main task of facial gymnastics is to increase muscle turgor.


Regular simple exercises will help slow down irreversible consequences:

  1. Balloon: puff out your cheeks as much as possible and relax, slowly releasing air
  1. Caramel: After taking water into your mouth, distil it between your teeth, like a lollipop on your cheek.
  1. Astonishment: open your mouth, pronouncing the sound “O”, sharply change to “I”.

Such exercises help get rid of wrinkles that appear on the cheeks when smiling. It is advisable to do the exercises daily, repeating 2-3 times. You definitely need to watch how your cheeks tense and feel how they pull a little inside.

Video: exercises that can help reduce wrinkles on the cheeks and nasolabial folds.


The use of massage therapy has a beneficial effect on reducing cheek wrinkles. Massage is especially effective if you want to eliminate fine wrinkles on the cheeks.

Home massage consists of light stroking with your fingers along the main contour lines. We recommend trying an unusual method of massaging in a circular motion using tablespoons.


Use cosmetic oil during the massage!

A professional massage with oils (for example, almond, argan, olive) will help remove transverse and vertical wrinkles on the cheeks.

Video: massage against wrinkles on the entire face (very effective against wrinkles on the cheeks).

Homemade masks

The main goal of home cosmetics is oxygen saturation, restoration of water balance, through gentle exfoliation and moisturizing.


Effective mask recipes:

  1. Grind the oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder, mix with honey heated in a water bath. For oily skin, add lemon juice; for dry skin, add a teaspoon of sour cream. Apply to face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and rinse after 15-20 minutes.
  2. Dilute dry or live yeast with warm milk. Rinse off after 10 minutes with cold water.
  3. Mix one yolk, a spoonful of honey and olive oil. Apply carefully along massage lines and leave for an hour. Remove the mixture with tonic or micellar water.
  4. Steam the gelatin with chamomile decoction, bring to a boil, and cool. Spread a thick layer over the cheeks, forehead and chin. Let dry, remove after half an hour.

Simple techniques, when used correctly, give excellent results, restore elasticity and smooth out small creases.

Regularly performed exercises along with masks and massage can affect even deep wrinkles on the cheeks, not to mention small ones.


Aesthetic medicine

Everyone knows that cosmetology is very effective in terms of skin rejuvenation. But how can a cosmetologist remove wrinkles specifically on the cheeks? Clinics and beauty salons offer a wide range of procedures to eliminate the problem: from peelings and injections to serious hardware techniques, right up to plastic surgery.

After examining the skin condition, the cosmetologist will select the appropriate procedure.

The most popular cosmetic procedures for wrinkles on the cheeks:

1) Peelings.

Peels are designed to remove the dead layer of the epidermis and stimulate tissue regeneration. Types:

  1. Mechanical – special devices with soft attachments exfoliate the upper keratinized cells.
  2. Physical - ultrasound, laser resurfacing. High-frequency sound or thermal laser affects the skin, providing a rejuvenating effect.
  3. Chemical – with the help of acid (fruit, glycolic, salicylic) cell renewal is stimulated.


2) Injections.

A popular way to smooth out unevenness and remove wrinkles on the cheeks is to inject special fillers. Common Botox blocks nerve endings, limits the movement of facial muscles, and makes traces of them less noticeable.

An injection of hyaluronic acid has an excellent effect in eliminating wrinkles on the cheeks. The substance is present in human connective and epithelial tissues, responsible for elasticity. Over the years, synthesis in the body decreases and its breakdown accelerates. By making up for the lack of hyaluron, protein injections improve the structure of the epidermis and smooth out the relief.

With the help of correctly selected fillers, a cosmetologist will be able to remove deep vertical wrinkles on the cheeks.


3) Plastic surgery (the most radical way).

Deep deformations of the skin in the epidermis occur at the age of 45 and require radical methods. Many resort to surgical tightening and lifting.


In the office of an experienced cosmetologist, you can remove even the deepest wrinkles on the cheeks. And this can be done even without plastic surgery.

Cosmetical tools

It is important to understand not only “how” to remove wrinkles on the cheeks, but also “with what”. The latest technologies in cosmetics are called upon to guard the fight against aging. Experts invent all kinds of creams using active ingredients that prevent tissue from fading.

Mass markets, pharmacies, and cosmetic boutiques offer a wide selection of brands and types of creams, ointments and gels for wrinkles on the cheeks.

Tips for choosing a cream:

  1. take into account skin type (dry, oily, combination);
  2. pay attention to the presence of fragrances, preservatives and dyes - if there are suspiciously many of them, it is better to choose another product;
  3. look at the content of active active substances in the composition (vitamins, antioxidants, natural oils and plant extracts must be present).


The best way is to warn

To avoid wrinkles on the cheeks, it is advisable to follow a few simple rules:

  1. ensure daily sleep of at least 7 hours;
  2. drink enough water (from 2 liters depending on body weight);
  3. make sure that healthy vitamins, acids and microelements enter the body along with food;
  4. It is obligatory to make a morning and evening ritual of cleansing of cosmetics;
  5. use moisturizers that are appropriate for your skin type and age, choose the appropriate degree of protection from UV rays;
  6. avoid stress, conflict situations, nervous fatigue and exhaustion;
  7. resort to cosmetic procedures at home or in a salon.

It is better to engage in prevention even before the appearance of fine wrinkles on the cheeks. But if they have already appeared, the tips listed above remain relevant! They will help improve the overall condition of the skin and rejuvenate it.


Knowing how to get rid of wrinkles on your cheeks, you can easily do it! The above tips together will help you stay beautiful, young and attractive, and maintain a healthy complexion. The result will depend on your efforts, the initial stage, and the depth of the wrinkles on the cheeks.

There are plenty of “fertile” areas for wrinkles to appear. In addition to the constantly discussed nasolabial folds, wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose, and crow's feet, there are not quite ordinary ones - cheek ones. Wrinkles on the cheeks are not as common as the others listed, but they do occur. They are located vertically and become visible during facial activity. Let's talk about why they appear and how to eliminate them.

Causes of wrinkles on the cheeks

The easiest way to say that such aesthetic defects arise due to excessive activity of the facial muscles. Allegedly, women who do not hide their emotions and “fully” use their facial muscles face the problem of cheek wrinkles much more often. There is a deal of truth in it. But still, in most cases the reason lies elsewhere. What's the matter? Here are the main factors.

  1. Developed facial muscles. Actually, facial muscles are determined not only by hereditary predisposition. They are also formed depending on how actively a person uses them. People with active facial expressions literally train their facial muscles constantly. Active muscle movements cause wrinkles. But this is not so critical, and it is possible to eliminate defects.
  2. Heredity. There's nothing you can do about it. If in your family not only you, but also other relatives have wrinkles on their cheeks, apparently you are simply unlucky. These are structural features, again, of the facial muscles. The problem only gets worse with age. It is impossible to avoid its occurrence, even if you wear a mournful mask all your life and never smile.
  3. Lack of moisture. The skin gradually loses moisture every year and retains it worse. This is the main process of the formation of age-related wrinkles. But it also happens that skin dehydration occurs much earlier than retirement age. This means that the years lived are far from the only factor. If your skin is dry, it requires special care and intense hydration.
  4. Smoking. In heavy smokers, wrinkles appear earlier and appear deeper. It’s difficult to say what exactly the problem is here. Some say it’s due to the constant work of the facial muscles. But this assumption is far from the truth. Rather, due to constant smoking, the facial muscles, on the contrary, weaken, the elasticity of the skin is lost, and then vertical creases appear.

The reasons have been sorted out. You can influence them, although not all of them. For example, you cannot compensate for the first two factors. Lack of moisture is easier to deal with. But you definitely need to give up cigarettes forever. What else can you do? Let's move on to the recommendations with which you can, if not completely get rid of the defect, then at least stop its worsening.

Massage against wrinkles on cheeks

Let's consider anti-wrinkle massage separately, since there are many types of it. It is more useful to describe at least a few, rather than speak in general. Massage manipulations can be carried out both in the salon and at home. On your own or with the help of special devices. Here are the main types of massage that help in the fight against buccal wrinkles.

1. Wet massage with a towel

The easiest way to massage your skin is to take a towel, moisten it with water, rub it to evenly distribute the moisture, then gently pat your cheeks. Continue procedures for approximately 5 minutes. A great way to stimulate the skin and increase the flow of nutrients. The skin will, of course, turn red. This is what we sought initially.

2. Massage with pinches

Lightly pinch your fingers along the wrinkles several times. The most important thing when performing such an exercise is not to get additional swelling or bruising. There should be no pain. On the contrary: the tingling only feels pleasant, the muscles gradually relax. There is no need to strain them again.

3. Facial massage with cupping

Another name for this is vacuum massage. This sounds, you see, more solid. You will need special small jars. The jar is placed against the cheek, then drawn along the line of wrinkles. There is no vacuum as such in this case. This is not at all the option that is used when giving cups to children during a cold. After the procedure, the skin tone will increase and the muscles will relax.

4. Massage using massagers

There are many types of massagers. But not all of them are suitable for the face. You need to take only special ones, just designed for such procedures. The most affordable massagers: mechanical and electric. They differ only in the principle of operation. The result is the same. Perhaps mechanical ones are even preferable. They are more reliable and can be used at almost any time, even if you do not have batteries or access to an electrical outlet.

You can use a vacuum massager. But this thing is dangerous. It causes severe redness and bruising. Because, unlike the previously mentioned cans, the vacuum massager actually creates a vacuum effect.

Anti-wrinkle cheek care methods

Now let's see what other ways to eliminate or at least minimize wrinkles have been invented at the moment. We will not talk here about anti-aging cosmetics, complex home masks, or salon procedures. Yes, it's all there. The only problem is that they are mostly useless against cheek wrinkles. Then what can be done?

  1. Thorough hydration. You don't have to buy expensive cosmetics to moisturize your skin. They will be replaced, for example, by ordinary baby cream. It is specially created for the delicate skin of a child, which suffers greatly from a lack of moisture. Simply perfect.
  2. Additional skin nutrition. The skin will become elastic and at the same time receive protection from negative external influences if you take care of it with gelatin. This is a unique product suitable for caring for any skin type. Other ingredients are added to it if there are no allergies. The most commonly used pulp is banana. To prepare a gelatin mask or a mask with other ingredients, gelatin must be diluted with water. The finished mask lasts 20–30 minutes.
  3. Increased elasticity. To make your skin more elastic, prepare a mask of egg white and flour. A good combination that, although it won’t get rid of wrinkles on the cheeks, will be generally beneficial for the skin of the face.

There are also a huge number of different radical procedures to choose from. If you are completely disgusted by your cheeks, you can do Botox or mesotherapy. The wrinkles will definitely disappear after this, but not for long. Perhaps this will suit you. Then contact a specialized institution. These procedures should be performed by professionals. Do not neglect your own health, because otherwise, instead of eliminating wrinkles, you will get additional bruises on your cheeks, and it will get worse.

What are the conclusions?

Wrinkles on the cheeks appear for various reasons. Sometimes it is impossible to protect against them, since the defect is caused by heredity or structural features of the facial muscles. But you can cope with some factors. You can always quit smoking, provide proper skin care, and do simple but regular massage. It is not necessary to give yourself up to plastic doctors.