Fish oil for wrinkles around the eyes before and after photos

The secrets of beauty and youthful facial skin sometimes lie in simple products that seem to have nothing to do with cosmetology. Fish oil is proof of this. Who would have thought that a tasteless, oily liquid, consumed in childhood with tears to boost immunity, would take such careful care of your skin in the future.

Composition, benefits and effects

Fish oil is a completely natural product made from cod liver. The combination of drug components is unique:

  1. vitamin A (retinol) – consumption of 2-4 g of the product satisfies the adult body’s daily need for vitamin A, which is responsible for nutrition, restoration and hydration of cells, including facial tissues;
  2. vitamin D – facilitates the absorption of minerals (calcium, phosphorus), which in turn have a beneficial effect on strengthening and healing the epidermis;
  3. Omega-3 and other polyunsaturated fatty acids are an energy source for cells, help accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level, provide nutrition and abundant hydration. The result of a sufficient content of these components in the body is noticeable to the naked eye: dryness, flaking of the epidermis are excluded, various types of inflammatory, age spots, allergic reactions are a rare phenomenon;
  4. The presence of eicosapatented acid in the preparation prevents the formation of wrinkles and helps smooth out existing ones;

Storage and use of fish oil

Fish oil is the basis for the preparation of various types of serums and creams for problematic, aging facial skin.

To prevent hypervitaminosis A, D, you need to take breaks between courses of treatment. For example, it is not recommended to take the product during periods of increased concentration of sunlight (May-August). Masks and serums from this product must be used 2-3 times a week (not more often) for a month. Then take a break for 1-2 months.
Apply masks and serums from the medicinal product only to a thoroughly cleaned surface (first with a cleansing tonic, then again with warm water).

The drug should be stored, regardless of packaging (liquid, capsules), in a dark, cool place.


When to use the product and when not to use it

Fish oil occupies a leading position in terms of effectiveness on the skin of the face, thanks to its rich and unique composition. It can be used at the first signs of skin problems (dryness, loss of elasticity, gray color) and for the prevention of wrinkles and cell aging (the supplement is especially important in winter).

However, the product has a large list of contraindications for use. This applies to patients with cholelithiasis, with impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, hemophelia, people with individual intolerance to fish medicine and a number of others. Therefore, before using the drug, consult a specialist (doctor).

Side effects from the drug are possible if the body has an excess of any component. Stopping taking the drug reduces the concentration of these substances and the ailments disappear. The use of the drug leads to a decrease in blood clotting. Please keep this in mind when using.

Secrets of quickly getting rid of any wrinkles

The best cosmetic product for combating wrinkles (facial wrinkles, around the eyes, mouth) are masks based on fish products. After just 10 days of regular use, skin elasticity will increase by 10%, rashes and redness will be a thing of the past for a long time.
Mask No. 1: Combine finely chopped fresh parsley (1 tsp), fish oil (1 tsp), lemon zest (1 tsp) with 2 tsp. low-fat cottage cheese, mix the mass thoroughly and grind until smooth. Apply an even layer on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.
Mask No. 2: The mask contains 1 tbsp of grated raw potatoes, 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of fish product. All this is mixed and applied to the face for 25-35 minutes.
Mask No. 3: Mix full-fat sour cream (1 tsp) with 1 tsp of medicine, add 0.5 tsp. melted honey to a flowing state. Apply the mixture for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water.
Mask No. 4: Combine 1 yolk of a fresh chicken egg with fat (1 tsp), melted honey (1 tsp). Apply the resulting mass to the entire face and touch the neck and décolleté area. After 30 minutes, rinse everything off with warm water and wipe with chamomile decoction.

Complete solution

Fish oil mixes well with essential oils (peach, almond, etc.). Masks for the face, neck, décolleté and hair, prepared in their combination, are environmentally friendly and effective.

Significantly noticeable changes can only be achieved with constant use of the product. Because fish oil penetrates deep into the skin and actively acts from the inside. Simultaneously with cosmetics based on the drug, you can use it orally to enhance the effect.
You can enhance the rejuvenating effect of the drug and give the skin greater elasticity in combination with massages, for example, vacuum facial massage and facial gymnastics.

Solving the problem of pustules around the mouth

  1. How to prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles?
  2. Choice of cream
  3. Getting rid of wrinkles with home remedies
  4. Gymnastics for the face
  5. Face masks

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The first wrinkles in the mouth area can appear even at a young age, since such wrinkles are facial wrinkles, that is, they do not arise as a consequence of skin aging. In youth, they are visible only when smiling or laughing, but with age, wrinkles become deeper and more noticeable.

Wrinkles near the mouth most often appear in women with active facial expressions; those who like to laugh cannot avoid encountering them. The first wrinkles to form are above the lip, then around the mouth, and last of all on the cheeks. Getting rid of deep nasolabial folds is very difficult, so it is better to prevent the problem from getting worse.

The skin around the mouth has virtually no sebaceous glands, making this area very susceptible to wrinkles. In addition, this part of the face bears the greatest load - the orbicularis muscles move almost continuously throughout the day. The causes of wrinkles also include poor lifestyle, bad habits, and poor environment.

How to prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles?

Choice of cream

The simplest method is to use creams. Their range today is very wide, so choosing a good cream will be quite difficult. For greater effectiveness, the cream should contain the following components:

  1. Vitamin A and its derivatives are retinoids.
  2. Antioxidants – they can slow down skin aging.
  3. Moisturizing ingredients, vitamin E helps retain moisture inside skin cells.
  4. The presence of pentapeptides - these substances stimulate the skin's production of natural collagen, resulting in elasticity returning.

Another effective way to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth is cosmetic procedures. These include salon massages and masks, as well as more radical methods of getting rid of wrinkles around the mouth, like Botox. This procedure blocks and smoothes the skin well. It is given as injections into the contours of the face.

For very deep wrinkles, laser resurfacing can be used, but this method is not available to everyone, since the procedures are expensive. One of the safest and at the same time effective ways to remove wrinkles around the mouth is chemical peeling.

During this procedure, the top layer of skin is removed and collagen production is activated. How effective these methods are can be seen in the “before” and “after” photos.

Getting rid of wrinkles with home remedies

Compresses made from essential oils are very effective. For these purposes, you can use menthol, apricot or sandalwood oils. It is recommended to treat the mouth area with this oil every day before going to bed. You can even use sunflower oil for compresses - place moistened gauze on your face for 10 minutes, then wash with cold and hot water alternately.

You can apply avocado slices or even tomato slices to your face. Honey is an excellent remedy; it should be applied to wrinkles for 20 minutes. Honey helps moisturize the skin.

An inexpensive remedy that can help reduce wrinkles around the mouth is fish oil. It must be taken in capsules 2 times a day for at least two months. However, it is worth considering that taking fish oil can contribute to the formation of extra pounds.

Gymnastics for the face

With the help of facial gymnastics, you can prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and even smooth out not too deep ones. For those who are wondering how to remove wrinkles around the mouth, the following exercises are recommended.

  1. Inhale your lungs full of air, puff out your cheeks and sharply release the air through your mouth.
  2. Standing in front of the mirror, smile as widely as possible, abruptly changing the smile to a relaxed expression.
  3. Alternately pull the upper and lower lips towards the nose and chin, respectively, while exposing the teeth.
  4. Puff out your cheeks and push air from one to the other.
  5. Movement of the lower jaw forward and backward.
  6. Inhale through your mouth and release the air either through the left corner of your mouth or through the right.

These simple exercises need to be performed at least 20 times each day; within a month the result will be noticeable even in the photo.

Face masks

To smooth out wrinkles in the corners of the mouth, masks that were known to our grandmothers will also help. You can take a chicken egg, separate the yolk from the white, then apply the white to the area around the mouth, mix the yolk with olive oil and apply all over the face. Keep until dry.

Another option is to mix cottage cheese, honey and sour cream and apply to problem areas for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Don’t forget that in order for your skin to remain youthful for as long as possible, you should eat right, reduce alcohol consumption, quit smoking, get enough sleep, and also protect your skin from strong exposure to sunlight and exercise. These rules will help you stay young and forget about wrinkles.

Caring for facial skin with folk remedies

Radiant, smooth and clear facial skin is the dream of every woman, regardless of age or financial capabilities. Not every representative of the fair sex has the opportunity to use professional facial cosmetics or use the expensive services of a cosmetologist. Therefore, savvy ladies use folk remedies for facial care, create their own cosmetics, and even come up with their own recipes based on various available products, vegetables, fruits, oils, and herbs. For example, you can always use the same apple for your face, because this fruit can be bought in any season, and the benefits of its vitamins and minerals for the skin are priceless.

Folk remedies - a source of youth and health of facial skin

There are quite a few ways to take care of your face at home without resorting to the use of creams, tonics, scrubs and other cosmetic products. Folk remedies are a unique opportunity for facial skin to take a good break from chemicals and rejuvenate. Few people know how to improve the condition of facial skin at home correctly. Before you start applying homemade products, you need to remember a few important rules for caring for your skin. Facial care tips:

  1. Ingredients for masks, scrubs and lotions should always be fresh.
  2. Before applying, you must completely clean your face of decorative cosmetics.
  3. Products high in vitamin C should not be used for dry skin types; such ingredients are only suitable for oily faces.
  4. Do-it-yourself masks should be washed off with warm water. Masks based on vegetable and aromatic oils do not need to be washed off; just blot your face with a dry paper towel.
  5. The skin around the eyes is very thin; fatty creams are used for this area before using a home mask.
  6. To improve facial skin turgor, use products with a high water content.

Aphrodite's beauty recipes have not been a secret for a long time; many of them are passed down from generation to generation, and their preparation takes only a few minutes. Thanks to the universal components and a recipe proven over the years, it is possible to give the skin a healthy appearance, increase its elasticity, get rid of rashes, and rejuvenate the epithelium. For folk recipes, nothing is impossible. Which of them are especially popular among the beauties of our time?

Hydrogen peroxide is your best friend in the fight against acne

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best bactericidal and drying agents often used in cosmetology. Despite its unsafety, the correctly selected percentage of peroxide allows you to quickly get rid of blackheads, acne and acne. Hydrogen peroxide for the face is also used as a whitening ingredient in the manufacture of homemade masks and as an effective remedy for wrinkles. Some tips for caring for your skin using peroxide:

  1. A 3% solution is considered the safest for facial skin; it can be added to tonics or used in its pure form to lighten freckles;
  2. Peroxide should only be used on affected areas of the skin;
  3. Whitening is allowed no more than once a week, otherwise you can burn your skin and lose your natural complexion.

One of the most popular recipes based on peroxide is a mask with liquid honey and aloe. To do this, 1 tablespoon of honey is mixed with the same amount of freshly squeezed aloe juice and 2 drops of 3% peroxide. Problem areas are covered with the prepared mixture and after a quarter of an hour are washed off with warm running water.

Fish oil - natural nourishment for facial skin

Fish oil is an indispensable folk remedy. It helps improve your appearance and enrich you with a full range of vitamins, which fish oil is rich in. It is used not only for preparing masks, but also for internal use, due to which all wastes and toxins that cause acne are removed from the body. Fish oil for the face and its benefits:

  1. suitable for any skin type;
  2. an ideal component for young girls and older women;
  3. effectively smooths out wrinkles;
  4. nourishes facial skin;
  5. helps improve appearance;
  6. normalizes hormonal levels and metabolic processes;
  7. tones.

A popular mask recipe is prepared on the basis of capsule fish oil; to do this, just arm yourself with a syringe and completely draw out the contents of the capsule, and then apply a thin layer of fat to problem areas (forehead, chin, eyes).

Benefits of cucumber for facial skin

Cucumber is a natural nourishing facial serum rich in vitamins. Due to its high water content, cucumber is considered a natural absorbent, moisturizer and storehouse of vitamins (B1, B2, ascorbic acid, K, iodine, sulfur). That is why this super-powerful ingredient is used in cosmetology. Benefits of cucumber for skin:

  1. has a rejuvenating and restorative effect;
  2. refreshes;
  3. improves turgor;
  4. has a positive effect on metabolic processes;
  5. removes dark circles under the eyes;
  6. relieves swelling;
  7. tones;
  8. eliminates age spots.

If you need to get rid of dark circles around the eyes, eliminate age spots, invigorate or refresh yourself, you need to use cucumber for the face in the form of slices or circles. If your facial skin is in danger of dehydration, then a mask based on grated cucumber or cucumber juice, oatmeal, or cottage cheese will always come to the rescue.

Coffee scrub is a source of antioxidants and vitamins

For problem skin, coffee scrubs will become a real lifeline on the path to beauty and health. This ingredient has many advantages:

  1. source of antioxidants and vitamins;
  2. activates natural collagen production;
  3. tones the facial skin;
  4. improves appearance;
  5. eliminates oily shine;
  6. relieves swelling;
  7. smoothes out age wrinkles.

How to make a coffee scrub at home? To do this, you need to use natural ground coffee (1 tbsp), dry cosmetic clay (1 tbsp), olive or linseed oil (1 tsp), liquid honey (1 tbsp). Mix the dry ingredients together thoroughly, add hot water that has just boiled and mix the coffee and clay well until the consistency resembles sour cream, add the liquid ingredients and mix thoroughly again. The mask is applied to the entire surface of the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm running water.

Before resorting to coffee cosmetology, you should consult a specialist and make sure that you are not allergic to coffee. After all, like honey, it is a rather strong allergen.

Mayonnaise is an affordable folk remedy for acne

Before you start applying mayonnaise to your face, you need to remember a few rules for caring for your facial skin in this way. Store-bought mayonnaise can hardly be called natural, so experienced cosmetologists recommend creating it with your own hands. If you don’t want to make it yourself or it doesn’t work out, then it’s best to purchase a high-quality product.

Mayonnaise for the face is a universal nourishing component suitable for any skin type. It is considered a natural facial serum that can quickly nourish, moisturize, soften and eliminate dryness.

How to improve the appearance of your skin with mayonnaise? Proven folk recipes are ready to help. To do this, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise is mixed with the same amount of heavy cream, sour cream or vegetable oil. Any option is suitable for dry skin. To nourish the skin well, just leave this product on your face for about 20 minutes, then remove it with warm water.

Sage for skin rashes

Sage is a universal folk ingredient suitable for any skin type. It is used as a lotion for affected areas of the skin, in the form of a decoction for washing, as a base for tonic or masks. How sage can help:

  1. eliminates keratinized dry skin;
  2. eliminates oily shine;
  3. fights inflammation;
  4. eliminates blackheads, acne, blackheads;
  5. smoothes out age wrinkles;
  6. relieves morning puffiness;
  7. gives the skin a healthy color.

Tips for caring for your skin using sage:

  1. to relieve inflammation, you can prepare a lotion with the addition of a tablespoon of aloe juice and propolis extract (10 drops);
  2. You can get rid of rashes and tone your skin in the morning with a decoction of sage; for this, 5 tablespoons of dry herbs are steamed with a liter of boiling water, after cooling, use the resulting decoction for washing.

Yeast against acne and blackheads

A yeast-based mask for acne and blackheads is presented in the video:

Taking care of your skin is not at all difficult, especially if you use natural ingredients and time-tested folk recipes. Stay always beautiful!

Many, having swallowed the daily required portion of fish oil in childhood, forever received a lasting aversion to this healthy product. With age, when the desire to prolong youth and beauty prevails over taste, women increasingly turn to this oily liquid with the smell of fish for help. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use it internally. There is an opinion that masks with fish oil are very effective against wrinkles.

The benefits of fish oil for the body and for the face in particular

It turns out that fish oil has a beneficial effect on facial skin. As part of healing masks, it eliminates age spots and wrinkles. When combined with oral and external procedures, it quickly cleanses the skin of peeling and acne.


All these components help burn excess fat in the body, build muscle mass, and strengthen the heart and blood vessels. With the help of fish oil, cholesterol is lowered, rickets is prevented, blood pressure and brain activity are normalized. It is used to improve joint mobility and reduce pain, for example, in arthritis.

This impact is as follows:

  1. Vitamin A" activates dermal cell renewal
  2. Under influence vitamin "E" fading slows down, the epidermis is leveled.

Both of these components - fat-soluble vitamins "A" and "E" have a beneficial effect on the liver. As you know, the condition of the skin depends on the normal functioning of this organ: the absence of rashes and inflammation.

  1. Vitamin D" ensures rapid penetration of microelements into deep layers. It also strengthens teeth, bones, and nails, which is important, especially for women.
  2. Fish oil penetrates cell membranes much faster than other fats, which means it is easily absorbed by the skin.

Women of all ages have a reason to use this natural product for the face, since it “works” regardless of skin type:

  1. Young girls use it to remove acne, freckles


  2. Older ladies use it to fight wrinkles and pigmentation
  3. Particular attention is paid to those with skin prone to flaking and dryness.

How to use fish oil to fight wrinkles

According to the advice of specialists and women who have tried this method of getting rid of wrinkles, the natural product should be used both internally and externally to obtain the greatest effect.


To speed up the process, it is better to use fish oil as an external remedy.

Mask recipes



One spoon of honey and the same amount of fish oil is enough; if the honey is thick, you need to add a little filtered water and mix.

Creamy lemon


Take fish oil, lemon juice and cream in equal proportions (one teaspoon each), mix and carefully distribute on the face, leaving the eye and lip area free.

Cottage cheese with parsley


Low-fat cottage cheese, mashed with a fork - 1 spoon, fish oil, and chopped parsley - 1 spoon each, mixed and applied to the face. You can use squeezed parsley juice.



Beat one egg with a blender until stiff, add a teaspoon of fat and a few drops of lemon juice (or essential lemon oil) and mix thoroughly again. Before the foam subsides, apply to the skin.



Medical alcohol and fish oil are mixed in a one-to-one ratio and applied in a thin layer to the face. But it should be remembered that alcohol dries out the skin, so this mask is not advisable for women with dry skin. Or you should add one spoon of fatty sour cream to the composition, this will soften the effect of alcohol.



Mix yeast, honey, sour cream and fish oil one spoon at a time and leave the bowl with the mixture in a warm place until the yeast begins to actively work. Apply the mixture to your face while it is warm.



There has been a lot of talk and rave reviews around this product lately. And the miracle serum is nothing more than water and fish oil. You just need to mix these two components in a blender in the ratio: 1 part water and 3 parts fat.

Additional tips and tricks

No matter what they say about the amazing properties of fat, its intake should be carried out in courses. There is no need to replace all caring creams and masks with this product.

The course usually consists of three months according to the following program:

  1. For the first month, the drug is taken orally (3 capsules per day) and applied externally as an independent product (every 2 days before bedtime)
  2. During the second month, internal intake is left unchanged, and fish oil is applied to the skin in mask formulations supplemented with other components
  3. The final third month – the inclusion of fat in the diet can be excluded, masks with its addition should be made no more than 2 times a week

Pros, cons, possible harm, contraindications

Having learned about all the benefits of fish oil, some ladies may mistakenly believe that this product of natural origin is absolutely safe. And they begin to accept it “the more, the better.”


If you ignore this advice and start prescribing on your own, you run the risk of getting into much bigger problems than just barely visible wrinkles. Excess fish oil can cause:

  1. Hypervitaminosis of vitamin "A"
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Liver and kidney dysfunction
  4. Impaired blood clotting

And also in this product, made from fish, there is sometimes an accumulation of mercury and other toxins. And excessive use provokes poisoning.

Particular attention should be paid to the list of contraindications, indicating particularly careful use, or even a categorical refusal to take fish oil orally:

  1. Liver diseases
  2. Kidney failure
  3. Allergy to the product


  4. Intestinal disorders
  5. Poor blood clotting
  6. Increased calcium content
  7. Tuberculosis
  8. Pregnancy
  9. Lactation
  10. Elderly age