Wrinkles at the inner corner of the eye


Working with eyelids is one of the most difficult. After all, the skin in this area is the thinnest and most delicate, and wrinkles are constantly provoked on it - when smiling, squinting, concentrating. However, it is quite possible to reduce wrinkles around the eyes. I suggest several simple exercises for this area.

Most people strain their eyes very often in one way or another - when working with texts, writing, reading, working with a computer, in the sun and wind, etc. Because of this chronic tension, with age, the orbicularis oculi muscle becomes more and more spasmodic, shrinks and pulls the skin along with it, forming wrinkles, because we completely unconsciously strain it constantly. Most people don't realize that even with their eyes closed and in their sleep, they don't relax their eyes! And almost no one thinks of identifying this tension and catching it, but it (tension) spoils our eyes and the skin around them. Observe your eyes, how they behave when working and reading, and also when you think you are not tense. The easiest way to catch unconscious eye strain is while lying in bed with your eyes closed before going to bed, after a hard day. Usually the tension is greatest at the inner or outer corner of the eye, and this tension seems to pull the skin under the lower eyelid into small wrinkles towards the inner corner of the eye. You can even look in the mirror while lying down, straining and relaxing the inner corner of the eye, observing the effect of “pulling” the skin towards the corner of the eye in the form of wrinkles. If there is tension in the muscles of the eyelids (and almost everyone has it), it is necessary to relieve it, otherwise the exercises will not have the full effect.

To help your eyes, you can do: massage the eyelids, the entire area around the eyes from the cheekbones to the eyebrows with gentle point-to-point circular movements (do not drag the skin, do not wrinkle it, do not press too hard - the pressure is not stronger than the touch of a butterfly's wings - otherwise it will be harmful!), applying heated palms on the eyes for 1-5 minutes, as well as any exercises from the area of ​​“warm-up for the eyes after reading: look left, right, down, up (all the way), make a circle with your eyeballs in both directions, make a zigzag with your eyes (all the way each corner), open your eyes for 5 seconds, then close your eyes" - and all this must be done, 10-20 times for each manipulation, daily.

The simplest and most effective eyelid exercises:

1. For the lower eyelids from Cantieni


Carefully feel the edge of the bone under your eyes and place your fingertips on it. Do the same with the other eye with the other hand. Close your eyes and relax your eyelids. Now, in short impulses, begin to push the upper eyelid with your lower eyelid. Repeat the pushes 60 times. Take a look in the mirror with one eye: when performing the exercise, there should be no wrinkles on the upper eyelid. You can do it with breaks of 2 days or once a week.

5 times a week can be done for those who have severely sagging skin on the eyelids and there is obvious hypotonicity and sagging eyelid muscles.

2. For the upper eyelids from Cantieni


Gently place the pad of your index finger on the upper eyelid. Pull the outer corners of the eyes towards the temples. Using your upper eyelid, try to press firmly on your lower eyelid, as if you want to push it away. Do 60 presses. Take a look in the mirror: are you frowning?
This exercise helps get rid of heavy eyelids and “crow’s feet” - wrinkles at the outer edge of the eye. You can do it at intervals of 2 days or once a week. 5 times a week can be done for those who have severely sagging skin on the eyelids and there is obvious hypotonicity of the eyelid muscles.

3. An exercise from Cantieni from New Faceforming with tying imaginary strings is good for lengthening the eyes and “treating” wrinkles: mentally tie strings to the outer corners of the eye and tie them at the back of the head (eyes are closed, feel how the outer corners of the eyes move apart), then mentally tie the strings to the inner corners of the eyes and tie them on the bridge of the nose (we feel how the eyes stretch in both directions: the outer corners of the eye stretch to the sides, the inner corners to the bridge of the nose), then we mentally take the knot on the bridge of the nose and pull it slightly up to the forehead. We perform such manipulations for about 2 minutes, maintaining stretching in both directions, as well as pulsating the tension of the threads for several seconds. 1-2 minutes per exercise. Can be performed 5 times a week.

4. The most common exercise for eyelids is “bunnies” (Maggio, Facebook building)


We place the index finger at the outer corner of the eye, the middle finger at the inner corner. The thumbs can be placed under the chin at the base of the neck (for rigid fixation of the structure). Lightly holding the skin with your fingers, we squint our eyes, while only the lower eyelid works, and the upper eyelid along with the pupils can be raised up so that they do not interfere with the work. All other muscles are relaxed. Perform 10-15 times at a waltz tempo. You can do this at intervals of 2 days or once a week for prevention,

5 times a week can be done for those who have severely sagging skin on the eyelids and there is obvious hypotonicity of the eyelid muscles.

You can choose only one type of exercise for the lower eyelids; you don’t need to do all the options - there’s no point in going overboard.

I would like to note that the exercises described above work to strengthen the muscles of the eyelids, toning and pumping them up. This is only one type inhactions. It should be complemented by muscle relaxation. Firstly, after the exercises, you should actively blink, squint your eyes, roll your eyes, place warm palms on tired muscles, and also do ten repetitions of this technique - gently holding your eyebrows, open and close your eyes, without straining, without squinting. Then open your mouth like the letter “O” and pull it back strongly.h, while looking up - one or two repetitions. And apply warm palms again.

Plus the exercises - care and creams, of course.

And it wouldn’t hurt to work out the entire area - that is, the upper eyelids (including (not often) an exercise on the upper eyelids from S. M. Runge), and the temples and aponeurosis (you can take it from Cantieni from face forming), and the upper cheeks, and even forehead (especially if the eyebrows hang over the eyes). Also analyze the condition of the nose and bridge of the nose to see if there is tension in the muscles that contributes to spasms of the eye area.

—Exercise for the temples.

We raise whiskey from B. Cantieni.


Place your hands on your temples. Press your little fingers to your head. Begin to gently pulse your palms back and forth. Do 60 presses.
This exercise smooths out wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose, making your eyes more open.

—Exercises for the upper cheeks is in this article: Article about cheeks and nasolabial folds

There are many more techniques and variations of each exercise, but this program will suffice for a start.

And don’t forget about the main rule - working with your eyelids must be gentle, otherwise you risk stretching the thinnest eyelid skin or stretching the thinnest eyelid muscles! The emphasis should be placed not on pumping, but on relaxing the eyes, massage with the softest touches that can be. Before the age of thirty, massage and eye exercises are not recommended.

Natural beauty products: Of course, we cannot change the structure of the skin, but we can care for it carefully and carefully. And such care will certainly be able to push unwanted signs of age into the distant future.

The skin around the eyes is delicate and thin - this is where the first age-related changes appear. The skin loses its freshness, swelling and fine wrinkles, swelling, and dark circles appear. Alas, this is a natural process determined by the very structure of the skin in this place. There is almost no subcutaneous fat and sebaceous glands, and almost no muscles that maintain the elasticity of the skin.

Collagen fibers (and they are the ones that hold the structure of the skin) around the eyes resemble a mesh that stretches in all directions, and the soft subcutaneous tissue causes a tendency to puffiness. Of course, we cannot change the structure of the skin, but we can care for it carefully and carefully.

And such care will certainly be able to push unwanted signs of age into the distant future. After all, the cause of problems such as dryness, fine wrinkles, swelling, circles, skin irritation, along with natural factors, can be inept, careless care of the skin around the eyes or an unsuccessful choice of cosmetics.



Wrinkles under the eyes (especially if the skin is prone to dryness) can form at a relatively young age. The same can be said about crow's feet (wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes), which appear due to increased facial activity and structural features of the eye muscles.

If there is no hereditary predisposition and health problems (allergies, heart disease, kidney disease, endocrine system), then there are few reasons for the premature appearance of problems in the eye area: an unhealthy lifestyle, insufficient care, inept handling of cosmetics or the use of low-quality products.

One of the reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles on the skin around the eyes may also be your work: if your work involves a lot of eye strain, then this can also affect the skin in this area. Fibers of thin muscles contract convulsively, paralyzing metabolism and blood circulation, as a result, fine wrinkles begin to appear in the eye area.
And of course, the main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes are age, sun, smoking and stress.


Preventing wrinkles under the eyes

1. Facial expressions. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, you should monitor your facial expressions whenever possible. Frequent squinting leads to premature appearance of wrinkles under the eyes, since collagen fibers wear out much faster under constant stress.
Also, in order not to injure the delicate skin around the eyes, it is not recommended to actively rub your eyes (and how difficult it is to get rid of this childhood habit!), stretch the skin of the eyelids, or prop your face with your fist.

2. Nutrition. With age, the natural synthesis of collagen (collagen maintains the structure of the skin in proper condition) cannot compensate for its loss, especially against the backdrop of a lack of necessary chemicals that should come from food. Therefore, a nutritious and balanced diet plays an important role in maintaining beauty and maintaining youthful skin.

To successfully fight wrinkles, first change your eating habits:

  1. add grated carrots to sauces and salads. The carotene found in carrots is an excellent nutritional source for the skin;
  2. add fresh spinach leaves to salad. Spinach contains more carotene than any salad;
  3. Eat fruit regularly. Red fruits and vegetables are most effective in fighting wrinkles. For example, red peppers, tomatoes, grapefruit. Eat apricots, peaches, mangoes, papaya. Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, as well as many nutrients;
  4. eat broccoli more often (even if you have it frozen), stew it along with other vegetables, add it as a side dish to main dishes;
  5. eat fruit salads every day, from both fresh and frozen and canned fruits. Make fruit salads a good habit for you;
  6. drink fruit juices that are rich in carotene. If you are tired of orange or apple juice, switch to carrot and tropical fruit juices (papaya, mango).

3. The sooner, the better. It is recommended to start using special cosmetics to care for the skin around the eyes at the age of 20 - 25 years. It is especially important not to waste time and eliminate only emerging wrinkles, because later the process will take on a deeper character and it will be much more difficult to stop it. Daily care must necessarily include three basic procedures - cleansing, toning and moisturizing.
There is no need to skimp on cosmetics for the skin around the eyes.

4.Sunglasses. To prevent and reduce wrinkles under the eyes in the bright sun, regardless of the time of year, it is recommended to wear dark glasses, which help reduce squinting. If you are nearsighted, you should buy glasses or contact lenses.


Daily self-massage will help stimulate blood circulation, lymph outflow and improve the penetration of cosmetics. It is best to do it after cleansing the skin and applying cream. Perform all movements with closed eyelids using the pads of the third and fourth fingers strictly along the massage lines, repeating three to four times:

1. Easily slide along the skin around the eyes (the finger of your right hand is the right eye, your left hand is the left): from the base of the eyebrows along the fixed part of the upper eyelid in the direction of the temples, then in the opposite direction along the zygomatic arch at the border with the lower eyelid. At the temples, slow down, stop and lightly press on the temples.

2. Move in a figure eight (with the finger of one hand): from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner of the lower eyelid, then across the bridge of the nose and along the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the other eye. Return to the lower eyelid to the inner corner and again make the transition across the bridge of the nose.

3.Apply precise pressure with your fingers as you move around the eyes. The pressure should be light and gentle, otherwise the massage may give the opposite result.

4. Tap the lower and upper eyelids alternately with your fingertips.

5.Closing your eyes, place your fingers bent into a fist on your eyelids. Without removing your hands, try to open your eyes and at the same time raise your eyebrows.

6.Press your temples with your palms and sharply remove your hands.

If you have deep wrinkles, in addition to self-massage, it is also recommended to have a massage once a week in a beauty salon.

Use of cosmetics

There are many cosmetic products for the eye contour: creams, gels, emulsions, serums, masks, capsules. Since most often they are universal and act comprehensively, you need to take into account not your skin type, but your age, not forgetting, of course, about possible allergic reactions.

So, For mature skin, concentrated preparations are more suitable, the main ingredients of which will be active substances that affect regeneration, the production of collagen and elastin, normalizing the content of lipids and glycans (a substance that fills the space between collagen fibers). Products with phyto- and fruit extracts and vegetable oils can only help young skin.

Creams that help fight expression lines, including crow's feet, stand somewhat apart from others, and there are relatively few of them. In addition, by weakening muscle contractions, they slow down blood circulation in tissues, which leads to a deterioration in cell nutrition and metabolic processes. This reminds us of two sides of the same coin. Although you can reassure yourself that the use of moisturizing, nourishing, and tonic products smooths out this effect.

Plant extracts in the form of lotions, gels and tonics soothe and refresh the skin. Tonics containing natural ingredients, used after morning and evening washing, help fight sagging and swelling of the eyelids, dark circles. The same effect can be achieved using eyeliners. They look like clear lipstick and contain many nutritious biologically active substances.
All products can be used separately or combined. The main thing is not to overdo it, forgetting that we are dealing with the most delicate and sensitive skin.

Camphor cream

Camphor oil is very helpful in preventing the appearance and reducing existing wrinkles under the eyes. Although we would still recommend using not pure camphor oil, but a cream based on it. Prepare a gentle homemade camphor cream especially for the skin around the eyes.. Take 50 ml of unsalted fat (pork fat) melted in a water bath and 50 ml of camphor oil, mix and pour into a jar. Apply this cream to your skin before bed twice a week.

Correct sleeping position

Swelling and wrinkles around the eyes are often associated with improper head position during sleep. A pillow that is too high disrupts the venous outflow in the skin of the eyelids and leads to the appearance of bags under the eyes. Sleeping with your face in the pillow contributes to the appearance of deep wrinkles around the eyes. You need to sleep on a flat pillow or without it, placing a cushion under your neck. It is best to sleep on your back or side, but never prone.

But it’s not just your sleeping position that affects the condition of the skin around your eyes. It is also very important to get enough sleep! Lack of sleep affects not only your general well-being, but also the condition of the skin around the eyes. It is advisable to sleep at least 8 hours a day and in a well-ventilated room, where there are no sources of electromagnetic radiation - TV, computer.

Useful tips for youthful skin around the eyes:

1. Wash your face with cool water, this improves blood circulation. You can use ice cubes or special “ice” masks made of plastic filled with gel. They are stored in the refrigerator.

2. Apply a minimal amount of cream, evenly distributing it over the moving part of the eyelids with light dotted strokes. The cream should not be smeared, but driven in with the pads of your fingers (preferably your ring fingers, since they are the least developed and therefore cannot deform the skin).

3.It is important to keep in mind that most creams or gels are applied in the morning. At night you can only use products with a lifting effect. Nourishing or moisturizing cream before bed can cause severe swelling.

4.You cannot apply face cream (even the best quality) to the skin of your eyelids.

5.Apply decorative cosmetics to your eyelids using light movements.

6. It is necessary to use eye contour creams containing UV filters, especially during periods of active sun.

7. It is advisable to change cosmetics every four months, to avoid allergies and addiction.

8.During the autumn-winter period, take good vitamin complexes.

9. Spend more time in the fresh air and do physical exercise.


Below is a list of anti-wrinkle masks for the skin around the eyes. It is recommended to do masks once or twice a week:

1. White bread mask: Apply white bread crumb soaked in milk for 15 minutes. Course 1 month, every other day.

2. Infusion for the “mesh” around the eyes from fresh birch leaves: Pour 1 glass of birch leaves into 1 glass of cold water and leave for 8 hours, strain. Use as a compress.

3.Mask from the “mesh” around the eyes: melt 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour (or oatmeal) and whipped egg white. Keep the mask on until it dries, then rinse off

4. Cold decoction for sagging eyelid skin from a mixture of chamomile, sage and mint: herbs are taken in equal quantities. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. mixture, pour one glass of boiling water and hold for 15 minutes in a steam bath. Then cool and strain. Apply swabs with broth to your eyelids for 15 minutes.

5.Mask for wrinkles under the eyes made from parsley: Place freshly crushed parsley on your eyes, cover it with damp swabs and leave for 15 minutes.

6.Grape juice mask for tired eyes: It is useful to nourish the eyes with grape juice. Cut a grape and run it across the lower eyelid. The skin around the eyes receives natural nutrition.

7.Mask for wrinkles under the eyes made from potatoes, flour and milk: take 2 tsp. raw potatoes, flour and milk. Mix everything well and put it on your eyes, covering it with damp swabs. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes.

8.Mask against wrinkles under the eyes for self-massage: Mix 50 ml of olive oil with 10 ml of vitamin E oil solution and massage the mixture into the skin around the eyes with your fingertips every evening. Then carefully remove excess oil with a paper towel.

9. Dill mask for wrinkles under the eyes: Place a handful of dill seeds on two small pieces of gauze or a wide bandage, dip in hot water or milk for 1-2 minutes and let cool. Apply to eyes for 10-15 minutes. Instead of dill seeds, you can use regular tea bags or dried parsley, sage, and chamomile.

10.Almond eye mask: massage almond oil into the wrinkles every evening for a month, leave for about half an hour, then carefully, without stretching the skin, remove excess with napkins. You should not apply additional cream to the skin around the eyes to avoid swelling.

11.Milk eye compress: Place tampons soaked in boiled milk on your closed eyes and hold for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure two more times. Then wash your face and apply cream to the skin around your eyes.

12. Cornflower blue eye mask: prepare an oil infusion from a tablespoon of blue cornflower flowers and half a glass of olive or almond oil. Keep cotton pads soaked in the infusion over your eyes for 20 minutes, then carefully wipe the skin with aqueous infusion of cornflower (1 tablespoon of flowers per 1 tablespoon of boiling water).

13.Aloe Vera Juice: This true skin healer and source of moisture can be applied to stubborn areas like the corners of the eyes (crow's feet) or cheeks and lips just before bed. Use virtually clear aloe vera leaf juice, or purchase a stabilizing gel containing 98% to 99% aloe vera juice for maximum effectiveness.

14.Nourishing mask against deep wrinkles under the eyes: 1 tbsp. l. Mix vitamin E oil solution with 1 tbsp. l. cocoa butter and sea buckthorn oil. Apply a fairly intense layer to the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids. After 10-15 minutes, blot with a napkin. Wrinkles are significantly smoothed out. Can be used up to 3 times a week. Apply at least 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

15.To moisturize the eyelids and prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles due to dry skin. jojoba oil, castor or olive oil. Apply around the eyes in a clockwise direction.

16.To prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, it is recommended to use apricot oil (100% apricot seed oil) produced by cold pressing. Contains triglycerides, natural wax, stearins, vitamin F. It has high biological activity, slows down the aging process, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. It is well absorbed and absorbed by the skin, penetrating deeply and nourishing the skin of the eyelids to the deepest layers.

17.To prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, it is also recommended to use Peach oil (100% peach seed oil) obtained by cold pressing. Contains glycerides of palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids. Thanks to the content of vitamin B15, which has high biological activity, it stimulates processes and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

18. Herbal eye oil for wrinkles: take 1 teaspoon of dry herbs: burdock, calendula, mint. Pour 50-100 g of herbal mixture. olive oil. Infuse the herbs in oil for 7 days in a dark place. Strain the prepared herbal oil. Lubricate your eyelids with this oil 2-3 hours before bedtime. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then blot off excess oil with a napkin.

19. Remedy for preventing wrinkles around the eyes: olive oil and a few drops of lemon - gently rub into the skin of the eyelids. After 5-10 minutes. remove excess with a napkin.

20. Anti-wrinkle lotion for eyelid skin with an active refreshing effect: In 100 g of boiling water, brew a collection of herbs (mint, lemon balm, sage and dill in equal proportions) - 2 tbsp. l. mixtures. Add 2 standard crushed glucose tablets. After cooling, add 1 tablet of activated carbon and 5-7 drops of glycerin. Strain thoroughly. Use up to 3 times a day to treat the eyelid area. Store in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.

21. Potato and parsley mask for wrinkles under the eyes: steam half a grated boiled potato with a decoction of parsley and a little drop of vegetable oil, put it all on pieces of gauze and put the mask on your eyes for half an hour before bed.

22.Tibetan mask for wrinkles under the eyes: prepare the cream - beat 1 raw egg white with 10 g. olive oil and 1 teaspoon of bay leaf decoction. To do this, pour 2-3 leaves into 100 g. boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Add 3-3.5 g. burnt alum (sold at the pharmacy). Mix the entire composition thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cut crescents from a piece of flannel for the area under the eyes. Soak the prepared fabric with the prepared cream. Place the mask on your skin and leave overnight. If wrinkles are located locally (for example, crow's feet around the eyes), then you can make a mask only for these areas.

23. Linden infusion for shallow wrinkles in the eye area: pour 1-2 teaspoons of dried linden flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain. It is recommended to wash your eyes with this infusion. Instead of rinsing, you can make lotions: moisten a gauze pad or bandage in a warm infusion, squeeze lightly and apply to the eyes for 3-5 minutes. The procedure relieves swelling of the eyelids, eye fatigue, and is used to smooth out shallow wrinkles around the eyes.

24.Chamomile compress: Pour some dry chamomile inflorescences into bags made of soft fabric, place them in a bowl with boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then, while the bags are still warm, place them on both eyes. This compress is used for severely inflamed eyes and swollen eyelids; In addition, with regular use (2-3 times a week), it protects against the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. published econet.ru

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I'm 37 years old, almost 38.

This is the problem that has arisen: under the left eye, on the inside of the eye, a mesh and creases have appeared. Moreover, this did not happen gradually, but somehow all at once. As they say, one day.

I have been treating crow's feet with Botox since I was 33 years old. The last time it was installed was in December 2015, and before that in December 2014. I used to install it more often, but now it’s enough for a year. It is clear that this caused wrinkles to appear in the inner corner. But! Transverse creases appeared for the first time.

I do the IAL system every six months.

The last time my cosmetologist pierced my IAL very close to my eyes. For some reason, it seems that due to this, perhaps due to excess hyaluron, creases began to form under the left eye. Apparently something happened to the skin! When the head is tilted, the skin under the eye hangs down exactly where these creases are. Although there is a feeling that the skin under the left eye seems to be tight, this is a personal sensation, and almost permanent. Everything is fine under the right eye.

Once a month I do Rf lifting (support after the course).

In the nasolabials they put it after the NG "Princess".

Now I have undergone one procedure of fractional mesotherapy (one of five procedures). After the procedure, there was slight swelling of the face for two days.

I can’t understand what’s wrong with the care. It seems like everything should catch up, but here it is.

And how to fix the situation.

After applying masks under the eyes, the skin somehow seems to tighten and creases become barely visible. Yesterday I tried the gel patch, and everything improved at once. Maybe the skin is stretched due to excess hyaluron under the eye? And can this be? I don't understand anything!!

Is it possible to remove creases? Please advise how to remove them!

I would also like to ask respected cosmetologists for advice on choosing cosmetics for eyelid and facial skin care. I have thin skin that is prone to dehydration.