Can gray hair be dyed blonde?


As a rule, the older a woman is, the less bright and dark shades of hair suit her. Chestnut, copper and chocolate can age more than gray hair. And if this is exactly your case, take a closer look at calm and soft light shades. Moreover, they are very relevant!

Let's remember that blonde can be different: ash, light brown, golden, honey, natural - whatever your heart desires. And the coloring itself can be either one tone or in different variations.

How to find your shade?

For advice on coloring when gray hair appears, we turned to Alina Tsvetkova, stylist at L’OREAL Professionnel.

— For women in such situations, we recommend dyeing in light colors. Blonde shades soften the face, refresh and add lightness to the look. However, there is no standard, since we are all different. The color is matched to your skin tone and eye color. We choose the coloring technique together with the client: it depends on his temperament and readiness to experiment.

The best shades of blonde against gray hair

Beige nude. If shades are usually divided into warm and cold, then this color is neutral. Compared to ash or platinum, it is a couple of notches warmer. Therefore, it looks natural and suits any color type. But the main thing is that it has a special youthful purity: next to this shade, the eyes seem brighter, and the skin of the face looks fresher.

Solid blonde. Dedicated to lovers of the classics: blonde in all its glory - just color and nothing extra. This type of coloring is suitable for most women after forty years, but it is important to choose your tone. We always advise you to contact a professional with this question; an experienced stylist-colorist will help with this.

Complex blonde. If you want something unusual, but at the same time quite calm and respectable, there are complex coloring techniques. These usually include highlighting, shatush, balayage. Skillfully created transitions of tones, firstly, rejuvenate the face and lighten the image, and secondly, they significantly simplify the solution to the problem of overgrown roots.

haircuts, hairstyles, hair care

How to dye gray hair

Modern hair dyes allow fashionistas to experiment with their appearance and surprise others. However, initially such dyes were intended solely to disguise gray hair.


  1. The best way to get rid of gray hair is a salon re-pigmentation procedure. This method allows you to not only paint hair from above, but penetrate their structures and saturate the cells with disappearing pigment. At the same time, masters in salons use the most gentle dyes that return not only bright color to hair, but also fade and silkiness.
  2. Also in professional beauty salons you can undergo a procedure in which only gray hairs are painted over, while bright, pigment-rich hair remains untouched. This procedure is as harmless as possible to hair compared to other chemical dyeing methods.
  3. The Antisedin product will help restore lost color to your hair. It is sold exclusively in pharmacies. Renolan soap works in a similar way, however, it needs to be used for a long time - for 3-4 months.
  4. You can cover gray hair using any hair dye sold in stores. Be careful when choosing a company: working with gray hair is not easy, so trust your beauty to professionals. High-quality paints for covering gray hair are produced by companies such as Garnier, L’Oreal Professional, and Schwarzkopf. Choose a hair color that is as close to your natural color as possible. In this case, choose a tone 1-2 darker than you want to get: if you have a lot of gray hair on your head, they will be colored more intensely than what is shown on the packaging of the pack. Keep in mind that the tone may differ not only at the level of light and dark shades, but also in brightness. If you use paint with red, red, or purple tints, be prepared to get an overly bright, “alien” color.
  5. For those with gray hair, it’s good to dye your hair blonde: get a beautiful platinum color without bleaching your hair. In addition, the grown gray roots will not be so noticeable.
  6. If you do not want to spoil your hair with chemical dyes, use natural ones - henna and basma. To get a beautiful chocolate shade, mix henna and basma in proportions 2:1, pour boiling water, let the mixture brew and start painting. Follow the instructions on the package completely. Perhaps, on gray hair, henna will show its color after a few days.

How to dye gray hair as naturally as possible or how to effectively highlight gray hair

The first white threads are very upsetting and remind you of age. I really want my curls to always remain bright and voluminous. But, unfortunately, time is inexorable, and you have to think about how to hide the white threads. Dyeing gray hair with natural products and modern permanent permanent dyes can restore youth and brightness to your hair.

Every age has its own unique charm

Why do curls lose their natural color and how to slow down this process

Spectacular contrasting balayage

The pace of life in the twenty-first century has significantly “rejuvenated” gray hair. Nowadays, by the age of twenty-five, a quarter of the world's population has gray hair. Women suffer in this regard fifty percent more often than men, due to stress, unfavorable ecology, and the frantic pace of modern life.

Interesting. It has been noticed that in villages, gray hair can be found more often in people over forty-five years old, and under 30 years of age, the percentage of gray hair is very low.

Recent scientific research by American scientists has established that gray hair is caused by a lack of Wnt protein in the body. It is he who is responsible for preserving the coloring pigment in the hair structure. The production of this protein largely depends on genetic predisposition and age.

Natural gray hair can be very attractive with proper hair care

Melanin, which is produced by our skin cells, is responsible for the color of our curls. The production of this substance directly depends on the amount of proteins entering the body with food.

With age or during periods of stress, poor blood circulation in the scalp prevents sufficient penetration of melanin into the structure of the curls, and they lose their natural color.

How to delay the appearance of gray hair and is it possible:

  1. A proper diet can greatly delay the appearance of snow threads in your hair.
  2. It is worth limiting the consumption of fatty, spicy and overcooked foods. Sweets and excessive alcohol consumption also disrupt metabolism and blood circulation in the scalp;

Smooth flow of tones when highlighting to platinum tones

  1. For prevention, special vitamin complexes against premature gray hair, the price of which is quite affordable, will not harm;
  2. All products containing vitamin B10 stop the loss of natural color of strands. Potatoes, seeds, mushrooms, all types of nuts, kidneys and beef liver, carrots and yolk contain a large percentage of this vitamin.

Advice. A course of vitamin therapy is very useful, but it must be taken after diagnosing the whole organism and under the supervision of a doctor.

Folk recipes for preserving the color of curls

Gray hair manifests itself absolutely individually

Decoctions of herbs and rinsing hair with infusions sometimes give simply wonderful results. But the effect of these procedures is very individual and depends on the type of curls and the reason for the appearance of white threads. In any case, it’s worth a try, these recipes definitely won’t hurt.

Decoctions and tinctures are prepared from the following medicinal herbs (can be used individually, or as a herbal mixture): clover flowers, lure roots, ginseng root, decoction of leaves and roots of stinging nettle, celery root (celery salad is very useful), parsley decoctions and parsnip.

The photo shows soft longitudinal highlighting along the entire length

It is not difficult to prepare a decoction with your own hands. For 100 grams of raw material, it is usually recommended to use 500 ml of water, preferably steamed in a water bath. You should take the decoction three times a day before meals, 200 ml, and rub the composition into the hair roots at night. The course of treatment is a week.

Alcohol infusions are more concentrated. 30-40 drops of tincture are taken half an hour before meals three times a day for a month. It will not only help restore the natural color of the strands, but also strengthen the roots and enhance the growth of curls.

But while prevention and long-term treatment are underway, you need to look great every day. What cosmetics and folk recipes will help give your curls a bright and natural shade?

Fashionable shades for gray strands

Noble coffee with milk

The first white hairs are very frustrating, but new products in the field of cosmetology have recently offered a large palette of natural shades of permanent dyes.

Some useful tips from professional stylists:

  1. If the white curls stubbornly do not want to change, take two parts of paint and one part of an oxidizing agent. Complete coverage of gray hair is guaranteed;
  2. Applying a three or six percent oxidizer for about ten minutes before dyeing will help to open the hair scales for better penetration of the coloring pigment. Afterwards, do not wash off the oxidizing agent, but blot it with a napkin and start applying hair dye;
  3. As the instructions recommend, you should start changing the color from the back of your head and temples, where there is the most gray hair.

Fashionable palette for the 2015 season

Important. Under no circumstances should you pull out the first white hairs. These manipulations can lead to early and rapid baldness.

Depending on your face type and skin condition, you can choose a platinum shade that will only emphasize the elegance of your hairstyle and highlight all the aging features of your face. Before you dye your hair gray in a certain shade, experiment with programs for selecting hairstyles and hair colors. Believe me, sometimes the result is very surprising.

Fashionable this season, natural shades of platinum hide white strands in the best possible way, and soft coloring not only adds volume, but also makes regrown gray hair roots invisible.

  1. Platinum blonde is again a fashionable color of the season, so you can experiment with all shades of this color. The highlighting technique with a smooth flow of tone two, maximum three gradations lighter or darker than the main color looks very good on gray hair;

Options for platinum highlights and soft balayage

  1. The opinion that dyeing your curls lightly hides the white threads is quite justified, but this season you can experiment with all the soft tones of honey and straw, diluted with caramel-colored strands and pastel light brown tones;
  2. Fans of red shades are given carte blanche this year; all shades of red will be in trend in the spring and summer of this year.

Advice. A fashionable tone can also be obtained by painting with folk remedies, without the use of aggressive dyes. But, unfortunately, the platinum shade is unattainable using organic dyes.

Folk remedies for tinting curls

Table of tones for coloring with henna and basma

We bring to the attention of our readers the most popular methods of tinting gray strands with natural dyes:

  1. Traditional henna and basma are relevant again, but in more saturated colors. Below is a diagram and exposure time of the composition to obtain the desired tone.

Important. On gray hair, henna and basma can give bright carrot shades, so conduct an experiment on a separate, inconspicuous strand.

  1. An infusion of chamomile flowers will hide white threads in blond hair (the infusion is prepared at the rate of 200 grams of raw materials per half liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes). You can add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the broth, this will lighten the strands even more. Apply daily along the entire length of the strands;
  2. A decoction of onion peels will give your curls a red tint.;

Natural dyes for strands

  1. A strong decoction of coffee or tea leaves produces beige tones of different shades;
  2. Rhubarb, brewed at the rate of 100 grams of raw material per 300 ml of water, will give your curls an ashy tone;
  3. Cocoa powder added to shampoo tints curls in a soft beige colorT;

Important. The compositions can appear very individually on different curls. Therefore, first carry out a dyeing test on an inconspicuous strand. On already colored curls, natural shades appear very unexpectedly (from green to bright red or poisonous carrot).

Lightening individual strands

The following unique recipe will help you restore your natural color. For two glasses of boiling water, take half a glass of sage leaves (dry) and the same amount of rosemary. Boil over low heat until half the water evaporates. Leave for five hours in a warm, dark place in a glass container.

Apply a warm infusion once a week to clean, slightly damp hair. Let dry and rinse with warm water and apple cider vinegar.


Dark highlights on ends

Gray hair is not a death sentence, but an opportunity to correctly place accents when creating a unique fashionable image. The video in this article will help you choose a shade depending on your skin color and curl type. This season, natural shades allow you to conduct bold experiments to create a spectacular hairstyle and original strand color.

Can you tell me which brand of dye is best for dyeing gray hair?


I’ve already tried all the paints, but of our Russian ones, only a black shade of paint covers gray hair, if you take a little lighter it won’t cover it, I was advised to dye my hair with a German one called Londa, a week ago I dyed my hair, I really liked it, and I tried exactly the light shade, I advise now you should try it too


You can also use vegetable dyes, which will also heal your hair and fill it with nutrients.
If your brown hair begins to turn grey, use the following mask: a tablespoon of colorless henna, a tablespoon of cocoa powder, tobacco from one cigarette, previously soaked in a small amount of water, 5 crushed spicy cloves, a tablespoon of sour milk, 5 ml of vitamin A oil solution, a tablespoon Mix a spoonful of olive oil and egg yolk, add a little warm water if necessary. The result will be a medium-thick paste. Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to washed, damp hair. Wrap your head in plastic wrap and wrap a towel on top. After 2 hours, carefully comb your hair and wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.
For dark hair that has begun to turn gray, rinse it regularly with an infusion of strong tea after washing.
For premature graying of hair of any color, rinse it with a decoction of nettle roots and leaves. To prepare it, infuse 50 g of dry nettle in 500 ml of water and 500 ml of vinegar, then boil for half an hour. The broth should be cooled and strained, and then rubbed into the scalp every evening for several days.
To stop graying, take vitamins A, E, C, folic acid, riboflavin 2 times a year for 1-2 months. For dark hair that has begun to turn gray, rinse it regularly with an infusion of strong tea after washing.


Schwarzkopf IGORA ROYAL special series for gray hair in silver boxes. (Professional paint).

Anyuta Balog

How to dye gray hair?


Tata, I’ve been dyeing my hair for 10 years, precisely because of the gray hair. In principle, it’s not bad and Palette paints over it (the cheap ones). But then there was an opportunity, and I got my hair done at the hairdresser (due to renovations in the bathroom it was impossible to do it at home). And I will tell you with all responsibility: this is heaven and earth! I don’t know what kind of paint they used, but my color is perfect, and the quality of the paint job is excellent. You can’t do it yourself anyway! So, at least sometimes trust your head to professionals.

Miss Yu

TRY SHOES POOL :) just kidding) )
Consult with your hairdresser - this is not confidential information, so they will definitely tell you about it)

My mother’s entire head is gray, she used to paint it, paint it over it.
and now he does the highlighting black. and it turns out just super, it seems that the dark and gray-silver-gray strands themselves are dyed.
try it


1) check that you are following the instructions exactly
2) buy the same paint in another store, not Russian/Ukrainian, but, for example, look for Polish production
3) try the same Garnier, but slightly more intense shades. for example, “brown golden” - from my own experience I will say that it paints well - at first it turns out brownish-reddish, gradually washing off gives a really golden pleasant color
4) well, as a last resort, henna will definitely cover it up..)
Good luck!

Swarckopf Igora Silver is a professional dye for gray hair.

What dye to dye light brown hair blonde without a yellow tint.


Are you lighter? Garnier Naturalis 111 - Highly brightening platinum blonde. But it’s better to lighten it before that, by 4-6 tones with Super Lightening EO. But over time they still turn yellow, they need to be tinted) ) I paint Sunny Beach, but they are darker))

Yulia Igorevna

go to the salon. No options.

Irina Paramonova

If you want really high-quality lightening, go to the salon. Expensive, I agree, but high quality, and at home the most expensive paint is individual. Even the most expensive dye at home is not suitable for me to cover gray hair.


What's with the ashy tint?

Irina Mikhailova

if light brown is your native color... then just take the paint a tone lighter than you would like

Mila Tronina

estel (vita blonde)


Igora royal, 12-1 good color.
can be mixed with 12-0 (natural blonde extra)


if your natural hair is not dyed... then any good dye... for example diamond. look at the hairs.. whichever one you like.. but I wouldn’t recommend dyeing it blonde right away, you can try another light shade.. after all, so many women are alike.. and you are the only one with an individual shade.. and if something is better, try a coloring shampoo.. no If you like it, it will wash off on its own in 8 days.. the choice is yours!!

Anna Bogdanova

You need to lighten your hair first!! ! THIS is done in the salon! At home you will only ruin your hair. and the yellowness will be even, unless of course you want white hair color!
It’s better to think about whether you really need it.
She herself was blond for 5 years. . ate restored my hair! Natcral rxy!

Many people know that gray hair is hair that lacks natural pigment. And a lot of air bubbles. Therefore, they are difficult to paint.

In order for gray hair to acquire a beautiful color, it is necessary to add a dye containing natural pigment.

As such a pigment, you need to take natural or golden shades.

Please note that the addition of the natural series is done for coloring in cool tones.

And I paint the golden ones warm.

Here are some recommendations for coloring such hair:

1. Gray hair can be dyed tone-on-tone perfectly.
2. One level of tone depth lighter.
3. When darkening your hair.

In other cases, most likely you tone slightly and then the gray hair will shine.

Let's figure out in what proportions dyes should be mixed for successful coloring of gray hair:

But you need to know that permanent dyes are designed to color gray hair no higher than the seventh level of tone depth.

Therefore, the above options are not designed for dyeing blondes.

In such cases, you need to resort to blinding powder. Pre-lightening gray hair.

If you don’t like this procedure, then you can use a “bristle” mixture:

For this dye need to mix with oxidizing agent 9%.

For medium hair hardness - 1.5 parts dye 1 part oxidizing agent.

If the hair is hard enough - 2 parts dye 1 oxidizing agent.

Keep the mixture for at least 40 minutes.

I hope my article was clear to read and useful to use.