Inexpensive facial peeling

Literally translated from English, “peeling” means “peeling.”

The peeling procedure, also known as exfoliation, involves thoroughly cleansing the skin of its top layer, consisting of dead skin cells.

Something similar was practiced in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome using tartaric acid, sour milk, lemon and grape juice. Now representatives of the fair half of humanity have access to many types of peeling, which can be performed in salons and at home.

Let's find out which facial peels are the best, what procedures can be done in a salon, and what you need to know about exfoliation before doing it.

What is it needed for

The appearance of facial skin changes under the influence of various factors ― natural aging processes, internal state, exhaust gases, dust, sunlight.

The pores gradually become clogged, making it impossible for the skin to breathe normally. And its surface begins to become covered with wrinkles and folds, rashes, pigment spots, and scars.

Cell death occurs every 28 days. Afterwards, their particles fill the pores of the facial skin, complicating the access of oxygen and the absorption of valuable vitamins and minerals from the creams.

To restore your skin to a beautiful, fresh and healthy look, exfoliation procedure required.

After peeling occurs many useful and pleasant changes:

  1. All dead and dead cells are effectively exfoliated.
  2. Metabolic processes are activated.
  3. The condition of the facial skin is normalized.
  4. Provides a whitening effect - eliminating age spots and redness.
  5. Enlarged pores narrow.
  6. Recovery is accelerated.

After it, the facial skin regains its natural ability to absorb oxygen, moisture, valuable vitamin and nutritional components contained in caring cosmetics.

To enhance and consolidate the exfoliation effect It is recommended to additionally apply masks with a nourishing or tightening effect.

The procedure is recommended for women and girls over 18 years of age.

The type of peeling, the frequency of its use, and the depth of impact should be determined by a cosmetologist.

The most effective procedures in the salon

Beauty salons offer many procedures for cleansing and exfoliating facial skin. All types of peeling differ in the depth of action and the type of products used.

Depending on the depth of impact, there are superficial, medium and deep peelings.

Surface ― one of the softest and most gentle types, which affects only the uppermost layers of facial skin, horny and granular.

At the initial stage of wrinkle formation, it will be very effective, but it cannot cope with the problems of serious age-related changes at all.

Already after the first session, fat from the epidermis, acne, and mild hyperpigmentation are eliminated. A total of ten such procedures will be required to achieve the effect.

Median can solve such aesthetic problems as post-acne, frequent facial wrinkles, stretch marks, folds formed due to the loss of normal skin turgor.

Since this type of exfoliation acts on fairly deep layers of the epidermis, the recovery period usually lasts about three months.

Deep peeling represents the most aggressive cleansing that can be compared to cosmetic surgery.

The procedure is carried out only in a hospital setting and often requires the use of anesthesia, general or local.

Prescribed to eliminate the deepest wrinkles and double chin, to stop the process of ptosis.

The duration of the recovery period can be at least six months.

Light and superficial mechanical exfoliation procedure called brossage. It lasts no longer than ten minutes.

In this case, equipment with rotating soft brushes made of natural bristles and scrubs with a soft texture containing microscopic crystals are used.

The result of such a session will be improved blood supply and cell renewal. Medium mechanical peeling It is performed under local anesthesia using aluminum crystals. After such exposure, the skin is transformed instantly.

Deep mechanical cleaning Recommended for scars, scars, severe post-acne phenomena. The tools used here are hard brushes rotating at high speed.

Because this procedure is painful and invasive, it requires general or local anesthesia.

Depending on the number of problem areas, the duration of the session can last from several minutes to one hour. Chemical superficial exfoliation carried out with solutions containing acids in various concentrations.

To do this, the surface of the skin is first cleaned and degreased.

For medium chemical exposure Trichloroacetic acid is used in different concentrations. After 2-3 procedures, small wrinkles and increased pigmentation are effectively eliminated.

Deep chemical exfoliation involves treatment with phenolic mixtures. After the procedure, a crust forms - after some time it naturally falls off, revealing fresh, noticeably rejuvenated skin.

During the recovery period, which can last about six months, it is necessary to avoid ultraviolet rays.

Under physical facial cleansing This means laser and ultrasonic peeling.

In the first case, an erbium or carbon dioxide laser is used, which easily regulates the depth of the treated area. And in the second, micromassage is performed, which eliminates tissue swelling, improving blood and lymph flow.

Exfoliation with diamond dust is an effective type of exfoliation.

The safest peeling is fruit peeling. Beauty salons can offer several effective types of it: wine, apple, lemon, grape, glycolic.

Day after day, the skin is exposed to the negative effects of many factors that lead to a deterioration in its condition. Various cosmetics and procedures, including pharmaceutical facial peels, help to cope with the consequences of this exposure.

Pharmaceutical peeling preparations


The word peeling is translated from English as exfoliation. This procedure involves the removal of dead cells, which promotes skin renewal, enhances its oxygen supply and activates blood supply.

The peeling procedure can be carried out at home using both ready-made products offered by cosmetics manufacturers and those prepared independently.

Much of what is sold in pharmacies can be an alternative to expensive cosmetics.


Freshwater coelenterate sponge in the form of powder or ready-made gel helps fight swelling and redness. Thanks to its noticeable tightening effect, badiaga has acquired anti-aging status.

The powdered product must be diluted with hydrogen peroxide and applied to the face moistened with water. Keep the mask for no more than 5–10 minutes (until you feel a strong burning sensation). After applying the procedure, temporary redness is observed (up to several hours), which zinc ointment will help to cope with.

It is better to use badyaga gel by mixing it with liquid honey in a ratio of 1 to 1. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.


Calcium chloride

The peeling roll can be used in two ways. In the first case, calcium chloride is applied to a clean, dry face; after it has dried, a second layer should be applied. When both layers are dry, lather your hands with baby soap and gently roll the lumps off your face using massaging movements.

Second option involves performing the following steps:

  1. Lather your hands with dye-free baby soap.
  2. Dip your fingertips in calcium chloride.
  3. Apply the foam to the face with massage movements.
  4. After 5–7 minutes, the mask can be washed off.

The peeling effect is achieved due to the fact that calcium chloride, in the process of interaction with soap, forms a calcium salt of higher carboxylic acids, which rolls off, removing the stratum corneum of the epidermis.


Important! It is recommended to carry out the first procedure with a 5% solution and gradually switch to a 10% solution. A contraindication for the use of calcium chloride is the presence of inflammatory elements.

Boric alcohol

Boric acid, which is part of the composition, has disinfecting properties, tightens pores and has a beneficial effect on the regeneration process.

A cleansing lotion is prepared based on boric acid. Ingredients: St. John's wort decoction (200 ml), lavender oil (10 drops), boric alcohol (1 pack), camphor alcohol (100 ml), calendula alcohol tincture (100 ml). Mix the broth with oil and pour in the alcohol components, pour the mixture into a container with a screw-on lid, and store in the refrigerator for no longer than six months. You can wipe your face with this lotion in the morning and evening. The result of use is a reduction in acne and acne.


Gel Curiosin

The pharmaceutical purpose of the drug is the treatment of bedsores, trophic wounds and fistulas. But due to the presence of a large amount of hyaluronic acid, which dissolves dead cells, it deeply cleanses pores, moisturizes and evens out the skin.. Curiosin can be used as an anti-aging agent. The gel should be applied 2 times a day, after removing makeup.



The use of the drug as an anti-aging peeling is justified by the presence of hyaluronic acid and aloe juice in it. The gel is applied to the face locally (mainly on the skin of the eyelids) with patting movements. The product should be used for at least one and a half months. The first signs of skin improvement should be expected no earlier than after 3 weeks.


Important! Only Blepharogel No. 1 is used for cosmetic purposes. The use of the gel by girls under 25 years of age is not advisable.

Homemade peeling recipes from pharmaceutical products

You can prepare the peeling yourself. To do this, you need to purchase the components in advance at the pharmacy. Here are the most successful options:

Pharmacy glycolic

Cleansing the epidermis with glycolic acid molecules is a common manipulation in beauty salons. Its popularity is due to the fact that it is suitable for any skin type. The effectiveness of peeling is due to its antioxidant effect, activation of elastin production, smoothing and moisturizing effects.

The procedure using glycolic acid is carried out as follows.

  1. The drug is applied to clean, dry skin using a pipette and distributed over the skin, excluding the area around the mouth and eyes.
  2. After 2-3 minutes (later the time can be increased to 10 minutes), the acid must be neutralized using baking soda: soak a cotton swab in a soda solution (8 mg per 100 ml of water) and wipe your face with it, starting from those areas where the strongest burning and redness.

For the first session, it is better to use glycolic acid in a minimum concentration, gradually increasing the percentage of acid in the solution. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a week for 1–2 months.

Retinoic (yellow) peeling with Dimexide


Before you begin the peeling procedure, you need to prepare your skin. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of Dimexide in ¼ glass of water and wipe your face with it. After 45 minutes, neutralize the acid with a solution of baking soda (8 mg per 100 ml of water).

Now you can proceed directly to exfoliation. Retinoic ointment must be mixed with vitamin E (1/1). Apply the composition to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. After this, neutralize and rinse with water after 5–8 hours.

The result of course use (3-4 sessions) will be soft and velvety skin.

Peeling with amber and fruit acid

In addition to its general healing and cleansing effect, succinic acid has the effect of a biostimulator, which triggers regenerative processes and tones the skin.

Recipe: 2-3 tablets of succinic acid should be crushed to a powder, diluted with 2 tablespoons of boiled water or orange juice. Chopped citrus zest will help enhance the effect.

After the solution is ready, the skin needs to be degreased with tonic or lotion, steamed a little and applied the first layer of the mask. After 5 minutes you can apply the second layer. After 5–10 minutes, the product must be washed off.

Photos before and after



Solving various problems

Now let’s look at the features of using exfoliants to solve various aesthetic problems of different types of dermis:

Dry skin

Moisturizing glycerin peeling will help here. Glycerin is famous for its moisturizing properties, and its ability to attract water molecules has made it a popular cosmetic ingredient.

Based on a pharmaceutical solution of glycerin, you can prepare a moisturizing exfoliant mask. To do this, take the solution and mix it with boric acid and ammonia (2 teaspoons each), add grated baby soap in the same amount. Apply the mask to the skin until dry, then rinse with water.

Black dots

Mattifying exfoliant mask. A black scrub will help clear your skin of blackheads and get rid of toxins. You can prepare it from crushed activated carbon tablets (10 pieces), diluted with water until it becomes sour cream. Keep the mask on for no more than 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

Problem skin

Skin prone to increased sebum production requires special cleansing measures.

Aspirin mask eliminates shine in the T-zone, removes excess fat from the surface of the skin, helps narrow pores and cleanse sebaceous ducts.

Recipe: Grind an aspirin tablet and mix it with liquid honey until creamy. Apply the mask for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions


Most exfoliating products are not suitable for people with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. The solution in this case would be peeling with lactic acid.

This is the mildest option of exfoliation, which gives the skin elasticity, tones and moisturizes.

To carry out peeling, you can use lactic acid in bottles or purchase Hilak Forte drops, which consist of 90% of this active substance.

Attention! For the first procedure, it is better to dilute lactic acid with water to obtain a 5% solution (1/32).

Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and apply to your face, starting from the forehead. When using for the first time, do not keep the product on for more than 2 minutes. With repeated manipulations, you can gradually increase the exposure time. It is better to rinse off the solution with cool water.

Ready-made cosmetic peelings

Cosmetics manufacturers can offer ready-made pharmaceutical products with exfoliant action. Most of them are based on acids in varying concentrations. These drugs will help lighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles, cope with skin rashes, smooth out small scars and scars, and improve cell regeneration.

  1. With AHA 8%, manufacturer - Premium (Russia). Price - about 700 rubles. Contains fruit acids (malic, citric) in small concentrations. The gel is intended to eliminate skin flaking and seborrhea and effectively fights hyperpigmentation.




  1. GLYCOLIC (for eyelids) from SKIN LABORATORY (USA). Price - about 800 rubles. An additional bonus of using the product is strengthening blood vessels and increasing skin elasticity.


  1. GLYCO LIPOSOM from Biomatrix (France). Price - about 800 rubles. The plant biocomplex with liposomes, which is included in the composition, actively reduces the depth of wrinkles, not only facial wrinkles, but also senile ones, and also slows down the aging process.


Procedure protocol

General recommendations for cleaning at home and safety measures:

  1. The first exfoliation procedure should be carried out with a preliminary allergy test: apply a small amount of the selected product to the elbow area, observe the skin reaction during the day. If uncharacteristic rashes appear at the application site, it is better to avoid using the product. Please note that slight redness and burning without causing severe discomfort are normal.
  2. Do not use decorative cosmetics after the procedure.
  3. Contraindications for cleaning are any damage to the integrity of the epithelium, herpes and other inflammations on the skin, high fever, pregnancy and breastfeeding, colds, infectious and viral diseases, and allergic rashes.
  4. To reduce discomfort during peeling, you can resort to cooling your face with a hairdryer (cold stream).
  5. Before applying any product, the skin must be cleansed and degreased (tonic or lotion, preferably containing alcohol).
  6. After cleansing, sun rays are contraindicated for the skin, so cleansing manipulations should be carried out during the period of least solar activity: autumn, winter.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts do not recommend deep facial cleansing with chemicals at home. However, gentle superficial cleansing can be done independently and, according to cosmetologists, will cope with many skin problems. Here are some reviews from beauty experts on the most popular types of at-home peels.


Patient reviews

The opinions of women who have used pharmaceutical preparations for peelings are different.

Some people note the positive effect of the event.


For others, the experience of using pharmaceutical drugs has become negative.


Most people advise seeking help from professionals.


Whatever cleansing method you choose, strictly follow the recommendations, and then beautiful, well-groomed skin will become your best decoration.

Useful videos

Facial peeling at home. A drug from a pharmacy for peeling.

Characteristics in the rating

1 Peeling soap Rose de Mer Christina Optimal cleansing for oily skin
2 Gentle facial peeling “Instant skin renewal” from Natura Siberica Comfortable cleansing for dry skin
3 “Marshmallow” from Organic Kitchen Best smell. Budget price.
1 Peeling cream Lactolan Holy Land Super soft impact. Peeling for the summer.
2 Gel Ultraclean Sense for Ultrasonic peeling Beauty Style Universal product for ultrasonic peeling
3 Glycolic peeling 5% Professional Line 3D Easy peel Medical Collagene 3D Best choice for mature skin
4 Peeling Papaya Enzyme Peel Arabia The best product for skin with rosacea
1 Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel Mizon The most gentle way to get rid of blackheads
2 Peeling gel Smooth Egg Skin Re:birth Holika Holika The most original design
3 Peeling gel PEELING ME Aloe Soothing Tony Moly The most balanced composition

The effect of a tired face, pigmentation, rapid aging, the appearance of acne and post-acne - this is not a complete list of indications for regular peeling. This is a cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is not just to cleanse the skin, but to remove the keratinized layer of cells and stimulate regenerative processes. In professional beauty salons, cosmetologists perform so-called medium peels, the effect of which extends to the middle epidermal layers.

However, many cosmetic companies offer modern women to save time on trips to cosmetologists and independently carry out superficial peeling using specially developed products under the same name. Judging by thousands of reviews, this approach is quite effective, but only if the peeling cream is carefully selected and used, following all the rules of application.

How to choose the best composition for daily care? First, pay attention to the effect of peeling - mechanical or chemical. The first group is the most common and affordable, but it is not suitable for every customer. Thus, for dry and sensitive skin types, products containing natural abrasive particles are not recommended - they grind the surface like sandpaper and can cause minor scratches and inflammation.

For those with thin skin, cosmetologists from leading companies have developed products with round-shaped artificial abrasives. They are gentle and can be used safely by most people. Chemical facial peels work even more delicately. When applied, the exfoliation of dead cells occurs due to the interaction of active cleansing substances with the stratum corneum, as a result of which it dissolves and opens access to the younger layers of the epidermis.

Secondly, be sure to evaluate the reputation of the company that produces the cosmetics you like. For example, the products of Korean companies are now highly valued - they contain unique ingredients and often work much more effectively than conventional products. However, some European and even Russian brands can easily compete with Korean ones. To understand the assortment, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best beauty products for superficial facial cleansing, compiled based on an analysis of their ingredients and user reviews.

The best facial peels with abrasive particles

Products from this category contain scrubbing microparticles, the quantity and size of which allows them to be used by girls with dry skin. Most products work simultaneously in two directions, since they contain both cleansing and nourishing components. As a result of regular procedures, the face becomes much fresher, the day cream applies more evenly, and the feeling of cleanliness lasts much longer.

3 “Marshmallows” from Organic Kitchen


Scrub is one of the types of mechanical peeling products, which implies the presence of abrasive particles. So, another Russian company producing organic cosmetics offered its customers a real beauty dessert with strawberry seeds, sucrose crystals, cranberry oil and raspberry juice. Such a mix on a plate is undesirable, but when applied to the face, it works wonders: it delicately cleanses the surface of old cells, refreshes the tone and fights oily sheen.

However, there were also shortcomings. Those with long nails do not like the packaging format with a protective seal, which is best not removed without scissors. For other users, such a responsible approach to product safety, on the contrary, seems only a plus. They also note the incredible pleasure with which the peeling procedure is now carried out, because both the consistency and aroma of the product resembles their favorite berry yogurt or melted ice cream.

2 Gentle facial peeling “Instant skin renewal” from Natura Siberica


All products of the Russian company Natura Siberica enjoy well-deserved respect among professional cosmetologists, since they consist of 99% natural and effective ingredients. Peeling with a renewal effect is no exception. Its composition includes microgranules of apricot kernels, so small that the company recommends its use for girls with sensitive and problem skin. Their gentle action is complemented by citric acid, and various herbal extracts are responsible for the timely restoration of the epidermis and its protection from negative factors.

The product receives excellent ratings in all user ratings. People like the convenient and capacious tube, economical consumption (a pea-sized ball is enough for one use), pleasant creamy consistency and, of course, the result. According to reviews, the face becomes smooth, visually younger, and when used there is no discomfort such as redness or burning.

1 Peeling soap Rose de Mer Christina


In ratings of facial cleansing products, cosmetologists traditionally place soap in last place. Or maybe it’s peeling soap from the Israeli company Christina, the world’s largest producer of professional-level cosmetics. The drug is specially designed for soap peeling at home and in beauty salons and contains safe and effective components:

  1. sodium olivate and palmitate - soft detergents obtained from olive and palm oil, with zero toxicity;
  2. coral powder, salt crystals and particles of Dead Sea algae - delicately cleanse the face of impurities, giving the skin smoothness and even color;
  3. lichen extract – known for its antibacterial, wound-healing and deodorizing properties.

It is not surprising that in the reviews, owners of oily skin cannot get enough of this peeling: with regular use, unpleasant phenomena such as hyperpigmentation, relapses of acne and hyperkeratosis noticeably decrease or completely disappear. Yes, some people find the drug a little expensive, but since one bar is enough for 30 procedures, the cost of one does not exceed 80 rubles.

The best gommage peelings with fruit acids

This rating category includes drugs whose effect is determined by the presence and concentration of AHA acids (glycolic, lactic, malic) or their complex. In addition to the ability to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, they also have whitening, moisturizing and moisture-retaining properties. Contrary to stereotypes, acid peels intended for home use are very gentle on the skin because they contain a safe amount of active ingredients. But it is better not to use professional products with a high acid content without consulting a cosmetologist.

4 Peeling Papaya Enzyme Peel Arabia


Enzyme peels are a separate group of products for exfoliating and cleansing the skin by applying protein substances and enzymes to it. They act more physiologically and mildly compared even to fruit acids and do not in any way affect small vessels, which means that enzyme-based peels can be used for couperose skin. However, the effect of their use is quite comparable to the effect of acid peels and is expressed in reducing porosity and depth of wrinkles, as well as restoring a healthy complexion.

The cream peeling from the domestic brand Aravia includes papaya extract (enzymes), maize oil (strengthens the natural skin barrier), olive oil (softens and retains moisture inside), allantoin (nourishes and protects the skin from free radicals). All this wealth is placed in a bottle, the capacity of which, judging by reviews, is enough for a year and a half of regular use. As a result of use, the skin copes with dehydration, enlarged pores narrow, and redness goes away.

3 Glycolic peeling 5% Professional Line 3D Easy peel Medical Collagene 3D


Professional cosmetics of the Russian company Medical Collagene 3D are manufactured at our own pharmaceutical plant in accordance with the GMP standard and according to recipes that have a scientific basis. The Easy peel product contains two of the most important components for preserving youthful skin: glycolic acid and chitosan. This AHA acid has the minimum molecular weight among analogues, so it easily penetrates the epidermal barrier and mobilizes the activity of skin cells.

Chitosan is a natural humectant and antiseptic that forms an imperceptible protective film on the face and allows it to retain moisture for a long time. Thus, peeling with chitosan and glycolic acid can be considered an ideal option for all skin types, but mature skin will be especially happy with it. Despite the fact that the product belongs to the professional line, it is easy to use: to do this, squeeze a small amount of gel from a bottle with a dispenser, apply to the face, neck and décolleté, leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse with cool water.

2 Gel Ultraclean Sense for Ultrasonic peeling Beauty Style


Ultrasonic peeling is far from new in the world of cosmetology. But few have heard that it can be carried out outside a beauty salon. It is enough to acquire an ultrasound device for facial cleansing, a special cosmetic composition, and micromassage with ultrasound peeling at home is provided. Such procedures are very effective, and the result of their implementation is visible almost from the first time: wrinkles become less noticeable, the process of their formation slows down, the skin itself is renewed and receives nutrition from licorice extract and aloe vera juice.

Since the gel contains tomato acid, it can be used without a device, as an independent peeling product. It is noteworthy that in both cases of use, gel peeling is praised by both those who suffer from excess oily skin and those who are bothered by dryness. In addition, consumers in reviews compare its smell with the aroma of cherry pits and note the cost-effectiveness of use.

1 Peeling cream Lactolan Holy Land


It is no secret that skin peelings are allowed only in the autumn-winter period, when the risk of burning the young layer with UV rays is eliminated. However, for peeling lovers who do not want to put up with this rule, we have something in store. Cream peeling "Lactolan" can be used at any time of the year without any harm, because 80% of it consists of specially prepared dairy products - albumin, calcium caseinate, milk proteins and lactic acid, which have a superficial rejuvenating effect.

The product is not cheap and is often used in professional cosmetology clinics. Girls who have experienced how effective it is, prefer to carry out home treatments and in reviews indicate that the skin reacts great to them. The company offers 3 options for use: as a regular gommage, as a mask under a wet compress, and as a peeling massage product. It is enough to use the miracle product 1-2 times a week for the skin to gradually lighten and become velvety.

The best Korean peeling rolls

Relatively recently, Asian cosmetologists have developed a fundamentally new approach to the peeling procedure. According to it, impurities are erased from the skin just as an eraser erases pencil marks from paper. To achieve this effect, you need to apply a peeling roll, wait a couple of minutes and gently massage your face. Very quickly small pellets appear on it, which act as an eraser. The palm in the production of gel-rolls belongs to Korean companies, and we will look at them in more detail.

3 Peeling gel PEELING ME Aloe Soothing Tony Moly


Let skeptics say that Korean women have a different skin type, and their products are of little use for Slavs. And we are inclined to believe hundreds of reviews - it’s not for nothing that they speak exclusively with delight about such products from Korea as aloe gel from Tony Moly. Indeed, its composition is such that it can easily suit even a young Korean woman, even a Russian woman in her prime: aloe extract, salicylic acid and cellulose, which is needed to form cleaning pellets, have been added to the generous complex of fruit acids.

The product turned out to be very successful: light in consistency and effect, aromatic, and most importantly, effective. After the procedure, the face looks moisturized, polished and clean, but not irritated, so you can go out in public immediately after the procedure. Someone mentions that his skin is too thick and oily, so the gel roller did not work. In fact, peeling is very gentle, and to enhance the effect, they should be thoroughly massaged.

2 Peeling gel Smooth Egg Skin Re:birth Holika Holika


If you are one of the women who forget about regular facial care, buy yourself a peeling gel in original packaging that catches your eye. The Korean brand Holika Holika solved this problem very successfully and with humor, offering a peeling product in a bottle in the shape of a chicken egg. Why eggs, you ask? Everything is very simple: now in Korea a cartoon about a lazy egg named Gudetama is very popular, and the active components of the product are of “egg” origin.

It is very convenient to squeeze out the contents of the bottle thanks to its rubber bottom. It has a gel consistency, is used very sparingly and rolls off quickly, removing dead skin particles and residual sebum. As a result, the skin becomes matte, the pores are cleaned and reduced in size, and the feeling of tightness and tingling is completely absent.

1 Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel Mizon


Starting around 2015, this product with enviable regularity hit the top places in the ratings of cosmetologists and beauty bloggers. And imagine, it is still popular. The peeling gel from the Korean concern Mizon has earned such popular love thanks to its rich composition with hyaluronic acid, cellulose and plant extracts and its pronounced cosmetic effect.

It is especially noticeable in the summer, when even normal skin becomes dirty faster than usual and annoying blackheads appear - comedones. It is unacceptable to use acid peels at this time, but it’s easy to use a roller peel. In reviews, users note that it rolls off perfectly even when applied to damp skin, which cannot be said about other Korean drugs. The foundation applies perfectly after the procedure, but often the face is so fresh that you can do without it altogether.