Negative consequences of taking anabolic steroids, and is it worth the trouble?

This article will tell you about the negative consequences of taking anabolic steroids and will make you think: is it worth taking unnecessary risks in the race for a beautiful and fashionable body... So, the topic has been announced - we begin...

Most gym goers do not see any changes in their bodies for years; moreover, they cannot even understand the reason for their stagnation.

What does an athlete with an arm of 30 centimeters dream about at the beginning of his journey? That's right, make your arm 40 centimeters and preferably as quickly as possible. He trains hard, improves his training program, increases caloric intake, watches motivational videos, but does not see the expected quality result...

Desperate, he sees the only way out for himself in the use of an anabolic steroid - exogenous testosterone. Undoubtedly, while taking anabolic steroids, you will feel a brutal surge of strength, the working weight on barbells and dumbbells will increase, your mood and libido will improve. Your own weight will finally move forward and you will gain almost several kilograms per week (due to the fact that the body retains water). The actual growth of muscle fibers (hypertrophy) and the formation of new muscle fibers (hyperplasia) is impossible in such a short period, since this is a complex physiological process that requires a lot of time. As soon as you stop taking hormones, a monstrous decline in weight, mood, and loss of strength will immediately follow, and all this is in the best case. If you experience side effects like these, you can consider yourself lucky. Because the consequences could be much worse...

In the worst case scenario, you will face hormonal imbalance, gynecomastia, increased intracranial pressure, acne, liver problems due to toxins and a lot more.

  1. what medications are suitable for the first course,
  2. which drugs have fewer side effects,
  3. which ones are stronger or weaker,
  4. Is it worth combining an oral drug with an injectable one,
  5. what is post cycle therapy,
  6. how to “suppress” estrogens,
  7. and much more.

They just mindlessly take it and hope for a miracle, and, accordingly, face all the “pleasures” listed above.  Taking steroids is justified only if you are a professional and do it strictly under the supervision of a qualified endocrinologist. Professional in the sense that you make money from your body, no matter if it is a fitness competition, bodybuilding, or maybe you are a stripper, bodyguard, etc. You earn a lot of money, then yes, the risk is worth it. Because if God forbid something happens to you, at least you will have money for treatment. So think carefully: is what you are risking your health for worth it?

In my opinion: the negative consequences of uncontrolled use of anabolic steroids kill all the advantages of their use, the game is not worth the candle, and no one will sell or give you a second health. Think for yourself: would you like to be a beautiful and powerful athlete on the outside, but on the inside a fading old man with a planted liver, kidneys, a broken heart and other internal organs. I think it's unlikely.

As for natural training with a competent plan, correct training and nutrition schedule: the human body is capable of building up about 1 kg per month of pure muscle mass, if you gain about 1 kg of pure “meat” per month, imagine who you will be like in a year, 10-12 kg of selected meat will look more than impressive. Undoubtedly, genetics plays a key role. There are unique and lucky ones who do not approach training and nutrition too responsibly, but at the same time show very decent gains, but there are few of them, the readers of this article are unlikely to relate to them, so I would recommend them to study these three points in more detail:

  1. Load progression.
  2. Excess Calories.
  3. Recovery (supercompensation).

So, from this article you learned about the negative consequences of taking anabolic steroids... don’t switch! There is still a lot of interesting and educational things ahead. Leave your opinion in the comments - your feedback is important to us. We will be happy to answer any of your questions. Be with us!

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