About severe hunger and a “dog’s” appetite

This “dog-like” appetite often rises after bowel movements and prolonged fevers, which dissolve nutrients in the body. This also happens due to the weakness of the retaining force in the body, when excessive absorption of nutrients constantly occurs and the need for their abundant replacement is always felt. A "dog's" appetite sometimes appears when there is excessive warmth at the mouth of the stomach, which dissolves nutrients too much and requires replacement; the mouth of the stomach is constantly as if hungry, and this in most cases causes thirst, but sometimes it induces hunger if the dissolving effect exceeds the measure. Hunger is most often the result of excessive warmth throughout the body and limbs. If warmth, when it is observed only at the mouth of the stomach, causes a desire for water and moisturizing liquids, then, taking possession of the whole body, it dissolves nutrients and forces the vessels to absorb food over and over again, and when it reaches the mouth of the stomach, it brings with it a feeling of hunger. Heat often enters the body from the outside, since hot air spreads throughout the body, if it is loose and subject to the dissolving action of heat, constantly experiencing the need for compensation. Sometimes the reason for this is simply excessive looseness of the body, if there is internal heat that causes ripening and dissolution, especially if there is also external heat, and if this is facilitated by the weakness of the holding force.

Sometimes a “dog” appetite also appears from discharges from the head, this happens in rare cases, or from worms and large snakes, which, being in the intestines, attack the food eaten and take possession of it, leaving the stomach and body hungry. This also happens from sour juice, from black bile or from acidic mucus, which irritates the mouth of the stomach and acts in the same way as the absorption of vessels that require nutrients, especially if the juice causes thickening and impoverishment of the blood and something like an absorbing void is felt at the mouth of the vessels . In addition, the sour juice, with its tearing and tanning effect, removes viscous juices from the mouth of the stomach that counteract appetite, if they are present, because the movement of the stomach in the presence of such viscous juices is more directed towards expulsion than towards attracting nutrients. In addition, this increases the movement of the fibers of the stomach, aimed at compacting and compressing its tissue, similar to what happens during the movement of suction vessels and the movement of the attracting force. The "canine" hunger that occurs in those who travel in very cold weather probably arises from the same or similar causes that stimulate the appetite, as does the hunger of insomnia, which excessively dissolves nutrients and draws out fluids , submitting to the external heat. Know that a “dog’s” appetite often leads to bulimus, hibernation and death.

Signs. A sign that a “dog’s” appetite comes from bowel movements and from diseases that cause the dissolution of nutrients is the presence of these causes in the past and the fact that the nature in most cases is not liquid, because the body attracts moisture from food and the feces dries out. Signs of a “dog” appetite due to the coldness of the stomach are a slight thirst and an abundance of feces, as well as swelling and other signs of such a nature. A sign of this is also the coldness of the surrounding air. An indication that the "dog's" appetite comes from warmth is strong thirst and the absence of vomiting sour, as well as other signs of a similar nature; nature is in most cases locked. An indication that the disease occurs from a weakening of the retaining force throughout the body or in the stomach is the frequent discharge of unripe feces, even leading to diarrhea, as well as other already known corresponding symptoms. A sign of a “dog’s” appetite from increased dissolution of juices is the presence of the reasons for dissolution mentioned above in Book One, and the fact that digestion is not damaged. These signs, based on the cause, also include the warmth of the surrounding air, insomnia and other signs of this kind. Signs of a “dog’s” appetite from sour juice or black bile, a slight urge for water, sour belching and other known corresponding signs. A sign of a “dog’s” appetite due to discharge from the head is what we mention in our place, and an indication that the cause is worms.

Treatment. A “dog’s” appetite from hunger and from excess mucus should be treated with already known cleansing measures and the warming medicines mentioned earlier, as well as with wine completely devoid of astringency and acidity, which would stimulate the appetite. This wine is given to drink warmed up on an empty stomach: this is the most useful medicine for such patients, unless, of course, they have diarrhea. In this case, they should avoid all wine, because astringent wine increases their gluttony, and bitter wine increases laxity. The food they are fed should be fatty and hot in nature, such as dishes flavored with melted camel lard; Olive oil benefits them if it is free of astringency and acidity; Soup with dumplings is also good for them. Among the foods that should be fed to such patients is fried egg yolk; it is given after the meal. Such people should avoid sour and tart foods. They are prescribed fragrant juvarishn, for example, Khuzistan juvarishn or juvarishn, to which narmishk is added, especially if they are weakened. Medicines for rubbing that are useful for them include musk and incense; we also tried giving pistachios on an empty stomach for several days.

As for the “dog’s” appetite due to the weakness of the restraining force, although this force weakens mostly from cold, sometimes it, like any other force, weakens with any disorder of nature. One should not pay attention to the words of those who deny this and consider it erroneous, but on the contrary, one should check what the nature is and oppose it with an opposing treatment. In the vast majority of cases this happens in the presence of moisture; Khuzistan juvarishn helps such patients a lot. If the nature is very weak, then lock it up: locking up the nature is a powerful remedy against this disease. Those who have this happen after fevers and bowel movements should be fed food that cleanses the mouth of the stomach, that is, fatty foods that are not bad in substance, for example, almond butter with sugar, although they thicken the outer integument of the body. “Canine” appetite, which arises from strong dissolution of juices, is also treated. Those suffering from this type of “dog” appetite should not be offered intoxicating foods and wines; on the contrary, they should be fed with cold dishes and anointed externally with substances that clog the pores, for example, oil of myrtle, especially in the form of a waxy ointment, or alum dissolved in vinegar. They are also prescribed ablutions with cold water, unless there are obstacles to this.

Their food should be cold, viscous and rough food, for example, offal, marinades, sour seasonings, as well as jellies and unleavened bread. Those who benefit from such a regime should abandon it gradually, little by little, and correct its harm. The same should be done by someone whose “dog” appetite comes from loosening the body. If the cause of this is worms and snakes, then you must kill them and remove them using the means that we mentioned in the paragraph on worms. Such patients should be fed with rough, cold dishes, bread soaked in cold water or rose water, as well as boiled meat of roosters and chickens and the same fish, and give them astringent fruits. If the cause of the "dog's" appetite is sour mucus, then the patient should take food that includes satar, mustard and pepper; it should be fed with honey, garlic, onions, nuts, almonds and fats, such as fat from chickens and other birds. The purpose of using some of these products is to warm up. These include the hot medicines mentioned, and other remedies tend to moderate the acid; these include the mentioned fatty foods.

Strong patients who tolerate laxation well are given laxative iyarajas, strengthened by what is usually used to strengthen them, after taking the mentioned thinning drugs, and then given fats. As for children, after thinning their juices, for example, with onions, garlic and thinning dishes, they should be constantly given hot water after applying the thinning regime, because this washes out harmful juices. When the cause is constantly pouring out black bile, it is often necessary to bleed from the left basil, if such patients have a lot of blood and, due to its abundance, a lot of black bile is deposited from it, and the spleen swells from this. When defecating such patients, they use the remedies prescribed in the “Canon” and prohibit them from sour and astringent foods; Sometimes they benefit from cupping on the spleen area. As for the type of “dog” appetite that comes from warmth, it is treated with means that are already known to you, and such patients are given substances that increase warmth, as well as kissa, melon, pumpkin, etc.; they should avoid the heat.