Why are there large pores on the face?

The type of facial skin determines the basic rules of care. There is one problem that women of all age groups have - enlarged pores on the face. This cosmetic defect is most often a sign of oily and combination skin types, and is located on the skin of the nose, forehead and chin. It is necessary to combat enlarged pores on the face, especially since in our time there are a huge number of special cosmetics, salon procedures and folk remedies for this.


Enlarged pores on the face not only have an unattractive appearance, but also promote the growth of bacteria, which, in turn, causes acne. If you ignore enlarged pores, then over time they increase in size, then blackheads and pimples appear, the skin becomes “greasy” and “blackheads” form. Therefore, it is necessary to combat such a deficiency at an early stage.

Most often, enlarged pores on the face are companions of girls during puberty and are accompanied by an inflammatory process. If there are problems in the gynecological area or in the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation may be more acute. Enlarged pores often disappear with age, but there are cases when they continue to spoil life for even a single year.

Causes of enlarged pores on the face.
In fact, there are plenty of reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores on the face. Their occurrence can be facilitated by genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, sunburn and dehydration, neglect or improper implementation of the procedure for cleansing the skin of impurities and dead cells, the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, improper use and selection of decorative cosmetics, poor diet, bad habits, constant stress in conditions of modern life and many other factors. For example, due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the process of collagen production in the skin is disrupted, which leads to enlarged pores.

But, of course, a common cause of this cosmetic defect is the incorrect use of cosmetics or their irregular use.

Treatment of enlarged pores.
Enlarged pores on the face can be eliminated using a peeling procedure, thanks to which, as a result of cleaning the skin epithelium, all irregularities on its surface are leveled out, including fine wrinkles, and the facial skin looks renewed. During this procedure, the keratinized layer of cells is removed, which stimulates skin regeneration processes, resulting in increased elasticity.

Chemical peels, in particular using trichloroacetic acid - TCA, help tighten pores and improve skin condition. Thanks to modern technologies and qualified specialists, this type of peeling is easily tolerated even by people with sensitive skin types. During this procedure, dead cells are removed and substances actively penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

Glycolic peeling is also effective in combating enlarged pores on the face. This procedure also tightens pores, exfoliates the surface of the skin, and is carried out using a solution of glycolic acid.

Enzyme peeling is also a type of superficial peel that also helps tighten pores and cleanse the skin. Enzyme peeling contains special enzymes (bromelain, trypsin and papain) that cleanse the contents of pores and help smooth out skin turgor.

The most effective procedure performed in salons is microdermabrasion, which tightens pores, eliminates fine wrinkles and cleanses the skin of the stratum corneum of dead cells. When performing microdermabrasion, a special scrub with the addition of solid microparticles is used. This procedure, provided it is performed in a salon by a professional cosmetologist, can stimulate collagen production. A course of two to three procedures is considered optimal.

Cryotherapy today is a fairly popular procedure in cosmetology. It helps activate metabolism, improves well-being and appearance in general, including the condition of pores: noticeable lightening of the skin occurs, sebum production decreases, acne disappears. Cryomassage using liquid nitrogen is considered a popular and most beneficial cryotherapy procedure.

Exposure of the skin to high-frequency currents carried out using ultrasound (darsonvalization) can solve many skin problems, in particular eliminate comedones and acne, and significantly improve the color and structure of the skin. Today, devices have appeared on the market that allow this procedure to be carried out at home.

Laser facial cleansing is also a popular procedure for treating enlarged pores in beauty salons. In addition, this procedure eliminates pigment spots, the effects of acne in the form of scars, wrinkles, visibly tightens and tones the skin, promotes the production of collagen and elastin.

Scrubs can be used to deeply cleanse the skin, since they contain tiny granules, which effectively cleanse the skin pores and improve blood supply. After this procedure, the face should be washed with cold water or wiped with ice cubes, which is one of the ways to narrow pores. However, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. For women who have visible capillary mesh on their face, this procedure is not suitable.

When using scrubs, special care should be taken, since skin with enlarged pores can be easily injured by large particles that may be contained in scrubs, which can have the opposite effect, and the pores will become even larger. Therefore, to avoid troubles, you should choose special scrubs that are designed to cleanse skin with enlarged pores. After cleansing the skin, use a toner.

Other cosmetics for enlarged pores.
The cosmetics market offers a huge selection of skin care products for enlarged pores: cleansing gels, milks containing essential oils and plant extracts (lemon, chamomile, basil, orange, cloves, aloe, iris, grapefruit).

Your daily facial moisturizer should also be something that helps reduce pores. This kind of cosmetics should contain antimicrobial and astringent components, such as algae, cinnamon, ginger, burnet. People with enlarged pores on their face simply need to use a toner or lotion every day. They help narrow pores after cleansing. It is best to give preference to high-quality cosmetics. Pore-tightening tonics contain astringent components: extracts of birch, calendula, lemon, hawthorn, rosemary. And if the lotion contains zinc oxide, then with its help you can not only narrow the pores of the skin, but also remove excess sebum. After toner, apply a daily moisturizing and protective cream to the skin, which nourishes and smoothes the skin.

It is best if the tonic that tightens the pores of the skin contains the following components: salicylic and glycolic acids, zinc, witch hazel, glycasil, copper. Excellent cosmetics that tighten skin pores, reduce sebaceous gland secretions and tone the skin are cosmetics with Dead Sea minerals and plant extracts. It contains vitamins A and E that are necessary for the skin. In addition, such cosmetics provide a lifting effect.

Folk remedies for enlarged pores on the face.
Masks with a narrowing effect can be prepared independently at home, according to traditional medicine recipes.

Almond mask with herbs to tighten pores.
Take a tablespoon of chopped almonds and pour hot herbal infusion (1/4 cup) over it, add a teaspoon of flour and half a teaspoon of honey. Stir well until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Apply the resulting mass to your face, and after thirty minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water. The herbal decoction is prepared as follows: take two tablespoons of herbal infusion (elderberry, linden, chamomile flowers, pine shoots) and pour a glass of boiling water.

An astringent mask to tighten pores.
Pour one tablespoon of linden flowers into half a glass of boiling water and put on fire. Once a thick mass has formed, remove from heat. The resulting mixture should be applied in a thick layer to the facial skin while warm for oily skin, and after cooling - to dry and normal skin. After 15-20 minutes, wipe your face with a dry cotton pad and rinse with cool water. In the case of dry and normal skin, after such a mask the skin should be lubricated with a rich cream.

Clay mask to tighten pores.
Cosmetic clay has long been famous for its properties, including its ability to tighten pores. It is effectively used in the form of masks. It absorbs sebum and impurities, and also tones the skin. In addition, clay has a bactericidal effect on the skin.

To tighten pores, you can use rose water; it helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Masking enlarged pores on the face.
Applying a thick layer of foundation will not hide skin imperfections, but will only make them more obvious. In this case, for enlarged pores, it is recommended to use makeup bases with silicone polymers, which have a mattifying effect and perfectly smooth out unevenness on the skin. Preference should be given to a light-based foundation with reflective particles. In areas where pores are pronounced, a concealer (concealer) should be used. You should not use powder frequently during the day to eliminate oily shine. An alternative would be to use matting wipes. In hot weather, it is effective to spray thermal water over your makeup to refresh your face.

How to prevent the appearance of enlarged pores?
Everyone knows that it is better to prevent a problem from occurring than to solve it. Therefore, in this case, in order to avoid enlarged pores, you should only carry out cleansing and moisturizing procedures on time, use mild scrubs and products to regulate the secretion of sebum. You should use cool water to wash your face, as hot water causes pores to expand. It is especially important to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight by using cosmetics specifically designed for this purpose. In addition, the decorative cosmetics used must be of high quality. And lastly, you need to monitor your diet, which should include more fresh fruits, vegetables, salads and plenty of liquid (water, green tea, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices).

The maximum program for those with enlarged pores is to make them invisible once and for all. And here questions arise: how to choose cosmetics suitable for such a purpose, and does it exist in principle? Let's try to figure it out right now.

  1. Why are pores enlarged?
  2. Steps to care for skin with large pores
  3. How to narrow pores: cosmetic procedures
  4. Useful tips for those with skin with enlarged pores
  5. Prevention

Why are pores enlarged?

So, what could be the cause of enlarged pore size?

Skin type

Oily and combination skin is usually characterized by more pronounced pores, this is caused by the need to bring more products of the glands to the surface.


It has been proven that pore size is determined genetically, and genetics, as we know, is a stubborn thing. So if heredity is to blame, prepare for careful skin care. If your skin is problematic or prone to oiliness, you need to act in two stages:

get rid of excess sebum that accumulates in the pores;

exfoliate dead cells in the “risk zone”.

Usually those with oily skin have wide pores © IMG


Another reason for enlarged pores is hormonal imbalance. Garnier brand expert Marina Kamanina believes: “A healthy glow of the skin means that sex hormones are functioning normally. But an unnatural oily sheen may indicate that the sebaceous glands are sensitive to the male hormone testosterone, which stimulates sebum production.”

Steps to care for skin with large pores

If you want to reduce the size of your pores and maintain this effect, you will need to regularly use special cosmetics. But what the pores will definitely thank you for is delicate exfoliation and good cleansing.


In the morning, use a cleansing gel labeled “to tighten pores.” These products usually contain ingredients that get rid of dead skin cells and ingredients with known anti-inflammatory properties to prevent breakouts. Do not overuse scrubs, peelings and cleansing masks.

You can't reduce pore size forever, but you can correct it for a while © IMG


Even if you have oily skin, don't ignore moisturizer. It restores the hydrolipid barrier and protects the skin throughout the day.

For dehydrated skin, stock up on products with glycolic and hyaluronic acids. This combination will provide both exfoliation and hydration.

Those with problem skin should pay attention to acne-fighting products. But first, discuss your treatment program with your dermatologist.

Regardless of your skin type, be sure to use mattifying wipes throughout the day to remove dirt and excess oil from the surface of the epidermis. Special sprays to tighten pores (for example, Serozinc by La Roche-Posay), which can be applied directly at the workplace.

Care cream

When choosing a cream, read its composition. Formulas with caffeine, for example, help tighten pores.

Cosmetic procedures will help temporarily narrow pores © IMG

How to narrow pores: cosmetic procedures

Do not squeeze out the contents of the pores yourself - this will only stretch and injure the skin. Contact a cosmetologist.

Most likely, the first procedure that a cosmetologist will recommend will be classic mechanical cleaning. It begins with cleansing and exfoliation using cosmetics, followed by steaming, and only after that the cosmetologist begins to clean the pores using special tools.

The effect of laser radiation is effective not only with wide pores. This type of polishing generally helps to even out the texture of the skin and get rid of post-acne scars. It is better to carry out such procedures in the autumn-winter period.

Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

“Cold massage” is performed using a device that delivers liquid nitrogen to the skin under high pressure. As a result, blood flow improves and metabolic processes in the skin are activated. Along with enlarged pores, indications for cryomassage include acne, inflammation and loss of skin tone.

This physiotherapeutic method affects the pores with high-frequency electric current pulses. The procedure normalizes blood circulation, accelerates the process of cell regeneration, and also stimulates the production of its own hyaluronic acid.

Useful tips for those with skin with enlarged pores

Below is a list of products that will help keep your pores clean and also reduce their diameter for a while.

Products for narrowing pores

Cleanses and visibly tightens pores, eliminates oily shine.

The key word in the functionality of this tool is “reduction”. In addition to pore size, the concentrate reduces wrinkles, loss of tone and elasticity of the facial skin.

Product name Action Components
glycolic and salicylic acids, glycerin, Vichy thermal water
Exactly 170 elastic bristles and a formula containing antibacterial components gently cleanse the skin and fight skin problems. salicylic acid 2% and phytocomplex
Gently removes dead skin cells from the skin surface. Instant results: smooth skin and noticeable tightening of pores. three types of clay (kaolin, ghassoul, montmorillonite), red algae extract
yeast extract, geranium essential oil
Mask that cleanses pores and gives radiance to the skin Skin Best Wonder Mud, Biotherm Tightens and cleanses pores, gives the skin radiance and makes it velvety. green algae extract, Moroccan clay

Healthy lifestyle

It's no secret that lifestyle affects the condition of facial skin in general and its pores in particular. Three important conditions that must be observed if you want to improve the situation: giving up bad habits (let’s break up with them, period), proper nutrition, and physical activity.

Proper nutrition

Dermatologists do not insist, but recommend that women with large pores reconsider their diet. Fatty and fried foods, as well as fast food, provoke excessive sebum production and, consequently, enlarged pores.

When planning your menu, try to include more fruits, vegetables, nuts and vegetable oils, as well as fish - it is rich in omega polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Once every two weeks, arrange fasting or detox days for yourself, but before that, consult a nutritionist.

Skin with large pores needs hydration © IMG

Physical activity

The more often you spend time outdoors, the more oxygen your skin will receive. This means that the sooner you will get rid of the dull gray tint and imperfections. In order not to waste time, go for a walk with Nordic walking poles - at the same time you will tone your figure, pump up your muscles, and lose a couple of extra pounds.


Choose a day cream based on your skin type. For those with oily skin, water-based products are recommended.

Pay attention to the texture of the cosmetics you use. The denser it is, the higher the likelihood that the pores will not be happy with it.

When applying the cream, use moderation: if you have clogged or enlarged pores, use a little less product than usual.

Beautiful skin on the face is the key to beauty and self-confidence. After all, even if a pimple appears on the cheek or forehead, it already seems to us that the appearance is completely ruined. To prevent various types of rashes, it is necessary to regularly cleanse your face using various peelings, make moisturizing masks, and use nourishing creams. But any facial cleansing is impossible without opening the pores, otherwise it will have no effect. Therefore, first, using steaming, you need to expand the pores so that cleansing benefits your skin. But it happens that there are always enlarged pores on the face, how to get rid of this problem? After all, in this way various microbes penetrate the skin, subsequently leading to unwanted rashes (acne, pimples and other redness).

Most often, such problems with the epidermis occur in those who have oily skin types. but they can increase not only due to a hereditary factor, but also due to improper care, dehydration, or a reaction to certain cosmetics. In any case, enlarged pores on the face are a problem, it needs to be solved, and they must be narrowed accordingly using various masks and other methods, which will be discussed in this article.

About the reasons

Before considering narrowing methods, it is worth considering the causes of this skin phenomenon.

  1. Most often, pore enlargement occurs during hormonal changes in adolescence, then they either return to normal or become firmly established in this state. The cause may be a genetic predisposition.
  2. People who smoke or drink frequently have many skin problems. Usually these are pimples or blackheads. Therefore, when thinking about why the pores on your face are enlarged, remember whether you often drink alcohol or smoke.
  3. Nutrition plays an important role in the formation of problematic skin type. Fatty foods mean oily skin. If you abuse junk food (we are talking about baked goods, fast food, smoked meats), then do not be surprised that your face will become an excellent canvas for various rashes, as it will literally begin to absorb all the dirt and germs.
  4. Stress and nervous disorders are one of the causes of almost all diseases. And don’t think that constant tension won’t affect your skin. People become covered not only with acne, but even with hives due to nervousness.
  5. If your immune system is not okay, then this can also cause enlargement of pores on the nose and cheeks.
  6. Too much exposure to the sun (in tanning salons or on beaches) is harmful to the skin, and leads to enlarged pores.
  7. Incorrectly selected facial care products or low-quality cosmetics negatively affect the epidermis, resulting in acne.
  8. Gastrointestinal diseases is also an important factor in the occurrence of skin problems.
  9. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland plays an important role in this problem.

If you suspect any disease, be sure to consult a doctor, because only by eliminating the cause can you get rid of the problem.

About treatment: what masks will help narrow the pores on the face?

You can solve the problem with enlarged pores at home by making special masks from those products that you can easily find in the refrigerator.

  1. Tomato mask. This product will not only cope with the main task, namely, narrowing pores, but after using this mask, your complexion will improve significantly. Take one small tomato, cut it, remove the seeds, make a paste out of it (using a blender or by hand), then spread it on your face, wait about ten minutes, then wash with warm water. If you have dry skin, you can add yogurt to the tomato pulp.
  2. What if there are no tomatoes in the refrigerator, but only a box of tomato juice? This is also an excellent remedy for enlarged pores on the face. This, one might say, is a ready-made tomato paste. You simply lubricate the problem areas of your face with it and wait about twenty minutes, then wash your face.
  3. In addition to tomato juice, you can also use orange juice. Just add one egg white to a quarter glass of juice, mix everything well and add to problem areas on your face, wait about fifteen minutes and wash.
  4. Egg whites are good not only with orange juice, but also with lemon juice.Just add a few drops of lemon juice to the protein, then you will need to beat the protein until foamy and anoint your face. The mask should dry, after which you will need to wash it off with warm water.
  5. You can add white clay, a little green tea and aloe juice to lemon juice. This face mask should be kept on for at least half an hour. It will relieve you of enlarged pores.
  6. Regular baking soda which is undoubtedly present in every kitchen, will serve you as an excellent and very effective remedy for skin problems. Baking soda will not only help you remove large pores on your face, but will also remove dead cells from the epidermis, and also remove all impurities. Add soda to the water (two tablespoons will be enough), then apply this paste mixture to problem areas of the face using massage movements for about a minute, then rinse everything off with cool water. After a week of this simple procedure, you will notice how the condition of your skin has improved.
  7. If the pores are very enlarged, a gelatin mask can help. Just take dry gelatin; it will be enough to pour one tablespoon of it into a cup. After this, you will need to pour it with two tablespoons of milk (make sure that it is slightly warm, not just from the refrigerator), then leave it on the table for about ten minutes, then heat the mixture in the microwave for about fifteen to twenty seconds. Gently spread the warm gelatin mask over the surface of your face and wait about fifteen minutes. During this time, the mask will dry, and you can carefully remove the resulting film. If you can’t remove it completely, just wash it with warm water.
  8. You can reduce enlarged pores on your face with the help of nuts. How? Almonds need to be thoroughly crushed, brought to a paste using water, applied to the face, wait half an hour and rinse with cool water. Every day, such a simple mask will help your skin shine with health.

Enlarged pores: a few more tips

  1. In addition to masks and peeling, enlarged pores can be treated in other ways. An ordinary ice cube narrows them well. You can wipe your face with it every day, also making cubes from herbal infusions (chamomile, St. John's wort). To do this, you will need to pour these infusions into special molds and leave them in the freezer. With this simple method, you will see your face become fresh, rested and healthy.
  2. With the help of homemade masks you can get rid of problems with the epidermis, but if this method does not suit you, then you can use special creams for enlarged pores, tonics, scrubs, lotions. You can find suitable products at the pharmacy.
  3. Salon procedures can also help in this situation. Cosmetologists perform special microdermabrasion; this procedure helps get rid of enlarged pores on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead. You can say that this is exfoliation, only in a professional setting.
  4. Remember to eat healthy. Be sure to remember to eat fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.
  5. If it's too sunny outside or you're going to spend time at the beach – don’t forget about protective cream.
  6. Use anti-aging cosmetics because when the skin ages, it causes enlarged pores.

So, we told you what to do if you have problems with the epidermis, how to deal with imperfections and take care of yourself. Remember that a healthy lifestyle and caring cosmetics are the right tandem in the fight for beautiful facial skin!