Why do lips become dry?

Chapped lips, dry and painful, abundantly covered with small wounds, from which blood seeps out from time to time - many have probably encountered this unpleasant problem. It causes not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physical discomfort, because it is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Dry skin indicates either improper care or pathological processes occurring in the body. If you pay attention to this symptom in time, you can not only restore beauty and health to your lips, but also prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

The skin of the lips is very delicate and sensitive, subtly reacts to weather conditions, mechanical damage, lack of moisture and beneficial elements in the body. For various reasons, dryness, peeling, cracks and wounds may appear. If you do not pay attention to these signs in time, there is a risk of developing an infection due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, lips can crack and dry out due to various systemic pathologies.

Causes of dry lips

The skin of the lips can dry out when the weather outside changes, it becomes too hot, windy, frosty. The culprit of dryness is sometimes a low level of air humidity in the room. In some cases, the problem is associated with dysfunction of internal organs. It is very important to establish why lips dry and crack in order to eliminate the cause in time, improve the condition of delicate skin, and prevent the development of dangerous consequences.

Diseases of the lips in medicine are called cheilitis. Dryness is just one symptom. Peeling, redness, a red, painful edge, damage to the integrity of the skin may also occur, which is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, weakness, and increased fatigue.

Dry lips can be a sign of the following diseases:

  1. pathologies of the digestive system;
  2. dehydration of the body;
  3. constant stress, depression;
  4. avitaminosis;
  5. anemia;
  6. kidney disease;
  7. diabetes;
  8. dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  9. tendency to allergic reactions;
  10. inflammatory processes.

Another reason for severe dry lips is poor diet and consumption of foods that help remove fluid from the body. Girls may not even suspect that smoking, excess caffeine-containing drinks, or eating hot, spicy, salty foods could trigger the problem.

Dry corners of the lips are a clear sign of a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Vitamin deficiency or hypervitaminosis affects the condition of the skin; it can dry out, become flabby, and inelastic. Before starting treatment, the cause of the disease should be determined. There are usually two of them. The first is the supply of microelements in insufficient quantities, the second is a violation of its digestibility.

  1. Vitamin A or retinol. A deficiency of this substance is manifested by the following symptoms: sagging skin, loss of firmness and elasticity, dry lips. You can make up for the deficiency at home with the help of a properly formulated diet, which includes carrots, egg whites, and animal fats.
  2. Vitamin E or tocopherol is responsible for regulating water balance in the skin. If it does not enter the body, the skin in the corners of the lips becomes dry and rough. The trace element is found in avocados and vegetable oils.
  3. B vitamins take part in metabolic processes occurring in the cells of the dermis. Primary symptoms of a lack of these substances include chapped lips, inflammation, and the appearance of skin rashes.
  4. Vitamin C is very important for maintaining healthy skin. If it is not enough, collagen synthesis is disrupted. Externally, this manifests itself as dry lip skin, pallor, and loss of elasticity. The trace element is found in citrus fruits, sea buckthorn and other fruits.

Not only adults can experience signs of vitamin deficiency. If a child has very dry lips, it is necessary to examine him to determine the cause of this condition. Treatment of the disease in children has its own characteristics, so it is impossible to do without consulting a specialist.

What to do and how to treat it?

If your lips become dry and begin to crack, you need to do something urgently. This not only looks ugly, but also brings a lot of discomfort to a person. Dry skin becomes painful, rough, and small wounds appear on the surface that can bleed. It may be a sign of disease. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a doctor, taking a test to establish the cause, and making a diagnosis. What to do to eliminate dry lips?

  1. Cure the underlying disease. If the skin constantly dries out, this is most likely due to some pathological process in the body. Constantly dry lips in a child and an adult may indicate vitamin deficiency, dehydration, diseases of the digestive system and kidneys.
  2. Moisturizing and nutrition. For external effects, cosmetic oils should be used. They will saturate dry skin with useful microelements and fill cells with moisture.
  3. Protection. In children and adults, lips can dry out in winter under the influence of frost and wind. Before going outside, you need to apply special balms and lipsticks to your delicate skin.
  4. Massage. This method is great for preventing dry corners of the lips and the skin around them. You should rub the skin with gentle massage movements, after treating it with vegetable oil. The procedure stimulates local blood circulation and accelerates regeneration processes.
  5. Selection of cosmetics. Sponges may dry out due to the use of low-quality cosmetics. Some components of lipsticks, pencils, and glosses not only dry out the skin, but also contribute to allergic reactions, so you should not use cheap products from untested brands.

A proper, balanced diet plays an important role in healing lips and eliminating dryness. The daily diet should be enriched with vegetables and fruits, cereals, and dairy products. This approach will help not only remove dry lips in an adult or child at home, but also prevent the development of various diseases.

Home Recipes

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many means with which you can restore the beauty and health of your lip skin at home. They are used for moisturizing and nutrition, protection in winter from wind and frost, which are very drying. Making masks is very simple, and the effect of their use is amazing.

  1. Honey mask. To stop your lips from cracking, you should apply a little honey to them every evening, grind and massage.
  2. Curd mask. Mix fatty cottage cheese with carrot juice, apply to lips for 20 minutes, rinse.
  3. Sour cream mask. Sour cream must be mixed with a few drops of vegetable oil and lemon juice, applied to the sponges, and after 10 minutes rinsed with warm water.
  4. With Aevit. Puncture the capsule with a needle, squeeze the yellow contents onto your finger and apply to dry areas.

Such masks should be made at home at least twice a week to achieve a positive result. The advantages of such drugs include their availability, safety, absence of side effects and contraindications.

To keep your skin in excellent condition, you should avoid factors that can dry out your lips. It is necessary to use special means to protect them from cold, frost and wind. If this does not help, perhaps the reason lies in the occurrence of some disease. Are your child's lips constantly dry? It is better not to do anything without first consulting a specialist so as not to harm the baby’s health. You need to undergo an examination and identify the culprit of the problem, and only then begin treatment.


In the article we discuss dry lips. We talk about the causes of its appearance, symptoms and treatment methods. You will find out what causes this condition, what to do with tightness of the lips, what to smear them with, people’s reviews about therapy and necessary prevention.

Why do lips dry out?

Dryness and peeling of lips is an unpleasant cosmetic defect that causes constant discomfort. It makes it difficult to talk and laugh, and you have to constantly look for various means to mask the problem. But it is easier to cope with the disease if you know the main reasons for the development of dry lips. Here they are:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. poisoning;
  3. allergies to decorative cosmetics - long-lasting cosmetics (especially matte lipsticks) dry out the skin. With frequent use of such cosmetics, lips dry out, peel, and microcracks appear on them. For this reason, when choosing long-lasting lipsticks, pay attention to the composition of the product; it should contain vegetable oils, vitamins, animal fats, beeswax, etc.;
  4. use of inappropriate personal hygiene products;
  5. prolonged exposure to cold or hot air - frost, wind, sun rays have a detrimental effect on the condition of the dermis. Exposure to harsh weather conditions results in dry, chapped and chapped lips. This condition is due to the fact that during frost and wind, the skin becomes covered with small cracks, loses elasticity and its own supply of moisture. Under direct exposure to sunlight, the skin of the lips dries faster, flakes and ages;
  6. nervous tension or regular stress;
  7. sensitive skin;
  8. taking hormonal medications;
  9. bad habits (alcohol and smoking) - smoking helps to reduce salivation, because of this the smoker often licks his lips, which disrupts their water-fat layer, as a result of which the lips become dry;
  10. frequent temperature changes;
  11. insufficient air humidity - most often this happens during the heating season, when the air in the room becomes drier and hotter;
  12. improper skin care - the use of cosmetics out of season, untimely removal and non-use of special cosmetics in the summer contribute to dry lips;
  13. consumption of hot drinks and dishes, as well as spices with an overly pungent taste - spices and boiling water provoke microburns of soft tissues, because of this they turn red, swell, after which they begin to itch and become covered with cracks;
  14. regular biting and licking of lips - when biting, microcracks appear on the lips, and during licking their water-lipid protective layer is disrupted.

Dry lips can be the cause of various ailments, including:

  1. Vitamin deficiency in the body - a lack of vitamins B2, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, tocopherol and retinol can cause dryness, peeling and cracks on the lips.
  2. Cheilitis - this pathology affects both the lips themselves and the area around the lips and corners of the lips, the mucous membrane. A sign of the disease is peeling, the appearance of small crusts and wounds. This makes it difficult for the patient to eat, drink water and talk.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism).
  4. Fungal infection - as a rule, the cause of inflammation of the dermis around the mouth is the fungus Candida Ablicans. This microorganism provokes peeling of the lip borders and the formation of microwounds in the corners of the lips.
  5. Herpes - the presence of herpes simplex virus type 1 in the human body manifests itself in the form of dry lips, itching, and the appearance of bubbles with liquid on their surface.
  6. Low hemoglobin level - manifests itself in the form of cracks in the corners of the lips.
  7. Psoriasis - when the area around the mouth peels, itching and pain occur.
  8. Dehydration – Dry lips are a symptom of not drinking enough water.
  9. Malfunction of the sebaceous glands.
  10. Ichthyosis.
  11. Kidney failure.
  12. Infectious processes in the body.

Prolonged dryness of the lips causes cracking and the development of erosions in the corners of the lips, which greatly deteriorates the quality of life. This symptom can cause a serious illness, so you should not self-medicate. Consult your doctor for help so that he can identify the exact cause of dry lips and prescribe adequate treatment.

Causes of dry lips in newborns and older children

Dry lips in a newborn bring a lot of inconvenience to both the child and his parents. Due to the fact that the baby cannot yet explain why he is experiencing discomfort, parents cannot provide the necessary treatment in a timely manner.

The main causes of peeling and dry lips in newborns and older children include:

  1. atopic dermatitis - accompanied by peeling, itching and redness of the dermis in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Also, small wounds and cracks may be observed on the lips;
  2. licking lips;
  3. increased body temperature;
  4. nasal congestion - due to the inability to breathe through the nose, the child does this through the mouth, as a result of which the lips become chapped and dry;
  5. dehydration;
  6. exposure to low or high temperatures.


Symptoms of dry lips

The clinical picture of dry lips is as follows:

  1. peeling;
  2. itching;
  3. burning lips;
  4. local increase in temperature;
  5. intense redness;
  6. seizures in the corners of the lips;
  7. formation of cracks around the lips and on the lips;
  8. bleeding.

The use of ointments, creams and various pharmaceutical drugs to eliminate the disease without identifying the true cause of this condition can lead to complications. For this reason, it is important not to self-medicate, but to first consult with a doctor.

If certain pathological processes occur in the body, then additional symptoms may be accompanied by the following signs:

  1. signs of general intoxication of the body;
  2. problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. weakness and fatigue;
  4. yellowness of the skin;
  5. low-grade fever.

In case of skin diseases, dry lips are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. increased susceptibility to external stimuli;
  2. peeling of the skin around the lips;
  3. burning;
  4. formation of acne, flaky spots;
  5. brittleness of nails and hair;
  6. itching;
  7. local increase in temperature;
  8. dryness of the dermis.

In the case of infectious processes in the body, signs may include general intoxication of the body and a rash on the dermis. In this case, self-medication is prohibited!


Only a specialist after an examination can tell you how to get rid of dry lips. Diagnostic measures consist of the following stages:

  1. passing a general urine test;
  2. examination of the patient;
  3. ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  4. immunogram;
  5. biochemical, general blood test;
  6. allergy diagnostics;
  7. Conducting gastroenterological studies in the presence of typical symptoms.

The exact diagnostic program depends on each specific case. Sometimes it can be supplemented with other analyzes described above, or reduced to several studies.



When the main cause of dry lips is identified, appropriate basic therapy is carried out. If a cosmetic defect is caused by weather conditions, inappropriate cosmetics, an allergic reaction or hypovitaminosis, then therapy includes the following measures:

  1. elimination of the provoking factor - stopping the use of inappropriate cosmetics, reducing the amount of time spent outside in inappropriate weather;
  2. taking multivitamins;
  3. the use of topical medications to eliminate the symptoms of the disease - ointment for cracks (for example, Bepanten, you can buy it at the pharmacy), lotions;
  4. proper nutrition;
  5. taking sedative medications, avoiding stress;
  6. minimizing nervous tension.

If dry lips are caused by overly sensitive skin, then in this case you will need the help of a dermatologist or cosmetologist who will select the optimal cosmetic products to care for this skin type. In windy and cold weather, it is necessary to use hygienic lipstick.

It is important to understand that therapy must be comprehensive. Using one or more local remedies will not get rid of the problem; you also need to change your diet and be less nervous.

Folk remedies for dry lips

Traditional medicine offers various masks and scrubs to eliminate dryness. Here they are:

  1. Honey-coffee scrub - mix a small amount of coffee grounds with honey, apply the resulting mixture to the surface of your lips. Massage lightly, then remove with a cotton pad and apply moisturizer.
  2. Honey - Apply the product to the surface of your lips, after a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water. Honey moisturizes the skin well, relieves burning, and has a disinfecting effect.
  3. Vegetable oils - It is best to use olive or sea buckthorn. Lubricate your lips with a small amount of oil and wait until completely absorbed. The use of sea buckthorn oil promotes rapid restoration of the dermis.
  4. Honey and sour cream mask - mix sour cream and honey in equal quantities. Apply the resulting composition to your lips. After 15 minutes, rinse off and apply a moisturizer.

You need to make such masks at least 2 times a week to get a positive result.

Helpful for dry lips massage with a soft toothbrush. It will replace a scrub, remove dead skin particles and improve blood circulation. The massage should be performed with a brush previously soaked in water.


Experts recommend following these rules to avoid dry lips:

  1. apply hygienic lipstick, especially in autumn and winter;
  2. visit your doctor regularly to promptly treat infectious and inflammatory processes in the body;
  3. eat a balanced diet; your diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins;
  4. use only high-quality cosmetics and in season;
  5. do not lick your lips, especially when you are outside;
  6. do not eat too hot or very cold foods;
  7. Don’t be lazy, before going to bed, remove any remaining makeup using special cosmetics;
  8. promptly treat caries and other oral diseases;
  9. maintain optimal humidity in the room;
  10. drink enough water to avoid dehydration
  11. take courses of multivitamins.


Below are reviews from people who have used various products to deal with dry lips. Check out their experience, maybe it will be useful for you.

Margarita, 29 years old

In winter, my lips often dry out due to the wind, and in summer - due to frequent exposure to direct sunlight. I consulted a specialist several times, but no health problems were identified. Now I carefully select lipstick for winter and cosmetic care products for spring and summer. Hygienic lipstick with vitamins has always proven to be more effective.

Alexandra, 24 years old

Dry lips are a cosmetic problem that I have been trying to solve for over 2 years. I visited doctors, they identified infectious processes in my body, and cured them. Now I use folk remedies to eliminate dry lips, my favorite is a mask with sour cream and carrot juice. I also regularly visit a doctor for timely treatment of emerging diseases.

Victoria, 40 years old

For dry lips I use Bepanten ointment and Vaseline. These products have never let me down yet. They eliminate dry lips quickly and effectively, I am satisfied.

Dry lips are a cosmetic problem that must be treated. Be sure to contact a specialist to identify the cause of this condition, and then use traditional and traditional medicine for treatment. Eat right and worry less, and then your lips will always be attractive and healthy!

Video: Why are your lips dry?


Environmental effects on the skin of the lips

Dry skin on the lips primarily occurs, as a rule, due to exposure to certain environmental factors. Windy weather, sun rays, low air temperatures - all this can cause discomfort on the lips. The skin constantly dries, peels and even cracks.

In some cases, dry lips can be caused by a person's personal habits, such as biting or frequent licking. In addition, you yourself can harm the skin on your lips by drinking too hot or cold drinks, as well as food.

Dry lips as a symptom of disease

Dry lips can be caused by certain changes in the human body. First of all, the skin, including the lips, suffers from a lack of fluid, which in medicine is referred to as “dehydration.” The norm is to drink at least two liters of water per day. Otherwise, problems may arise not only with the lips, but also with the skin on other parts of the body. For example, on the hands and face.

If you notice that the skin on your lips often dries out, then you should pay attention to your diet. The fact is that such a sign may indicate a lack of vitamins of categories A, B, C, D and E in the body. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, supplement your usual diet with special fortified supplements.

Allergies can even arise from the cutlery you use. For example, for nickel, which is part of the metal used to make forks and spoons.

Dry lips can be a symptom of certain oral diseases, such as periodontal abscess. It is almost impossible to get rid of such a disease on your own. In this case, you should visit the dental office as soon as possible to eliminate this manifestation.

Dry lip skin is caused not only by poor oral hygiene, but also by the use of low-quality toothpaste. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a component that can not only cause changes in the skin on the lips, but also cause a serious disease - perioral dermatitis.

Dry lips may be a consequence of your chosen profession. For example, musicians who play wind instruments most often suffer from this manifestation.

Dry lips and allergic reactions

The skin on the lips may peel and crack due to an allergic reaction. In this case, it is better to undergo a course of examination by a specialist and identify the irritant. Allergies can be caused by individual foods or environmental elements - dust, animal dander, pollen. Most often, dry lip skin occurs after excessive use of antibiotics.

If women's lips become dry, cosmetic products may be the cause. This does not always mean allergies. Lipstick from different manufacturers contains different components. Each person may experience incompatibility with one or another element. Propyl gallate is a substance that most often causes discomfort and causes allergies.

In the cold season, it is better to give preference to those lipsticks that contain balms and moisturizers. At the first signs of dry lips, try changing the cosmetic product, and if the symptoms do not disappear, then the cause should be identified in your lifestyle or health.