Why do pores appear on the face?

Beautiful skin on the face is the key to beauty and self-confidence. After all, even if a pimple appears on the cheek or forehead, it already seems to us that the appearance is completely ruined. To prevent various types of rashes, it is necessary to regularly cleanse your face using various peelings, make moisturizing masks, and use nourishing creams. But any facial cleansing is impossible without opening the pores, otherwise it will have no effect. Therefore, first, using steaming, you need to expand the pores so that cleansing benefits your skin. But it happens that there are always enlarged pores on the face, how to get rid of this problem? After all, in this way various microbes penetrate the skin, subsequently leading to unwanted rashes (acne, pimples and other redness).

Most often, such problems with the epidermis occur in those who have oily skin types. but they can increase not only due to a hereditary factor, but also due to improper care, dehydration, or a reaction to certain cosmetics. In any case, enlarged pores on the face are a problem, it needs to be solved, and they must be narrowed accordingly using various masks and other methods, which will be discussed in this article.

About the reasons

Before considering narrowing methods, it is worth considering the causes of this skin phenomenon.

  1. Most often, pore enlargement occurs during hormonal changes in adolescence, then they either return to normal or become firmly established in this state. The cause may be a genetic predisposition.
  2. People who smoke or drink frequently have many skin problems. Usually these are pimples or blackheads. Therefore, when thinking about why the pores on your face are enlarged, remember whether you often drink alcohol or smoke.
  3. Nutrition plays an important role in the formation of problematic skin type. Fatty foods mean oily skin. If you abuse junk food (we are talking about baked goods, fast food, smoked meats), then do not be surprised that your face will become an excellent canvas for various rashes, as it will literally begin to absorb all the dirt and germs.
  4. Stress and nervous disorders are one of the causes of almost all diseases. And don’t think that constant tension won’t affect your skin. People become covered not only with acne, but even with hives due to nervousness.
  5. If your immune system is not okay, then this can also cause enlargement of pores on the nose and cheeks.
  6. Too much exposure to the sun (in tanning salons or on beaches) is harmful to the skin, and leads to enlarged pores.
  7. Incorrectly selected facial care products or low-quality cosmetics negatively affect the epidermis, resulting in acne.
  8. Gastrointestinal diseases is also an important factor in the occurrence of skin problems.
  9. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland plays an important role in this problem.

If you suspect any disease, be sure to consult a doctor, because only by eliminating the cause can you get rid of the problem.

About treatment: what masks will help narrow the pores on the face?

You can solve the problem with enlarged pores at home by making special masks from those products that you can easily find in the refrigerator.

  1. Tomato mask. This product will not only cope with the main task, namely, narrowing pores, but after using this mask, your complexion will improve significantly. Take one small tomato, cut it, remove the seeds, make a paste out of it (using a blender or by hand), then spread it on your face, wait about ten minutes, then wash with warm water. If you have dry skin, you can add yogurt to the tomato pulp.
  2. What if there are no tomatoes in the refrigerator, but only a box of tomato juice? This is also an excellent remedy for enlarged pores on the face. This, one might say, is a ready-made tomato paste. You simply lubricate the problem areas of your face with it and wait about twenty minutes, then wash your face.
  3. In addition to tomato juice, you can also use orange juice. Just add one egg white to a quarter glass of juice, mix everything well and add to problem areas on your face, wait about fifteen minutes and wash.
  4. Egg whites are good not only with orange juice, but also with lemon juice.Just add a few drops of lemon juice to the protein, then you will need to beat the protein until foamy and anoint your face. The mask should dry, after which you will need to wash it off with warm water.
  5. You can add white clay, a little green tea and aloe juice to lemon juice. This face mask should be kept on for at least half an hour. It will relieve you of enlarged pores.
  6. Regular baking soda which is undoubtedly present in every kitchen, will serve you as an excellent and very effective remedy for skin problems. Baking soda will not only help you remove large pores on your face, but will also remove dead cells from the epidermis, and also remove all impurities. Add soda to the water (two tablespoons will be enough), then apply this paste mixture to problem areas of the face using massage movements for about a minute, then rinse everything off with cool water. After a week of this simple procedure, you will notice how the condition of your skin has improved.
  7. If the pores are very enlarged, a gelatin mask can help. Just take dry gelatin; it will be enough to pour one tablespoon of it into a cup. After this, you will need to pour it with two tablespoons of milk (make sure that it is slightly warm, not just from the refrigerator), then leave it on the table for about ten minutes, then heat the mixture in the microwave for about fifteen to twenty seconds. Gently spread the warm gelatin mask over the surface of your face and wait about fifteen minutes. During this time, the mask will dry, and you can carefully remove the resulting film. If you can’t remove it completely, just wash it with warm water.
  8. You can reduce enlarged pores on your face with the help of nuts. How? Almonds need to be thoroughly crushed, brought to a paste using water, applied to the face, wait half an hour and rinse with cool water. Every day, such a simple mask will help your skin shine with health.

Enlarged pores: a few more tips

  1. In addition to masks and peeling, enlarged pores can be treated in other ways. An ordinary ice cube narrows them well. You can wipe your face with it every day, also making cubes from herbal infusions (chamomile, St. John's wort). To do this, you will need to pour these infusions into special molds and leave them in the freezer. With this simple method, you will see your face become fresh, rested and healthy.
  2. With the help of homemade masks you can get rid of problems with the epidermis, but if this method does not suit you, then you can use special creams for enlarged pores, tonics, scrubs, lotions. You can find suitable products at the pharmacy.
  3. Salon procedures can also help in this situation. Cosmetologists perform special microdermabrasion; this procedure helps get rid of enlarged pores on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead. You can say that this is exfoliation, only in a professional setting.
  4. Remember to eat healthy. Be sure to remember to eat fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.
  5. If it's too sunny outside or you're going to spend time at the beach – don’t forget about protective cream.
  6. Use anti-aging cosmetics because when the skin ages, it causes enlarged pores.

So, we told you what to do if you have problems with the epidermis, how to deal with imperfections and take care of yourself. Remember that a healthy lifestyle and caring cosmetics are the right tandem in the fight for beautiful facial skin!

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Where did these huge pores come from? To hide them, you have to be sophisticated in choosing a primer, foundation, powder, buy matting wipes, look in the mirror every hour, powder your nose, wash it all off in the evening, and repeat in the morning. On weekends, the heavy artillery comes into play: scrubs, masks, folk recipes, strips. However, to solve the problem of enlarged pores, you need to approach it comprehensively. And we'll tell you how.

Bright Side I figured out why pores look enlarged, what causes oily shine on the face, and collected recommendations on how to make pores smaller without wasting money on products that don’t work.

Where do enlarged pores come from and what to do about them?

The pores of the skin secrete an oily substance called sebum, or sebum. It is necessary to ensure that the skin does not dry out, is enriched with oxygen, and receives beneficial substances from cosmetics. If the skin produces too much sebum and does not receive proper care, the pores become clogged, become wider, and acne may appear.

The main reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores:

  1. Increased sebum production. This may be due to diet, stress, unprotected sun exposure, inappropriate skin care, and comedogenic (pore-clogging) cosmetics.
  2. Loss of elasticity. With age, collagen production decreases, the skin becomes less elastic, and pores look larger. Sun damage also leads to the destruction of collagen.
  3. Genetics. Scientists have found that Asian women's pores do not change much with age, but Indian women's pores become larger. We will not change genetics, but by changing the approach to care and nutrition, we will help the skin look better.

What can be done:

  1. reduce sebum production: review nutrition, skincare procedures and the composition of cosmetics;
  2. Protect your skin from collagen breakdown in the sun by using sunscreen every day;
  3. Stop enlarged pores with regular cleansing, moisturizing and non-comedogenic cosmetics (that is, those that do not clog or enlarge pores).

This approach will not change your skin type, but it will help make your pores as small and clear as possible.

Proper nutrition

If your face is shiny an hour after morning care, then perhaps your skin produces too much sebum.

What to do:

  1. Reducein the dietcarbohydrates: sugar, white bread, white rice - due to foods with a high glycemic index, the skin produces more sebum, pores become clogged, and acne may appear.
  2. Addin foodherbs and spices: cinnamon, oregano, cloves, ginger, garlic. They prevent processes that lead to skin aging and loss of elasticity.
  3. Drinkgreen tea: It contains polyphenols that reduce sebum production and help fight acne.
  4. Eat more fish and vegetables: they reduce the likelihood of acne.

Cleansing and moisturizing

Skin with enlarged pores should be cleansed and moisturized twice a day. Residues of cosmetics, dead skin particles and dirt clog pores, causing them to expand and cause acne to appear.

After cleansing the skin, it needs to be moisturized with a product that will protect from the sun, dirt, moisture loss and help maintain elasticity.

What to do:

  1. Use peelings, which contain salicylic acid (up to 1%), glycolic or lactic acid (2−5%), as they stimulate cellular regeneration and help pores stay clean.
  2. Do not use scrub: The abrasive particles can damage the skin and cause inflammation, which will make the pores look larger.
  3. Cleanse your face with gel, foaming products - they are more suitable for oily or combination skin than lotion or fluid.
  1. Do not wash with regular soap. The pH of soap is from 8 to 10, so it can destroy the skin's protective barrier, which will lead to increased sebum production. You can use products whose pH does not exceed 5.5.
  2. Additionally cleanse your face from 12:00 to 16:00 (of course, if there is such an opportunity). At this time, the skin produces sebum most actively, so we may notice an oily sheen in the middle of the day.
  3. Use sunscreen Because without it, collagen fibers are destroyed, the skin becomes less elastic and pores become more noticeable.
  4. Use a water-based cream or gel: They hydrate the skin without clogging the pores.

We select safe cosmetics

Cosmetics are considered comedogenic if they contain substances that clog pores: wax, oils, talc and other similar components. For skin with enlarged pores, cosmetics are useful that reduce sebum production and do not clog them.

Useful components in cosmetics:

  1. Nordihyroguaiaretic Acid (NDGA) and Sarcosine help reduce sebum production;
  2. Niacinamide, Zinc Gluconate, Zinc Sulfate, Caffeine, Biotin and Enantia Chlorantha Bark Extract regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

It is better not to buy cosmetics that contain:

  1. Talc: clogs pores if there is a lot of it in the composition. It is safer to use mineral powder - it does not clog pores.
  2. Alcohol components - they dry out the skin and disrupt the natural process of exfoliation of old cells.
  3. Mineral oil: an inexpensive, lightweight, but at the same time comedogenic component of many cosmetics.

Do you have your own remedies to combat enlarged pores?

Most girls and women take care of their appearance, trying to look their best. Care includes many stages, from hygiene to makeup and clothing.

But even if you achieve perfect results in all aspects of your appearance, it is impossible to feel truly beautiful if you have skin problems. We are not necessarily talking about any very noticeable defects, such as acne or age spots.


Enlarged pores, which are so common in women of all ages, can also spoil the overall picture. But it is worth noting that this problem does not bypass men either.

Enlarged pores on the face: causes

Under normal conditions, pores have a tiny diameter that is only noticeable upon closer inspection. This is enough to remove sebum and, in turn, protect the pores from external contaminants getting inside. Healthy skin is smooth and clean thanks to good regulation.

With enlarged pores, the skin becomes spongy and visually loose, and the surface ceases to be smooth. The particles are clearly visible, dirt accumulates in them, and sebum is released more strongly.

All this provides fertile ground for the occurrence of comedones and acne, as well as various pimples. In addition, aesthetically, such skin does not look very pleasant; it becomes grayish, shiny, and has an uneven structure.


Enlarged pores are a fairly common occurrence. What is causing this problem:

  1. hormonal disruption or surge: many women discover any skin problems precisely at moments of redistribution of hormones in the body, which occur, for example, during pregnancy, menopause, during puberty or before menstruation;
  2. violation of the regime and improper nutrition: pores are a kind of channel for removing harmful substances from the body simultaneously with skin secretions; any failures affect all systems, including the glands; if the regime is violated and very spicy, fatty or sweet foods predominate in the food, the volume of sebum increases, so the pores expand;
  3. the use of low-quality or unsuitable skin care products: the external effect on the skin is very important; with incorrectly selected skin care cosmetics, the skin begins to behave in an unusual way, including pores enlarged, and various contaminants enter them, which, when mixed with secretions, form acne and blackheads;


  4. low-quality decorative cosmetics: foundations and powders most often cause deterioration of the skin, as they cover it, closing the pores; Waterproof products can be especially harmful, as they block the skin’s access to oxygen exchange more than others;
  5. problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which also affect the entire body;
  6. impaired metabolism;
  7. overdrying of the skin in the sun, as well as when using alcohol lotions and other cosmetics that affect the pH balance;
  8. oily skin, which may be due to a hereditary factor;
  9. bad habits: the effects of alcohol and smoking affect all systems of the body, which, trying to get rid of toxins, resorts to all possible methods of removing them.

How to make wavy hair


, described in the publication of our website.

Information about facial massage for wrinkles can be found in this article.

Read here about how you can get rid of scars.

What to do for enlarged pores on the face

Like any problem in the body, enlarged pores require an initial determination of their cause. Only by eliminating the cause of this defect can you make your skin smooth and well-groomed. If your daily routine and nutrition are in order, and there are no bad habits, it is better to immediately go to an endocrinologist.

If a person has bad habits, an unstable daily routine, and a diet dominated by fats and carbohydrates, it is worth reconsidering this. You need to diversify your diet, eat less fried and salty foods, and do not indulge in sweets. Vegetables, fiber, coarse fiber and natural products will help improve the functioning of the body and improve the condition of the skin.


You should also pay special attention to your cosmetics and creams. Perhaps they need to be changed, and not necessarily because of the timing of use.

Maybe these products are simply not suitable for your skin type. It is also important to promptly remove cosmetics from your facial skin, giving it proper rest. Cleansing should include all the necessary procedures, after which the skin should be moisturized.

For fatty types, special products are selected. You should not overdry the skin, as this can also cause problems with pores and sebum removal.

Therefore, skin cleansing is done with special gentle lotions, tonics, and facial washes. Peels with fruit acids, as well as soft scrubs and gommages are used to remove skin particles.

Treatment of enlarged pores on the face in the salon

Beauty salons and beauty parlors now offer a variety of services to improve the appearance of facial skin. These are various peelings, cleanings and hardware procedures. To narrow pores and return the skin to its former cleanness and smoothness, the following cosmetological techniques are used:

  1. chemical peeling is the most harmless procedure that leads to cleansing and narrowing of pores, due to the effect of fruit acids used in preparations on them;
  2. plasmolifting is a procedure used in combination with peeling, consisting of injections of one’s own plasma;
  3. injection mesotherapy - injections with mixtures of various components, for example hyaluronic acid, phosphatidylcholine, various vitamins and amino acids in various combinations and dosages, which are determined individually;


  4. mesotherapy (non-invasive) - a hardware procedure using ionophonesis, ultraphonesis, Darsonval currents, microcurrents and ultrasound (can also be carried out independently if these devices are available);
  5. cryotherapy – cryomassage using liquid nitrogen, reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  6. disincrustation, performed by electrophoresis and alkaline agents, saponifies and removes fats, cleansing pores;
  7. micro-resurfacing of the skin or microdermabrasion, performed with a device with a small brush and diamond tips, used for severe porosity and scars;
  8. laser thermolysis is a targeted procedure that is performed with laser beams of different lengths: one length removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, while the other affects collagen, tightening the skin and thereby narrowing the pores; laser thermolysis has a tightening, cleansing and antibacterial effect;
  9. laser peeling - used mainly in young patients, but only if there are no pimples, acne and similar rashes.

Folk remedies for enlarged pores on the face

Not everyone can afford salon treatments. Despite their high effectiveness and ubiquity, this remedy is still inaccessible to many people due to its cost. To maintain the beauty of your skin, you can get by with a very small arsenal of products.

Here are some tips that will help narrow pores or prevent this problem from occurring:

  1. contrasting washes using alternating warm and cold water;
  2. washing with pieces of ice; as a base you can use herbal decoctions, fruit, berry and vegetable juices, green tea;
  3. scrubs and gommages to remove dead cells, impurities and improve blood circulation, also help to slightly narrow the pores, but you should not use them more than 1-2 times a week;
  4. washing with herbal and flower decoctions and infusions;
  5. adding essential oils to the cream (in accordance with the instructions), for example dill, cumin, fennel, cedar, spruce, pine and others are suitable;
  6. homemade masks with a narrowing effect, the composition of which can be discussed in more detail.


Homemade masks to tighten enlarged pores

How to remove enlarged pores on your face using homemade masks? There are many different types of face masks that tighten pores. Almost all of them have a slight tightening effect due to the components they contain. Let's look at some of them.

  1. Based on egg white. This mask tightens the skin and has an antibacterial effect. You need to beat a tablespoon of starch, one egg white and 1-2 drops of tea tree oil. Apply to clean skin, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. Clay. Cosmetic clay is mixed with water to a creamy consistency. Add a drop of oily vitamin E, apply to the face, hold until dry, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  3. Oatmeal. Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of milk and add a little honey. Keep on the face for 10 minutes, then wash off, massaging the skin. This mask serves as a gentle exfoliant.
  4. Juice of any berry or fruit. Apply to the face, leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse and apply nourishing cream.


How to get rid of enlarged pores on a man's face

Enlarged pores on a man’s face should be dealt with in the same way as described above. There are no significant differences observed.

It is important to monitor your diet and, if possible, give up bad habits. Don’t be shy about doing face washes with herbs, juices, ice, or face masks, then the problem will disappear much faster. When shaving, it is important to use gentle products and avoid alcohol lotions.

A few words about alternative methods

How else can you deal with enlarged pores on your face?

You should not use any extreme drugs, compounds or devices for this. It’s already quite difficult to come up with something new, so it’s better to choose a method from those that already exist.

And some more information about enlarged pores in the next video.