Why do you get acne on your butt?

Skin rashes can affect any part of the body, including the buttocks. Pimples on the butt require mandatory treatment, which often involves treating the pustules with local antiseptics and antibiotics. If it is recurrent, complex therapy is necessary.

Why do acne appear on the buttocks?

There are the following reasons why pimples appear on the butt:

  1. decreased immunity;
  2. lack of vitamins;
  3. hormonal changes;
  4. increased sweating;
  5. damage to the integrity of the integument;
  6. insufficient local hygiene;
  7. increasing skin pH.

One of the main reasons why acne appears on the butt in women is a weakened immune system due to frequent colds (ARVI, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.), kidney pathologies, and diabetes. Rashes can also occur after hypothermia and previous infections, which include tuberculosis, measles, hepatitis, etc.


The causes of acne on the butt also sometimes lie in vitamin deficiency and hormonal changes. With a lack of nutrients and improper functioning of the organs responsible for the production of hormones, a decrease in the protective functions of the body is observed. Women during pregnancy and menopause are more susceptible to hormonal rashes. In girls, the problem often arises during adolescence.

Hyperhidrosis, known as excessive sweating, is a trigger for rashes under the buttocks. Sweat causes skin irritation and bacterial growth, which can lead to sore spots between and under the buttocks. Obese people, who often suffer from hyperhidrosis, are more susceptible to the occurrence of this type of skin rash. Pustules under the butt can also appear in hot weather in the absence of personal hygiene.

Violation of the integrity of the skin is one of the provoking factors why acne appears on the butt. Wearing tight synthetic underwear that causes friction, or frequent shaving inevitably leads to a decrease in the local protective functions of the skin. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms, most often staphylococci, actively begin to multiply in the affected area. These rashes are usually itchy and itchy.

Acne on the buttocks in women, the causes of which are often associated with a decrease in local immunity, sometimes occurs due to changes in the acid-base balance of the pH of the skin. This can be affected by the quality of tap water, hygiene products, pathologies of internal organs, insufficient consumption of drinking water and an unbalanced diet. A decrease in acidity, which has a protective effect on the skin, is typical for older women, who are more susceptible to rashes in this area of ​​the body.

The nature and etiology of inflamed elements

Ostiofollicular rashes are most often diagnosed on the legs and buttocks (see photo below). Their appearance is associated with inflammation of the hair follicle in the upper part, which occurs as a result of the penetration and proliferation of staphylococci in areas where the protective functions of the tissues have been weakened.

At the beginning, single or multiple red painful elements appear. Redness is observed in the area where the hair follicle emerges, which causes some pain when pressed. Subsequently, the inflammatory process in the skin is manifested by the appearance of a pustule in the form of a white or yellowish head. In the absence of adequate therapy, deeper tissues are affected, which inevitably leads to the formation of scars after the pustules resolve. For this reason, treatment should be carried out immediately as soon as red pimples appear on the butt.

Diagnostic measures

Acne on the buttocks in women, which is permanent, multiple in nature and does not go away for a long time, necessarily requires contacting a dermatologist. To make a diagnosis, it is sometimes enough for a doctor to perform a dermatoscopy, which consists of visually enlarging the affected areas using a special apparatus.

In some cases, a specialist prescribes pH testing of the skin in order to determine the cause of the inflammatory process in the tissues.

Multiple purulent pimples on the butt require a test such as culture of discharged pustules to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process on the skin.

Ways to get rid of acne on the buttocks

Before treating acne on the thighs and buttocks, you should consult a specialist to identify the cause of their occurrence. As a rule, treatment is carried out using local medications. First of all, antibacterial ointments and antiseptics are prescribed, which include:

  1. Erythromycin ointment;
  2. Syntomycin liniment;
  3. Colimycin ointment;
  4. Tetracycline ointment;
  5. Bactroban;
  6. calcium permanganate solution;
  7. brilliant green;
  8. Fukortsin;
  9. Hydrogen peroxide;
  10. Methylene blue.

First, the affected areas are treated with hydrogen peroxide. After this, brilliant green or Fukortsin is applied along the contour of the redness. Inflamed elements are smeared with any antibacterial ointment. Treatment is carried out 1-2 times a day until the red or purulent elements on the skin completely disappear.

Additional control measures

Rashes on the buttocks in women can be treated by taking sea salt baths. The solution will dry the affected areas of the skin and reduce the inflammatory process. For a bath you will need a pack of salt weighing 300-500 grams. The substance is pre-dissolved in 2 liters of hot water. 15-minute water procedures with sea salt will help stop inflammation and prevent the development of the pathological process.

For minor rashes similar to miliaria and allergic rashes, salt baths used at home will also help. In addition to the water procedure, in this case it is recommended to apply zinc paste to the rash up to 2-3 times a day until the pimples are completely eliminated.

If pimples on your butt don’t go away: what to do?

In some cases, treating acne on the buttocks in women requires an integrated approach. Frequent recurrences of buttock rashes require the following measures:

  1. prescription of general antibiotic therapy;
  2. taking probiotics and vitamins;
  3. conducting physiotherapy;
  4. nutrition correction;
  5. maintaining personal hygiene.

Complex therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the pathogenic process in the skin by suppressing the growth of pathogenic bacteria and strengthening local immunity.

Antibiotic therapy

Recurrent acne on the butt in women is treated with the following broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs:

  1. Doxycycline;
  2. Clindamycin;
  3. Azithromycin;
  4. Unidox Solutab.

The dosage and course of treatment are strictly determined by the attending physician who prescribed this or that drug. In addition to oral administration, local bactericidal treatment is mandatory. Among antiseptic agents, Fukortsin has proven itself to be effective against acne on the butt.

Probiotics and vitamins

Internal acne on the buttocks, which does not go away for a long period and hurts, may require taking immunomodulatory and vitamin-containing medications. Often, skin rashes are observed against the background of a deficiency in the body of vitamins B, A, E, C and D. If a problem arises for this reason, the doctor prescribes vitamin complexes for the skin.

To boost immunity, probiotic therapy can also be prescribed in the form of drugs such as Rioflora, Linex, Acipol, etc.


One of the effective ways to remove acne from the buttocks is physical therapy. Most often, ultraviolet light therapy or laser therapy are used to eliminate inflamed elements. This kind of procedure has a local antibacterial effect, stops the inflammatory process, eliminates pain and restores the protective functions of the skin.


One of the additional therapeutic measures to get rid of acne on the butt is following a diet. Proper nutrition will help compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements and strengthen local immunity. The following foods must be included in the daily diet:

Dishes that require heat treatment should be baked, stewed, steamed or boiled. The method of frying and smoking should be completely excluded, since dishes prepared in this way lose most of their beneficial properties and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the body due to the increased content of carcinogens in them.

It is important not only to eat properly during the treatment of rashes, but also to drink a lot of clean water. The liquid helps to quickly remove all waste and toxins from the body, accelerates metabolic processes, thereby indirectly influencing the strengthening of the immune system.

Acne on the butt during therapy also requires complete exclusion of alcohol from the diet, which even in small quantities leads to a decrease in the body's protective functions.

Preventive measures

It is important to know not only how to remove pimples on the butt, but also how to prevent their further occurrence. To do this, it is enough to carry out the following preventive measures:

  1. maintaining personal hygiene;
  2. use of hygiene products with a neutral pH;
  3. strengthening the immune system;
  4. avoiding hypothermia;
  5. proper nutrition;
  6. prevention of skin injury.

Acne on the buttocks is a consequence of weakened, both local and general immunity. For this reason, prevention should primarily be aimed at eliminating provoking factors that cause a decrease in the body’s protective functions.

One day my five-year-old daughter came home from kindergarten with a big red pimple on her butt. I decided that perhaps the child was getting pimples on his butt due to the shared use of the children's toilet, and that the toilet, apparently, was not very clean.

“The pimple came from dirt,” I thought and anointed it with iodine to disinfect it. I also paid closer attention to hygiene products: hypoallergenic shower gel, personal washcloth, always clean and strictly natural linen.

However, for some reason these measures did not lead to the desired result: the object on the child’s bottom not only did not disappear, but on the contrary: it somehow grew and multiplied. My doctor husband diagnosed herpes. He ordered me not to wash it, not to get it wet, and to cover it with a non-woven bandage so that the skin could breathe.

She, of course, was breathing, but the pimples on her butt still lived and were not going to leave their comfortable area. The number of pimples on the child’s fifth point increased, they themselves became larger, reddened and painful.

...I had to see a doctor. We went to the skin and venereal disease clinic to see a pediatric dermatologist. The doctor recommended removing all the patches and strictly ordered me not to put anything on anything else in the future.

The true cause of the formation of huge red purulent pimples on the butt turned out to be streptoderma. This is one of the most common causes of acne on the buttocks.

Causes of acne on the butt


This is an infectious skin disease caused by streptococcus. It is characterized by the appearance of red, scaly, convex formations that tend to grow and merge into single lesions.

It should be treated purely with antibiotic ointment, after pre-treating the surface of the infected skin with a disinfectant solution.

I was pleased with my own insight: the reasons for the appearance of streptoderma really lie in the dirt. That is, it is transmitted through contact - most likely, the daughter got it through a shared toilet.


This is a disease that is more general in nature compared to streptoderma. It is caused by pyogenic (pyogenic) cocci – staphylococci and streptococci. We can say that streptoderma is a special case of pyoderma. If the doctor cannot reliably establish the nature of the purulent skin lesion, he diagnoses “pyoderma”.

With pyoderma, acne appears on the skin of the entire body, but often it first appears on the buttocks. It is important to understand that this is a bacterial infection, and to treat it you need a doctor who can prescribe special antibiotic ointments.

Chicken pox

In other words, this is chickenpox, familiar to all of us from early childhood. In addition to rashes, chickenpox is accompanied by high fever, pain and aches throughout the body, unbearable itching, runny nose and sore throat.

Of course, with chickenpox, small red pimples-papules appear all over the body, but the most significant are the typical localizations: behind the ears, in the popliteal cups, on the elbows, under the scalp, on the genitals and on the buttocks. It even happens that the first pimples appear on the skin of the butt.

A thorough examination will help you not to be misled about the nature of these pimples, because they are called papules for a reason: these are small watery blisters that, when bursting, contribute to the formation of new ones on adjacent segments of the skin.

Chickenpox is treated symptomatically: at a high temperature, use antipyretics, for severe itching, take antihistamines, for a runny nose, relieve the condition with sprays and drops in the nose, for a sore throat, gargles and disinfectant throat sprays.

Do not wash yourself - neither in the bath nor in the shower - as water contributes to the spread of acne.

As for papules, modern medicine believes that nothing needs to be done with them. Previously, as we remember, they were smeared with brilliant green or treated with a manganese solution. Today it’s up to you to decide whether to dry the papules or not.


This is an acute purulent-necrotic disease of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding connective tissue, caused by pyogenic bacteria, most often Staphylococcus aureus.

Large purulent pimples (or boils) appear on any part of the skin, including the butt. They are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, wet-dry bandages with a hypertonic solution are applied to remove pus, and then antibiotic ointments are applied.

Hormonal imbalance

In women, trouble in the form of acne on the fifth point can occur due to the use of contraceptives. This means that this contraceptive is not suitable for the body, and to get rid of acne on the butt, you should seek help from a doctor.

A similar problem can arise in adolescence, as well as during pregnancy, only in these cases, fluctuations in hormonal levels will have “natural” causes. If a rash in a teenager or a pregnant woman does not go away, causes severe discomfort, begins to enlarge or spread throughout the body, it is worth paying a visit to a medical specialist.


Eating unsuitable foods, smoking, excess alcohol, incorrectly selected cosmetics or medications - all this can cause a rash on the butt. Allergic reactions of the body are unpredictable and can result in unexpected manifestations.

Sexually transmitted diseases

A sexually transmitted disease is a very serious cause, in which acne on the buttocks is just the tip of the iceberg. Only a doctor who will prescribe complex treatment with antibiotics will help here. The disease will be cured and acne will go away.

Dry skin

For this reason, inflammation of the buttocks often occurs. Malfunction of the sebaceous glands due to insufficient hydration of the skin of the buttocks causes the formation of acne due to clogged pores.

In principle, there are few sebaceous glands on the buttocks, so their blockage provokes acne on the butt. Dry buttocks rub against underwear, the skin lacks oxygen and rashes appear on it.

A sedentary lifestyle also contributes to clogged pores on the skin, causing pimples to appear on the butt. Dry skin on the buttocks is aggravated by wearing synthetic panties.

Prickly heat

A red itchy rash on the butt can appear due to excessive sweating, or if the sweaty buttocks were not washed in a timely manner.

Most often, prickly heat occurs in infants who are dressed in diapers. But sometimes it also affects adults who neglect proper hygiene or do not have quick access to water and soap. In adulthood, such rashes are more common in men than in women.

Miliaria must be ventilated and dried. You can dry the rashes with baby powder if we are talking about babies. However, even this question is very individual: some children benefit from powder, while others, on the contrary, benefit from baby cream.

Adults should also pay attention to their personal reactions: to eliminate rashes on the butt, on the one hand, active rubbing with alcohol-containing lotions, which will disinfect and dry out prickly heat, can help, and on the other hand, a mild cosmetic milk or cleansing cream may be useful for some.

Diaper dermatitis

In addition to prickly heat, babies who constantly “live” in diapers and diapers can “acquire” diaper dermatitis. This is a severe irritation of the skin on a child's bottom caused by exposure to a mixture of urine and feces.

Such dermatitis should be treated in the same way as prickly heat: either dry with baby powder or moisturize and soothe with baby cream.

Hypothermia of the buttocks

In this case, a “pimply” reaction is also possible. They usually say about this that they “got a cold in the butt.”

How to get rid of pimples on buttocks?

Disinfection will help remove pimples on the butt: spot cauterization with iodine, brilliant green, alcohol-containing solutions, and salicylic ointment.

If the cause of rashes is dry skin of the buttocks, disinfection should be combined with hydration and nutrition. In this case, a few drops of wheat germ oil can help: they can be mixed with lotion or cream, or can be used in its pure form.

It’s good to take baths with chamomile or celandine, sea salt is also suitable.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

What to do if you can’t get rid of the rash on your own? If acne does not go away for a long time, increases in size or festeres, spreads throughout the body, and if, in addition to acne on the buttocks, there are other symptoms of poor health, be sure to make an appointment with a doctor.

It is quite possible that the cause of inflammation is not at all what you thought and requires a more serious approach to treatment.

Preventing acne on the buttocks

  1. Wear only panties made of soft natural fabrics. And no synthetics. And under no circumstances should they be rubbed.
  2. Always dress according to the season, avoiding overheating and hypothermia.
  3. Do not wear tight, butt-constricting clothes.
  4. Do not sit on cold surfaces.
  5. Caring for your buttocks with cosmetics is almost the same as caring for your face.
  6. Periodically take baths with sea salt or decoctions of chamomile, celandine, and oak bark.
  7. And the most important thing: timely and mandatory hygiene of the whole body, with an emphasis on intimate places.

Video: how to remove acne on the skin of the buttocks at home?

What else can cause rashes? In case of increased sweating, baby powder and cotton clothes, chairs with breathable upholstery and adherence to a work-rest regime, in which you should periodically get up and stretch, will always help, otherwise the “fifth point” will first begin to itch, and then the pimples are not very far away.

When itching occurs, scratching the skin is sure to cause a rash or pimples. If you cannot replace a chair with synthetic upholstery, you can place a piece of cotton or linen fabric folded several times on the seat.

To avoid acne on your butt, you need to pay attention to your own health:

  1. go outside dressed warmly, but not wrap yourself up too much;
  2. avoid places where you can catch a cold, do not sit on cold benches;
  3. optimize your diet by eliminating all unwanted foods and including fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, and cereal dishes.

Even if the pimple is not too big, but painful, it can cause significant discomfort. Therefore, even if there is only one pimple, you should not be embarrassed to consult a doctor about it. What can initially be cured with conservative methods will have to be removed surgically due to delay. But the best behavior strategy is compliance with preventive measures.
