Facial procedure with foundation effect

BB IDEAL SKIN is an original facial dermopigmentation technique with a “foundation cream effect,” which today has no analogues in the world and will help you forget about foundation for a whole year. A special serum is injected into certain layers of the skin, which helps hide pigmentation, reduce the visibility of freckles, blood vessels, and give a uniform and healthy tone to the entire face. The serum also contains hyaluronic acid. In medical language, this procedure is more often called fractional mesotherapy with the effect of BB cream. As a result, you get the perfect skin tone without a drop of makeup.

Permanent makeup: skin toning – BB Skin

Service Price from
1-2 months after the main procedure 12 -14 months after the procedure
BB Skin – neck 13,000 rub. 10,000 rub. 10,000 rub.
BB Skin - neckline 13,000 rub. 10,000 rub. 10,000 rub.
BB Skin - face 15,000 rub. 10,000 rub. 10,000 rub.

Prices for services are posted for informational purposes and do not constitute a public offer; familiarize yourself with the official price list valid at the time of provision of services, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2017 No. 804N “ON APPROVAL OF THE NOMENCLATURE OF MEDICAL SERVICES”. You can directly at the Clinic before concluding the Agreement.

Face tattoo for perfect skin color. “Foundation Effect” is a new dermopigmentation procedure.

What is the essence of the procedure IDEAL SKIN? A special serum is injected into certain layers of the skin, helping to even out the complexion and forget about foundation. It helps to hide pigmentation, smooth out the appearance of freckles, blood vessels, and give a uniform and healthy tone to the face. A tinted serum with hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin by a doctor using the camouflage permanent makeup technique. The procedure uses a special patented serum, tested and approved for use. The procedure is performed using a special device (dermapen) equipped with microneedles: they evenly introduce the serum into the skin, providing the effect of a good foundation BB cream. In medical language this procedure can be called - fractional mesotherapy with the effect of BB cream. You get the perfect skin tone without makeup.

Who performs the Ideal Skin procedure at the GrandMed Clinic?

The procedure is carried out by a doctor, specialist linerist I.N. Podoplelova. Please note that this a real advantage when this service is performed by a specialist with higher medical education. Our doctor received special training in this technique directly from its author, Alena Kutalia. Inna Nikolaevna’s many years of experience, specializing in medical permanent makeup, allows her to carry out this new, but already popular procedure with high efficiency. We do not conduct experiments on patients!


Podoplelova I.N.: «This technique is not permanent makeup, but rather mesotherapy with the effect of BB cream. You will get the effect of a light fluid, a pleasant shade of healthy skin, and not a mask of foundation. Different areas of the facial skin require mixing different shades of serum, so the transitions between the treated area and the untreated area will be completely invisible. I have worked with different individuals for many years, I know the characteristics of the skin and, as a certified doctor, I understand what structures need to be involved. By applying different depths of serum injection and using different techniques, I get a beautiful and natural result. The number of necessary procedures to obtain the desired effect can vary from 1 to 3 depending on the condition of the skin.”

Features of the procedure:

  1. preliminary anesthesia cream is required
  2. after the procedure there is no swelling, slight redness is possible for 2-3 days (as after peeling)
  3. can be used without age restrictions
  4. goes well with any laser and photo techniques both before and after the procedure
  5. compatible with all injections

Why does the effect last so long?

The foundation serum is injected into certain layers of the epidermis (the basement membrane, which is located between the epidermis and dermis). Those. an experienced doctor will not inject serum into the surface layers of the epidermis (!), since the surface layer of the skin peels off in 28 days (on average) and in this case the patient risks not getting the effect. Patented pigments and the absence of titanium dioxide in them eliminate the risk of pigment discoloration, uneven dissolution in the skin and the appearance of spots.

For patients who regularly undergo hardware facial rejuvenation, this technique will not be a limitation. Even after the procedure, you can carry out anti-aging photo and laser correction procedures without the risk of discoloration or peeling of pigment.


  1. even skin tone, the face looks fresh and rested, traces of fatigue are erased
  2. sculpting (darkening cheekbones, wings of the nose, etc.)
  3. camouflage pigmentation/rosacea/freckles
  4. work with post-acne (evens out the relief, works with structure and color)
  5. hides minor defects (scars/scars)
  6. moisturizes and adds shine


The nozzle with needles is disposable. The packaging with the nozzle cannot be sterilized and is opened in front of the patient.


  1. insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  2. pregnancy and lactation
  3. skin diseases in the acute stage

Is BB Perfect Skin suitable for everyone?

Podoplelova I.N.: “Before the procedure, of course, an initial consultation with a doctor is necessary. I will carefully listen to the problems you came with and assess the condition of your skin. If this service is not indicated for you, and your skin requires treatment, I will refer you to a fellow dermatologist to resolve these issues first. Procedure should be carried out on healthy skin, improving its appearance, then the effect will exceed all expectations."


About BB Glow Treatment

This is a minimally invasive therapy aimed at intensive treatment and whitening of the skin. Indicated for acne marks, age spots, freckles, uneven skin tone. As stated in salons, in addition to masking imperfections, the procedure gives the face an even, radiant color, tightens pores, smoothes out fine wrinkles and moisturizes the skin. To do this, a cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and a dye with brightening and toning properties is injected into the upper layers of the epidermis. The cost of the procedure in Moscow ranges from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles. in salons and from 2000 to 3000 rubles. from self-taught craftsmen at home.


Veronica Neshina
Technologist at Darbor Professional and certified BB Glow specialist from Matrigen

Veronica, how is the BB Glow Treatment process?

Since the procedure is minimally invasive, the work occurs only at the epidermal level, in the uppermost layers of the skin. To introduce the serum, the cosmetologist uses a special device - a dermapen, on which several cartridges are adjusted. They come in simple needle types (more traumatic, intended more for a complex procedure: BB + anti-age effect) and with the finest nanoneedles that work without damaging the skin at all. Simply put, they “rub” the drug into the upper layers of the epidermis.

No, the procedure is completely painless. There is only a feeling of vibration massage on the face.

Is it true that the results from BB Glow Treatment last a whole year?

Yes, that's exactly the deadline. But don’t think that after one procedure you will look beautiful for a year. The visible result appears from the second procedure, when the cumulative effect begins to take effect. For a sustainable result, you will need to conduct 3-4 sessions at a certain interval. And then maintenance therapy is needed every three months. Then the effect will last a year.

What happens next? Is there a danger that the coloring agent will dissolve unevenly and leave the face speckled?

No, this will not happen. I’ll explain why: the ampoule contains titanium dioxide, this is the pigment that provides the tonal effect after the procedure. The titanium dioxide molecule is quite large, but very light. If you insert it under the basement membrane, into the upper layer of the dermis, it will get stuck there and never come out of the skin. There is no way for her to physically get through the membrane. But if the molecule is introduced to the basement membrane, that is, at the level of the epidermis, then it will freely leave the skin during the process of tissue renewal. And we work precisely at the epidermal level. The pigment does not stay there for long. That is, the titanium dioxide serum does not cause spots on the face - I tested it on myself! I did a BB Glow and then a carbon peel using dual spectrum laser attachments to get rid of the tattoo. And she flew to Thailand to sunbathe. Nothing happened! That is, mechanical procedures, laser therapy, and tanning after this procedure are quite acceptable.


Before and after the procedure

Are there really no restrictions?

Only in the first 2 days after the procedure. In the future, sunbathing is recommended with at least SPF 30 protection. Why is this necessary? Titanium dioxide is part of sunscreens and serves to shield harmful radiation. If you go to the beach in the first 2 days after introducing the serum, then the tan will simply not take you. But if the artist applied the pigment unevenly, then perhaps the tan will lie somewhere more, somewhere less. This cannot be ruled out if a drug based on low-quality raw materials is used. Usually these are cheap Chinese serums that are used by specialists at home.

Since the procedure is from South Korea, it turns out that the best drugs are produced there?

Yes, Korean serums are the best. They use high-quality emulsion raw materials in production, so the tone applies evenly and there are no side effects. But Chinese counterfeits, of which there are a lot now, have a different source of raw materials. Their titanium dioxide is not in emulsion, but in the form of a fine powder; it is usually used in the food industry. It applies unevenly to the face. In addition, for the effect of foundation, quite heavy molecules are added to the serum - red iron oxide and yellow iron oxide. The quality of this raw material between Korean and Chinese manufacturers is also very different.

How to understand what drug a cosmetologist uses?

Ask him for quality certificates. Now only the Matrigen brand (South Korea) has such a certificate; I studied and work with it. Moreover, I went to Seoul and studied with Korean specialists directly from this brand.

Are there any differences between how BB Glow is carried out in Korea and here?

Although I studied in the homeland of this procedure, I still had to adapt it to our clients. Asian skin is denser, so this procedure is more traumatic for them than for us. We use the same medications, but we make them lighter, because if we follow the Korean protocol, our clients will be red for 2-3 days. This way, they can go to an event on the same day and look perfect. Only with severe skin sensitivity, rehabilitation may take one day. There may also be redness for a couple of days if the procedure was performed using a mesotherapy drug - in this case it is injected using a needle cartridge and a little deeper than the BB Glow serum.

Wait, we thought that one ampoule was responsible for the caring and BB effect...

The Matrigen serum contains medicinal extracts and all that, they slightly moisturize and improve the complexion, but they do little to combat the global problem. They will smooth out small wrinkles, but will not tighten the oval of the face. There will be only minor anti-age stimulation.

That is, for the declared wow-effect, there is no way to do without additional mesotherapy?

It depends on the client's request. If it is enough for him to get a beautiful, even complexion, then we will do only that. If he wants to eliminate some problems, then in this case we combine BB Glow with fractional mesotherapy, which is also carried out with Dermopen. The combination of Matrigen serum with hyaluronic acid preparations stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, smooths out fine wrinkles, and polishes enlarged pores. It turns out to be a double effect, aesthetically very cool.

Will BB Glow help with vitiligo?

Not significant. Vitiligo is a serious pathology, and not in the epidermis, but deeper. BB Glow will help if there are small areas with altered pigmentation. And for clear white or dark spots, the serum can only slightly smooth out the skin tone. But it won’t completely cover the stains, alas.

What are the contraindications for BB Glow?

Any skin diseases. But in general, this procedure can be performed even by pregnant and lactating women, since the drug itself does not enter the bloodstream. We work in dead tissues that exfoliate, and blood vessels in the dermis. Also, according to the protocol, we always check with the client whether he had an allergic reaction to the composition of the drug. Of course, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test 24 hours before the procedure if the client is hypersensitive. But it is possible to carry out the procedure without a test. In this case, the client signs a document confirming that he does not have allergic reactions to the composition of the drug.

With skin diseases such as eczema and dermatitis, everything is clear. But what about acne?

If there are no inflammatory elements and you need to remove post-acne, then this procedure is what you need! If there are isolated rashes, the cosmetologist avoids them, about half a centimeter from this area. But for the best effect, I recommend removing the inflammation first and only after a week or two do BB Glow. In more severe cases of acne, the procedure is not prescribed.

On Instagram, Russian celebrities are now actively promoting a very similar procedure – BB Ideal Skin, the author of which Alena Kutalia calls herself. Is this the same as BB Glow? According to the description one to one!

I can't say anything about this. When I asked the same question to the Koreans, they also did not know what to answer. Matrigen produces these serums and teaches the technique to specialists from all over the world, but they haven’t heard anything about Kutalia. Yes, Alena carries out the same procedure and says that she is the author-developer. I admit that she and the Koreans had parallel paths of development. But I don’t know what drugs it works on. This is her trade secret, which can only be learned by going to her for training. And it costs her very much. And I doubt that she will take me, a technologist for the BB Glow procedure, on the course. I think she has a tough selection of students.

Is BB Glow similar to the so-called camouflage for dark circles under the eyes that tattoo artists offer?

These are completely different things. Tattoo artists actually apply pigments under the basement membrane for a permanent result. The advantages are that the effect is visible and immediate, the client gets rid of black circles forever. The downside is that titanium dioxide begins to change its color over time: it becomes greenish or brownish. That is, it is unknown how the pigment will behave in the skin in a year, but most likely it will be visible. Yes, now this procedure is carried out in many places, although aesthetically it is so-so. I still admit the possibility of camouflage of small scars, but not circles under the eyes!

While we were looking for an expert for this material, we found out that in Moscow there are very few salons offering the BB Glow service, but there are many advertisements from private masters performing the procedure at home. Why is that?

In general, there is now a clear trend for craftsmen to go home to reduce their costs without paying interest to the salon. But I don't recommend doing BB Glow at home, it's risky. If something goes wrong, the ad masters will not bear any responsibility. No one can vouch for the correct protocol of the procedure and the quality of the serum.

With all this, is the procedure in demand among Moscow clients?

Very! All girls dream of perfect skin, they want to wake up beautiful, as if with makeup. It happens that clients come to us for permanent makeup, but upon learning about the BB Glow procedure, they immediately agree to it. And although the effect of foundation on the face is light, nevertheless, many of our girls are ready to try this offer.

Almost all women at any age strive to always remain attractive and appear younger than their age. Use cosmetics on your face every day to tidy up your overall appearance. Cosmetics and procedures make the difficult task of maintaining youth easier.

One of the latest innovations in cosmetology is foundation, the effect of which can last a whole year!

Permanent facial makeup - what is it?

Permanent facial makeup is the latest cosmetic procedure that allows you to save time when applying the base foundation. It does not need to be removed before bed and reapplied in the morning. This makeup lasts from several months to 3-4 years. Permanent makeup is based on the introduction of a coloring substance – pigment – ​​into the surface layer of facial skin.


The procedure is invasive, as punctures are made in the upper layer of the epidermis. Pigments used in permanent facial makeup are distinguished by an improved formulation and high dye durability. The procedure is carried out using professional devices with minimal vibrations.

Touching the skin is painless and resembles tickling.

Unlike conventional tattoos, with permanent makeup, the dye lies in the upper layers of the skin, so over time the dye fades and the makeup must be renewed. Permanent makeup is needed to create a foundation.

The dyes include:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. reflective particles;
  3. hypoallergenic dyes of the latest generation:
  4. iron oxide;
  5. titanium oxide;
  6. manganese.

There are several types of permanent makeup:

  1. tattooing of parts of the facial skin (eyebrows, lips, eyes);
  2. permanent treatment of the entire surface of the face - the latest cosmetic procedure BB Ideal Skin Glow or “ideal skin radiance”.

Foundation for a year (procedure also called BB />

“Foundation for a year” is a risky procedure, so you should weigh all the pros and cons of cosmetic manipulation.



Painless procedure. Expensive procedure. Saving time on make-up. An unsuccessful result cannot be remade or washed away. Ideal skin tone. The procedure is repeated a couple of times a year to give the paint freshness.

What effects are achieved

You can expect positive effects from using permanent makeup:

  1. evens out skin tone;
  2. removes dark circles under the eyes;
  3. hides unevenness;
  4. corrects skin texture;
  5. masks superficial wrinkles;
  6. smoothes expression wrinkles on the face;
  7. gives freshness and expressiveness to the face;
  8. hides acne marks left on the skin of the face;
  9. camouflages shallow scars and scars;
  10. reduces the appearance of acne;
  11. eliminates freckles;
  12. lightens dark pigment spots;
  13. protects against exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  14. saturates the skin with oxygen;
  15. moisturizes the surface layer of the dermis;
  16. masks Vitiligo spots;
  17. hides burn marks;
  18. masks the vascular network.

How to do it

The procedure for applying foundation for a year has proven itself on the positive side. The essence of the procedure is to apply a special foundation in combination with hyaluronic acid subcutaneously. The procedure is safe and pleasant. Applying foundation for a year is not a therapeutic procedure. This is an aesthetic concern for appearance.

Depending on the condition of the skin, the manipulation is repeated 1-3 times.

It is important to know:

  1. the procedure is carried out only by experienced cosmetology specialists;
  2. it is carried out in a hospital setting (in a cosmetologist’s office, not at home);
  3. Before the procedure, a skin sensitivity test to the components of the product must be tested.


What the procedure looks like step by step:

  1. In the cosmetologist's office, a procedure is performed to exfoliate the skin from fragments of dead cells.
  2. A foundation selected according to skin type and color is introduced into the device, which consists of a module and nano-needles.
  3. Nanoneedles are embedded in the surface layer of the dermis, giving the skin a uniform color.
  4. Distributed evenly, the foundation fills all unevenness, brightens and adds radiance.
  5. Hyaluronic acid smoothes and tightens wrinkles from the inside.
  6. Pigmentation occurs throughout the face - this is a kind of tattoo of the entire face.
  7. After the foundation is applied to the face, the residue is removed.
  8. The procedure does not take much time, and there is no recovery stage.
  9. Upon completion of the procedure, you will feel like a light BB foundation has been applied to the skin.

When using foundation for a year, it is worth noting the positive qualities:

  1. possibility of sunbathing;
  2. possibility of using laser facial skin cleansing;
  3. painlessness;
  4. no age limits;
  5. Possibility of working with oily skin types.

How much is enough?

Foundation for a year is a temporary procedure. The effect of microinjections lasts 12 months. Due to the fact that the injected foundation is located behind the skin, the preservation of color and shade lasts 1 year. During this time, you can visit the cosmetologist’s office if necessary. There is no analogue to the procedure for applying foundation for a year.

Injection safety

The procedure for introducing foundation under the skin is safe:

  1. injections are carried out with a professional device;
  2. the needles do not touch the deep layers of the epidermis where the blood capillaries are located;
  3. Before each manipulation, cosmetology equipment is disinfected;
  4. After the foundation procedure, you can stay in the sun for a year.

Possible side effects and negative consequences

No negative consequences were identified during the procedure.

However, there is a possibility of side effects:

  1. allergic reactions to the components included in the foundation;
  2. in rare cases, redness of the skin;


  3. No swelling is observed after the procedure.
  4. ignoring clinical signs of health problems that can be suspected by skin color.

According to some experts, there is a certain risk when using the procedure:

  1. Ingredient intolerance. In the event of an allergic reaction, it is not possible to remove the pigment from the skin layer.
  2. The desquamation of the epidermis over time will lead to the formation of clear boundaries between the “pigment” and the native skin color.
  3. The toxic effect on skin cells of the ingredients of an “unknown” coloring pigment, which over time can lead to the appearance of tumors and granulomas.
  4. The face may become covered with small scars.
  5. The procedure for applying foundation for a year is similar to applying a tattoo. There remains a risk of infection with viral hepatitis due to poor equipment sterilization process.


Like any cosmetic procedure, foundation for a year has a number of contraindications, neglect of which may not lead to the desired result and harm your health.

These include:

  1. systemic autoimmune diseases;
  2. blood clotting disorder;
  3. presence of neoplasms;
  4. violation of the integrity of the skin;
  5. deep skin damage (boils, eczema, itchy dermatitis).
  6. epilepsy;
  7. bad feeling;
  8. ARVI and colds;
  9. stressful situations;
  10. first day of menstruation;
  11. pregnancy;


Foundation for a year is prohibited during pregnancy.

breastfeeding period.

Cosmetologists' opinions

The opinions of cosmetologists regarding the newest procedure are mixed.

And there is a reason for this:

  1. Foundation for a year is a non-patented procedure.
  2. There is no guarantee that the composition of the foundation has been subjected to laboratory tests and clinical trials.
  3. The patient, like the cosmetologist himself, does not know what exactly is being injected under the skin.
  4. The skin color that a woman seeks to correct may indicate the presence of health problems. Foundation for a year will only change the color, but will not cure a possible disease.
  5. The timing of the color change is also quite questionable, because the epidermis is renewed every 4 weeks, which means the paint gradually approaches the surface of the skin.

Cosmetologists who are supporters of a foundation that lasts for a year claim that there are no negative consequences after the procedure.


  1. The effectiveness of the procedure exceeds the manifestations of possible side effects.
  2. The procedure is much safer than permanent makeup and tattooing of facial parts.
  3. Contrary to all beliefs, foundation actually lasts 12 months, but it needs to be reapplied a couple of times a year.
  4. After the manipulation, no redness or swelling of the facial skin is observed.

Price and where to do it

The procedure for applying foundation for a year is not carried out in every beauty salon. The manipulation is new, modern, and requires special licensing. In Moscow, the only salon that deals with the procedure for applying foundation is the beauty salon of Alena Kutalia.


According to some reports, it was Alena, the owner of the beauty salon, who developed the technique and tested it on clients who were interested in it. One such procedure costs 25,000 rubles. In Kazakhstan, in Almaty, a salon has also appeared that deals with the procedure of applying foundation for a year from the same Alena Kutalia. A similar salon is open in Yakutsk. The price is 25,000 rubles.

The procedure for applying foundation for a year has its drawbacks and priorities. One thing is clear: it is inferior in popularity to permanent makeup.

When choosing a foundation for the year, you should:

  1. weigh the pros and cons of the procedure;
  2. go to beauty salons and find out in detail from specialists about this manipulation;
  3. listen to the opinions of satisfied clients;
  4. Do not be fooled by the low price of the procedure.

Video: foundation for a year

The effect of foundation for a year in the video:

The procedure for foundation for a year in the video:

Permanent makeup is done in the basal layer of the skin and cannot peel off after four months, which means that the procedure according to the protocol takes place in the epidermis and cannot have anything to do with permanent makeup.