Facial photorejuvenation procedure reviews

Facial photorejuvenation is a modern cosmetic procedure performed using a hardware method. Judging by the reviews of facial photorejuvenation, it is highly effective. The rejuvenating effect is based on the influence of a light pulse. The procedure is absolutely safe if the rules of preparation, conduct and rehabilitation period are followed.

What is facial photorejuvenation and what does it get rid of?

Flash rejuvenation is a method in cosmetology that removes dead cells from the upper layers of the skin. Light pulses pass through them and heat them up significantly. Due to high temperatures, collagen is destroyed and the production of new one is stimulated. The light pulse destroys melanin, therefore eliminating excess pigmentation. The skin cleanses, becomes lighter, and capillary networks disappear.

As a result, the skin becomes denser and more elastic, creating the effect of a tighter and more defined oval face. The intensity of the result depends on the competence of the specialist and the individual characteristics of the client’s body. Read further in detail what photorejuvenation for the face is, reviews from real people and prices for the procedure.

Recommended age for the procedure

Experts recommend photorejuvenation for noticeable signs of skin aging, structural changes, deterioration of density and elasticity, and vasodilation. The age of the patients ranges from 20 to 65 years. After the first examination by a cosmetologist and assessment of the skin condition, a decision is made on the need to use the photoflash method.

Most often, phototherapy is prescribed to correct minor defects. Photorejuvenation will not give a visible lifting effect and will not smooth out deep wrinkles. Therefore, to eliminate serious age-related changes, it is necessary to use methods of more radical effectiveness. The optimal age range is from thirty to forty years. During this period, regular procedures are sufficient to maintain a well-groomed appearance of facial skin.

Indications and contraindications for use

The photorejuvenation procedure is carried out to eliminate age spots and spider veins. In addition, it has a pronounced effect on the following cosmetic problems:

  1. Smoothing wrinkles.
  2. Increased skin tone.
  3. Improvement of skin structure.
  4. Narrowing of pores.

These positive results are achieved by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Blood flow increases and cells receive intensive nutrition.

There are the following contraindications for a photorejuvenation session:

  1. Cracks, scratches, abrasions on the skin.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Hormonal disorders.
  6. Disorders in blood clotting systems.
  7. Oncology.
  8. Nervous and mental disorders.
  9. Psoriasis.
  10. Eye diseases.
  11. Use of certain medications.

Also, photorejuvenation is prohibited for clients who have metal implants in the facial area.

How is the photorejuvenation procedure performed?


A month before the first photorejuvenation session, you must limit your time in the sun and avoid solariums. Taking antibiotics, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is also contraindicated. If you violate the rules of preparation, there may be no result or its insufficient expression.

Stages of implementation

The photorejuvenation procedure in cosmetology is carried out in several stages.

  1. Preparing the face. The cosmetologist applies a special cooling gel to the skin for easy conduction of light beams and mild pain relief. Classical anesthesia is not carried out; the use of gel and the use of a modern cooling system in the device are considered sufficient.
  2. The specialist and the client wear special glasses with tinted lenses.
  3. The device is applied to the face, it gradually moves and produces photo flashes. For each zone, an individual mode of intensity and depth of flash exposure is selected. To do this, a specialist changes filters and nozzles. During the procedure, tingling, soreness and a feeling of warmth may be present.
  4. After the end of the session, all areas of the face exposed to the flash are treated with panthenol or other moisturizing lotion. If there is still pain, you can apply ice packs to your face and lie down.

It is not recommended to take painkillers, since the cosmetologist adjusts the device based on the pain and pain threshold of the patient. During anesthesia, the device settings may be made incorrectly, which can result in a high risk of severe burns.

Judging by reviews of photobiomodulation, to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to undergo three to four procedures every year.

Rehabilitation period

After the photorejuvenation procedure, slight redness, minor swelling and bruising may appear on the skin. Burning, tingling, and pain are also common. These are all normal reactions to exposure to the outbreak. Side effects and consequences of phototherapy do not always appear and pass quickly.

For normal recovery, it is necessary to reduce smoking, stop drinking alcoholic beverages, and drink more water. Also recommended:

  1. Avoid baths and saunas for at least two weeks.
  2. Limit your exposure to open sunny areas and use products with UV filters.
  3. Treat the skin with healing and anti-inflammatory agents containing panthenol.

You can use decorative cosmetics if the redness has completely disappeared and there is no inflammation.

Photos before and after facial photorejuvenation

In order not to be disappointed with the result obtained and your ideas about it, you need to study in advance all the details and options for achieving a cosmetic effect. This is also important to ensure that unscrupulous specialists do not mislead you by promising the miraculous capabilities of the procedure.

It is worth looking at photos of women before and after the photorejuvenation procedure. This way you can get an idea of ​​the actual result of the procedure with a large degree of objectivity. You need to not only look at the photographs, but also read reviews of women who have undergone facial photorejuvenation, especially after 50 years. This way, the result will be more visible, since at a younger age the signs of skin aging are not as pronounced.

Almost every cosmetology clinic promises the following positive effects from the procedure:

  1. Smoothing wrinkles and preventing them.
  2. Giving clear outlines to the contour of the face.
  3. Elimination of pigmentation.
  4. Lifting.
  5. Increased elasticity.
  6. Narrowing and cleansing of pores.
  7. Whitening and improving complexion.
  8. Double chin reduction.
  9. Slowing down anti-aging processes.

Two real stories of successful photorejuvenation

“I decided to undergo anti-aging phototherapy at the age of forty. I was not satisfied with the nasolabial folds, increased pigmentation on the face, and the unclear oval of the face. I’ll say right away that the sensations are not very pleasant. I can compare them to a small burn. But the result is amazing. My face became noticeably younger, brighter and fresher. It looks toned and elastic. I got rid of age spots, they disappeared almost immediately. After the first procedure, the folds in the nasolabial area are almost invisible. Overall, I am very pleased with the result and recommend everyone to undergo flash therapy. The main thing is to find a good clinic and a qualified specialist.”

“After fifty years, many age spots appeared on my face. When I learned about photorejuvenation, I first studied all the reviews about photorejuvenation on the face, looked at a lot of photos before and after the procedure. After the first consultation with the doctor, it turned out that I had no contraindications to therapy. Together with the doctor, we decided to conduct a course of photorejuvenation in combination with carboxytherapy. I had the procedure done with a special device for phototherapy. After completing the courses of these procedures, there are not even traces of pigment spots on the cheeks. The structure of the skin has improved, the face has become fresh and youthful.”

Watch a real video review about photorejuvenation:

How much do photorejuvenation procedures cost?

Prices per treatment can vary greatly depending on the cost per flash calculation. The total amount is the sum of the total number of pulses. Prices in Moscow for one photorejuvenation session vary from 2,500 to 15,000 rubles per session. The final cost may also depend on the professional competence of the doctor, the status of the clinic and the chosen technique.

Name of the salon or clinic Price
Elia Grazia 3000 rubles
Malina fashion 2500 rubles
Dominica 15,000 rubles
City of beauty 4000 rubles

What folk remedies can replace photorejuvenation?

Not everyone has the means for skin photorejuvenation sessions in beauty salons and cosmetology clinics. But you can take care of yourself and stay young and beautiful at home. The main thing is to remember that no methods, neither innovative nor traditional, will bring long-term effect if you do not give up bad habits and establish proper nutrition.

Therefore, the first step on the path to rejuvenation is cleansing the body, eating natural foods, limiting sweet, flour, smoked and fatty foods. It is also necessary to regularly cleanse your facial skin, apply masks and scrubs. You can make them yourself at home from simple affordable products.

In addition, rejuvenation with herbs – chamomile, yarrow, immortelle and others – is quite effective. Preparing decoctions from mixtures of herbs for home use sometimes gives a greater effect than salon procedures.


Photoflash therapy can significantly rejuvenate and refresh your face at a relatively low cost. It is effective in eliminating age spots, spider veins, and wrinkles. It is necessary to pay special attention to preparation for the procedure and compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period.

In addition, it is important to undergo a full medical examination and carefully select a clinic for facial photorejuvenation procedures, including studying reviews.


Negative reviews

I did several courses. A very effective procedure, but still too painful for me. And what also doesn’t suit me is that for a whole month after it you can’t go out in the sun and even in cloudy weather you must use UF protection of at least 30. I didn’t know this, and as a result I got dark pigment spots, worse than before.

I also took photos of 4 procedures, each procedure cost 15 thousand, but the result was zero. The condition of the skin did not change, there were three tiny vessels on the wings of the nose, they did not even turn pale. My friend went and had her vascular network removed with a laser for a very very modest cost.



In the hands of an inexperienced cosmetologist, this procedure is a tragedy for the patient.

The procedure is not bad if you get to an Experienced one. specialist, but not as effective as it is advertised. The cosmetologist offered me a procedure for the purpose of rejuvenation. The face tightened up a little. But. I developed huge pigment spots that I NEVER had before. The head of the clinic began to tell me that I had liver problems. I did a full examination - everything is fine. When I myself began to delve into the Internet, I found out that I have a facial phototype that is dangerous for such procedures—dark skin. In general, having trusted inexperienced cosmetologists, I am now trying to restore my skin. More than a year has passed since the procedure and during this time I have been unsuccessfully trying to get rid of age spots.


Getting rid of pigmentation


There is no rejuvenation effect, does not eliminate spider veins, is very painful, and expensive

My age is 35 years old, my skin is not very problematic, pronounced wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, small facial wrinkles in other places where they should be due to age. My headache and the main reason why I decided to undergo this procedure is pigmentation along the upper part of the forehead and along the outer contour of the face, including under the eyes. There is also a small spider vein on the cheek. I had photorejuvenation done at one of the new leading clinics in the city, with a “family” dermatologist; I and my sisters had visited her several times before. The cost was 5,000 rubles. The procedure time is about 15 minutes. With an average pain threshold, my sensations were sometimes completely unbearable, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Now I think that I will never dare to do something like that again. In general, it’s unpleasant - that’s an understatement. After the procedure, I had to live with abrasions on my face for 6 days, that is, it is clearly undesirable to perform the procedure during working hours. Then these crusts from the abrasions gradually washed off over two days. Under some there were white spots of the deeper layer of the epidermis. Now, after more than a month, the color is even, there are no pigment spots. That's probably the whole result. The vessel has decreased slightly in size, but is also visible in its place and is hidden under the foundation. The rejuvenation effect is zero. On the contrary, it seemed to me that the skin became drier and the wrinkles deeper. Before every exit I apply 50+ cream and wear a hat, otherwise the stains will return and the money will simply go down the drain. I believe that if you regularly use sunscreen from the beginning of the season, then no photorejuvenation is needed. This is a shock procedure and I definitely won’t dare to do it again. But my sister, 10 years older than me in age, on the contrary, is very pleased with the result.

A cosmetologist recommended the photorejuvenation procedure to me to remove small vascular mesh in some areas of the face. It has been annoying me for a long time; because of it, my skin easily turns red from any touch, as well as from cold and heat. My saviors

Mineral powder, of course, solves this problem, but you can’t get anywhere without them. And this is not always convenient.

Nowadays, every clinic can understand anything by photorejuvenation and offer its own procedure.

For about a year I went to a relatively budget laser center and had the procedure done about once a month (in the winter, autumn and spring months). In summer it cannot be done because of the active sun, pigment spots may appear.

The cost of one procedure is about 1000 rubles.

Lasted 20-25 minutes. I lay down on a high couch bed, put on a disposable cap, safety glasses and closed my eyes. The doctor removed the makeup, then applied a special product and outbreaks began. Some of them are very painful, especially those closer to the eye area. On the forehead and cheeks they were practically not felt. I did it on the whole face and a little on the neck area. Where there is more rosacea (vascular network), the doctor went through the laser 2 times per session. Then she applied Panthenol and did a light massage. The procedure itself is quite pleasant.

Immediately after the session, the face became lighter and fresher. In some places there was redness, which went away after 10-15 minutes.

The doctor advised me to carry out the photorejuvenation procedure at least 5 times to get the effect. I did about 8 procedures and I can say that there is no effect, or it is minimal. The spider veins are still with me (. I also didn’t see any other positive changes in the skin. In this clinic it was a waste of money, and I began to look for an alternative.

I chose one of the best cosmetologists in the city and a prestigious clinic. She advised me on a photorejuvenation option - Palomar IPL therapy (pulsed light).

IPL rejuvenation is based on electro-optical synergy technology. In other words, it is a unique combination of two types of energies - light energy and high frequency (RF) electrical current.

Classic laser facial rejuvenation also uses light energy. But only with the advent of IPL technology it became possible to provide a deeper, and at the same time gentle effect on the skin. As a result, the production of the skin’s own elastin complex and the synthesis of new collagen in its deep layers are stimulated.

What problems can be solved with IPL rejuvenation?

IPL rejuvenation provides a comprehensive effect in facial rejuvenation:

  1. smoothing wrinkles;
  2. skin tightening (non-surgical facelift);
  3. lifting the oval area of ​​the face and neck (the oval of the face can be tightened very quickly);
  4. rejuvenation of the skin of the face, chest and arms, and even the abdomen and buttocks.

Various types of pigmentation, spider veins, stretch marks and sagging skin - all this has never been overcome so successfully. IPL rejuvenation is optimal both for improving the condition of mature skin in women and men, and for preventing aging: start using it from the age of 30.

The cost of one procedure is 3400 rubles.

As you can see, the cost is much higher, and I really counted on a positive result.

She lay down on the couch, put on a cap and glasses and closed her eyes. The therapist would flash and then run a cold metal roller over the treated area.

This procedure was much more painful than the previous one, and for the first time I was even given anesthesia (painkiller cream was applied and I waited about 15-20 minutes).

As the doctor said, it is more effective to carry out this procedure without anesthesia. In the future, I did just that, especially since it was quite tolerable and for the sake of the result I was ready to endure. The most painful outbreaks are near the wings of the nose.

Immediately after the procedure, the face is quite red. The doctor applies a special sterile foundation to me to hide the redness, and I can go about my business without sitting at home.

It is advisable not to use your own makeup for the first 12 hours, but sometimes I still break the rule if I really need to.

Unfortunately, nothing more effective than IPL pulsed light flashes has yet been invented. But they also give a very weak effect, rosacea is still with me, I have no obvious effect from the procedures. I have been doing them for a year now, once a month. A total of 7 Palomar IPL therapy procedures were performed.

This photo shows my face almost 2 years ago and now. Couperosis has remained in almost the same volume as it was, I practically never go without foundation and powder.

I have been doing Palomar IPL therapy (pulsed light) for a year and have no visible effect.

P.S. The cosmetologist advised

a cool vasoconstrictor gel that makes the face white and not red at all for 5-6 hours!

A cosmetic product that perfectly masks extensive redness.

Thank you for your attention!

Beautiful skin to everyone!

I will be glad to rate and comments!

Laser removal (coagulation) of blood vessels on the face

Sclerotherapy is an effective method of combating vascular network

How I quickly lost -10 kg in 2 weeks

I used this procedure more than once for several years, wanting first to get rid of freckles, then pigmentation from tanning beds, which began with charming brown mustaches in the Spanish style, and then post-traumatic pigmentation.

The essence of the procedure is the powerful effect of light and heat irradiation on the surface protective layer of the skin, due to which the destruction of skin cells and some small vessels occurs, moisture evaporates! - the water-lipid barrier is broken. In other words, you get burned.

Your skin reacts and begins to restore the burned area, damaged cells exfoliate and new ones appear in their place, due to which there may be a promised tightening, which is a short-term phenomenon. Skin cells that have not been sufficiently irradiated and have not exfoliated simply darken and continue to live their lives, preserving memory and passing it on to generations of other cells, or simply remain in a dead layer with weak activity of the basement membrane, as a result of which skin looseness may appear.

Complete renewal of human skin occurs within 28 days, but if there is no recovery within 7-14 days, fibrosis forms (this is the growth of connective tissue, meat with a film) which contributes to aging.

Like any aggressive procedure, photorejuvenation brings with it destruction, dryness and inflammation, especially when affecting thin, sensitive skin. Where there is not enough moisture for the cells, you will get fine wrinkles and additional pigmentation in the future.

What should healthy skin look like? Moisturized, radiant, even in color, intact vessels ensuring uniform delivery of nutrients around the entire perimeter, if this is all, then all pigment spots will go away, because they are located exactly in the damaged area, just like wrinkles.

Photorejuvenation does everything for the skin exactly the opposite. Anything that dries out and ages the skin cannot be beneficial. I would also like to draw attention to exposure to this artificial light and thermal burns, just as everyone used to shout about the usefulness of a solarium, which after a while is treated. Did photorejuvenation help me? I think it’s already clear. I did many procedures with the tenacity of a mountain sheep, wanting to quickly get rid of my problems, until I was finally able to soberly assess the situation, without a touch of advertising seduction and salon charm.

What I got from it: thinner sensitive dry skin, pigmentation did not go away, even where it had peeled off, it appeared again with renewed vigor as soon as the surface layer was restored, despite protective creams, the winter period and even biorevitalization (which is also a separate topic about efficiency). The places where the impulse was given more strongly were inflamed and hurt longer, but for some reason the skin there hardly peeled off, i.e. there was only damage.

It is also ineffective against blood vessels, despite the fact that they are small.

Now let's talk about what needs to be done to heal the skin. There are many methods, but the main ones are humidification-here helped me best baby cream, the safest product without any acidic or chemical additives from professional products, restoration of metabolism, detoxification phytoestrogens, which are many herbs, spices and even berries, massage, face-building, baths, oils, products that promote resorption and accelerate healing.

From pigment can be used

creams with active substances without acids (they are also very dry and thin the skin, the acids are only natural, for example in berries), a mesoscooter with good moisturizing (by the way, it helps a lot with all these problems, I use 1mm on the problem, I removed the scar and pigment around it in 2 times every 3-4 days) Skin nutrition you can use ampoules with vitamins, add diluted mummy to the cream or wipe the skin with water (thanks to the girl from Ireland for this), herbs, ginseng, serum, etc. There are good creams with

collagen, for example, also collagen in food is gelatin and jelly. Drink a lot of water, spend more time in the fresh air. Be healthy and take care of your skin!

To figure out whether there is a real result and how effective the procedure is, you need to get to know facial photorejuvenation better.


Facial photorejuvenation is a relatively new procedure that appeared in beauty salons just a few years ago. Despite this, the rejuvenation method has already won not only fans, but also a lot of negative reviews, which is not surprising. Everyone's skin structure is different, so it cannot react to external stimuli in a pattern. This applies to all possible methods of rejuvenation. Through trial and error, everyone sooner or later finds the method that suits them.

To figure out whether there is a real result and how effective the procedure is, you need to get to know facial photorejuvenation better.

Facial photorejuvenation: The essence of the procedure and how it works

The method involves exposing the skin to directed flashes of light of a certain frequency, the beam of which is created by a special device. The specialist independently regulates the length of the light radiation and the degree of its effect.
The cost of devices for use in salons is high, and a certain type of device is designed strictly to get rid of specific problems:

  1. Quantum is effective against pigmentation, rosacea, acne, and excessive production of sebaceous fat by the subcutaneous glands.
  2. The American Palomar device system not only combats external skin imperfections, but also significantly accelerates collagen production, affecting the deeper layers of the dermis.
  3. The Italians and their DEKA equipment have achieved results in improving the structure and appearance of the integument. After using the device, the skin becomes soft and velvety, like silk.

Light areas of the dermis literally reflect light, while dark areas attract light. As a result, age spots, freckles and other consequences of excessive tanning on the face disappear due to this.


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The light beam heats the cells, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin molecules in the deep layers of the skin, which promotes restoration and regeneration of the skin from the inside and a deep rejuvenating effect.

The procedure is used to rejuvenate the face, décolleté, bikini area, buttocks, abdomen, hands and neck.


Photorejuvenation requires some preparation from the patient:

  1. Do not sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium 4 weeks before the procedure;
  2. Do not take antibiotics or retinoids (vitamin A) for 3–4 days;
  3. To reduce the risk of hematomas, you should not take ibuprofen or aspirin.
  1. The patient takes a lying position and gets comfortable.
  2. The cosmetologist puts on a mask or glasses for the client to protect the eyes from bright flashes of light and prevent burns to the cornea.
  3. A special conductor gel is applied to the surface of the skin and protects it from excessive overheating.
  4. Within 10–15 minutes, the specialist directs the tip of the device, which produces flashes, to the surface of the face.
  5. After the procedure is completed, cold is applied to the skin, then a cream is applied that has a protective and restorative effect.

It is recommended to use the procedure for rejuvenation after 35 years, and to get rid of hyperpigmentation - at almost any age.

Facial photorejuvenation: Pros and cons

The advantages of the procedure include:

  1. smoothing out small wrinkles;
  2. increasing skin elasticity and velvety;
  3. disappearance of pigmentation and freckles;
  4. improvement of appearance and complexion, tightening of contours,
  5. giving elasticity;
  6. stimulation of natural hydration;
  7. narrowing of pores.

Negative aspects of facial photorejuvenation:

  1. swelling;
  2. bruises;
  3. redness and inflammation;
  4. peeling of the skin;
  5. burning;
  6. general discomfort of the treated areas.

Side effects occur mainly in people with sensitive skin types and completely disappear on their own after 1–2 weeks. To reduce the likelihood of complications, it is better to undergo the procedure in the cold season, when the skin is less exposed to sunlight.

Facial photorejuvenation: Before and after photos


Is there a real result and how long does it last?

Advertising from numerous cosmetology clinics promises simply magical anti-aging results, complete elimination of wrinkles, significant skin tightening, a lifting effect, changes in the color and texture of the skin. But is this really so?

Firstly, it is necessary to clarify that it is simply impossible to achieve a noticeable result in one session. For the effect of the procedure to manifest itself, you need to complete the entire course, which includes 3-6 sessions at intervals per week.

Secondly, the release of collagen occurs very slowly, so the processes of dermal regeneration start only after a month after the first session, provided that the course is completed completely.

Thirdly, the photorejuvenation procedure is not able to get rid of deep folds on the face, significantly tighten sagging skin, or remove scars or scars, as is possible with laser resurfacing. The method is really effective, however, not for combating serious age-related skin changes. With its help, you can really get rid of freckles, not too dark age spots, post-acne, spider veins, slightly refresh the appearance of your face and improve your color.
Fourthly, the result directly depends on the device used during the procedure. A high-class device, a proven and well-proven brand from foreign manufacturers in the field of photo-rejuvenation, will allow you to achieve results faster and maintain them longer.

The effect can be assessed two weeks after the procedure, and to maintain it, it is necessary to repeat the course at least 1-2 times a year.


Exposure to light flashes is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. naturally dark skin tone;
  2. dermatitis;
  3. activation of herpes infection;
  4. fresh tanning or using self-tanning;
  5. blood diseases;
  6. pregnancy and lactation;
  7. oncology;
  8. the presence of moles or nevi at the treatment sites.

Feelings during the procedure

Pain during the photorejuvenation process depends only on the individual sensitivity of the skin and the person’s pain threshold. It cannot be said that the patient is experiencing intense pain. A burning, tingling sensation may be felt, especially in the area of ​​the lips and nose. Overall the feeling is not very pleasant.

Although eye protection is worn, flashes of light may be felt through drooping eyelids and may be slightly blinding during the procedure.

Difficulties of the rehabilitation period

Immediately after the first session, the skin acquires a bright pink tint, swelling and bruising may appear. Pigment spots become even darker, and crusts may form in areas of large accumulation of subcutaneous vessels.

Another advantage of photorejuvenation is that the integrity of the skin is not compromised, so the negative effects disappear quickly (after 1–2 weeks).

During the rehabilitation period, you must adhere to the following skin care rules:

  1. limit smoking, alcohol intake;
  2. take enough fluids and antioxidants;
  3. do not visit the sauna or bathhouse for two weeks;
  4. try not to be in direct sunlight, be sure to use sunscreen;
  5. treat the skin with an anti-inflammatory and healing cream (for example, Bepanten).

If the skin is not inflamed and the redness has subsided, then it is allowed to use decorative cosmetics in the first days after the photorejuvenation session.

Photos before and after


Cost of the procedure in clinics

The price of the service directly depends on the class of the device used for photorejuvenation, the area of ​​the treated surface, as well as the prestige and popularity of a particular clinic.

On average, the cost of a facial procedure ranges from 2.5 to 7 thousand rubles.

Devices for conducting at home

More recently, women have the opportunity to use photorejuvenation on their own, without even leaving home, using special portable devices for home use:

  1. Silk’n Reju is a French-made fractional device that has a built-in cream cartridge and is designed for facial rejuvenation;
  2. Quantum is a whole system for salon and home use, which allows you to rejuvenate the skin on any part of the body and even perform hair removal;
  3. Yakhroma-med is a domestic device that is cheap, but its efficiency is not up to par.

It is imperative to follow safety precautions, purchase the necessary conductive gels, safety glasses, cream after using household appliances, and treat all mandatory stages of the procedure with responsibility.


Facial photorejuvenation: Reviews

I really wanted to try this method, my friend praised it so much. But, unfortunately, I have several moles on my face, which is considered a contraindication for photorejuvenation.

In this way I got rid of the vascular network on the face and asterisks. After the procedure, the skin turned red and there was an unpleasant burning sensation, but soon everything went away. I am satisfied with the result; the vessels became less noticeable after the first session. I'll try again in a month. But I don’t recommend it for getting rid of wrinkles; my wrinkles haven’t gone away.

I'm not a fan of photorejuvenation. There is zero effect, the procedure is expensive, my face has been inflamed for more than a week. I definitely don't recommend it!

I had photorejuvenation done in a clinic that I had personally tested using the Quantum device and was amazed by the effect. The freckles are completely gone, and the pigment spots have become much lighter. The procedure is not that painful, it just stings a little. I had no swelling or bruising at all, so I am very glad that I used this service.

I had terrible swelling, bruises all over my face, everything took a very long time to heal, but the wrinkles did not disappear. I do not recommend this procedure for rejuvenation.