Causes of pimples on the back of a man's head

Pimples on the scalp, and especially in men on the back of the head, often bother them from an aesthetic point of view. This is actually a medical problem. Unpleasant rashes cause itching and discomfort when washing your hair. However, the main problem is that they cause excessive hair loss and lead to baldness. Why do acne appear on the back of the head, and how to deal with this problem? This is what this article will discuss.

Skin structure

The skin of an individual consists of several layers:

  1. The epidermis is the uppermost one, it is constantly renewed. Some cells die and are exfoliated, while others appear again.
  2. Dermis – average. It contains small blood vessels, capillaries, sebaceous and sweat glands, hair follicles and nerve endings.
  3. Hypodermis – internal. It is responsible for thermoregulation of the skin and accumulates nutrients.

The sebaceous glands produce a secretion to lubricate the hair and form an emulsion hydrolipidic film on the surface of the skin. It has a slightly acidic environment, which prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, regulates the water-salt balance, protects the epidermis from drying out and protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. When it is damaged, harmful bacteria freely penetrate the dermis and cause acne to appear on the back of the head in men.

Types of skin rashes on the head

In medical practice, skin pimples are called acne. All rashes are classified according to the following types:

  1. Papules are a red bump without pus. After removal it leaves no traces.
  2. Pustules - a white dot is visible on a reddened pimple - an accumulation of pus. Such acne occurs when an infection occurs.
  3. Nodules are a dangerous type of pimple, they are red in color with a burgundy or blue tint, affect all layers of the skin, cause pain and reach up to three centimeters in diameter.
  4. Cysts appear one after another, merging into a single chain. After healing, they leave scars and scars.


You should not self-medicate, and if acne appears on the back of your head, you should immediately consult a dermatologist. External manifestations can signal serious internal problems.

Internal causes of acne

Acne appears not only on the face and back, but also on the scalp. They begin to itch and cause serious discomfort. Their formation signals serious problems in the body. You should, without delay, contact a dermatologist, trichologist or gastroenterologist and undergo an examination.

Pimples on the head occur for the following reasons:

  1. Malfunction of the endocrine system. The body produces excess testosterone or progesterone and a deficiency, for example, of estrogen. This occurs during adolescence during puberty or when sexual function decreases in men.
  2. Excessive secretion of sebaceous glands. Pores become clogged, oxygen supply to the skin is disrupted, and acne appears.
  3. Adrenal gland disease. Everything in the body is interconnected, and the occurrence of problems in one organ leads to problems in the functioning of other systems.
  4. Focal infection. The presence of harmful bacteria in the body weakens the immune system, and pathogens begin to multiply under favorable conditions on the scalp, causing acne to appear on the back of the hair.
  5. Stressful situations and overwork. They promote increased production of cortisol, which disrupts metabolic processes in the epithelium, which reduces collagen levels.
  6. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements.
  7. Various diseases of the digestive system.
  8. Dermatological diseases: mycosis, folliculitis, seborrhea, psoriasis.
  9. Allergic reaction of the body to various foods.
  10. Long-term use of medications - steroids, antibiotics.

Pimples on the back of the head in men: reasons for their appearance

There are many external reasons that contribute to the appearance of acne on the scalp. These include:

  1. Unsuitable water type. A high content of various impurities in water or chlorine irritates and dries out the skin.
  2. Poor hair and scalp hygiene. Rare or, on the contrary, frequent hair washing, incorrect selection of shampoo, not washing the scalp from sebaceous secretions. Some products cause individual intolerance, and this can cause acne on the back of the head in the hair.
  3. Using synthetic bedding or headwear. The skin is not saturated with oxygen, severe sweating and blockage of the sebaceous glands occurs.
  4. Poor environment, working with various harmful substances.
  5. Microcracks and scratches into which pathogenic bacteria enter.
  6. Sudden temperature changes. In cold and hot seasons it is necessary to wear a hat.

When eliminating acne, you should not self-medicate. To successfully combat acne on the back of the head, the cause of its appearance plays an important role. Only a qualified specialist can accurately determine it and prescribe the correct treatment.

Symptoms of scalp inflammation

Before acne appears on the head, the individual experiences dry skin and itching. After several days of discomfort, bumps appear between the hairs, ranging in color from pale pink to dark red. Their diameter can vary from 1 mm to 3 cm, and pain appears. As it matures, purulent pimples form on the back of the head, which can also appear on other parts of the head. Sometimes the swelling goes away on its own after a few days, without forming an abscess or leaving any traces.


Individuals prone to the formation of an inflammatory rash need to constantly monitor the edges of the hair near the neck, forehead, temples, and examine the back of the head. If you notice the first symptoms, contact a dermatologist or trichologist. Advanced forms of the disease are difficult to treat and lead to hair loss and bald patches.

How to get rid of acne on the back of your head?

The appearance of acne on the back of a man's head can be caused by many reasons. It is recommended to start the treatment process with the following points:

  1. Make changes to your diet. Review the daily menu, add to it a sufficient amount of foods containing microelements and vitamins: various greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals and dairy products. Significantly reduce the consumption of smoked meats, fatty meats, canned food, spicy and salty foods.
  2. To refuse from bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol negatively affect the effectiveness of treatment.
  3. Eliminate allergen. It can be found in shampoos, conditioners, medications and foods.
  4. Visit your doctor if the measures taken do not improve your condition. After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe effective therapy.

Doctors' advice to help fight acne on the head

Dermatologists advise to combat acne on the back of the head in men:

  1. Choose the right hair hygiene products. Shampoo for men, which contains salicylates, dries the scalp and promotes the healing of purulent pimples. Preparations containing selenium sulfide help eliminate itchy rashes. Anti-fungal additives in hair washes cure dandruff. Tar shampoo or soap will cope with the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis.
  2. Use hair styling products carefully. They cause the scalp to become dry or, conversely, oily, and the pores become clogged. All this contributes to the appearance of dandruff, itching and rashes.
  3. Get short haircuts. It is easier to maintain a healthy scalp with short hair. Long ones increase sweating, provoke the growth of bacteria, cause inflammation and acne.
  4. Do not squeeze pimples - you can cause the infection to spread extensively to new areas of the scalp. Serious complications are possible.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor identifies the causes of acne on the back of the head in the hair by conducting the following examinations:

  1. Collecting data for anamnesis - when talking with a patient, the doctor listens to complaints, receives information about the state of health and heredity, about previous treatment experience, if any.
  2. A visual inspection of the scalp and hair condition is carried out.
  3. A general blood test is prescribed.
  4. Blood biochemistry is taken - the content of microelements in the serum is detected, the level of sex and thyroid hormones is determined.
  5. Computer diagnostics are carried out - trichoscopy, which allows you to obtain complete information about the condition of the scalp and hair.
  6. If necessary, a phototrichogram is performed to clarify the cause of hair loss.
  7. Consultations with other specialists are scheduled.


Based on the collected data, it is determined what caused acne on the back of the head and an individual treatment program is developed. During the course of therapy and after its completion, control trichoscopy is performed to evaluate and correct treatment.

Treatment using physiotherapeutic agents

Physiotherapy procedures have a good effect in treating acne on the head. Most often used:

  1. Ultraviolet irradiation dries, sterilizes and gives an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Microcurrents - low-frequency impulses penetrate deeply into the layer of the epidermis, improve lymph flow and blood flow, nourish cells with oxygen and activate metabolic processes in them. They are used for various inflammatory and fungal diseases, seborrhea, hair loss, and dandruff. They give a good effect for subcutaneous acne on the back of the head.
  3. Cryotherapy is used to treat low temperatures.
  4. Galvanization, or vacuum desincrustation, allows you to remove the cores of blackheads.
  5. Darsonvalization is based on the use of high voltage alternating current. With the help of the procedure, metabolism is accelerated, skin nutrition and oxygen supply are improved, and pathogenic microflora is destroyed.


All physiotherapeutic agents have contraindications for use. They are not recommended for various neoplasms, purulent processes, infectious diseases, bleeding tendency, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, heart attack and stroke.

Drug therapy

Treatment of acne on the back of the head in men depends on the cause of its occurrence:

  1. Infection of a bacterial nature - antibiotics “Tetracycline”, “Azithromycin”, “Erythromycin” are used in the form of tablets for oral use and external use in the form of gels, solutions and ointments. In complex treatment, antifungal drugs are also prescribed.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases - drugs are used to restore intestinal microflora “Linex”, “Laktovit”, “Laktiale”.
  3. Allergies - antihistamines are prescribed: Telfast, Loratadine, Zodak. In addition, drugs that normalize the nervous system are used: “Glycine”, “Novo-passit”, “Persen”.
  4. Hormonal disorders - antiandrogen drugs help. If there is a deficiency of nutrients and microelements, they are replenished with vitamin complexes, brewer's yeast, selenium, calcium, and zinc.


For topical use, ointments such as Ichthyolova, Levomikol, and Boro-Plus are often used. Damaged areas are treated with hydrogen peroxide, camphor and salicylic alcohol. For diseases caused by fungi, it is recommended to use special shampoos “Ketoconazole” and “Nizoral”.

Ointments for acne on the head in the hair

The main disadvantage of ointments when used to treat acne on the back of the head in men is that it is necessary to wash your hair frequently. Despite this, they are considered the most effective remedy in the fight against the disease. The most commonly used ointments are:

  1. Ichthyol - has an antibacterial effect, perfectly fights ulcers. Apply it an hour before washing your hair. The unpleasant odor is destroyed after using shampoo.
  2. Salicylic acid – kills pathogenic microorganisms, eliminates the inflammatory process. Use an hour before washing your hair daily. Apply to the abscess.
  3. Gentamicin - it contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Used for bacterial infections. Apply to acne twice a day.
  4. Syntomycin - prevents the growth of pathogenic microflora, applied directly to acne, has an antibacterial effect.

Traditional medicine recipes for getting rid of acne on the head

When treating acne on the back of the head and other places on the head, you can use traditional recipes along with medications, after consulting with your doctor. To combat the problem, use the following proven recipes:

  1. Tincture of calendula. Its use helps to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The product is sold at the pharmacy. To use, dissolve two tablespoons of the tincture in a glass of boiled water. Wipe the pimples daily until they disappear.
  2. Aloe juice. Cut off the bottom leaf from the plant, squeeze out the juice and lubricate the damaged areas of the skin.
  3. Tea tree oil. A good antiseptic to fight acne. Add a few drops of oil to shampoo and wash your hair. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form; it can cause skin burns.
  4. Apple vinegar. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with a solution containing water and vinegar in equal quantities.
  5. Strawberry juice. Squeeze it from fresh berries and lubricate damaged areas of the head. Quickly heals wounds, cleanses the skin, kills pathogens.
  6. Tar soap. Cleanses the scalp and fights harmful bacteria.

There are a lot of traditional medicine recipes to combat skin rashes on the back of the head and other parts of the head. They should not be used without consulting a doctor, so as not to aggravate the problem.

Preventing acne in hair

It is quite possible to prevent acne rashes on the back of the head in men by adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. wash your hair no more than once every three days;
  2. in sunny, windy and cold weather, be sure to wear a hat;
  3. choose a high-quality cosmetic product that suits your hair type and does not contain oils;
  4. treat the comb with antiseptic agents;
  5. wear hats and sleep on bed linen made of pure cotton or linen;
  6. wash towels and pillowcases more often;
  7. Do not scratch any pimples that appear.


Pay attention to food products, they should contain more proteins, vitamins E, A and B. You should eat less or completely avoid:

  1. alcoholic drinks;
  2. sweet confectionery;
  3. fried, smoked and salty foods;
  4. fatty meat;
  5. carbonated drinks;
  6. coffee.
  1. fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits;
  2. various cereals;
  3. lean meat and fish;
  4. hard cheeses;
  5. natural juices and fruit drinks;
  6. fermented milk products.

In addition, play sports, take daily walks, ride a bike, swim, avoid stress.

Shampoos for acne on the scalp

Using shampoos to treat acne on the back of the head in men is the most convenient method. A simple and quick way to use, does not stain rashes and, with rare exceptions, does not have an unpleasant odor. The following shampoos are suitable for treatment:

  1. "Skin-Cap" - glyceric acid contained in the drug, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Used for dermatitis, inflammatory processes of the scalp and seborrhea.
  2. "Nizoral" - used for candidiasis.
  3. "Sulsena" - contains a substance that regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and has an antibacterial effect. Disadvantage: unpleasant odor; advantages: low price.
  4. “Sebozol” – contains ketoconazole and is used for fungal infections, psoriasis, seborrhea and skin rashes.
  5. “Friderm Balance” - one of the components is the zinc compound pyrithione, which has an antimicrobial and antipruritic effect. The product is effective for allergic rashes.
  6. “Tar 911” is an excellent product that contains birch tar, which affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Used for acne, dermatitis and dandruff.



The appearance of acne on the back of the head in the hair of men is most often a dermatological disease. It occurs when the sebaceous glands become inflamed due to excessive production of sebum or its high viscosity. Another cause of the disease is also possible. In each specific case, the doctor will conduct a thorough examination of the patient and prescribe specific individual treatment. Naturally, it is quite understandable why some consider acne on the back of the head to be simply an annoying misunderstanding, and not an illness. However, as we have already found out, such rashes are not always as harmless as they might seem at first glance. Self-medication is never allowed in order not to harm your health and prevent hair loss and the spread of acne throughout the body.


Pimples on the back of the head are formed mainly for the same reasons as acne on any other part of the body. Sebaceous glands are located deep in the skin, and most of them are associated with follicles, each of which is a tiny canal containing hair.

Sebaceous glands produce oil that ends up on the hair shaft and the surface of the skin. Open follicles on the surface of the skin are better known as pores.

Pimples on the back of the head Causes

A combination of three factors leads to the formation of acne on the back of the head:

  1. Excessive production of oil or sebum (overactive sebaceous glands).
  2. Blocked pores.
  3. Inflammation caused by bacteria.

Acne forms when an overactive sebaceous gland produces excess oil, which can later break out as pimples.

The exact cause of their appearance is still unknown. As a result of a blocked pore, the hair follicle can enlarge, leading to the formation of a small tubercle, which over time can rupture, allowing bacteria to penetrate deep into the tissue and cause inflammation.

Bacteria that inhabit the skin multiply in blocked pores and cause inflammation of the follicle. Acne is not caused by a bacterial infection, but bacteria may play a role in its formation. Boils, blackheads, painful red bumps (pimples), pustules, cysts and papules also develop as a result of blockages. por.

Superficial inflammation leads to the formation of pustules, while deeper inflammation causes pimples, and even deeper inflammation leads to the formation of cysts. Pimples, particularly on the back of the head, form when excess oil comes to the surface, and acne occurs when oil oxidizes, not by accumulation of dirt, as is commonly believed.

What causes acne on the back of the head?

Many reasons can contribute to acne in the neck and head:

  1. Hormones, especially during adolescence and menstruation.
  2. Stress.
  3. Staying in the heat for a long time without a hat.
  4. Exposure to certain chemicals and oils.
  5. Certain medications, such as corticosteroids, lithium, estrogens or androgens, and other drugs and medications containing these components.
  6. oily skin or oily hair
  7. Friction or pressure, such as from a helmet.
  8. Hair products such as oils, shampoos and gels can cause blocked pores and breakouts on the back of the neck and scalp.
  9. Acne also tends to run in families.

Symptoms of acne on the back of the head

A pimple on the back of the head cannot always be noticed, since the scalp is covered with hair. Accidentally touching it while combing or while washing your hair can cause pain, and only then can the pimple be detected.

  1. Small pimples may also be noticed on the forehead or near the hairline.
  2. An infection of the hair follicle can cause folliculitis, which is a more severe condition than acne.
  3. Pimples on the back of the head can be considered a non-infectious form of scalp folliculitis.
  4. Pimples on the back of the head are a milder form of scalp folliculitis that appear as tiny superficial pustules. In addition to occurring on the scalp, they can also develop on the face and other parts of the body.
  5. Acne on the head, including the back of the head, is more common in people who use oily hair care products.
  6. These pimples may actually be small, itchy pustules.

Types of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) that can cause inflammation on the back of the head include:

  1. viruses of molluscum contagiosum, herpes,
  2. Staphylococcus,
  3. Fungus,
  4. Mite.

Pimples on the back of the head in men Treatment

The key to treating acne on the back of the head is to prevent clogged pores, which leads to the accumulation of excess oil, dirt and bacteria, which causes acne. Scalp care is also important. But you need to choose the right cleanser so that shampoo or gel does not cause after its use for acne.

If you suspect that the problem lies with the shampoo or conditioner you use on your hair and scalp, you can try using some new products instead. For mild to moderate acne, try products with ingredients such as:

  1. salicylic acid (such as Sal Shampoo): exfoliates dead skin cells so they don't get trapped in pores and cause acne, but less effective than benzoyl peroxide
  2. Glycolic Acid (Aqua Glycolic brand): Helps with exfoliation and kills microbacteria
  3. ketoconazole or cicopirox (Nizoral): antifungals in anti-dandruff shampoos
  4. Tea tree oil: antibacterial properties help fight acne
  5. Jojoba oil: will not get rid of acne, but when added to shampoo, it can reduce acne inflammation

Use oil-containing products in moderation to prevent clogged pores. If you use hair styling products such as waxes, gels, hairsprays and foams, you can purchase a sulfate-free shampoo to combat the effects of these products.

Medicines for treating acne on the back of the head

Talk to your doctor if your scalp acne treatment is not working well or you are experiencing hair loss. Your doctor may need to prescribe stronger prescription medications to reduce acne inflammation or any other skin condition.

For severe or recurring cases, your doctor may recommend:

  1. topical antibiotics or steroid cream,
  2. oral medications such as antibiotics or antihistamines,
  3. isotretinoin, for severe acne,
  4. light therapy,
  5. steroid injections,
  6. physical methods of cleaning pores.

If acne does not go away as a result of treatment, or you have suspicions that it may not be just acne, but a more serious disease, consult a doctor immediately.

The causes of skin lesions can be completely different, such as:

  1. skin cancer types such as basal or squamous cell carcinoma,
  2. deep infection or abscess,
  3. seborrheic dermatitis, the signs of which are scales on the scalp, redness and dandruff,
  4. cyst.

Pimples on the skin cause discomfort to a person. This trouble occurs on the face, body, and scalp. Rashes on the head can appear in men, women and even children, regardless of age. In representatives of the stronger sex, this problem is diagnosed more often. Let's consider what pimples on the head in the hair of men are, the causes and treatment of this pathology.

Why does a rash form in the hair?

Pimples on the scalp are formed under the influence of various factors. To successfully deal with them, you need to determine the reasons that caused them.

Most often, a rash on the head under the hair causes:

  1. Stress . This phenomenon affects people of all ages - infants, schoolchildren, teenagers, young and elderly men.
  2. Wrong selection of shampoo . If you wash your hair with shampoo designed for a different skin type, you will experience rashes, itching and dandruff.
  3. Wearing a headdress made of artificial materials , under which the skin sweats, can cause rashes on the scalp in men.
  4. Irregular, too infrequent hair washing .
  5. Digestive diseases .
  6. Purulent acne on the head can occur due to skin lesions , microcracks, scratches into which pathogenic bacteria enter.
  7. Pimples can appear under the hair when infected with fungi or mites . Such lesions are often itchy and accompanied by dandruff.
  8. Small pimples that appear on the scalp under the hair may be a sign of an allergic reaction. for food, medicine or cosmetics;
  9. Excessive oily skin contributes to the appearance of rashes due to hormonal imbalance in the body or heredity.
  10. The problem can be caused by a long-term deficiency of vitamins or microelements .
  11. Skin health is worsened by bad habits and poor diet. . Pimples on the head in the hair can appear in an adult due to the abuse of fast food, cigarettes and alcohol.
  12. The sudden appearance of rashes may indicate the development of some disease , such as chickenpox, eczema or psoriasis.

There are many causes of skin diseases. To determine how to get rid of them, it is important to understand why acne appears on the head.

Types of acne in hair

Hair rashes can manifest themselves in different ways. Their appearance depends on the reason why acne appeared.

Most common small red pimples . May be caused by an allergen or an incorrectly selected cosmetic product. If they don't hurt or itch, you can wait a while. These rashes often go away on their own if the irritating factor is removed.

If the rash starts to itch , then first of all you need to check your head for lice infestation. When this insect bites through the skin, pimples form at the site of the lesion, painful when touched. In addition to pediculosis, such lesions can be caused by allergens, contact with headwear, and fungi.

A particular nuisance is the recurring painful pimples on the scalp. These are cysts, nodules, pustules. Usually the mechanism that “starts” the process is banal combing. At the site of scratching, a bacterial infection is activated and penetrates deep into the tissue. Under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, boils filled with pus are formed.

Often hair forms acne , or internal acne. Their cause is blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts. They rarely become inflamed and do not cause much discomfort.

What to do if a rash appears on your head?

Pimples on the scalp in men's hair can be caused by various reasons, and they should be treated immediately. The sooner measures were taken to get rid of them, the easier it is to achieve a positive result.

Acne treatment should start with the following:

  1. Adjust nutrition . It is necessary to review the daily menu, increase the amount of foods rich in vitamins and microelements (vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products). The consumption of sweets, canned food, salty, spicy and smoked foods, and baked goods should be reduced as much as possible.
  2. Say goodbye to bad habits . When scalp hair acne becomes a problem, alcohol and nicotine will make it worse and reduce the effectiveness of treatment.
  3. Get rid of the allergen , if there is a suspicion that acne on the head appeared precisely for this reason. This applies to both food and medicines, shampoos and conditioners.
  4. Visit a dermatologist , if the rashes have not decreased. Pimples in the scalp and hair in men have different causes; effective treatment can be prescribed only after a thorough diagnosis of the problem.

Hair rash treatment methods

How to treat acne on the head and hair? The treatment regimen should be determined individually by a dermatologist. Drugs and procedures are selected taking into account the factor that caused the disease.

Some tips for dealing with breakouts

Let's look at the main tips on how to get rid of acne on your head:

  1. Choose the right hair care products . Men's acne shampoo containing salicylates dries the skin well and helps to quickly get rid of festering lesions. Preparations with selenium sulfide will help fight itchy rashes. Dandruff can be cured by using antifungal additives in hair washes. Tar soap or shampoo will eliminate the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis.
  2. Use hair styling products carefully . They can clog pores, dry out the skin or, conversely, make it oily, contributing to rashes, dandruff and itching.
  3. Pimples on the scalp in the hair of women and men cannot be treated with medications containing benzoyl peroxide . This substance is successfully used to combat acne on the body. But upon contact with hair, it worsens its condition, making it brittle, damaging and discoloring.
  4. Cut your hair shorter . The longer the hair, the more difficult it is to keep the scalp healthy. Their constant contact with the skin on the back of the head and temples increases sweating and promotes the growth of bacteria that cause inflammation and small pimples.
  5. Don't squeeze out inflammation . This is how the infection spreads and becomes wider.

Drug therapy

When rashes and inflammations on the skin occur bacterial in nature , the doctor may prescribe antibiotics (erythromycin, azithromycin, tetracycline, etc.) both in tablets for internal use and in the form of acne ointments, gels, solutions for topical treatment. Used in combination with antibiotics to treat skin diseases antifungal agents .

In cases where skin problems are only a consequence, but the cause is gastrointestinal disease , the treatment will be long and includes preparations for improving digestion, normalizing microflora, enterosorbents .

To deal with the consequences allergies the doctor will prescribe antihistamines (Telfast, Zodak, Loratadine, etc.). To ensure recovery occurs as quickly as possible, supplements that normalize the functioning of the nervous system (Glycine, Persen, Novo-passit, tinctures of soothing herbs) may be prescribed.

If the skin rash is severe and does not respond to other types of treatment, your doctor may recommend isotretinoin. This drug is used to combat acne simplex, seborrheic dermatitis and rosacea.

Cure acne, the cause of which lies in hormonal disorders , will help antiandrogens . If it is established that there is a deficiency of nutrients in the body, treatment consists of taking vitamin complexes, brewer's yeast, and microelements (selenium, zinc, calcium).

Local preparations have less pronounced side effects, so for mild forms of the disease they are prescribed more often. These are antibiotics in the form sprays , gels (active ingredient erythromycin, clindamycin), ointments Bactroban, Boro-Plus, Levomekol, Ichthyol. Inflamed areas can be treated with salicylic or camphor alcohol , peroxide . To combat seborrhea and rashes caused by fungi, special shampoos (Nizoral, Ketoconazole).

You cannot select medications to combat rashes on your own. Only a doctor can determine exactly what caused the problems and select the appropriate drug.

Home remedies for acne treatment

If the rashes are of little concern and do not spread further, you can try to get rid of them yourself. Let's look at how to cure inflammation on the scalp at home.

A noticeable effect in solving this problem is shown by the use of the following natural remedies:

  1. tea tree oil ;
  2. natural apple cider vinegar ;
  3. aloe vera juice ;
  4. calendula infusion (at the rate of 2 spoons per glass of water).

You can wipe the inflamed areas several times a day. Rinsing the hair with an infusion of yarrow, St. John's wort, string, sage or plantain (5 tablespoons of herb per 1 liter of boiling water) helps improve scalp health. The rash can be wiped with dandelion decoction (1 spoon per glass of boiling water) and make lotions.

It is useful to replace store-bought shampoo with an infusion of soap nuts. It's not difficult to prepare. Several nuts need to be left in warm water for 5-6 hours, ground, added to the water and strained. The resulting product is stored in the refrigerator.

Instead of shampoo, you can wash your hair with a mixture of henna and eggs. To prepare it, pour several tablespoons of colorless henna with warm water for an hour and add an egg. The mixture is applied to the hair, massaged into the scalp and rinsed thoroughly with warm water.


To prevent a rash on the head from becoming a real problem, you need to follow certain recommendations:

  1. Wash your hair and scalp in a timely manner ;
  2. choose the right shampoo, taking into account your hair and skin type ;
  3. do not touch the scalp with your hands, do not comb it ;
  4. keep combs clean to prevent the spread of fungi and germs ;
  5. eat a properly balanced diet ;
  6. strengthen the immune system .

In most cases, home methods and means of prevention can quickly eliminate the problem of rashes on the head. If the process spreads further, there is no need to wait. The sooner treatment is prescribed, the more effective it will be.