Stretch marks on the butt during pregnancy

Most women experience stretch marks. This skin defect causes psychological discomfort, so it is important to start treatment on time. Today, there is a set of measures to combat stretch marks that can be used at home.

Why do stretch marks occur?

Stretch marks are a skin defect in the form of pink and red stripes. Most often, the problem occurs in areas of the body that are subject to maximum stretching. Striae are microtraumas of individual skin fibers. They occur when the epidermis is significantly stretched. In this case, stretch marks do not pose any health hazard, but are only a cosmetic defect. The area where the problem is localized is the chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks and legs. Striae occur for various reasons.

The main provoking factors for the appearance of stretch marks on the hips, legs and buttocks:

  1. sudden weight gain;
  2. reduced elasticity of epidermal fibers (genetic feature);
  3. active sports, namely squats;
  4. lack of skin hydration, dryness;
  5. hormonal disorders.

An important cause of stretch marks is reduced elasticity of the epidermis. So, one woman may have stretch marks even with a slight weight gain, while another woman may not develop stretch marks even with a strong increase in body weight. Most often, stretch marks occur during pregnancy, adolescence, and also when the production of the hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands is disrupted.


In rare cases, not vertical, but horizontal striae may occur. This indicates the presence of serious endocrine disorders.

Types of striae

Depending on the stage of development, there are several types of stretch marks:

  1. Red - occur at the initial stage, immediately after microfracture of the fibers. They have a bright color and are often deep. Their width can vary from a few millimeters to 0.5 cm.
  2. Pink ones are, as a rule, not very fresh stretch marks. Unlike the initial stage, they are paler and less noticeable.
  3. White - characterize the last stage of development. In this case, the stretch marks become light and unnoticeable. However, small depressions remain.

The skin in the area of ​​stretch marks is very sensitive to any irritant. Even if you overdo it with massage, you can aggravate the symptoms.

Video: how to deal with stretch marks

How to get rid of stretch marks in the buttocks, thighs and legs

As practice shows, dealing with fresh stretch marks is much easier than with old ones. If stretch marks have been present on the body for a long time, then getting rid of them forever will be problematic. In a beauty salon, chemical peeling is often used, which gives good results. Due to the aggressive effects of acids, the epidermis burns. This stimulates the production of your own collagen fibers. As a result, the skin is renewed.

Additionally, a laser is used. Today this method is one of the most effective. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Using a laser, the affected areas are cauterized, resulting in a crust that then falls off. In its place, healthy and aesthetically attractive skin remains.

If you combine peeling and procedures aimed at moisturizing the epidermis in the stretch mark area, then even old stretch marks can be made less pronounced. To do this, you should combine several means. First you need to eliminate dead skin particles using peeling, gently massaging the problem area. Then use any moisturizer.

Home methods

The most effective home remedies for getting rid of stretch marks are the following:

  1. Regenerating infusion. You will need 2 tbsp chamomile flowers. l. The raw materials need to be poured with hot milk and left for several hours. Then filter and soak a piece of cotton cloth in the liquid and apply to the problem area for 20 minutes. This procedure should be carried out 3 times a week for a month.
  2. Olive oil. Additionally you will need almond. Both types of oils should be taken in the amount of 1 tsp. and mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Rub the resulting mixture every day before bed after a shower into the stretch marks area. Duration of treatment is 1 month or more.
  3. Coconut and almond oils. They need to be mixed in equal proportions and applied daily with massaging movements to the stretch mark area. Use for at least a month.
  4. Coffee. You will need steamed cake. They need to massage the stretch marks. This simple peeling perfectly stimulates regeneration processes, and coffee has an antioxidant effect. The procedure must be carried out 2 times a week for a month.
  5. Mumiyo. You can prepare a universal remedy for all types of stretch marks. To do this, you will need 1 tablet of mumiyo, which must be crushed and dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. water. Then add the same amount of baby cream and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting composition once a day with massaging movements. The course of treatment is a month.

The best home remedies for effective exfoliation are coffee and sea salt. During the procedures, you should not put too much pressure on the problem area. This way you can damage the thin skin in the area of ​​stretch marks.

Photo gallery: useful components in the complex for getting rid of stretch marks

Treating imperfections with massage

Treatment of stretch marks on the hips, buttocks and legs can be supplemented with massage. This approach is very effective if you follow all the rules:

  1. Perform the procedure daily after taking a bath or shower.
  2. During the massage, use oils for stretch marks - almond, olive or coconut.
  3. Do not do rough pinching manipulations.
  4. The massage should be more like intense stroking and patting of the problem area.
  5. The action must be performed for at least 5–7 minutes.

The course of procedures must be at least 10 days. Then you need to take a break and repeat. It is very effective to add rosemary essential oil to base formulations. It allows you to get rid of various types of stretch marks in a short time.

If you have stretch marks, it is better to avoid cupping massage and other types of vacuum treatment. Otherwise, you can only increase the severity of stretch marks. After all, during the procedure microtrauma of the skin occurs.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

  1. avoid excessive tanning;
  2. drink more fluids;
  3. constantly moisturize the skin with oils and creams;
  4. massage your skin regularly while taking a bath;
  5. use body scrubs and peels.

Diet also plays a significant role. It is recommended to consume more plant fiber. The menu should include a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals and juices.

Reviews about getting rid of stretch marks

Girls, girls and women, almost every one of us has encountered such a problem as stretch marks. Most often, the cause of their appearance is hormonal surges or disorders, pregnancy, as well as rapid weight gain or sudden weight loss. I am one of those people who started getting stretch marks in my teens, from the age of 13. At the moment they are almost 7 years old and I haven’t tried anything before. Lately, I’ve often thought that it’s time to save up for a laser, but as many people write, even a laser doesn’t help everyone. About six months ago, I discovered a really worthwhile way to remove this problem, and it’s also very cheap. Now more about him. We go to the pharmacy and buy hydrogen peroxide and badyagi powder, it costs 15 rubles, exactly the powder! This is where your costs end. So, I usually did this in the bathroom, but it's whatever your heart desires. Mix badyagu with peroxide to a paste and select a small (!) area of ​​skin on which we will fight stretch marks. Why small - because the sensations later will not be the most pleasant, and in order not to suffer and then change your mind to continue the fight, we make small zones. I advise you to do the entire procedure with gloves. We rub this paste into the area we have chosen, rub it hard so that the redness is visible, you can leave it for a couple of minutes, then wash it off, carefully, because from that moment the unpleasant sensations begin. Everything takes about 5 minutes, then I applied either panthenol or just a rich cream.



Many women know what stretch marks are. They appear after childbirth, after sudden weight loss, and there are many different reasons, and everyone has their own. I'm no exception. One of my friends went to medical school. center and gave paid injections to eliminate stretch marks, but not a single method can guarantee a 100% result. If the stretches are “fresh,” it’s easier to do them, the main thing is to do them on time, but if the stretches have been done for a long time, then this is much more difficult to do. But it is still possible to reduce their number and make them less noticeable. Of course, you need to do peelings, massages, contrast showers, etc., but there is one folk recipe that also helps (it’s better, of course, to do everything in combination) You need to dissolve three to four grams of mumiyo (and you need to take mumiyo not in tablets, and natural) in one spoon of boiled water and mix with a tube of cellulite cream or baby cream, eighty or one hundred grams in volume. Rub the resulting mass into areas where there are stretch marks once or twice a day. You can store this product in the refrigerator.


Dear mothers! I would like to share several recipes that have helped me really reduce stretch marks. Let me make a reservation right away: I had very few of them after my second pregnancy. The affected area is the thighs. So, method 1. It has been talked about more than once. The main component is mumiyo. I buy the tablet version. I prefer to prepare the mixture for one, maximum two uses. I store it, if necessary, until the next day in the refrigerator. What needs to be done? Crush two mummy tablets with a spoon on a saucer, add any of your preferred creams (from baby to anti-cellulite), add two or three drops of orange or grapefruit oil, stir until the mummy particles are completely dissolved in the mixture. The mixture may have a different consistency, depending on the cream added. When adding anti-cellulite cream, the mixture will be more liquid, which not everyone likes. Apply the mixture with massage movements onto previously cleansed skin. Method 2. Absolutely harmless. Ingredients: wheat germ oil or grape seed oil plus mandarin/neuroli/lavender essential oil - your choice. The proportions are as follows: 3 drops of tangerine/neuroli/lavender/clove/mint oil per 5–6 ml of base oils. Apply to cleansed skin. A little warning: Be careful when adding oils = keep the proportions! Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components! Thus, by alternating these methods, I was able to get rid of stretch marks almost completely. Good luck to you too!!

Kristina Igorevna

Review: Set for the correction of stretch marks "Fermenkol" - A good remedy for stretch marks, with long-term use it can replace a laser Advantages: it works! and removes stretch marks, convenient nozzle and the gel does not get on your hands, replaces the laser Disadvantages: you need to smear it every morning and evening, the tubes are small. After giving birth, I was left with red stretch marks on my stomach. I read on the Internet that only laser can save you from old stretch marks. Therefore, I saved up some money for my beloved self and went to the Speke clinic. But a cosmetologist there advised me to try the Fermenkol Elactin set for stretch marks. She said that this is a new product, and the manufacturer is proven. In addition, all the same, old stretch marks are not removed with a laser in 1 time and it turns out to be quite expensive. Well, smearing your tummy in any way is more pleasant than doing something on it with a laser, so I agreed to try the miracle remedy. I bought this set and started applying it every day, morning and evening. The doctor warned that there is no immediate effect and it will be necessary to apply it for 1.5–2 months, as written in the instructions. Here is the result after 1 month of use: the stretch marks did not go away completely, but the effect was colossal! They became almost invisible. I can’t even believe that I had those scary red stripes! I am attaching before and after photos. The before photo appeared only thanks to the doctor. In general, I will continue to use it, I think that in another month they will completely disappear, since there is already such an effect!



Treatment of stretch marks in the initial stages of development is always effective. You have to fight with old stretch marks for a long time. However, if you use a set of tools, you can very soon achieve positive dynamics. It is recommended to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation using special creams with UV filters.

More than 60% of expectant mothers develop stretch marks on the buttocks during pregnancy, and many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get rid of this defect on the skin. To understand how to correct the situation, you need to understand what these stripes are and why they appear.

Why do stretch marks appear?

Striae or stretch marks are structural changes in the skin that are formed due to thinning and ruptures of connective tissue. Damage to collagen fibers occurs, the elasticity of the epidermis is lost, and at the same time vessels and capillaries are injured, which affects the color change. Stretch marks start out as a light pink hue, but eventually turn into darker colors, including burgundy, purple, blue, gray and others. Over time, stretch marks heal, but there is a possibility of formation of scars or marks that are visually noticeable on the skin.


During the period of bearing a baby, serious changes occur in a woman’s body, which provoke the appearance of peculiar defects in different parts of the body. The main reasons include:

  1. Weight change. The faster you gain weight, the greater the likelihood of stretch marks forming. The skin does not have time to adapt to new forms, micro-tears occur.
  2. Hormonal changes. The concentration of hormones changes, which affects metabolic processes and the production of a number of compounds, including collagen and elastin.
  3. Deficiency of nutrients in the body, vitamins, including E, beneficial amino acids and other valuable compounds.

Some women have naturally weakened skin, which is dry and prone to dermatological problems, and this increases the risk of stretch marks. The predisposition to developing stretch marks on the butt during pregnancy increases in expectant mothers whose close relatives have already suffered from this problem.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the butt?

There is no need to take drastic measures during pregnancy, as this can affect your overall well-being and cause difficulties when carrying a baby. It is enough to take the following measures:

  1. Take proper care of the skin of the buttocks. This is the use of special cosmetics that have a moisturizing and nutritional effect. There are separate categories of products recommended for expectant mothers.
  2. Weight control. You need to try to gradually gain weight and this will be useful not only for the condition of the skin, but also for the whole body.
  3. Light massage, contrast shower. If red stretch marks have already appeared on the butt during pregnancy, then it is necessary to help the skin recover from such microtraumas. Moderate exposure will promote better blood circulation and stimulate natural tissue repair.
  4. Proper nutrition, including varied and healthy foods, a balanced menu.
  5. Use of “light” cosmetic procedures. Short-term wrapping is allowed, but only without the use of aggressive auxiliary agents.
  6. The use of underwear made from natural fabrics, of appropriate size and preferably especially for expectant mothers.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to use supportive measures, since they are the ones that can reduce the likelihood of stretch marks or reduce traces of them.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the buttocks after pregnancy?

With the advent of a baby, the methods for eliminating various dermatological defects increase significantly. Modern cosmetic technologies and aesthetic medicine can help a young mother. If blue stretch marks on the butt were previously observed during pregnancy, then over time they will begin to lighten, which indicates scarring of previously acquired injuries. It is advisable to prevent such phenomena, since the sooner measures are taken to get rid of stretch marks, the more effective and less expensive the procedures will be.

Among the modern methods of combating stretch marks on the buttocks, the following measures stand out:

  1. Peeling. It can be of chemical or mechanical type. It involves removing the top layer of the epidermis, which subsequently provokes regenerative processes on the skin and traces of defects become almost invisible.
  2. Mesotherapy. Restoring skin firmness and elasticity through injections of a special nutrient solution. It helps improve collagen production and supports natural regenerative processes.
  3. Laser correction. The principle is based on the displacement of tissues in the scar zone and their renewal due to the formation of new connective tissues. At the same time, the restoration of collagen fibers is stimulated.

To avoid wondering how to get rid of stretch marks after giving birth, you need to start maintaining your skin as early as possible, properly caring for it and monitoring its condition.

During pregnancy, stretch marks, also called stretch marks, may appear on the body. This peculiar skin defect manifests itself in the form of atrophic scars on the thighs, abdomen, and chest. Stretch marks can appear in any part of the body, but more often they are located where there is a large amount of fat, namely on the butt. How to remove stretch marks on the butt, why do they occur? A fairly common question that worries expectant mothers and women who have already given birth.

What causes stretch marks on the butt?

Before you start getting rid of stretch marks, you need to understand the reason for their appearance. Several factors come into play here:

  1. rapid weight gain;
  2. hormonal imbalance;
  3. genetic predisposition;
  4. age.

Stretch marks on the butt.

The more a pregnant woman gains weight, the higher the likelihood of developing stretch marks on her butt. They can also occur with a small but sudden increase in weight.

Hormonal imbalance is considered one of the main reasons for the formation of stretch marks on the butt. The production of estrogen and cortisol during pregnancy is significantly reduced, which entails a disruption in the construction of skin proteins and connective tissue - collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, it stretches, and the mesh layer of the dermis ruptures. Collagen and elastic fibers also break off while the epidermis is preserved, and “dips” form in the skin. This is the mechanism by which stretch marks occur. Externally, these processes are expressed by the appearance of unaesthetic scars on the skin of the abdomen and butt.

Among the causes of stretch marks, a woman’s age should also be mentioned. The younger the expectant mother, the greater the risk of streaks forming on her skin.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the butt during pregnancy

There is no drug treatment that can completely remove stretch marks on the butt or other parts of the body. Removing them is a long process that requires patience and discipline. Therefore, it is better to start fighting stretch marks before pregnancy occurs. In order to prevent their appearance before the expected conception, you need to monitor your weight, eat right, and exercise.

If, despite the measures taken, stretch marks still form on the butt, and this usually happens in the second trimester of pregnancy, then the sooner you start treating them, the greater the effect.

To eliminate stretch marks while carrying a child, not all methods that are available to women after childbirth are suitable. Expectant mothers need:

  1. Watch your diet and don’t allow yourself to gain weight suddenly. The diet should contain sources of healthy protein (meat, dairy products, fish). Protein stimulates the production of collagen, which gives elasticity to the skin.
  2. Take a contrast shower. Water treatments, if used regularly, will help get rid of stretch marks, as water has a tonic and strengthening effect on the skin, and problem areas of the butt receive the blood flow they need. After a shower, you can rub your buttocks with a hard terry towel.
  3. Constantly nourish and moisturize the skin with products for the prevention of stretch marks, which are approved for use by pregnant women. The cosmetic product should not contain substances that can harm the child.
  4. During pregnancy, to avoid stretch marks, it is better to eat less sweets. Sugar tends to inhibit collagen renewal, which leads to a decrease in skin elasticity, loss of firmness and the appearance of stretch marks on the butt and other places where subcutaneous fat accumulates.
  5. You can reduce the appearance or completely get rid of stretch marks using specialized spa treatments that are offered by many spa salons. Pregnancy is not a contraindication for seaweed wraps and applications, which can significantly influence the depth of already formed stretch marks. After the wrap, a special massage of the lumbar region, buttocks, and lymphatic drainage massage of the lower extremities is usually performed. If stretch marks appear on your butt, you need to start working on them as early as possible.

How to remove stretch marks on the butt during the postpartum period

An integrated and methodical approach allows you to get good results. For women who want to have a beautiful body after childbirth, including an elastic butt without stretch marks, modern medicine recommends surgical techniques, traditional cosmetic procedures, and laser techniques to eliminate skin defects that appeared during pregnancy.


A radical method that allows you to completely remove stretch marks on the butt, but clinics do not recommend it to all patients. Only in cases where it is not possible to get rid of stretch marks by other means, surgical intervention is indicated. Why is this effective option most often rejected by experts? The reason is that the procedure for eliminating stretch marks entails a long and painful rehabilitation, as with any other plastic surgery.

Using a laser

Removing stretch marks on the butt with a laser is not so traumatic and also gives a good effect. The point is that laser beams penetrate deep into the skin and trigger the natural mechanisms for the production of collagen fibers. The old connective tissue of the stretch marks is displaced by reducing the fibers of the deep layers. Thus, healthy skin appears in place of scars.


One of the most modern treatment methods that allows you to partially get rid of stretch marks on the butt. A therapeutic cocktail is injected into the stretch area by injection using short atraumatic needles to a depth of 3-4 mm. The drugs used during the procedure activate collagen production and initiate restoration processes in the skin.

Chemical peeling

A common method of dealing with stretch marks, which makes it possible to remove fresh and small stretch marks. Medium peeling is often used, affecting the entire depth of the stratum corneum of the skin. Acid is applied to the area of ​​the stretch marks, causing a controlled chemical burn. After redness of the skin, the acid is neutralized, and then the skin of the butt is moisturized with a special post-peeling cream, which has a softening effect and eliminates the feeling of tightness at the site of former stretch marks.

To get rid of stretch marks in the postpartum period, as during pregnancy, you can use traditional procedures: body wraps, massage, contrast showers, swimming.

Regardless of the reasons that provoked the appearance of stretch marks on the butt during pregnancy, all women who have this defect want to remove it. The choice of treatment method depends on the severity of stretch marks and the time of their occurrence. Some methods for eliminating stretch marks are effective in the initial stages of their appearance, while others, radical ones, are indicated in advanced cases. This is why it is important to combine different treatments and take care of your skin both during and after pregnancy.