Meaning of a mole on a woman’s right shoulder


The ancient Indian astrological treatise “Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra” says the following about the meaning of moles on the human body:

1. If a mole is located on the left side of a woman’s body or on the right side of a man’s body, this is considered a favorable sign.
2. If a woman has a mole located above her heart, she will be lucky.
3. A woman with a red mole located on her left breast brings happiness and will be accompanied by good luck, she will give birth to several children. A woman with a bright red mole on her left breast will have only one son. If the mole is located on the right breast, the woman will have sons and daughters.
4. If the mole is located on the forehead between the eyebrows, then this indicates royalty.
5. If the right side of the female genital organ (yoni) is marked, then she will undoubtedly become the consort of a king and give birth to a king.
6. If the red sign is located on the front of the nose, then the woman will become the wife of the king. If the sign is black, she will have indecent behavior or be a widow.
7. The sign located below the navel is favorable for both men and women.
8. A sign located on the ear, cheek, hand or neck indicates that the first child in the family will be a boy. This sign will also bring comfort and good luck.
9. Signs on the calf indicate disasters and suffering.

According to European tradition mole - This is a sign of fate, indicating certain predispositions and character traits. Every person has moles, some of them are given to us at birth, some appear during our journey through life. We all have these marks on our bodies, which contain important information for us; we just need to be able to correctly understand these signs.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, the Inquisition considered moles and birthmarks to be marks of evil spirits, and their owners were subjected to persecution and repression. Starting from the 18th century, the situation changed exactly the opposite, moles became fashionable and were even specially applied to the body artificially with a special pencil. Today, the location of moles is not given much meaning, but there is an opinion that important information is encrypted in them. To understand them correctly, you should pay attention to where they are located, as well as the shape and size they have.

The size of a mole can tell us about the strength of its influence on our destiny. Larger moles have a stronger impact. Very small moles on our face and body practically do not play any role in our lives. We must not lose sight of the fact that the meaning of moles gives us only some additional information, indicating the inclinations and predispositions of a particular person.

The meaning of moles in women

Moles can be located all over the body, but women are most interested in their location on the face:


1. In the third eye area, eyes of Shiva. Anyone who has a mole here has boundless intuition, intelligence and a thirst for knowledge with a bias towards mysticism.
2. Right corner of the eye. The meaning of moles is that you are a passionate, jealous, hot-tempered person.
3. Right eyelid. Poetic character with a penchant for intellectual professions.
4. Mole under the right eye. This mole is a testament to deep love and loyalty, as well as sensuality and generosity.
5. Under the right eye near the nose. Changeability, confused temperament and short love interests.
6. Mole on the bridge of the nose. Passion for travel, fantasy and creativity.
7. Under the left eye near the nose. The meaning of moles in this place is unreasonable jealousy, the predominance of egocentrism in character.
8. Under the left eye. Boundless sensuality. Married life with rich experience.
9. In the left corner of the eye. In love relationships, there is a predisposition to unreasonable feelings of guilt and a tendency to quarrel.
10. Left eyelid. Excellent memory, diplomacy and down to earth.
11. tip of the nose. The tendency to complicate love relationships and everything that is prohibited.
12. Right cheekbone. Intricate sentimental connections, a person gives himself completely to passion.
13. Right cheek. Frequent quarrels and quick reconciliation. Carnal love prevails over platonic love.
14. Under the right nostril. A sublime and mystical mindset, a feeling of universal love and an absolutely outstanding destiny.
15. Under the nasal septum. Independence, love of pleasure and travel.
16. Left upper lip. Thirst for motherhood, generosity, fidelity.
17. Left side of nose. An amazing seducer, a tendency to accompany shocking and scandalous events. Love variety, but take marriage seriously.
18. Right upper lip. The victory of sensuality over all other qualities. Imagination and originality.
19. Under the right corner of the lip. Tendency to jealousy, thirst and the only great love.
20. Left cheekbone (near the ear). Severe character, prone to depression.
21. Left cheekbone. Tendency to variability in intellectual and love areas. And, of course, difficult relationships.
22. Left corner of lips. Emphasized eroticism, sexuality and infidelity.
23. Chin (left side). Clear mind, orderliness. There will be an increase both spiritual and material.
24. Under the lower lip. You have a vulnerable psyche and health, a feeling of insecurity is not the most pleasant meaning of the location of moles.
25. Chin. The desire to have a traditional, stable family. A pleasant and balanced person in communication. Love of a quiet life and a penchant for conservative views.


Mole on chest. If the mole is on the right side, its meaning is that you often rush from one extreme to the other. Your life consists of ups and downs. The meaning of a mole on the left side indicates a generous and slightly frivolous character.
On the back. Generous, open and good-natured people have moles on the back. These are faithful partners, understanding interlocutors, excellent friends and true masters in their field. When moles are located closer to the shoulders, a person demands more from himself and others.
At the waist. A mole portends you many children. The larger the spot, the more numerous your offspring are.
On shoulders. You are lucky. The meaning of a mole on the left shoulder is financial difficulties.
On a hand cyst. The meaning of dark moles is an exciting career, happiness, wealth.
On the arm from hand to shoulder. You have a gift that will bring you success and happiness.
On the ankle. Independence, hard work, energy.

The meaning of moles in men


Mole on forehead
. The meaning of moles on the right side is popularity and happiness.
On the nose. Is a favorable sign. In any endeavor you will achieve success.
On the ears. You have no worries.
On the cheek. Located on the right, it means mobility of character, agility, specificity.
On the neck. If the mole is on the side, you will not have an easy life. A mole on the front of your neck means you can look forward to a spectacular career.
Mole on the chin. You are respected by other people.
On the jaw. A sign of poor health or a troubled life, especially if the spot is on the left side.
On shoulders. Your life is full of difficulties, but you work like an ox.
On hands. A man with a mole on his right hand also has good energy. For him, being physically strong is secondary; people and objects obey his desires. They are optimists, capable of being wealthy and independent. If there are two moles on the right hand, such a man will be faithful.
On the ribs. The meaning of moles on the right side is indecision. You often behave tactlessly. The meaning of moles on the left side - these qualities are compensated by a sense of humor.
On the back. You are an open and honest person, prone to grumbling.
On the lower back. A mole on either side of the lower back indicates a hardworking and enthusiastic nature, loyal to family and friends. Such a person is expected to achieve a moderate level. What they receive will be deserved.
On the buttocks. Tendency to idleness and concessions.
On the groin. The mole on the right indicates wealth, honor and illness. A mole on the right side means illness and insecurity.
On foot. If the mole is on both legs, you love to travel. If only on the right - your dreams are not destined to come true. If the mole is on your left leg, you are smart and dreamy.
On the knees. Moles on the knees indicate impatient people who do not accept waiting. A happy marriage is foreshadowed by a mole on the right knee, the predominance of emotions over common sense and hasty decisions - on the left.

You can take the meaning of moles seriously or just laugh about it, at least you probably have a topic for conversation among your friends.

A mole on the left shoulder can tell a lot about its owner. Markings on the body characterize a person’s health, luck and inclinations. Some spots are present on the skin from birth, others appear later. They can disappear, change shape and color. All these transformations indicate changes in a person’s life.


Moles on the shoulders

Moles on the shoulders are of great importance. They symbolize the load handed down to a person as an inheritance from his ancestors. People with a mark on the shoulder are destined to solve a problem not solved by their relatives.

The larger the spot, the stronger its influence and the truer its meaning. Small moles need not be given much importance. A person with a large sign on his shoulder needs to think about his actions, especially if not everything in life goes well. He needs to change something radically in order to correct the mistakes of the past and improve his life.

What a mole on the shoulder means depends on which side of the body it is on. For a woman, the placement of signs on the left side of the body is favorable. According to morphoscopy (the study of signs on the body), the left side of the human body is protected by the Moon, and the right side by the Sun. The luminary of the day is more loyal to the male sex, and the queen of the night supports the fair half of humanity.

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The fate of a man with a mole on his shoulder

The presence of a mole on a woman’s left shoulder is a sign of good fortune. She will fall in love with a worthy man and marry him. A loving and caring spouse will create a comfortable atmosphere in the family. The woman will become the mother of healthy and prosperous children who respect their parents. Her life will be calm and measured, even a little boring and monotonous. The mark promises good prosperity and a comfortable existence throughout life.

A mole on the right shoulder indicates a tendency to certain diseases. A woman needs to monitor the health of her kidneys, endocrine system and spine. At the first signs of illness, you should definitely consult a doctor. This will help avoid the development of serious pathologies to which a woman is predisposed. If there is a large spot, you should beware of cancer.


A mole on the right shoulder of a lady and on the left shoulder of a gentleman indicates financial difficulties that will often arise throughout life. If there are large birthmarks on the unfavorable side, serious property losses are possible.

Character of a man with a mole on his shoulder

Those with moles on their shoulders have a strong character. They face many difficulties along the path of life, but successfully overcome them. These are persistent, patient and taciturn people. They love to dominate. Men are sometimes prone to despotism.

People with a mole on their shoulder often suffer from envy towards their more successful friends.

Negative emotions significantly spoil their mood and prevent them from enjoying their achievements. If a person fails to cope with envy, he becomes angry, conflictual and quarrelsome.

A nevus on the shoulder indicates the persistence and even stubbornness of its owner. Such people do not compromise well, trying to achieve what they want at any cost. They have great difficulty changing their social circle, beliefs and habits, even if they suffer from them. However, this feature has positive aspects. Stubborn people are faithful spouses. Having once chosen a life partner, they remain devoted to him until the end of their lives. Only extreme circumstances can force them to break up their marriage.

Women with shoulder marks dominate family relationships. They bear the burden of responsibility for the well-being of all family members. Not only relatives, but also strangers listen to their opinion. A lady with a large sign on her right shoulder can suppress her husband and children. Due to her overly domineering nature, the marriage may collapse.

A man with a mole on his right shoulder has a balanced character. He does not make hasty decisions, preferring to weigh and analyze everything well. This is a reliable person, the support of his parents, wife and children.

The sign on a man's left shoulder indicates his tendency to despondency. He easily gets upset and loses faith in his own strength, he is afraid of being unwanted and unloved. A man with a mole on his left shoulder is overly cautious. Lack of confidence in his own strength makes him refuse to make responsible decisions. He tries not to take on new things for fear of failure.

The meaning of the color of moles


Light-skinned people are more affected by raised, light-colored moles. Dark-skinned men and women should pay special attention to dark spots on their shoulders.

If there is a red mole on the unfavorable side, it portends many conflict situations. The owner will face legal proceedings, quarrels with relatives and conflicts with superiors. A red mole on the left shoulder for women and on the right for men enhances their positive qualities. Such people are very energetic and ambitious. They cope with difficulties easier and faster, make a dizzying career and achieve a high position in society.

A person with beige signs on the favorable side will be surrounded by kind and prosperous people. He has many friends and acquaintances who support him. The owner of the mole attracts the attention of the opposite sex and makes acquaintances easily. Light brown moles on the unfavorable side warn of the presence of insidious, envious and vindictive people in the immediate environment. Holders of such formations should beware of betrayal and betrayal even from those closest to them.

The meaning of dark brown moles is favorable. They predict a person high social status and power over people. It will be related to higher government bodies or legislative structures.

Large black moles on the unfavorable side warn of real blows of fate. However, their owners will survive difficult times with dignity and become even stronger. Black spots on the good side promise the owner good luck and gifts of fate. Their work will be appreciated, and their efforts will be fully rewarded.

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After 5 years, I finally got rid of the hated papillomas. I haven’t had a single pendant on my body for a month now! I went to doctors for a long time, took tests, removed them with a laser and celandine... but they appeared again and again. I don't know what my body would have looked like if I hadn't come across this article. Anyone who is concerned about papillomas and warts should read this!

Moles are found on every person's body. Esotericists believe that their location predicts the future and reveals the fate of the owner. There is a method of alternative medicine called Moleosophy, which studies birthmarks. The information obtained helps determine a person’s character, his inclinations, and indicates his state of health.

What does a mole on the shoulder mean - general signs

Moles can tell a lot about their owner. Some appear from birth, others localize later, and some disappear completely.

Of particular importance is both the location of moles and their appearance. Each form contains important information:

  1. smooth, round speaks of a person’s good potential, the presence of harmony;
  2. elongated oval growths are located in lucky people;
  3. the angular shape is found in an indecisive person, in someone who constantly doubts everything;
  4. the multi-ray appearance indicates the extraordinary fate of the owner, which can be either happy or unhappy;
  5. a hanging form indicates the presence of negative events in the life of the owner;
  6. convexity indicates accompanying luck.

Moles reflect events in life, all the joys and experiences endured. The size of the birthmarks matters. The larger they are, the stronger their influence and the higher the chances that the predictions will come true. Small nevi, as a rule, do not mean anything and do not mean anything.

Moles on the shoulders of women and men have their own meaning and interpretation. Basically they symbolize hereditary problems that pass from generation to generation. A person with such a burden is forced to live and try to cope with it on his own. Despite this, people who have a mole on their shoulder are quite strong personalities.

Value by location

The interpretation of moles depends on which side they are located on. Moleosophy states that the right side is protected by the daylight, and the left by the night. The sun supports the male half more, and the moon prospers the female half. Accordingly, moles on a woman’s left shoulder have a more loyal meaning for them.

On the right shoulder

A mole on the right shoulder indicates some health problems. Violations may be associated with certain organs:

  1. osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis, spondylosis, osteoporosis;
  2. pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis;
  3. endocrine system;
  4. benign and malignant tumors.

Owners of such moles should take special care of the health of the kidneys, thyroid gland and spine. At the first symptoms of illness, you should immediately seek medical help. Predisposition to certain diseases can cause serious complications.

Birthmarks on the right shoulder are a sign of possible property losses or financial difficulties that arise along the path of the entire life line.

Esotericists share their knowledge of what a mole on the right shoulder means. They claim that her presence endows the fair sex with the corresponding characteristic:

  1. taciturn;
  2. strong-willed;
  3. patient;
  4. persistent;
  5. envious;
  6. conflict;
  7. responsible;
  8. permanent;
  9. do not change their social circle.

If a mole on a man’s right shoulder means that he is a reliable support for the family, then women with a spot on the right shoulder often prevail in family life. Owners of moles on the right are capable of oppressing their husband and children. Because of this, marriages most often break up.

The owner of the birthmark on the right forearm has a strong character. Therefore, she bravely copes with all the difficulties and overcomes the difficulties encountered in life.

The mark on the right shoulder indicates that ladies are trying to achieve what they want at any cost. It is difficult for them to change their principles and views, so it is difficult for them to compromise.

On the left shoulder

The location of moles on the left has a rather favorable effect on the fate of the fairer sex. The sign says that they are guaranteed a happy life. The owner of a birthmark on her left shoulder will meet a worthy husband who will create a comfortable life for her. She will give birth to a healthy child, life will become calm and monotonous. Her family will live comfortably throughout her life.

The color of a mole has a certain meaning. If the spot on the left shoulder is red, then the positive qualities are enhanced. Girls are more energetic and ambitious. It is easier for them to cope with all difficulties. They quickly achieve promotion through the ranks and achieve high social status.

If the spot is beige and not clearly expressed, then this indicates that the owners will be surrounded by prosperous people. There will be no problems with the opposite sex, as they easily make contact and make new acquaintances.

Brown birthmarks indicate high social status. Such ladies are powerful and have a relationship with higher legislative or government structures.

Large dark birthmarks on the opposite side portend blows of fate. But, thanks to their character, the ladies will survive them with dignity and cope with difficult times.

Moles are interpreted and their purpose is found out. They reveal the secret of the essence of people. But do not forget that each person is individual. Therefore, not all people correspond to standard norms and there is no need to accept the interpretation as truth. Live smart.