Bets on penalty time in hockey

In hockey matches, players prefer to bet more often and watch forecasts for the main outcomes. But experienced cappers know that it is much easier to win against a bookmaker if you bet on statistical data.

Analysts pay more attention to the main outcomes and odds. Therefore, it is easier to make money by predicting the winner based on the penalty time. Bets are guaranteed to be successful if you look at sports forecasts from professionals.

Penalty time is one of the main components in hockey. It depends on him what the result of the match will be. This is because the penalty time handicap received by one of the teams (numerical majority) is often the main advantage and is used to score.

There are different types of fines - small, with removal to the bench or until the end of the game, with substitution, a free throw. Penalized for violations - pushing, hitting with sticks, attacks on someone who is standing on the goal or not in possession of the puck.

What are the rates for penalty time?

Many forecasters separate them into a separate market or block. There are usually two such bets at the top - a comparison of penalty time indicators for two teams and the total total penalty minutes per game. The most popular ratings also include the following betting options:

  1. Total by deletions. You are asked to guess how many penalties there will be during the match.
  2. Individual total. This is a penalty time for one team.
  3. The time of the first removal, or whether it will occur before the end of the game.
  4. Will the removal take place for 5, 10 minutes or mutual?
  5. For which violations will the first punishment be imposed?

But we must not forget that the “total” indicator in relation to penalty time is not the number of minutes, but the number of deletions. The list of bets depends on how creative the bookmaker himself is.

The main secrets of the passability of such bets lie in several points. The most important thing is to study the statistics of other teams, make adjustments for player injuries and other weakening factors. You should be interested in the statistics of each club separately, and its performance during both away and home matches.

You should choose only the best bookmakers. Look at the reviews - how reliable is this forecaster, does it give you the opportunity to watch some bets for free.

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