Rash on a woman's cheekbones

Acne on the face causes many problems for women. They cannot be disguised with clothes or hairstyle, and cosmetics can only aggravate the situation. Pimples often appear on the cheekbones. It is necessary to know about the causes of this problem and how to solve it. Effective treatment options are described in the article.


Why do acne appear on cheekbones? The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, and it is not always possible to determine the only one. Dermatologists believe that this unpleasant phenomenon occurs due to:

  1. Physiological reasons.
  2. Diseases whose symptoms are considered to be acne.


Typically, acne on the cheekbones appears for several reasons, so treatment requires an integrated approach. This will improve the condition of your facial skin in a short time.

Physiological reasons

Even healthy people can have acne on their cheekbones and cheeks. The reasons for this phenomenon do not lie in the disease. It is not always possible to change this, but this phenomenon does not pose a threat to health. This group includes the following factors:

  1. Hormonal changes. This phenomenon is often observed during puberty, during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Then pimples appear only temporarily, they will be eliminated on their own. In this case, only local treatment is required.
  2. Poor skin cleansing. Due to blockage of the sebaceous glands with cosmetics, the outflow of secretions is disrupted, resulting in inflammation and suppuration. The top layer of epidermal cells dies if there is no regular exfoliation.
  3. Poor nutrition. Eating buns, cakes, sweets, and fast food spoils the appearance of your face. High blood sugar is a positive background for the development of microflora that lives on the skin.
  4. Wrong lifestyle. Cigarettes and alcohol are considered poisons that poison the body. The skin has an excretory function, it removes toxins, so it immediately reacts to an incorrect lifestyle.
  5. Taking medications. Antibacterial drugs eliminate normal microflora. Acne on the cheekbones in women appears due to the use of hormonal contraceptives.
  6. Genetics. Skin type is inherited from parents. Therefore, if the epidermis is oily from birth, then the person will have acne. Local cosmetic methods and products can help cope with the problem.


Pathological causes

There are other factors that cause acne to appear on the cheekbones of women. The reasons may be hidden in diseases that require professional diagnosis and treatment:

  1. Violation of hormone production. Acne can be symptoms of serious diseases of the endocrine system. If, in addition to the rash, there are menstrual irregularities, facial hair growth, and changes in blood pressure, you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms may be accompanied by the inability to become pregnant.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases. Pimples on the cheekbones and other parts of the face appear due to gastritis, duodenitis, irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis, intestinal dysbiosis and chronic constipation. Symptoms include nausea, heartburn, and bowel problems.
  3. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system. The liver is the body's main purifier, filtering the blood and eliminating toxins from it. If there is pain or heaviness in the right hypochondrium when eating or exercising, then you need to undergo an examination.
  4. Demodecosis. Pimples on the face and cheekbones can be caused by a mite that has settled in the epidermis. Due to its waste products, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged, which is a powerful allergen. If there is redness and swelling on the face, you need to consult a dermatologist.
  5. Allergy. Pimples can appear due to food intolerance. In adults, allergies occur due to milk, nuts, honey, citrus fruits and berries. It is necessary to exclude these products for several weeks and observe the condition of the skin.
  6. Nervous disorders. It is associated with acute or chronic stress. In the body, there is an increase in the synthesis of the stress hormone - cortisol, due to which the facial tissues receive few nutritional components.


If the skin does not look ideal, you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon and begin to eliminate it. Modern medicine, cosmetology and home care methods work effectively.

What do we have to do?

Regardless of the cause of acne, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to eliminating it. To do this, you need to consult a doctor to perform a diagnosis that will determine the causes of this phenomenon. And for treatment, folk remedies and medicines are used.



Diagnostics will help determine why acne appears on the cheekbones. If any of the above symptoms are detected, then you need to go to a specialist. If clear signs are not expressed, you should act sequentially:

  1. Visit a gastroenterologist. The specialist will palpate the abdomen and check for symptoms. If necessary, procedures such as FGDS, ultrasound of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas, and biochemical blood test may be prescribed.
  2. Contact an endocrinologist. Doctors usually advise performing an ultrasound of the adrenal glands, pelvic organs, and donating blood.
  3. Visit to a psychiatrist. This specialist will help identify hidden disorders in the nervous system.
  4. You should contact a dermatologist last, as he will be able to identify the cause of acne only after visiting other specialists. A scraping of the epidermis, a clinical blood test and allergy tests will be required.


If abnormalities are found during the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment that will get rid of acne on the cheekbones and cheeks. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists, and the first positive results will soon appear.

Using Local Remedies

When acne appears, the causes cannot be determined immediately. Experts say there are no abnormalities in the body, and the skin may not look entirely ideal. Often this phenomenon is associated with heredity or a violation of lifestyle and nutrition. In this case, you can use local remedies to combat acne on the cheekbones, neck and cheeks. Procedures should be aimed at proper cleansing, drying, and disinfection of the skin:

  1. For washing, you need to choose a product with an antiseptic effect. It is important to familiarize yourself with the composition so that the gel contains salicylic acid.
  2. After washing your face, you should rinse your face with a mixture of water (1 glass), in which you need to add apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (1 tablespoon).
  3. You should purchase salicylic alcohol and wipe your face with it every day with a moistened cotton pad.
  4. For rinsing, you need to prepare a decoction or infusion of chamomile, string, oak bark or sage. For 1 glass of water you will need 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials. In the summer, you can wipe your face with cubes of healthy decoctions.
  5. A deeply located pimple takes a long time to mature, causing discomfort. You can pull it out with a cotton swab containing Vishnevsky ointment, which must be secured with a band-aid overnight.


Tar soap is considered an effective means of cleansing problematic epidermis. It has a disinfecting and drying effect. Although it has an unpleasant smell, it disappears completely after 10-15 minutes.


When acne appears, lifestyle adjustments are necessary. The following tips will help with this:

  1. Balanced diet. The menu should include vegetables, fruits, and whole grain cereals. Fiber cleanses the intestines, removes waste and toxins.
  2. Refusal of junk food. You should not eat muffins, confectionery, soda, fast food, or fatty foods. You will also have to give up smoking and drinking alcohol.
  3. Full sleep. Only with good rest can you have a healthy nervous system and good immunity.
  4. Prolonged stay in the fresh air. Oxygen is required for redox reactions that occur in the body. Therefore, walking should become a habit.
  5. Drink 2 liters of warm water every day. You can drink the first glass after waking up.
  6. Removing makeup after coming home. It is advisable to avoid foundation, concealer, powder and blush. You need to use only high-quality cosmetics and special makeup removers.
  7. Regular peeling. The procedure will remove dead epidermal cells and open the ducts of the sebaceous glands. You need to use a scrub every week, and perform salon treatments several times a year. Cosmetologists recommend acid peeling and cryodermabrasion.

Traditional methods

If the pimples are fresh, folk remedies will help remove them. They are effective and safe:

  1. You will need honey (1 tsp) and tea tree oil (a few drops). After mixing the components, the product can be applied pointwise. You need to cleanse your face after 25 minutes. Pimples usually become smaller and lighter in color.
  2. A mask can be made from aspirin (3 tablets) and honey (1 tsp). The tablets need to be crushed and soaked in boiled water (0.5 tsp). Then honey is added. The mask is applied to emerging pimples. After half an hour, your face can be cleansed.
  3. Toothpaste is used to eliminate acne. The seal almost completely disappears in 2-4 hours.


It is not difficult to cure acne, because now there are many remedies for this. But it should be borne in mind that it is better to take preventive actions to prevent their occurrence. If you perform high-quality care, your facial skin will not become problematic.


For women, acne on the cheekbones causes many problems. A good hairstyle or clothing cannot hide them, and cosmetics only aggravate the situation and look unnatural. There is no need to mask the problem, it is better to understand the reasons and begin a targeted fight for clean and beautiful facial skin.

What causes acne

The causes of acne are varied, it is not always possible to identify only one among them. Dermatologists identify two groups of mechanisms that trigger this process. The first includes physiological conditions, and the second includes diseases whose symptoms are acne. We are talking about several factors that have to be worked on comprehensively.

Physiological reasons

Rashes may appear on a woman's face, the causes of which are not related to diseases. The situation cannot always be changed, but it does not pose a threat to health. This group includes the following factors:

  1. Hormonal changes. Fluctuations in hormonal levels are observed during menstruation, during breastfeeding and pregnancy, and during puberty. In this case, persistent acne in women on the chin, cheeks and cheekbones is transient and goes away on its own after normalization of the glands.
  2. Poor skin cleansing. Clogging of the sebaceous glands with dirt or cosmetics leads to suppuration and inflammation of the contents.

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    Poor nutrition. Cakes, fast food, buns and sweets spoil not only your hips and waist, but also your face. A high sugar content is a favorable background for the development of microflora that lives on the skin. By feeding bacteria with sugar, you provoke their activity.
  4. Unhealthy Lifestyle. Alcohol and nicotine are poisons that poison the body. Human skin is involved in the elimination of toxins, which is why it reacts with the appearance of acne.
  5. Medicines. Taking various drugs kills normal microflora, which causes bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics to multiply. Acne can be triggered by taking anabolic hormones or hormonal contraceptives.
  6. Genetic predisposition. Oily and dense skin inherited from parents has virtually no chance of avoiding acne. Genetic medicine has not yet reached the point of treating acne, so we can only rely on local cosmetic products and methods.

Pathological causes

Sometimes the causes of acne are quite dangerous diseasesrequiring diagnosis and treatment.

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    Violation of hormone production. Pimples can signal diseases of the endocrine system, pathology of the adrenal glands, gonads or pituitary gland. If, in addition to the rash, you are concerned about menstruation irregularities, facial hair growth, blood pressure fluctuations, or the inability to get pregnant, then make an appointment with a doctor to diagnose the pathology.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Duodenitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and intestinal dysbiosis lead to the appearance of acne. The process of food digestion is disrupted, toxins accumulate, causing inflammatory reactions. If you are worried about acne on the neck and cheekbones, you should look for causes in the gastrointestinal tract with the following symptoms: heartburn, nausea, bowel dysfunction in the form of constipation or diarrhea, pain in the intestines, bloating.
  3. Disease of the hepatobiliary system. The liver is the body's main detoxifier, responsible for removing toxins from the blood and filtering it. Liver dysfunction develops with steatohepatosis, hepatitis, and delayed bile drainage, which are associated with gallbladder diseases. If you notice heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium associated with physical activity or food, get examined.
  4. Demodecosis. A tiny mite that lives in the epidermis can be the culprit for the fact that acne on the cheekbones and cheeks does not want to go away. It clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands and serves as a powerful allergen that causes inflammation. If there is more redness and swelling on the face than suppuration, consult a dermatologist.

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    Allergy. Acne can occur due to food intolerances. Food allergens can be nuts, milk, berries, honey or citrus fruits. Try eliminating these foods from your diet for a couple of weeks and watch your skin. If the number of acne has decreased, add one product to the menu and figure out the culprit.
  6. Nervous system disorder. First of all, we are talking about chronic or acute stress. At the same time, the hormone cortisol increases in the body, which causes vasoconstriction, as a result of which facial tissues receive few nutrients. Decreased immunity plays a big role, because it accompanies depression, chronic stress and bipolar disorder.

The skin has many reasons to look imperfect, and your task is to find out the reason for this and eliminate it. And the entire arsenal of medicine, home care methods and cosmetology will come to the rescue.

Diagnostic methods

Even doctors cannot independently exclude or confirm serious diseases without involving specialists or research. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, go to a specialist. If no clear symptoms are observed, proceed sequentially:

  1. Visit a gastroenterologist. The doctor will check the symptoms and prescribe tests, if necessary: ​​ultrasound of the liver, pancreas and biliary tract, blood test.
  2. After questioning, the endocrinologist will recommend undergoing an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and adrenal glands, and donating blood for hormonal levels.

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    Psychiatrist. Contacting this specialist frightens many patients, because in their imagination they conjure up images of institutions with bars and a straitjacket. Such stereotypes have no relation to modern psychiatry, so do not be afraid to see a psychiatrist to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system.
  4. It’s not for nothing that a dermatologist is in last place on the list of visits to doctors, because he can start working only when other doctors have ruled out pathologies of his own profile. You will be required to submit a scraping of the epidermis, a clinical allergy test and blood test.

If abnormalities are detected, you will be prescribed appropriate treatment that will eliminate acne and the causes of its appearance. Follow all doctor's recommendations, even those related to nutrition and lifestyle.

How to fight acne on your own

When acne appears on a woman's cheekbones, it is not always possible to identify the causes. Doctors are confident that you are healthy, but the condition of your skin leaves much to be desired. And most likely, we are talking about eating or lifestyle disorders, as well as hereditary predisposition. Start fighting pimples on your own.

Local remedies

It will not be possible to do without local treatment; your actions must be directed towards cleansing, disinfecting and drying the skin:

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    Choose products with an antiseptic effect for washing. Choose gels that contain salicylic acid.
  2. Rinse your face with a mixture of adding a tablespoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.
  3. Wipe your face daily with a cotton pad soaked in salicylic alcohol.
  4. To rinse your face, prepare a decoction or infusion of string, chamomile, sage or oak bark. You will need one tablespoon of plant material per glass of water. Freeze the healing decoction in the form of ice cubes and wipe your face with them in the morning.
  5. A pimple located deeply can take a long time to mature, causing very unpleasant and painful sensations. Cotton wool with Vishnevsky ointment will help to pull it out, which should be secured with a band-aid overnight.

Tar soap is an effective cleanser. It dries and disinfects the skin perfectly, but has an unpleasant, pungent odor. Hide the bar in a closed soap dish.

General recommendations

Acne, the causes of which are not clear, require lifestyle adjustments. You'll have to give up your favorite buns and reconsider other habits:

  1. Stick to a balanced diet. Add more fruits, cereals and vegetables to your menu. The fiber contained in these products cleanses the intestines and removes toxins and waste.
  2. Avoid junk food. From now on, confectionery, baked goods, fast food, fatty foods and carbonated drinks are prohibited for you. Minimize your consumption of alcohol and smoking or give it up altogether.

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    Be sure to get enough sleep. Without proper sleep, there can be no talk of a healthy nervous system and a well-functioning immune system.
  4. Spend more time outdoors. Ventilation and a daily walk should become a habit, because oxygen has a good effect on redox reactions in the body.
  5. Drink at least two liters of clean water daily. Immediately after waking up, drink one glass to help the body flush out accumulated metabolic products in the tissues.
  6. When you return home, remove your makeup immediately. If possible, avoid using concealer, blush, foundation and powder. Use high-quality cosmetics and specialized makeup removers.
  7. Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells and open up the oil glands. Use a scrub once a week and undergo salon treatments several times a year. The cosmetologist will advise you on cryodermabrasion, acid peeling or another technique.

Now, if you get acne, the treatment and causes of this problem are well known to you. Be sure to remember, prevention is the best cure, follow the general recommendations, even if you don’t consider your skin problematic.

Hello! From this article you will learn about the causes of acne on the cheekbones, what products will help you cope with them and disguise them.


Why do acne appear on cheekbones?

Factors influencing the occurrence of acne on the face include:

  1. hormonal imbalance;
  2. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT);
  3. poor nutrition, excess weight;
  4. lack of vitamin complex, weakened immune defense;
  5. cosmetics that do not match your skin type;
  6. stressful conditions, neuroses, self-doubt;
  7. gas pollution, content of allergens in the air;
  8. work in hazardous industries;
  9. hereditary factor;
  10. bad habits;
  11. expired or poor quality decorative cosmetics;
  12. physical inactivity, slow metabolism, facial injuries;
  13. parasitism of skin mites;
  14. diseases of the liver, gall bladder;
  15. long-term or indiscriminate use of antibiotics, corticosteroids, contraceptives.

Acne on the cheekbones and neck appears due to alcohol abuse. The body is constantly in a state of intoxication, which negatively affects the skin. Provoking factors are excessive sweating and lack of daily hygiene. Under the influence of the environment, the epidermis becomes polluted and requires careful cleansing and further care. The neck is vulnerable to genitourinary diseases.

If acne has formed on the cheeks, you need to check the functioning of the lungs, stomach and large intestines. In this case, the appearance of acne is influenced by poor nutrition and air pollution. Tobacco smoke, chemical impurities, dust, and pollen penetrate the epidermal cells and are perceived by the body as foreign agents. As a result of the struggle of immune cells with allergens, seborrheic phenomena occur.

Pimples on the cheekbones and temples signal a malfunction of the spleen and gall bladder. They can also appear from mechanical friction with other objects and materials. Factors influencing the occurrence of acne in these areas of the face include:

  1. wearing tight hats;
  2. supporting the head with your hand;
  3. contact with synthetic bedding when sleeping on your side;
  4. rubbing temples with glasses frames;
  5. frequent use of headphones.

When constantly spending time at the computer, metabolic processes slow down and stagnation occurs. Microcirculation and blood supply to the dermis deteriorate.

Oily skin is more prone to acne on the cheekbones and under the cheekbones in the absence of proper care. Excessive secretion of sebaceous secretion from the glands leads to blockage of the ducts. Fat contains acids that cause inflammation. As a result, acne appears.

What to do if a rash appears on your cheekbones

  1. Failure of the endocrine system is more common in adolescents due to an excess of male sex hormones that cause skin seborrhea. Over time, their number normalizes, and acne goes away on its own.
  2. In women, the dermis becomes inflamed more often during pregnancy, lactation and before menstruation, when hormonal changes occur. Endocrine changes also occur in older people. If, in addition to the disruption of the menstrual cycle, hair growth is observed throughout the body, these are signs of polycystic ovary syndrome, one of the symptoms of which is acne. An endocrinologist is responsible for the treatment of diseases associated with improper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  3. If seborrheic symptoms are combined with heartburn, stomach pain, intestinal colic, constipation, then the digestive organs need to be treated. A gastroenterologist will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms. First, tests are taken, an ultrasound examination, fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) is performed, on the basis of which a diagnosis is made and adequate treatment is prescribed.
  4. Itching, swelling, and enlarged pores of the dermis indicate the presence of demodex mites. Excessive sebum secretion favors the reproduction and growth of these parasites. You should contact a dermatologist, who will conduct a differential diagnosis, take scrapings, and then prescribe medications with sulfur, tar, and ichthyol.
  5. If there is a predisposition to allergies, make a visit to an immunologist-allergist. After testing, the allergen causing the skin rash is determined.
  6. For psycho-emotional disorders, suppression of emotions, which are also causes of rashes, seek medical help from a psychotherapist.

Having determined the cause of the inflamed epidermis, follow the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions.

You need to reconsider your lifestyle. Establish proper nutrition. Exclude foods with GMOs, fast carbohydrates, spicy, fatty foods. It is better to boil or stew food, as the frying process produces carcinogens harmful to the skin.

Treatment of acne on the cheekbones begins immediately. Don't expect the inflammation to go away on its own. Inaction will only make the situation worse.

What remedies help get rid of acne on cheekbones?

If rashes on the cheekbones are not associated with systemic diseases, use local cleansing and care products, which include:

  1. gels with antiseptic for washing;
  2. water for rinsing the face, acidified with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar;
  3. frozen cubes from decoctions of antiseptic herbs (chamomile, string, calendula);
  4. infusions of sage, oak bark for rubbing;
  5. salicylic ointment for drying;
  6. masks for oily skin made from clay, kefir, bran;
  7. tar soap.

Painful subcutaneous acne is treated with compresses with Vishnevsky or Ichthyol ointment. They accelerate the maturation and release of purulent exudate. Large and small pimples are eradicated by Zinerit, containing antibiotic and zinc. The drug helps cope with inflammation, accelerates skin regeneration and local immunity.

Gel Baziron treats superficial and subcutaneous inflammation on the cheekbones, delivers oxygen to the cells of the dermis, while softening and moisturizing.

Skinoren has a prolonged effect. If you use it for 1–1.5 months, existing pimples will heal and new pimples will not appear for a long time. It is not recommended for use on dry, allergy-prone skin.

La Roche-Posay is an excellent French product, recommended as a professional fighter against acne on the face.

Essential and cosmetic oils used for any type of dermis help to treat acne. The most popular products include oil:

  1. almond;
  2. coconut;
  3. black cumin;
  4. rosemary;
  5. jojoba;
  6. tea tree;
  7. burdock, sea buckthorn;
  8. castor, flaxseed.

Oils remove comedones, eliminate scars, and even out the structure of the epidermis. They have anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, tonic properties.

It will help to get rid of acne by ingesting a decoction of burdock root, which helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins that affect the health of the facial dermis.

Recipes for acne treatment

At home, infusions, creams, lotions and other acne medications are prepared independently. This is facilitated by the availability, low cost of components, the absence of preservatives, fragrances, and petroleum products.

1. In cleansing, a large role is given to decoctions of medicinal plants.
To prepare them, they use the collection of elecampane root, burdock, and St. John's wort inflorescences. A glass of raw material is brewed with two liters of water and simmered over low heat for 10–15 minutes. Used when rinsing after washing.

2. For lotions and compresses, use infusions of hop cones, horsetail, celandine, and rose hips.
To prepare 30 g of plant material, pour 200 ml of boiling water, then keep in a water bath for 15 minutes and filter. Then a cloth napkin is soaked in a warm solution and applied to the face. After cooling, the napkin is replaced with a new one or moistened again in the heated infusion. It is recommended to perform the procedure daily for the first month, then every 2 days.

How to get rid of acne on the cheekbones if the skin is dry? In this case, when preparing lotions, water is replaced with fat milk.

3. Aloe lotion is effective in treating acne.
To activate the active substances, several lower cut leaves of the plant are kept in the refrigerator for a week. Then they wash it, grind it in a meat grinder, and fill it with water in a volume 5 times greater than the resulting mass. Next, boil for 2-3 minutes, filter. Use the drug daily in the morning and evening until the result appears.

4. After cleansing the face with lotion, take steam baths.
To prepare, 30 g of chamomile, mint, linden flowers, oak bark are poured into a thermos. Pour a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The resulting infusion is poured into a basin, leaned over it for 10 minutes, covered with a towel.

As a precaution, you should lubricate your eyelids and lips with a rich cream, keep your eyes closed, and tuck your hair under a bathing cap. The procedure is carried out no more than once every 14 days.

5. A cucumber mask is very easy to prepare.
Simply cut the vegetable into rings, place it on your face and leave for 20 minutes. The product prevents the spread of inflammation to new areas.

6. Masks with honey.
The peculiarity of a mask made from equal parts of honey and lemon juice is that 2-3 layers are applied after the previous one has dried. Honey is known as a product with antimicrobial and disinfectant activity, and lemon juice has drying properties.

7. Large pimples can be treated with sulfur ointment.
Combine sulfur powder and lard in a ratio of 1:5 and mix. The effect is enhanced when applied to a steamed face.

8. Use stale black tea.
Apply to the area with acne, cover with gauze soaked in tea leaves. Leave for 15–20 minutes, rinse with acidified water.

9. At home, you can prepare healing oil from St. John's wort. Half a glass of crushed dry raw materials is poured with 200 ml of olive oil. The mixture is infused for at least two weeks in a glass container in a warm, dark place. Then shake, strain and apply to the spots on pimples 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

Drying agents are suitable for oily facial skin. If acne appears on dry skin, use decoctions of nutritional ingredients with anti-inflammatory effects.

Removes acne marks with a mixture of 30 g of cream, 20 g of lemon juice, 300 g of mineral water and a tablespoon of salt. Used daily as a lotion.

How to disguise acne on cheekbones

There are situations when you just need to look irresistible. For example, a date, a trip to the theater or an exhibition, a meeting with a business partner that involves communication. In these cases, constant or sudden acne spoils the mood and reduces self-esteem. To prevent this from happening, the dermis must be cleansed and prepared for masking.

  1. A moisturizing cream is applied to dry, clean skin; after absorption, a fortified makeup base is applied. The tone of the concealer pencil is selected according to skin color. It may be a tone or two lighter. Redness is best masked by a greenish-colored pencil.
  2. Next, a foundation selected for your skin type is applied on top. For a more lasting result and uniform coverage, it is recommended to tap the cream in with your fingertips. A good quality foundation should be invisible.

Finely ground mineral powder will give your facial skin a matte and velvety appearance. You can apply blush on your cheekbones.

These products are very short-lived. Under unfavorable weather conditions and increased sweating, all cosmetic masking substances can wear off or roll off. Therefore, it is better to keep cosmetics with you in your purse so that you can touch up your makeup.

How to disguise acne, blemishes, pores

What not to do when acne appears

Under no circumstances should you squeeze out pimples yourself, even using antiseptic and disinfectants. This is fraught with the addition of a bacterial infection and the spread of the area of ​​inflammation. After squeezing, a scar will remain, which can only be removed with the help of expensive hardware procedures.

The following foods should not be included in the diet:

  1. fast food rich in carcinogens;
  2. chocolate;
  3. alcoholic drinks;
  4. canned food;
  5. fatty cheeses, smoked sausage;
  6. sweet carbonated drinks;
  7. spicy seasonings;
  8. sweets, cakes, pastries.

Acne-prone dermis requires careful treatment. Not recommended:

  1. frequently touch your face with your hands;
  2. expose to excessive sun exposure, visit solariums;
  3. wash with hot water, use rubbing, brushes for cleansing;
  4. sleep on bedding made of synthetic fabrics.

You should not self-medicate acne with antibiotic-containing pharmaceutical medications or corticosteroid medications. Indiscriminate use of medications causes the opposite effect to the expected result. If traditional medicine does not help, undergo a comprehensive examination and follow the recommendations of doctors.

Preventative measures and tips for facial skin care

Recommendations for caring for acne-prone skin:

  1. be sure to remove makeup before going to bed using special products;
  2. use decorative cosmetics with current shelf life of proven brands;
  3. use foundation, mattifying creams, powders that clog pores in rare cases;
  4. exfoliate weekly;
  1. periodically visit a cosmetology salon and perform hardware procedures aimed at improving skin health;
  2. wash with liquid soap or gel with sulfur and antibacterial additives;
  3. exclude the use of alcohol-based lotions, frequent washing, which dry out the skin and cause more active sebum secretion;
  4. use moisturizing and nourishing products in accordance with your dermis type;
  5. apply sunscreens and sprays.

In addition to caring for your face directly, you need to reconsider your lifestyle:

  1. add more vegetables and fruits to your diet;
  2. avoid stressful situations, mental and physical stress;
  3. organize a good night's rest;
  4. to refuse from bad habits;
  5. take walks every day for at least half an hour;
  6. do exercises in the morning;
  7. harden the body;
  8. drink enough clean water (1.5–2 l).

Special care for problematic facial dermis requires time and money for high-quality cosmetics and medications. Even if the acne has disappeared, to prevent a relapse, you need to continue to carefully care for your skin and follow other preventive measures.

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About the author of the article:

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.