Anti-wrinkle serum Bonatox

Today there is a huge variety of skin care cosmetics. But no matter how much there is, every woman is faced with the fact that wrinkles appear on the face, in the eye area, on the lips and neck. They appear quickly and almost unnoticeably. For what reason does this happen? Is it really just age that is to blame? There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of wrinkles. The main thing is to know an effective way to get rid of them.

The main causes of wrinkles and how to combat them

Wrinkles appear in women for the following reasons:

  1. Excessively expressed emotions (joy, laughter, crying).
  2. Past infectious diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The influence of natural factors: direct sunlight, dry or humid air, wind.
  4. Excessive use of decorative cosmetics.
  5. The influence of age.

It is impossible to make sure that wrinkles never appear. All over the world, since ancient times, the best scientists have been trying to find the “elixir of youth”, but they never find it.

But do not despair, because scientists were able to develop a tool that is unique. It can smooth out wrinkles on the skin and prevent them from appearing in the near future. This is Bonatox serum. Real reviews from women indicate that it does an excellent job of eliminating minor depressions that appear on the skin. This serum makes skin care and appearance much easier for many women.


Benefits of Bonatox serum

Bonatox serum perfectly tightens and smoothes the skin. Its main advantages:

  1. The solution to the main problem is to eliminate the causes that cause wrinkles to appear, regardless of whether they are age-related or caused by natural factors.
  2. Complete smoothing of facial wrinkles.
  3. Guaranteed 100% results within 30 days.
  4. It contains the most effective components.
  5. No preliminary preparation for use is required.
  6. Does not pose any threat to health and life.

These are the main differences between Bonatox. Real reviews from people using this serum confirm its effectiveness.


Composition of Bonatox serum

The main ingredient of the drug on which its action is based is the synthetic venom of the temple snake. There is nothing scary in the word “poison”, because it is synthetic and has a tonic and rejuvenating effect. Now women do not need to take risks by subjecting themselves to Botox injections. The same result is achieved through the use of Bonatox serum. Real reviews confirm this.

In addition to the synthetic “poison,” Bonatox serum includes:

  1. Juice extracted from the leaves of Aloe Barbados.
  2. Oat extract.
  3. Rice bran extract.
  4. Sunflower extract.
  5. Rosemary extract.
  6. Olive oil and vitamin E.

Each component of the drug is unique, and its action is very effective. Nothing compares to how Bonatox serum works. Real reviews are the best confirmation of this.


What are the effects of the components contained in the drug?

Aloe leaf juice promotes skin regeneration and prevents it from aging. Oat and sunflower extracts nourish the deep layers of the dermis, moisturize it well and provide protection from ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin E perfectly restores skin texture, gives it the desired tone and protects against age-related changes.

The components of the drug do not cause allergies, they can be combined with any cosmetics, they are absolutely safe for women's health. The skin gradually takes on a better appearance and is rejuvenated, and wrinkles are smoothed out, and after a month there is no trace left of them. This is how the components of Bonatox work. Real reviews of women using the serum confirm this.

Required Security Measures

Certain safety measures should not be neglected when using Bonatox serum, namely:

  1. You need to try to spend as little time as possible exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Walk more in the fresh air.
  3. Use only high-quality cosmetics.
  4. Treat infectious diseases in a timely manner.

If you follow these simple precautions when using Bonatox serum, there will be no harm in using it.


The difference between Bonatox serum and Botox

To understand how the drugs differ, you need to know what each procedure is. Botox injections are carried out as follows: the skin is treated with a special product, and an injection is made with a thin needle. The drug is administered intramuscularly, thereby reducing muscle activity and relaxing them.

The danger of this procedure is that if the injection is administered incorrectly, facial expressions will be disrupted and the woman’s appearance will be spoiled. Botox injection is a rather painful procedure, it is similar to a mosquito bite.

The serum consists entirely of natural ingredients. Its use is very simple, you just need to apply the product to those areas of the skin that are considered problematic, and live your usual life. There is no need to inject the drug or make a mask. Simply apply Bonatox serum to your forehead, neck, lips, and facial skin and wait for a positive result.

The main thing is to carry out the procedures regularly, and after a month has passed, you will be able to enjoy the amazing results. Wrinkles will disappear, and unevenness and folds will be smoothed out. After a month of using the drug, the woman will have perfect facial skin and not a single wrinkle. This is how Bonatox works effectively and quickly. Reviews from cosmetologists about this serum confirm this.

Phenomenal effect of the serum

You can often hear real reviews about the drug Bonatox. “Is this a scam or not?” – a lot of people are interested. In order to understand this, you need to pay attention to how the drug works. It not only eliminates wrinkles, its action also restores the skin. Its effect is simply fantastic, and the skin does not suffer at all. She rejuvenates beautifully. There are no difficulties in using it; if there are any side effects, they are very minor. This is the main difference between the action of Bonatox serum and similar drugs.

What to expect when using Bonatox serum?

The effectiveness of this drug lies in the fact that when it is used, the following occurs:

  1. Absolutely all wrinkles are smoothed out, without exception.
  2. The serum prevents the appearance of wrinkles in the future. Even if you clearly express emotions, the muscles will easily straighten and not form unevenness or facial folds.
  3. The drug successfully blocks neuromuscular connections, which allows muscles to relax. This does not damage the nerve fibers.
  4. By using the serum regularly, a woman becomes 10-13 years younger.
  5. Skin texture is restored.

The skin begins to acquire an attractive appearance and becomes fresher when using the serum. You can often hear real reviews from people about the drug Bonatox, in which they say that when communicating with ladies who are 35-40 years old, it seems as if there is a young girl in front of you.


How to use the serum?

The drug "Bonatox" contains instructions, which are located in the package. In order for the effect of the drug to be positive and to avoid any problems with its use, you should carefully read what the manufacturer recommends.

In fact, there are no particular difficulties in using Bonatox serum. All you need is:

  1. Carefully open the drug package.
  2. Apply the serum only to areas of skin with wrinkles.
  3. The product must be rubbed gently into the skin so that it can be absorbed and the serum can perform its smoothing function.
  4. For some time you should not touch those areas of the skin to which the serum is applied.

The application procedure is convenient for any consumer. He doesn’t need to come up with something, invent something, he doesn’t need to suffer from painful injections for an incomprehensible period of time. The instructions say that you just need to apply the serum and wait for the positive effect.


If you remember how painful Botox injections are, then this drug has many contraindications. It cannot be used in case of hypersensitivity, having Lambert-Eaton syndrome, pregnant women, and it is also incompatible with certain medications.

Bonatox has no contraindications. This may sound strange, but the serum can be used by all women and has no side effects. There is only one case where you need to apply a little less product - if you have an individual intolerance to any of the serum components.


Bonatox: reviews from doctors

Most experts say that Bonatox serum is an ideal example of a quality product for eliminating wrinkles. This product has an international quality certificate and its composition is natural. The serum is valued by consumers for its benefits and effectiveness. Finally, a new drug has appeared that can replace Botox injections, which often did not give the expected results.

Studies conducted on the drug "Bonatox" have shown that the serum makes the skin more elastic and restores its texture well. The skin receives the necessary nutrition, and the dermal cells retain moisture in the right amount. Is Bonatox safe? Feedback from experts: the drug is completely safe, it has no contraindications, no side effects were observed in numerous studies. Thanks to the action of the serum, nerve impulses are blocked, and this prevents the facial skin from shrinking and forming “ugly” folds.

Reviews of Bonatox cosmetologists: results of clinical trials

Bonatox serum is becoming a strong competitor for aesthetic surgery, especially for Botox injections. This drug has passed all the necessary tests and clinical trials. They were able to confirm that Bonatox serum is an excellent analogue to Botox injections.

Manufacturers conducted an experiment in which more than 20 women over 30 years of age took part. They applied the serum regularly throughout the month. After 30 days, 78% of the subjects reported complete elimination of wrinkles, and in 22% of women, the wrinkles smoothed out, but did not disappear completely. Most cosmetologists leave positive reviews about the drug. Bonatox is an anti-wrinkle serum worth checking out.


Real reviews from people

Women say that after the first wrinkles appeared on their faces, they felt panic and fear of old age, and their age ranged from 30 to 40 years. They began to fear what they would look like in the future. Some women learned about Bonatox serum from an advertisement, some from the Internet, and others were simply advised by a friend. After they started using Bonatox serum, the wrinkles smoothed out or disappeared completely. They say that the first noticeable result appeared a week after using the drug. The skin began to become soft and smooth, and fine wrinkles began to disappear. After a month of use, the skin was completely rejuvenated and there were no wrinkles. Women who have experienced the positive effects of the serum on themselves recommend that everyone who wants to get rid of wrinkles use Bonatox. Real positive reviews from people about the serum are also due to the fact that the price of the drug is many times lower than that of its analogues, but the result after use is amazing.


Bonatox serum is a natural product created on the basis of plant components, designed to combat wrinkles and other problems of mature skin.

The creation of the drug is considered a discovery in the field of cosmetology. It is based on the work of Nobel laureates in chemistry in 2009: V. Ramakrishnan, T. Staitz, A. Yonath.

The composition of the serum is as follows:

  1. SYN-AKE - is an analogue of snake venom from a special temple snake living in Malaysia, a synthetic drug that is an alternative to Botox. Has a unique rejuvenating effect, restores skin cells, actively fights wrinkles;
  2. juice from Aloe Barbados leaves – has anti-inflammatory properties, protects the skin from ultraviolet rays;
  3. olive oil – has a softening effect, saturates the skin with beneficial components, fights the aging process of the dermis;
  4. rice bran extract – moisturizes and nourishes the skin, giving it elasticity and a healthy appearance;
  5. rosemary herb extract – a powerful antioxidant, promotes skin rejuvenation, has a strong tonic effect;
  6. sunflower extract - antioxidant, slows down skin aging, nourishes and moisturizes cells, promotes skin regeneration;
  7. oat extract – tones, strengthens and moisturizes the skin, stabilizes its water balance;
  8. vitamin E – activates collagen production, nourishes and protects the skin.

Additionally, the serum contains other active components:

  1. natural proteins;
  2. wild yam (moisturizes the skin, slows down the aging process);
  3. Coenzyme Q10 (strong antioxidant);
  4. melatonin (hormone).

As you can see, Bonatox does not contain a single artificial, aggressive ingredient, and the formula itself, combining these components, is unique.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of Bonatox are skin problems, mainly of an age-related nature:

  1. wrinkles, including deep ones;
  2. sagging, sagging skin;
  3. bad complexion.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of Bonatox, but before use you should still apply a small amount of serum to your wrist and observe the skin reaction to avoid allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Video: Recommendations

What's alarming

Marketing moves regarding this drug, of course, take place, but still, competent marketing and suspicious marketing are somewhat different things:

  1. Bonatox anti-wrinkle serum is a regular cosmetic product and therefore does not have an effect similar to Botox, just as, for example, a facial scrub cannot compare in results to a salon peeling;
  2. The mechanism of action of the drug is presented very unconvincingly. On the official Bonatox website, the key active component of the product - snake venom - is mentioned only in passing, while other products - various extracts, oils, vitamins - are described in great detail. Maybe the prospect of scaring off the buyer with a synthetic analogue of snake venom exists, but such a description of the mechanism of operation of the product looks a little strange;
  3. On the official website, again, there are no specifically indicated prices for the drug (the wording “from 2000 rubles”, for example). There is also information about promotions, but in general the opacity of the approach to sales is quite visible.

Features of using Bonatox anti-wrinkle serum

First you need to cleanse your face of:

  1. dust,
  2. fat and sweat secretions,
  3. dead cells.

Then the procedure is:

  1. wash off makeup from your face;
  2. apply a cleansing mask;
  3. after a few minutes, rinse off the mask with warm herbal infusion (for example, chamomile) and lightly moisturize the skin with milk;
  4. After 15 – 20 minutes, apply a thin layer of Bonatox serum and lightly “drive” the product into the skin with your fingertips.

In the morning, wipe your face with lotion, then use the serum as a protective day cream. After half an hour, you can apply decorative cosmetics to your face.

[/att]If you have minor problems with your facial skin or don’t have the means to buy serum often, you can use it only at night.[/att]

Cleansing masks and scrubs can be used once a week, and nourishing masks 2 - 3 times a week.


Find out what doctors think about the use of Retinoic ointment for wrinkles.

How to make a neck mask against wrinkles at home? Recipe here.

The content of the article:

  1. Price and where to buy
  2. What is a lifting serum?
  3. Benefits of BONATOX for rejuvenation
  4. Composition and characteristics of ingredients
  5. SYN-AKE
  6. Aloe juice
  7. Rosemary
  8. Sunflower
  9. Rice bran
  10. Oats
Instructions for use Results of use Customer reviews

Among the many creams and other cosmetics designed to remove wrinkles and tighten the face, the newfangled Bonatox serum with the Botox effect stands out. What it is, what ingredients are included in its composition, are there any contraindications, what results can be expected from its use - the main questions of this article.

BONATOX serum price and where to buy?

This cosmetic product is actually produced in the USA, which is why the price is so expensive: delivery, all documents, etc. The serum was initially recommended by my friend who is studying in America; when she came home, she gave it as a gift - she bought this lifting serum and other cosmetics that are not sold in any pharmacy here. Within 3 weeks after using it, my fine wrinkles disappeared, but of course I still have to work on the rough ones. One of the advantages is that it can be applied under decorative cosmetics. When the 30 ml bottle ran out (it is applied very sparingly), I started searching on the Internet in my home country for how to buy it. As a result, the first supplier finally appeared, so I ordered from him - they sent me an original product (+ they gave me a gift - 1 serum for free when ordering 2 or more units).

Manufactured by: MAGDERM, Avid Group, Chicago, IL 60642, USA.

What is BONATOX lifting serum with Botox effect?

Any person sooner or later faces a facial skin problem such as the appearance of wrinkles. This issue is especially acute for women. The face for the fair sex is a calling card. Therefore, when the first wrinkles appear, girls resort to using a variety of cosmetics. However, many of them can only help get rid of small wrinkles.

When deep and numerous wrinkles occur, the bravest ones choose plastic surgery or Botox injections. These methods are not acceptable to everyone due to their high cost. In addition, they can be dangerous. Ineffective cosmetics and expensive surgeries and injections are being replaced by a safe and effective option - Bonatox lifting serum.

BONATOX serum is the latest development in cosmetology. This new generation product is designed to combat age-related destructive changes in facial skin. The main cosmetic problems that the product solves are a decrease in skin elasticity and the further appearance of wrinkles on it.

Individual components also perform some other functions: fight pigmentation, protect against external influences, cleanse the skin, slow down aging, and stimulate regeneration processes.

The production facilities of Bonatox with the Botox effect are located in the United States of America, where they use the latest technological equipment. Therefore, you can purchase BONATOX lifting serum by leaving your contact information on the distributor’s website, which from time to time runs promotions that allow you to save money by buying two bottles for the price of one.

Benefits of BONATOX lifting serum

Let's look at the key competitive advantages of Bonatox serum over other lifting products:

  1. Despite the mechanism of action of BONATOX, the use of this lifting serum does not lead to the manifestation of the effect of frozen facial expressions.

Thanks to the simple external method of application, the lifting serum does not damage the skin; the product is absorbed naturally.

The natural penetration of the lifting serum into the skin allows the product to be used for areas with delicate skin - around the eyes and lips, on the neck - where injections are undesirable.

You can use BONATOX at home without fear of doing something wrong, because... the instructions for use do not contain complex manipulations.

There are no toxic substances among the entire set of ingredients, so the product is safe for the body.

BONATOX is not addictive.

An undeniable advantage is also the fact that Bonatox lifting serum has virtually no contraindications.
The only exceptions are individual intolerance to individual components of the unique product, pregnancy and age under 40 years.

The cost of BONATOX is justified by the price-performance ratio. Compared to alternative effective products, BONATOX is much cheaper.

One can confidently add to the benefits of Bonatox the presence of a persistent and long-lasting effect after the end of the course.

Composition and characteristics of ingredients of Bonatox lifting serum

Modern pharmacological developments make it possible to synthesize analogues of natural substances artificially in order to reduce the likelihood of side effects on the body with the same beneficial properties. These technologies are actively implemented in the production of Bonatox lifting serum with the Botox effect. Let's take a closer look at the composition of Bonatox.


As the basis for the serum, manufacturers took the synthetic peptide SYN-AKE, known since 2006, when Swiss scientists received the authoritative STA (Swiss Technology Award) awards for its development.

This artificially synthesized product has the properties of toxic substances present in snake venom. The action of SYN-AKE is key in the entire serum, because... It is this ingredient that, penetrating the skin, provides a blockade of muscle contractions, due to which the facial muscles relax.

Aloe juice

Aloe is an excellent proven remedy for the skin. That's why it was included in Bonatox. Aloe juice is rich in useful substances; it contains more than 200 types of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, polysaccharides, enzymes that are beneficial to humans.

The beneficial effects of aloe juice on the skin are manifested in the following:

  1. Nutrient saturation;

Moisturizing the skin, preventing dehydration and dryness;

Stimulating the internal synthesis of important skin proteins - collagen and elastin;

Smoothing and tightening of the skin, which creates a rejuvenating effect;

Protection from ultraviolet radiation, preventing the appearance of pigmentation on the skin;

Disinfection of the skin, stimulation of regenerative processes.

All these beneficial properties are certainly preserved in Bonatox.

Rosemary extract

Rosemary extract was the first antioxidant to appear on the market. It is a natural and non-toxic product, which is why it is used even in the food industry.

The inclusion of rosemary extract in the BONATOX lifting serum is due to its beneficial properties, including:

  1. Antioxidant properties;

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;

Relaxing properties.

In addition to all of the listed properties, rosemary extract can have a protective effect on DNA, protecting it from the harmful effects of free radicals. Those. The protective properties of rosemary extract prevent the development of cancer cells. This is evidenced by research by scientists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Sunflower extract

An important ingredient in BONATOX serum is sunflower extract. It is used in cosmetology to give cosmetics a regenerating, moisturizing, plasticizing, and protective effect. After sunflower extract penetrates the skin, the tissues receive additional nutrition and hydration.

The antioxidant effect is provided by the presence of vitamin E in sunflower extract. Tocopherol slows down fat oxidation, prevents the formation of free radicals, helps the absorption of vitamin A, improves blood circulation, helps in tissue regeneration, promotes the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and helps maintain the health of nerve fibers and muscles.

Rice bran extract

Rice bran extract is a storehouse of elements beneficial for the skin. This ingredient in the BONATOX lifting serum with Botox effect is considered an ideally balanced product.

Rice bran extract contains:

  1. Fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic, oleic), which support the structure of the skin and nourish its cells;

Vitamin E, the properties of which are described above;

Squalene, which helps soften the skin and relieve irritation;

Ferulic acid and gamma-oryzanol, which prevent cell aging and normalize metabolic processes in the skin.

Oat extract

The impact dose of beneficial substances entering the skin with the use of Bonatox is ensured by the presence of oat extract in the lifting serum, which effectively softens the skin, nourishes it, promotes restoration and regenerative processes, and has a protective, anti-inflammatory effect.

The antioxidants contained in the oat extract, together with other components of Bonatox, increase the anti-aging effect of the lifting serum on the skin. Oat extract is more likely to have a beneficial effect on the skin of people over 50 years of age.

Instructions for use of Bonatox lifting serum

The instructions for use do not contain any special instructions. To apply the serum to the skin of the face, no special skills or equipment are required.

The method of application is quite simple:

  1. Cleanse the skin of cosmetics, dust, and fatty secretions. You can use a scrub to remove dead skin cells.

For one application, 1-2 drops of the product are enough, because... Bonatox serum is a concentrated product. Distribute evenly over face and neck. Don’t be afraid to treat areas with delicate skin - around the eyes, mouth.

After complete application, perform light massage and tapping actions to stimulate the process of Bonatox penetration into the skin.

It is possible to apply under makeup, but it is better to refrain from it for at least 1.5–2 hours. But the best option is to stop using them altogether to allow the skin to function normally. You can apply moisturizer.

Results of using BONATOX serum

As a result of a month's course of using the BONATOX lifting serum, most women note the manifestation of the effect of Botox injections. Visually, changes in the skin are visible already at the end of the second - beginning of the third week.

According to tests, the number of facial wrinkles is reduced by at least half. Such results are noted by almost 80% of women who use the serum for 4 weeks.

The best proof of its effectiveness is the numerous positive reviews about the use of BONATOX lifting serum.

Customer reviews after using Bonatox

On the Internet you can find a large number of positive reviews about the use of Bonatox. Let's list a few of them.

Evgeniya, 41 years old

The first wrinkles began to appear for me a very long time ago. I didn't pay much attention to them before. But now there is a financial opportunity to take care of your appearance with the help of high-quality cosmetics. Therefore, on the advice of a friend, I ordered this serum. We didn't have to wait long for the results. Bonatox produced an excellent tightening effect already at the end of the second week of use (see my before and after photos)!

Bonatox has a rather pleasant floral scent. I was pleased that the serum was white, i.e. no dyes. The first time I took a chance and applied it in the evening, before going to bed. After application, it quickly absorbed into the skin. To my pleasant surprise, my face was not swollen in the morning. I've been using it for three weeks now. And already at this stage the results make me happy. Even my husband says that I look younger. I think that I will take the course of application in the future.

Svetlana, 42 years old

By nature, I am a cheerful person with very developed facial expressions. Therefore, at 42 years old, wrinkles are quite noticeable on my face. Conventional lifting products did not give me the desired result, and I decided to follow the advertisement - I bought the Bonatox lifting serum.

At that time, none of my friends had used this product. It turns out that I am a pioneer in some way. Having tried this wonderful moisturizing and rejuvenating product, I can confidently recommend it to all women who care about their own appearance. The results appear quite quickly (in the photo above you can see the results of using BONATOX for 5 weeks). I felt a slight tightening after the first use.

Every year the skin on my face noticeably fades, new wrinkles appear, and old ones become more pronounced. I hear compliments like “you look good” less and less often. I decided to improve my appearance without compromising my health on the advice of my employee, who, upon returning from vacation, surprised everyone with her noticeably younger face. It was she who, through her example, proved the effectiveness of the Bonatox serum. And I bought this product without a doubt.

A month has passed since I started using Bonatox, the wrinkles around my eyes have almost disappeared on my face, and the two folds on my forehead are now almost invisible. The skin seems to glow with health. During this time, I did not use all the purchased serum, because... At the time of purchase there was a promotion, and instead of one bottle I received two. I will definitely use the remaining supplies after the break.

Thus, with the advent of Bonatox lifting serum with the Botox effect on the cosmetics market, it becomes possible to restore the skin to its former beauty without radical facelift measures.