Tape for glabellar wrinkles


A vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows often appears in people who have the habit of frowning. Such folds can be present even at a fairly young age due to hypertonicity of the paired muscle. Over the years, under the influence of the aging process, the skin of the face becomes dehydrated and lacks collagen cells, so wrinkles become deeper and more pronounced. The defect can be eliminated with Botox or hyaluronic acid injections, laser resurfacing and plastic surgery. There are also less painful techniques, for example, aesthetic facial taping.

The procedure involves applying cotton or silk tapes on an adhesive base in the direction of the massage lines. The tape reduces tension in the facial muscles, improves blood circulation and lymph movement, which helps smooth out wrinkles, and also prevents the occurrence of swelling and fluid stagnation in the tissues. The skin acquires a healthy color and becomes more elastic (read more about reviews and the principle of operation of the kinesio tape patch in this article).

The aesthetic taping method is used to correct eyebrow and nasolabial folds, lift the forehead and eliminate crow's feet. There are various tape techniques to sculpt the face and reduce double chin. A full course of several sessions helps strengthen muscles and prevent the occurrence of new irregularities.

How to perform facial taping

Correction tapes are made from natural material, which has such advantages as breathability and the ability to transmit moisture. Throughout the entire period of wearing the strips on the skin of the face, they do not cause any discomfort and allow you to lead a normal lifestyle. Quick-drying acrylic-based adhesive securely holds the tape, prevents it from moving and ensures continuous action on muscle tissue. The substance does not dissolve in water, so you can wash your face and go to the pool with the tapes on your face or neck.

In order to apply the tape correctly, you need to understand the structure of the facial muscles. The direction in which the tape is applied depends on the selected area and the problem being addressed. In case of sagging skin and the formation of a double chin, modeling facial taping will help. To smooth out unevenness on the forehead, the tape is applied from the area between the eyebrows to the hairline. Transverse wrinkles can be removed using several thin tapes applied horizontally.

The cause of facial wrinkles is excessive tension in the facial muscles, so an elastic strip is applied in the direction of their movement to relieve some of the stress and relax the internal tissues. Myofascial application during taping helps eliminate spasms and pain by releasing blood vessels from pressure, after which the skin becomes smoother and the facial expression becomes calmer. The tape immobilizes the muscle and prevents it from contracting, which prevents the formation of wrinkles. This taping technique is also used for neuritis of the facial nerve at the initial stage of the disease or during its chronic course.

Selecting and using tapes to correct the area between the eyebrows

Facial tapes are made from soft and safe premium materials - eco-cotton of natural origin and artificial silk, which you can purchase in the Buy kinesio tapes section of the website. The strips do not cause discomfort even when applied to sensitive areas and have an effective effect on muscle tissue. Both narrow and wide patches are optimal for facial taping, which can be cut to perform a lymphatic drainage procedure. The split tape is applied in a specific pattern to improve fluid circulation due to additional pressure.

There are different taping techniques to reduce wrinkles between the eyebrows. The paired muscle can be fixed using one or two narrow vertical strips. During this procedure, the tape is placed horizontally, in the direction from the nose to the side of the forehead. The application is glued without tension onto smoothed facial skin.

At the same time, X-shaped tape, which consists of two strips, will help eliminate unevenness between the eyebrows, as well as lift the forehead and around the eyes. The tapes are applied diagonally across the entire face, precisely bending around the correction zones and creating a curved contour. Cosmetologists recommend combining techniques to achieve the best effect.

How to do facial taping at home

Gluing tapes using a complex technique to tighten large areas should be entrusted to a specialist who will apply the strips in the right direction, taking into account your individual anatomical features. It is not difficult to correct wrinkles between the eyebrows on your own after familiarizing yourself with the structure of the muscles and studying facial taping schemes; it is also advisable to take a full training course. To achieve long-term and high-quality results, it is necessary to carry out several daily procedures. Gluing strips to one area will not take much time. The tapes should be worn for at least 30 minutes; they can also be left on the face overnight, since if the taping technology is followed, the patches will retain their original position even after 12 hours.

In order for the strips to adhere securely and provide maximum effect, the skin must be dry and clean. Do not apply moisturizer or serum to your face, otherwise the tape will quickly peel off. A small tape applied without tension will further keep the muscle from tension, and the wrinkle will gradually smooth out. Rub the patch thoroughly after application to heat and soften the adhesive layer for better fixation and maximum adhesion of the strip to the skin. Removing soft tapes for aesthetic facial correction does not require much effort - just moisten the tape with a special oil-based liquid and remove it with a gentle movement.

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There are a large number of taping schemes. To achieve a rejuvenating effect, you first need to deal with wrinkles.

You can find out what aesthetic taping is here.

Taping schemes by age are in the previous article.

1. Nasolabial folds

For the procedure, choose a wide 5-centimeter tape. Taping begins from the area of ​​the nasolabial folds.

  1. To do this, you need to move your lips in the direction opposite to how the patch is attached and attach the tape;
  2. After this, the tapes are applied without tension to the cheekbones, to the small and large muscles;
  3. Next to the nose area: attach along the edges of the nose, starting from the middle.

This method of taping, in addition to helping to get rid of nasolabial folds, perfectly tightens the cheekbones, making the face more elastic.

2. Wrinkles around the eyes

A 2-centimeter tape is attached to the orbicularis oculi muscle from the outside - first to the corner of the eye, then without tension above and below the eye. Tapes should be worn for 3 to 8 hours.

It is forbidden to go to bed without taking them off, as creases may appear, which is dangerous for the muscles.

3. Wrinkles on the forehead

Again, a wide 5-centimeter tape is used. Its length is measured by the height of the forehead.

The tape is applied from the bridge of the nose. It is advisable to stretch the forehead skin with your palm so that the tape lies evenly.

The method perfectly helps to cope with horizontal wrinkles in the forehead area.

4. Eyebrow wrinkles

The technique is designed for taping those muscles that are directly related to the formation of wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows.

  1. The first tape is cut into two parts at the end. Its size is determined by the height of the forehead. The tape is attached from the area between the eyebrows to the hair without tension;
  2. Next, the application occurs above the eyebrow along the frontal muscle. It is also recommended to apply tapes from the inside of the eyebrow to the outside. The eyebrow is pulled to the side to the temple.

5. Flabbiness of the face, lack of a clear oval

  1. For the procedure, a 5-centimeter tape is selected, which is cut into 2 identical strips;
  2. In this method, kinesio tape is applied along the jaw arch. The tape is attached from the mental muscle without tension. The length of the tape is measured along the jaw line to its angle;
  3. Also apply tapes to the neck.

6. Wrinkles around the mouth

Tapes are applied to the orbicularis oris muscle. Tension of the tape along its long side.

  1. A thin strip of tape needs to be attached above the lip, before doing so as if “hiding” the upper lip inside;
  2. Glue without tension. You will feel tension, this means that everything is done correctly;
  3. Wear for approximately 3-8 hours throughout the day.

By the way, on our website facesave.ru you can learn how to enlarge your lips with exercises.

7. Taping for neck pain

The causes of pain in the neck area are different: from arthrosis to muscle strain. To cope with pain and its cause, special treatment methods are used: physical education, drug therapy, and kinesio taping.

The use of tapes is recognized as safe and useful, because they relax the muscles and maintain them in the correct position.

For the procedure, it is advisable to remove hair from the area, clean and disinfect the skin, and apply the tapes to the neck so that the muscles are stretched as much as possible.

8. Important tips

  1. The use of tapes has noticeable advantages over other procedures for improving appearance. For example, compared to plastic surgery, it is safer and suitable for those people who are afraid to go under the knife. At the same time, taping is inferior to surgical intervention, since the effect of the procedure does not last as long. Therefore, regularity is important here, and this is perhaps the main and only drawback of anti-aging aesthetic taping;
  2. According to experts, taping is a multifunctional procedure that not only significantly combats age-related changes, but also removes swelling and hematomas. In addition, tapes lift the skin, which allows lymph to move freely in the body;
  3. A taping session is always individual. There are different schemes for applying tapes depending on the purpose, and the tapes themselves need to be worn from half an hour to several days if the wrinkles are deep or the skin is very saggy;
  4. It is best to start taping at the age of 25-30 to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles. At this age, procedures are performed infrequently, only for preventive purposes. When deep wrinkles appear, it is advisable to take a course of 50 sessions, this will take several months;
  5. Before taping, it is important to find out the necessary information about the location of the facial muscles, because when kinesiotaping at home, only you are responsible for your health.

9. Results

High-quality taping guarantees noticeable results, this is confirmed by reviews and before and after photos. In the photo you can see how after the procedures the facial skin is tightened, wrinkles and crow's feet go away, the oval of the face appears and the double chin is reduced.

Let us remind you that we published taping schemes by age earlier in this article.

Taping is a method of rejuvenating facial skin without surgery. Aesthetic facial taping has a number of features that must be taken into account when performing this procedure on your own, which can be done without leaving your home. The most important condition is that the scheme be carried out in detail, which will avoid mistakes that could negatively affect the final result.

Taping patch

Definition of taping

Not so long ago, the only area of ​​application for taping was sports medicine. In this case, the tape was rehabilitation after injury. Over time, this procedure found application in cosmetology.

Taping is considered a budget procedure. It has several beneficial effects such as:

In addition, with the help of aesthetic taping, you can achieve relaxation of the neck and facial muscles, which helps improve blood and lymph flow.

The procedure involves applying tapes made of fabric material to the facial muscles, fixing problem areas of the skin in the required position.

The role of taping in cosmetology

In order to achieve a noticeable effect, it is necessary to undergo a number of procedures. Regular use of this method is aimed at getting rid of existing problems with the condition of the facial skin.

The taping procedure is aimed at achieving improvements in facial appearance, such as:

  1. lifting effect;
  2. smoothing out stretch marks on the face;
  3. elimination of sagging skin;
  4. alignment of wrinkles of different depths;
  5. getting rid of flabbiness;
  6. straightening the oval of the face;
  7. the ability to remove a double chin;
  8. improved blood circulation and lymph flow;
  9. positive effect on metabolic processes;
  10. strengthening regenerative and rejuvenating processes;
  11. getting rid of edema.

Note! Despite the many benefits of performing such an anti-aging procedure, if you stick a taping patch under the eyes, on the eyelids or in the neck area, this will lead to stretching of the skin and an increase in the number of wrinkles.

Facial tape options

There are three types of facial tapes:

  1. providing corrective modeling, cut into rectangular strips, the width of which is one, three or five centimeters;
  2. for the lymphatic drainage effect - five narrow strips, centimeter wide, cut from a wide rectangular tape with a common two-centimeter base;
  3. eliminating hematomas, which can be purchased in ready-made mesh form.

To carry out this procedure yourself at home, you should purchase tapes made from a natural material such as cotton fabric, which is pre-lubricated using a special medical glue.

Note. The sales points for medical tapes are pharmacy chains and cosmetics stores.

Different colors of tapes

Despite the fact that after sticking a special patch, a slight itching is felt, this does not mean an allergic reaction. There is no need to remove the tape from your face because of this.

How to apply tape

A special taper patch has physical properties that resemble human skin. Thus, fixing the skin in the correct position helps to ensure a lifting effect and accelerate intercellular processes. To attach tapes to the face against wrinkles, there are instructions for each specific case.

Removal of nasolabial folds

A tape five centimeters long is glued to the muscles of the cheekbones. The effect of this method of facial taping in the cosmetology of nasolabial folds is to move the lips to the side located opposite the taping zone. Taping of the nasolabial folds is completed by attaching the patch to the cheekbone muscles without creating tension.

Note. The lateral nasal muscle, which also forms the nasolabial folds, is also taped.

Smoothing wrinkles in the eye area

Taping is aimed at the outer side of the orbicularis muscle. To do this, a tape two centimeters long is glued from the eyebrow to the protruding cheekbone area. The middle part of the tape should be attached to the corner of the eye. After this, apply anti-wrinkle tapes to the face on the upper and lower parts, without creating tension. It is recommended to tap the eye area for five hours during the day or in the evening.

Note! Leaving the patch on overnight can cause every existing wrinkle and crease to become deeper.

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

Depending on the height of the forehead, the technique for taping the forehead against wrinkles involves calculating the required length of a five-centimeter patch. You should get rid of the paper around the edges. Attach the material to the area above the bridge of the nose. To complete taping the forehead against wrinkles, it is necessary to stretch the skin on the forehead with the palm of your hand and stick the second part without creating tension.

Smooth out wrinkles between eyebrows

The length of the first anti-wrinkle facial tape, which has a forked end, is the height of the forehead. The location for taping the eyebrow wrinkle is from the area between the eyebrows to the beginning of the hairline. The area where the two remaining patches are applied is the frontalis muscle from the area where the eyebrow ends.

Helpful advice. A greater effect can be achieved if the patch is applied to the interglabellar muscle in an outward direction.


In this case, which involves taping the jowls, a special patch must be applied to the jaw arch in the direction from the chin, without creating tension.

Remove wrinkles around the mouth

The place where anti-wrinkle taping is applied is the orbicularis oris muscle. The tape is carefully applied above the upper lip. The tape is stretched along the long side.

The effectiveness of the taping procedure

Many experts in the field of cosmetology disagree about the effectiveness of the facial taping procedure. Some of them consider the positive result to be a placebo effect, others claim that this technique is very highly effective.

It should be noted! Taping is rarely used as an independent procedure. It is usually combined with a complex of massages or hardware techniques that help enhance the beneficial effects.

Presence of contraindications

Even such a simple procedure as taping has a number of contraindications:

  1. presence of dermatological diseases;
  2. pathologies of ENT organs;
  3. susceptibility to allergic reactions due to individual intolerance to the components of tapes;
  4. injury and cuts to the skin;
  5. presence of facial nerve disorders;
  6. exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  7. acute viral infection.

Imported tape

The taping procedure is quite popular and can be done at home. Taping can be performed on several areas of the face, including nasolabial folds. You can purchase the necessary materials (anti-wrinkle tapes) at a pharmacy chain or at a store that sells cosmetic products.
