Traumeel ointment reviews for face


Negative reviews

Zverev V.S., orthopedist 7 years of experience

If clean water cannot harm you, this drug will not harm you.

If pure water cannot heal you, this medicine will not heal you.

Find scales from the buttock of the last dragon of Atlantis on the far side of the Moon during the Nibiru eclipse. Then dip it three times in a glass of water collected on Albanian Aviation Day and drink 3.148 teaspoons every 9.75


No side effects



The drug is advertised, relatively expensive, doctors like to prescribe it for neuralgic diseases and inflammation of the joints. I tried this ointment on myself, on the mother, and on the child - no one noticed the effect.
I think that doctors like to prescribe it because there are no side effects of this ointment in practice, there is a minimum of responsibility.
It’s a pity for the wasted money, of course, but the most important thing is the lost time, because in treating a disease it is important not to waste time and provide timely help.
I don’t buy this ointment anymore, I’ve already tried it, it doesn’t help with any ailments, no matter what we tried - the effect is zero!


It seems natural. Made in Germany


My wrists hurt. Another common shoulder dislocation. I apply it for a week in the morning and evening. No improvement! Perhaps it's just a different kind of problem. But it didn’t help me.



A waste of money!

A completely useless thing - it doesn’t eliminate the pain! Doesn't relieve inflammation! I think that positive reviews are written either by manufacturers or distributors! So, I advise you not to buy.



The only downside is that the ointment doesn't work.

I strained my back during training, went to the doctor, he prescribed Heel Gel "Traumeel". I looked at the reviews, by the way, they were all positive (I don’t know who wrote them), I bought it. I applied it for two weeks, the pain didn’t go away at all in the first days, as if I hadn’t applied it at all, I switched to Nurofen gel, it helped right away, but that’s not what we’re talking about. Traumeel is stated as a gel with natural ingredients and, accordingly, is not very cheap, of course there may be some effect, but I did not feel it. Don’t be fooled by flashy advertisements, it smells like a scam. Well, by the way, I bought Ketoprofen for “three kopecks”, it helps within 5.7 minutes. Draw your own conclusions.

I became acquainted with TraumeelS ointment from the Heel brand a couple of years ago. Then, due to the constant “lifting and putting down the child, changing

stroller home" my back and lower back began to bother me. Although I had never complained about my back before, even after two pregnancies; the pain was unbearable: I couldn’t sit, lay down, or walk. For such cases, we always have pain-relieving gels like Fastum - Nimid or Ultrafastin , but it was impossible to use them during lactation. When I couldn’t bear the pain, I turned to a traumatologist, who prescribed me TraumeelS ointment in combination with Traumeel injections. The injections gave me a slight, but relief, and from the ointment: what is there, what is not. The only thing is that it has a pleasant texture - a soufflé, not at all greasy; and no smell. You need to apply it without rubbing it, so that a layer of ointment remains on the skin, which will be absorbed over time. On me, it takes quite a long time to absorb, I often fall asleep without waiting. That's how it works almost an entire tube lay idle in the refrigerator: because when he brought his legs and arms together to weather the weather, he more than once found himself powerless.

And recently I felt a lump in my chest that looked like mastopathy, I read the instructions and reviews, many girls write about its miraculous properties, as if the lumps dissolve in a week. I understand perfectly well that the etiology of such nodes is different for everyone, I still decided to anoint it in order to finish off the tube and try to heal myself. Here's what came out of it: after almost two weeks of using Traumeel, no changes occurred, at least to the touch! Therefore, it is best to contact a specialist rather than engage in nonsense!

After my experiments with

acid peeling, which I just smeared on my burned face: Bepanten and TraumeelS. So it was after the last one that in the morning, in addition to the burn, there was a rash. Again - 0 effect.

Still, I had to go to an appointment with a gynecologist and have an ultrasound of the mammary glands, and both specialists assured me that Traumeel was useless as a resolving agent. To relieve swelling - yes, but no more.

The cost was quite high back then - about 80 hryvnia, now this amount can be multiplied by 3 ($10) per 50 g tube. The consumption is also not economical. In general, for me there are only disadvantages.

Absolutely useless ointment for back pain, for skin regeneration and as a resolving agent. TraumeelS will in no way replace Fastum, Nimid, or any of the pain-relieving ointments and gels. Moreover, allergy sufferers need to be careful with it; acne appeared on my face after it (not on my body). Homeopathy is not always safe and is not always effective.

And about a year ago, an investigation was conducted in our country regarding the issuance of licenses for the sale of medical drugs. As it turned out, Traumeel (tablets, ointments and injections) is exclusively a drug for VETERINARY medicine! This is so, food for thought, but I DO NOT RECOMMEND TraumeelS.

I bought Traumeel, it’s good that I threw “money down the drain” in time. Traumeel contains mercury dichloride (sublimate) Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni D6 (Hahnemann’s Soluble Mercury).

The degree of toxicity of mercury compounds (mercury chloride, dichloride, nitrate and sulfite, mercury cyanide, etc.) depends mainly on their solubility. There are known cases of kidney damage due to the use of even ointments containing very small amounts of mercury.

It’s good that this international divorce of ordinary people was canceled in Ukraine.

Good afternoon, reader.

I usually write reviews on cosmetics, but I can’t remain silent here any longer. I want to tell my story of meeting the Traumeel ointment, praised by many.

My daughter was only 1 month old and the orthopedist found cervical swelling on her right side. It was recommended to wear a collar, sleep on an orthopedic pillow, and treat the collar area with Traumeel ointment.

Of course, I started reading reviews from experienced users; surprisingly, they were mostly laudatory. For the most part, the drug helped heal bumps, abrasions, and bruises.

After thinking a little, I decided to buy it anyway. Cost 500 rub.

Already at home, having studied the instructions in more detail, I noted to myself that the ointment, in principle, was not suitable for my child’s age. It is recommended for use by children aged 3 years and older. But still, start using it at your own peril and risk.

The ointment is white. It has an alcohol fragrance that quickly disappears from the surface of the skin.

The consistency is light, not greasy. Easily applied to the surface in a thin layer. Quickly absorbed.

In a one-month-old baby, no allergies in the form of redness or rash were detected during use.

The ointment was applied 2 times a day with rubbing movements. The only discomfort that can be noted in the child is that he was shrinking and pressing his neck. And the reason for this is simple - the ointment is cold. The next time I warmed it a little in my hands before applying it.

After 2 weeks of use, at the next visit to a specialist, we were stopped using the ointment. But imagine my surprise when the swelling in our necks was not relieved. On the contrary, they also sent me for physical procedures. In other words, we Traumeel ointment did not cure!

In my case with my daughter, the drug turned out to be ineffective. It’s a shame!

Traumeel for the face relieves peeling and irritation, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates acne, and gives the skin a healthy color. It is often used for problematic and sensitive skin. This drug is often prescribed before mesotherapy, because it strengthens the walls of blood vessels well, which allows for less bruising after this procedure.

Composition of the drug and release form

Traumeel is a complex homotoxic agent that is characterized by anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, regenerating, analgesic and anti-exudative properties.

They are due to the components included in the product: arnica, echinacea, St. John's wort, daisies, chamomile, comfrey, aconite, belladonna, yarrow, witch hazel, calendula. Additional substances: lactose, water for injection, solid and liquid paraffin, cetostearyl and ethyl alcohol, purified water.

The drug is available in the following forms:

Mechanism of action of Traumeel

The drug quickly and effectively eliminates swelling and hemorrhage in the damaged area, relieves pain, increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, and stabilizes blood flow. This medication is often used if there is soft tissue damage (trauma, burns). The high regenerative activity of the drug allows its use in the postoperative period.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the ability to trigger an immunological cascade of reactions by activating a clone of Th3 lymphocytes. As a result, the normal ratio between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines at the site of inflammation is restored and the symptoms of the inflammatory reaction are reduced: redness, swelling, pain.

In combination with glucocorticosteroids, the dosage of the latter is reduced and the effectiveness of complex treatment increases.

Traumeel helps treat:

  1. brain concussion;
  2. osteochondrosis;
  3. diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  4. tissue damage due to injuries in the form of sprains, dislocations, bruises, hematomas;
  5. fractures of bones and joints;
  6. arthrosis;
  7. fibrocystic mastopathy;
  8. lactostasis.

According to the instructions for use, the drug is not recommended for use in case of multiple sclerosis, any autoimmune diseases, collagenosis, tuberculosis, leukemia, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or impaired renal function.

Application in cosmetology

Traumeel is a cosmetic product intended for facial skin care. This cream has the following properties:

  1. heals and restores damaged skin;
  2. increases blood circulation;
  3. gives the skin a healthy color;
  4. eliminates irritation, peeling and redness;
  5. has antispasmodic and analgesic effects.

The drug heals wounds from acne and subcutaneous pimples, eliminates spots after herpes, swelling under the eyes, eliminates scars and scars. It helps well with acne, as well as if the skin is problematic and sensitive. Traumeel gel soothes the dermis, restores it, relieves peeling and itching. After cleansing the face or after peeling, the skin most often becomes red, swollen, and painful. By applying ointment, you can eliminate this problem.

In addition, the strong secretion of sebum stops, which is produced as a protective reaction after facial procedures and severely clogs the pores. As a result, the dermis is smoothed, it becomes less oily, and swelling subsides.

Ointment for facial skin is applied in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin with massaging movements. It extremely rarely causes the development of adverse reactions and can be used for children's skin. Traumeel is also used against wrinkles, effectively smoothing the dermis.

Cost of the drug

The cost of tablets is 350 rubles, injections are 680 rubles, gel is 450 rubles, drops are 550 rubles.


Analogues of Traumeel include the following drugs:

  1. Bishofite. This is a cheap analogue, which is available in the form of a gel and solution for injection. The drug is prescribed for skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Contraindications include: cancer, age under 9 years, pregnancy, lactation, angina pectoris, heart rhythm and circulatory disorders, joint inflammation, allergic reactions.
  2. Zinaxin. Made from natural ingredients. Indicated for the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis. Prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the components.
  3. Kondronova. An analogue with a regenerating effect. Available in the form of ointments and capsules. Helps treat osteochondrosis, arthrosis, spondylosis. The drug is prohibited for bronchial asthma, diabetes, allergic reactions, pregnancy, lactation.
  4. Artra. The drug corrects metabolic processes in bone and cartilage tissue. Available in tablet form. The product stimulates restoration processes in cartilage tissues. Prescribed for osteoarthritis of peripheral joints and spine. Contraindicated in phenylketonuria and severe renal dysfunction.
  5. Alflutop. The drug regulates metabolism, restores damaged cartilage tissue, eliminates inflammation and pain. Injections are prescribed for traumatic dystoses, ossification disorders and degenerative rheumatic diseases. They are contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, and allergic reactions.


Anna, 30 years old, Moscow: “The doctor prescribed Traumeel when, after mesotherapy, my face became swollen and red. After application, the product dried into a film. After two days, there was no trace of redness or swelling left. In addition, I read in the instructions that the product can be used for subcutaneous acne, which often bothers me, so I will use it to solve this problem.”

Oksana, 37 years old, Yaroslavl: “I purchased Traumeel gel for my facial skin after the biorevitalization procedure. Within 3 days the papules did not go away. The pharmacy recommended this remedy. I immediately applied it to my face, 2 hours later again and before bed. The next morning there were no traces left of the papules, and the skin did not itch or itch. It helps well if there are acne on the face, so I recommended this product to my teenage daughter.”

Elena, 23 years old, Kirov: “After peeling, the dermatologist recommended using Traumeel gel. This is a homeopathic remedy containing herbal ingredients. I applied it to my face at night. It was absorbed almost instantly, there was no feeling of tightness. In the morning I didn’t recognize myself - my face was smooth, even, no inflammation or redness. I am pleased that this product has a pleasant smell and does not stain clothes. It didn’t cause any adverse reactions.”

Veronica, 31 years old, Tver: “After lipofilling, to eliminate swelling, I purchased Traumeel gel. It not only solved this problem, but also helped get rid of allergic red spots that appeared on Tavegil cream. I'm happy with the result."





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It's comfortable:

Traumeel gel. Why did they put it in the beauty box?

About a year ago, I received, with great grief, a limited-edition ElleBox Natural box.

It was positioned as a box with natural cosmetics. Everything is clear with the rest of the products in the box. But with this gel many questions arose.

Soothing and restorative gel Traumeel Heel.

Most descriptions of this gel say that it is intended to relieve muscle and joint pain, sports injuries and bruises.

The question immediately arises: “What does beauty box have to do with it?”

Probably given that he has another purpose. Facial care.

It is this purpose/application that I want to tell you about.

Traumeel gel is a pharmaceutical product. And accordingly, it is sold only in pharmacies, and in some online stores.

I have a sample with a volume of 25 g. The original has exactly the same metal tube, but with a volume of 50 g.

Medium density gel. It spreads quickly on the skin and is absorbed. Leaving no shine.

It has a bright alcohol aroma (if you can call it an aroma). Transparent.

Information from the manufacturer:

I am publishing a description as a facial product.

Traumeel Gel HEEL has a comprehensive restorative and soothing effect on problem skin, ensuring its elasticity and firmness. Promotes the regeneration of minor skin defects, traumatic lesions, skin diseases, as well as the elimination of local side effects from various cosmetic procedures (irritation, inflammation, swelling).

Of course, it was scary to apply this gel to my face. Considering his first appointment. But there are so many reviews on the Internet about how it dealt with inflammation and was especially good at combating post-acne, that I couldn’t resist.

Traumeel gel - This is a homeopathic remedy. Contains a large number of herbs.

It should be applied locally to inflammation or post-acne spots. Otherwise, the gel will dry out the skin greatly. Still alcohol. You should also avoid the area of ​​the capillary mesh, if any.

As for efficiency. The gel copes well with post-acne spots. They disappear in about 2 weeks. Depending on the intensity.

Dries out inflammation and wounds.

Overall everything is good. But it still dries out the skin with regular use. And without regular use there is no point in using it.

Now I apply it to the T-zone after a cleansing mask. I love that it helps tighten pores and reduce breakouts.

Under no circumstances should it be used on dry or sensitive skin. It would probably suit oily skin better than my normal skin.

Volume 50 ml. Price

How would you feel about such a tool? Would you use it on your face?