Caring for a growing new nail

You should manage to cover the nail, protecting it from contact with the hand or air and from other influences, and grow it. The best thing I know for this is to make and tie something like a cap made of silver with mesh-shaped holes on your finger, so as not to completely block the access of air; if you need to protect the nail from air due to its warmth or coldness, or other reasons, then the cap covered with something else, the shape of the cap should be such that when it is tied to the finger, it is far from touching it from the side of the nail, but touches it from other sides. The cap is left on the finger for a month and during this time the best possible nail grows.

They take cypress cones, pound them, mix them with vinegar and flour, especially lupine flour, apply them as a bandage, and this reduces the baras. Flaxseed with watercress or burnt wine grounds mixed with red arsenic and rathiyanaj also work. Fresh zift is wonderful in this regard, especially with red arsenic or cypress cones. Fish glue is an equally wonderful, powerful remedy, as is sorrel root in the form of an ointment with vinegar.

They are smeared with galls and alum with goose lard or cow bile, or finely crushed indau seeds mixed with vinegar.

First, myrtle leaves or soft pomegranate leaves are applied to them, and then emollient medicines are applied. If there is an expansion of the ends of the nerves reaching the nails, then known fats and emollient wax ointments are applied to them.

This is treated with flour mixed with Zift, applying a bandage from it, and if this is not enough and manual action is necessary, then you should carefully cut the nail obliquely with a sharp instrument so that the blood comes out from under it. If the nail comes off because of this, then you let the blood flow out and carefully stick the nail onto the place underneath so that it lies securely and does not hurt. After a few days you examine it, and if there is ichor there, you move the nail or carefully cut it, then put it back in place and tie it. Do not touch the meat - this causes terrible pain, worse than with a nail eater - and it is better to cover the meat with your fingernail and water the nail with warm water and oil, and then, at the end of the treatment, apply a basilikun patch to it.