Indications that an internal boil is about to open

If the pain returns and pricks and pinches, and the heaviness intensifies, and the attacks of fever become homogeneous, then the opening is approaching, and if chills suddenly appear and the heaviness and pain have passed, then the boil has opened, especially if pus appears to be pouring out of it, which, As he passes by, he plucks the fabric. In this case, depletion of strength and weakness are necessarily observed.

When the opening of an internal boil occurs suddenly and a lot of matter flows out, then interruptions and bad fainting often occur, and sometimes even death occurs due to the dissipation of natural force. In some cases, vomiting and diarrhea begin, and sometimes, if the boil was in the chest, the patient coughs up a lot of pus at once. If a lot of matter is poured into the chest at once, then sometimes suffocation occurs.