A blue crack appeared in the distance

And - conjunction, coordinating, simple, connecting, connects parts of a complex sentence.
To - conjunction, subordinating, simple, connects parts of a complex sentence (clause of purpose)
A - conjunction, coordinating, adversative, simple, connects parts of a complex. offers.

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Old turtle

Vasya inhaled the air, rounding his nostrils, and was penetrated to the very depths by the strong, stuffy smell of the beast. He looked up. A small sign hung above the door; on it, in colors faded by the southern sun, was written: “Pet Shop.” Behind the dusty glass of the display case, the boy could hardly see the dusty stuffed animal of a long-legged beaked bird.
How little we know the streets we walk on day after day! How many times did Vasya go to the beach along this very street, he knew every house there, a lamppost, a chestnut tree, a shop window, every chip in the sidewalk and pothole in the pavement, and suddenly it turned out that he had not noticed the most important thing on this street.
But you shouldn’t think about it, rather go there, into this wonderful, mysterious twilight...
The mother followed her son with her usual humility. The cramped, dark store was uninhabited, but, like an abandoned den, it retained the living, warm spirit of its recent residents. There was a pile of dry fish food on the counter, empty bird cages hanging from the ceiling, and in the middle of the room there was an aquarium covered with shells, illuminated by a dim electric light bulb; long, twisting algae, trembling slightly, entwined the slimy stone grotto. This entire underwater kingdom was given over to the undivided possession of a pitiful blood vessel-like bloodworm, which quietly wriggled, glued to the ribbed surface of the shell.
Vasya stood at the aquarium for a long time, as if hoping that the dead splendor of the watery kingdom would suddenly come to life, then dejectedly headed into the dark depths of the store. And then his jubilant cry was heard:
- Mom, look!
The mother immediately understood everything: the same selfless cry preceded the appearance in the house of an aquarium with fancy fish, cages with songbirds, a collection of butterflies, a two-wheeled bicycle, a box with carpentry tools...
She approached her son. In the corner of the store, at the bottom of a straw-lined box, two tiny turtles were moving. They were no larger than Vasya’s fist, surprisingly new and clean. The turtles fearlessly climbed the walls of the box, slipped, fell to the bottom and again, nimbly moving their light paws with hard claws, climbed to the top.
- Mother! - Vasya said soulfully, he didn’t even add the rude word “buy”.
“We’ve had enough of fussing with Masha,” the mother responded tiredly.
- Mom, look at their faces!
Vasya never knew anything was denied; everything was given to him at the behest of a pike. This is good in a fairy tale, but for Vasya the fairy tale went on too long. He will go to school in the fall. What will it be like for him when he discovers that the spell has lost all power and life must be taken with difficulty and patience? The mother shook her head negatively:
- No, three turtles in the house is too much!
“Okay,” said Vasya with defiant humility. - If so, let's give Masha back, she's still very old.
- You know, this is empty talk.
The boy turned away from his mother offended and said quietly:
- You just feel sorry for money...
“Of course, he is small and is not guilty of either good or bad,” thought the mother, “you just need to explain to him that he is wrong.” But instead of calm, wise words of teaching, she said sharply:
- Enough! Let's get out of here now!
It was a strange morning for Vasya. On the beach, every stone seemed to him like a small golden turtle. The sea jellyfish and algae that touched his feet when he swam near the shore were also turtles that fawned over him, Vasya, and seemed to be asking for friendship. In his absent-mindedness, the boy did not even feel the usual joy of swimming, indifferently came out of the water at the first call of his mother and slowly walked after her. On the way, his mother bought his favorite pink grapes and handed him a heavy bunch, but Vasya tore off only one berry and forgot to eat it. He had no desires or thoughts, except for one, persistent, like an obsession, and when they arrived home, Vasya knew exactly what to do.

During the day, the old turtle was always buried in secluded places: under the wardrobe, under the sofa, and crawled into a dark, cluttered closet. But now Vasya was lucky: he immediately found Masha under his bed.
- Masha! Masha! - he called her, standing on all fours, but the dark round cobblestone did not show any signs of life for a long time.
Finally, something moved in the gap between the shields, then a bird’s beak stuck out from there, followed by the entire bare, flattened head with the eyes of a dead bird covered with a horny film. Stubby paws have grown along the sides of the cobblestones. And then one front paw slowly, as if thinking, rose, twisted slightly and sank to the floor with a faint thud. After her, the second one started working just as slowly, thoughtfully and clumsily, and about three minutes later Masha crawled out from under the bed.
Vasya put a piece of apricot on the floor. Masha stretched her wrinkled, sinewy neck far forward, exposing the thin, also wrinkled membranes with which she was attached to her shell, pecked a piece of apricot like a bird and swallowed at once. From the second slice offered by Vasya, Masha turned away and crawled away. In rare moments, when Masha felt the urge to move, her bulging eyes did not notice any obstacles; with a sleepy and stubborn step, waddling regularly, she walked forward and forward, striving for some distance known to her alone.
There was no more unnecessary creature in the world than Masha, but she was good for something: you could sit on her and even stand on her. Vasya reached out to Masha and pressed her with his hand; under his palm she continued to scrape the floor with her outstretched paws. Its shell, consisting of uneven squares and rhombuses, seemed to have become all embroidered with age, deep grooves lay where the seams were, and for some reason Vasya decided not to sit on it. He picked Masha up from the floor and looked out the window. The mother lay in a hammock, her light head did not even press down the pillows, the book she was reading fell out of her downward hand. Mother was sleeping. Vasya hid Masha under his shirt and quickly went outside.

Above the thinned-out bazaar, half asleep from the heat, a child’s voice sounded high and sad:
- Turtle! Turtle for sale!
It seemed to Vasya that he had been standing there for many, many hours; the direct, cruel rays of the sun baked his poor uncovered head, sweat flowed from his forehead and blurred his vision, the stone-heavy Masha painfully pulled back her hands. He felt a languid, aching weakness throughout his whole body, and he was drawn to sit down on the dusty ground.
- Turtle! Turtle for sale!
Vasya pronounced these words more and more muffled, as if he was afraid and wanted to be heard. But people, busy with their work, passed by him indifferently; they did not see anything unusual in what for Vasya was perhaps the most difficult test in his entire little life. If only he could find himself again in his native, abandoned world, where he lived so well under his mother’s faithful protection!
But as soon as Vasya allowed himself to this thought, his home immediately lost all its charm for him, became unlovable and boring, because then he would have to forever abandon the cheerful golden turtles.
- Wow, turtle! This is exactly what I need!
Vasya got so deep into himself that he shuddered in surprise and almost dropped Masha from his hands. In front of him stood a tall, broad-shouldered man, apparently a longshoreman, looking at the old turtle with a kind of childish admiration.
-Are you selling, boy?
- Yes…
- How much are you asking?
“Nine...” Vasya said embarrassedly, remembering the price they asked for two turtles in the pet store.
- Nine? Won't you take less?
“I can’t…” Vasya whispered. He was very ashamed.
- Well, if you can’t, I’m crying! You see, my little son is going home tomorrow, to the Tambov region, so I want to give him something like that...
The loader rummaged in his pockets and pulled out two green and one yellow pieces of paper.
“I don’t have nine with me, you know,” he said worriedly, “exactly seven.”
Vasya was in despair; he did not know how to help this big and, apparently, kind man. “I will never, ever trade again.”
“Wait a minute, kid,” the loader suddenly appeared, “I live close here, come to my place, I’ll bring you the money.”
And so they walked out of the market together. Vasya was very happy, everything turned out so well, he was proud of his first achievement in life, and besides, he liked to walk now next to this strong and courageous man, as an equal with an equal. To the right, in the clear vision of the street, the midday sea opened up, and against its sparkling background Vasya saw the iron hands of cranes working on a small boat standing at the pier. Huge soft bales, one after another, descended from the sky onto the deck, and it seemed strange to the boy that the boat did not sink under all this load. He wanted to ask his companion where the ship was sailing, but did not have time.
- Here they come, boy. Wait here, I'll be right there!
Vasya stood in front of a white one-story house, surrounded by densely overgrown acacia bushes. It seemed strange to him that such a big man lived in such a small house, but he immediately forgot about it and began to carefully peer into the windows located along the facade. He really wanted to see the boy who would get Mashka.
“Oh, it’s a pity, my little son is not at home,” the loader said when he appeared, “otherwise we would have met.” He is independent, just like you, little guy. Here, take the coin! Just do the math: money loves counting!
“No, why…” Vasya muttered and handed Mashka to the buyer.
He took it in his large palms and put it to his ear, like a watch.
- Isn’t it empty inside?
Masha, as luck would have it, did not show up from her stone dwelling, and Vasya even felt offended that she was parting with him so indifferently. And the loader, placing the turtle in front of his eyes, looked into the gap between the shields.
- No, it looks like something is working there! Well, be healthy, little guy, thank you.
“Tell you what, her name is Masha...” Vasya suddenly spoke quickly and excitedly. “She loves fruit very much and drinks milk too; it’s only believed that turtles don’t drink milk, but she drinks, really, she drinks...
“Look,” the loader grinned, “you’re a simple creature, but there you go!”
He put Masha in the wide pocket of his jacket and walked towards the house. And Vasya looked after him in confusion. He wanted to tell a lot more about Masha, about her habits, whims and weaknesses, that she was a good and kind turtle and that he, Vasya, had never known anything bad about her. There was a strange tingling in his nose, but he frowned, held his breath for a moment, and the tingling stopped. Then he clutched the money tightly in his fist and rushed as fast as he could to the pet store.

When Vasya brought home two little turtles and, in joyful excitement, told his mother about all his adventures, for some reason she was upset, but did not know what to say or how to act in this case. And if so, it’s better to wait and think, because children are such complex and difficult people...
“Yes, yes,” she said thoughtfully and sadly, “cute little animals.”
Vasya did not notice how the second half of the day passed. The kids were extremely funny, brave and inquisitive. They crawled all over the room, moving in circles towards each other, and when they collided, they did not turn to the side, but climbed on top of each other, knocking shell against shell. Unlike the old, gloomy Masha, they did not try to hide in some secret corner, and if they were buried at times, it looked like a game of hide and seek. And they weren’t picky either: no matter what Vasya treated them to—apples, potatoes, grapes, milk, a cutlet, a cucumber—they devoured everything with eagerness and, with their beady eyes widening, seemed to ask for more and more.
At night, Vasya put them in a box with sand and placed them in plain sight, against the head of his bed. Going to bed, he said to his mother in a happy, tired, half-asleep voice:
- You know, mom, I love these turtles so much!
“It turns out that the old friend is no better than the new two,” the mother remarked, covering her son with a blanket.
There are words that seem simple and harmless, which, when said at the right time, appear again and again in your memory and do not allow you to live. In the end, Mashka is not even his friend, Vasya, but just an old, decrepit turtle, and he doesn’t want to think about her at all. And yet he thinks not about what a great fellow he is that he managed to get these two cheerful kids with whom it will be so interesting to play tomorrow, but about the same useless Masha. It seems alarming, not good...
Why didn’t he tell that man that Masha should be hidden in the dark at night? And now, probably, the green light of the month is shining into her old eyes. And he has not yet said that by winter she needs to make a cave out of a cotton blanket, otherwise she will wake up from her hibernation, as happened in the first year of her life with them, and then she may die, because during hibernation turtles do not accept food. He didn’t even really explain what to feed Masha, because she’s so picky...
Of course, he can go tomorrow and say everything, but will the new owners want to bother so much with old Masha? True, that man seems to be very kind, Vasya consoled himself, probably his son is just as kind. But peace did not come. Then he pulled the blanket over his head to quickly fall asleep, but Masha’s naked, unblinking bird eyes again appeared in front of him, reflecting the merciless green light of the month.
Vasya threw off the blanket and sat down on the bed. He no longer felt either pity for Masha or irritation against his mother, who refused to keep three turtles in the house. All this was replaced in him by some incomprehensible, painful feeling of dissatisfaction with himself, self-resentment. This feeling was so big and unfamiliar that it did not fit in Vasya, he needed to be given an outlet, and Vasya tried to cry. But nothing worked out. This bitter, caustic feeling dried up all his tears.
For the first time, Vasya no longer thought that he was the best boy in the world, worthy of having the best mother, the best toys, the best pleasures. “But what did I do? - he asked himself sadly. “I sold an old turtle that was completely unnecessary to me.” “Yes, you don’t need her,” was the answer, “but she needs you.” Everything good in the world was for you, but who were you for?” - “I feed the birds and fish, I change their water.” - “Yes, as long as you have fun with them, and if you don’t have fun, you will do the same to them as you did to Masha.” - “Why can’t you do that?”
Vasya could not find the answer, but the answer was in his troubled heart, which for the first time learned a simple but previously unknown truth: not only the world exists for you, but you also exist for the world. And with this new feeling, that new inevitable command arose in him, the name of which - duty - Vasya learns much later. And this command made Vasya jump out of bed and quickly put on his clothes.
The light of the month lay on the floor in two squares, each crossed out with a black cross. In the silence, my mother’s tiny wrist watch clearly ticked. Wake up mom? No, his new, soft, warm heart told Vasya, mom is tired, and it’s so difficult for her to sleep. You have to do everything yourself...
Vasya groped for the box and took out the turtles, two smooth, heavy round pieces, as if filled with mercury. But this may not be enough, and he must act for sure. Putting the turtles under his shirt, Vasya sent the box with new tin soldiers there, then thought, took the gun off the nail and hung it over his shoulder.
Leaving the room, the boy quietly closed the door behind him. He had suspected before that strange things were happening in the world at night, and now with some kind of fading triumph he said to himself: “I knew it,” seeing that the apple orchard had crept up almost to the porch itself, and the outbuilding in which the owners lived fell into the black, shadowed depths of the yard.
Old Naida's puppies scampered around the yard, and each puppy rolled a black ball of its shadow in front of it. Affectionate and friendly during the day, they did not pay the slightest attention to Vasya, busy with their nightly business. Only Naida herself, sniffing Vasya’s scent through her nostrils, muttered muffledly and clinked her chain. The feeling of the unfamiliar hostility of the world sadly pinched the boy’s heart.
With difficult steps, Vasya approached the trees whitened by the moon. There was not the slightest breeze, but all the leaves on the trees were moving, rustling and faint creaking stood over the garden, as if the trees were talking about something of their own, nocturnal. And Vasya remembered his idea that trees go swimming in the sea at night. He came up with this half-seriously, surprised that during their entire stay in this region it had never rained, but trees cannot live without moisture. But now this notion gave him an unpleasant chill.
Something flew past his face, touching his cheek with a slight flutter of wings. Bat? No, the bat rips through the darkness with such speed that you can guess it rather than see it. And now he managed to notice behind the frequent beating of the wings a plump, spindle-shaped body.
"Dead Head!" - Vasya guessed and immediately saw her: a large butterfly, folding its wings into a triangle, sat on the trunk of an apple tree, lit as if by day. A skull with black spots of eye sockets and a slit mouth was clearly visible on its wide back. The tireless night flyer was in his hands, from now on his collection will be replenished with a new, large specimen. Vasya already felt how the giant butterfly covered with his hand began to beat, tickling his palm. But full of some new, caring attitude towards all living things, Vasya suppressed the feeling of a hunter in himself and only stroked the waxed back of the hawk moth with his little finger. As if trusting him, the hawk moth did not take flight, but sleepily moved its antennae and crawled a little higher. On his short path, he touched a beetle sleeping on the same trunk. The beetle raised its dorsal corneas, scratched its hind legs one against the other and, without entering into an argument - there was enough room for everyone - it moved a little, but only ineptly: it crushed the leg of its neighbor, some long dry booger. And so dozens of small creatures began to stir on the trunk of the apple tree and went back to sleep.
Vasya watched their sleepy confusion with a smile; he did not even suspect that there were so many of them here, on this thin stem. They bury themselves, hide during the day, how much effort they spend to protect themselves from him, Vasya, but now - here you go! — they lay down in all their defenselessness. And he mentally wished them good night, like an older brother in life.
Vasya went out into the street with the calm and confident step of a strong and kind man, but he was still far from becoming the master of the night. The moon stood high in the sky. Flooded with its light, the pale expanse of the street glowed coldly and strangely. And at its far end rose a blank black wall, cut by a silver slit. "Sea!" - a guess flashed. During the day, the sea, flat as water in a saucer, now reared up and hung menacingly over the city. Vasya looked back at the gate.

Write down the text, opening the brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks. Perform a morphological analysis of any three conjunctions. (In)the distance a blue crack appeared, it became spacious but also fresh. And now, not (a gap), but a wide gap appeared (in) front. Tr_pinka went around the hazel bush and the forest immediately spread out to the sides. In the middle of the clearing, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, stood an oak tree. It seemed that the trees had respectfully bowed down to allow their older brother to unfold in full force. The foliage had dried out in the fall, almost completely (not) completely, and the oak tree was covered with leaves in snow caps to the very top.4
Just be sure to place punctuation marks and morphological analysis, make 3 conjunctions. And the words under numbers 2 and 4 need to be parsed according to their composition under number 2 and under number 4 to perform a parsing of the word. (Maybe . )

A blue crack appeared in the distance, it became spacious, but also fresh. And now, not a gap, but a wide opening appeared ahead. The path went around a hazel bush, and the forest immediately spread out to the sides. In the middle of the clearing, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, stood an oak tree. The trees seemed to respectfully part to allow the older brother to unfold in full force. The foliage, having dried out in the autumn, almost did not fly off, and the oak tree was covered with leaves in snowy covers to the very top.

1) And - union
2) coordinating, connecting