Verrucacid for the treatment of papillomas and warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of Verrucacid
  2. Useful action
  3. Instructions for use of Verrucacid
  4. Contraindications and side effects
  5. Results of removal of papillomas and warts
  6. Real reviews about Verrukacid

Verrucacid is a medical drug whose action is aimed at cauterization and elimination of benign skin tumors. Belongs to the pharmacological group of locally necrotizing agents. It is used for the treatment of papillomas and warts both in medical institutions and at home.

Description and composition of Verrucacid for papillomas and warts

In the photo, Verrucacid for removing papillomas and warts

Verrukacid is produced by a Russian company that produces Retinoid pharmaceuticals. Release form - solution, packaging - tinted glass bottles with an applicator, 2 g each, which are in cardboard boxes, where the drug must be stored to prevent exposure to sunlight and decomposition of the substance.

The liquid itself is quite mobile, oily, pink, light yellow or brown. Has a pungent odor of phenol.

On the Internet you can find information about this type of Verrucacid as an ointment. However, please note that such a release form does not exist!

The price of Verrukatsid is from 195 rubles in Russia (from 220 hryvnia in Ukraine).

The domestic product is an improved analogue of Feresol, a drug for warts that has been produced in Russia for decades and was very popular for removing skin tumors. Verrucacid is considered a new generation drug. Instead of phenol and tricresol contained in the precursor, it contains phenol and metacresol.

  1. Phenol is an artificially derived chemical compound that has a crystalline structure and smells similar to gouache. Particularly toxic. In case of overdose, it has a negative effect on the heart, kidneys, liver, and nervous system. At the same time, in small doses it is used in medicine to neutralize viruses, pathogenic bacteria, and infectious foci.
  2. Metacresol - a substance that in its pure form represents prismatic crystals. Kills viruses, fungi, bacteria. Powerful regenerating non-toxic product. Widely used to treat manifestations of the human papillomavirus, both on the skin and internal organs.

In addition, the drug contains 95% ethyl alcohol and purified water.

The drug Verrukacid used to treat such types of neoplasms as:

  1. Vulgar warts;
  2. Filiform papillomas;
  3. Genital warts;
  4. Growths on the feet and palms;
  5. Dry calluses;
  6. Keratomas.

Most often, Verrukacid for papillomas and other epidermal neoplasms is used at home. However, there are groups of skin growths, the treatment of which is approved mainly by doctors - these are warts located in the genital area and eyes. In these places, as a rule, genital warts are concentrated. It is better to provide their treatment to a dermatologist, oncologist, surgeon, gynecologist, urologist, cosmetologist.

Analogs of Verrukacid are: Duofilm, Collomak for the treatment of papillomas, Solcoderm, Condilin.

Beneficial effect of the drug Verrukacid

The action of the drug Verrukacid is based on the coagulation process. It leads to the following therapeutic effects:

  1. Necrotizing. Cauterization of papillomas with this agent causes necrosis of skin cells. The new growth shrinks, may be partially covered with a crust, after which the process of its death occurs along with the root.
  2. Cauterizing. This effect is important for combating those growths in which a capillary network is developed. It thromboses, preventing bleeding.
  3. Antiseptic. Thanks to this effect of Verrucacid against warts and papillomas, tissues in irritated areas are disinfected. This means that any infection cannot enter the body through the areas where the solution is used.
  4. Mummifying. After the cells die, the neoplasm is easily separated from the skin.
  5. Anesthetic. The drug owes this property to phenol, which, due to its ability to relieve pain, is even used in the preparation of aspirin.

Thanks to the drug, viruses in the tissues of papillomas die, which allows them to accelerate their regeneration. In addition, after Verrukacid, skin scarring does not occur at the sites of death of tumors.

Instructions for use of Verrucacid for papillomas and warts

When starting treatment with Verrucacid, you must understand that this drug is a toxic substance. It causes the death of epidermal cells and can be absorbed through the skin, causing toxic effects on organs. Because of this, the use of the drug must comply with the requirements of the instructions. Each type of neoplasm has its own algorithm of actions.

Removing spines and dry calluses

24 hours before treatment with Verrucacid, cover the spine with a Salipod plaster or treat it with Vartox and seal it with a regular plaster (read contraindications for Vartox). After a day, remove the bandage. Cut off the keratinized part of the growth to the base. Wash your skin with soap and let dry thoroughly.

Proceed with treatment with Verrucacid. Dip the applicator included in the kit into the solution and be sure to let it drain. Apply 1 drop of the drug to the neoplasm. Wait 5 minutes until it is completely absorbed.

Apply another drop of Verrucacid to the spine. Up to 7 drops can be applied with a difference of 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of the tumor.

Treatment of filiform papillomas, vulgar warts, condylomas, keratoses

Unlike spines and dry calluses, these neoplasms do not require preliminary preparation.

When treating warts and papillomas with Verrucacid, follow these instructions:

  1. Apply 1 drop of solution onto the papilloma using the applicator.
  2. If the neoplasm is large, after the solution has completely dried, apply 1 more drop.
  3. In total, it is allowed to apply no more than 3 drops to this type of growth.

According to the instructions for use of Verrucadide, it is important not only to properly treat neoplasms with the drug, but also to carefully care for the papilloma after its use. Once you process it, most likely you will not feel any sensations. However, after 10 minutes a burning sensation may appear, and the skin at the treatment site will turn red. This area should not be covered from air - sealed with a plaster or wrapped with a bandage. Mechanical damage to the papilloma should not be allowed. In the first day after treatment, it is better to avoid contact with water, as well as the use of any creams or ointments.

Note! Before using Verrucacid, it is necessary to treat the skin around the papilloma with zinc ointment. This will protect against accidental contact of the solution with healthy epidermis.

Contraindications and side effects of Verrucacid

The drug Verrukacid is intended for use by a wide range of patients. However, there are 4 groups of people who have contraindications for use.

You should refrain from treatment with the drug:

  1. Children under 7 years old. This is due to the fact that the drug is toxic and can penetrate systems and organs and excite the nervous system.
  2. Pregnant. Due to the same toxicity, the product can harm the fetus.
  3. Nursing mothers. There is a clarification here: women during lactation should not use the drug only on the chest and arms. In other parts of the body, the use of Verucacid is permitted, since it does not pass into breast milk. And the danger comes from direct contact of the product with the child, through the chest or hands.
  4. For allergy sufferers. Verrucacid can cause allergic reactions. However, in people who are not predisposed to them, this process will not be burdened. While for those who are predisposed to allergies, it can cause severe complications.

Quite often, after Verrukacid, side effects from use are observed, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with:

  1. Skin burns. In this case, you urgently need to blot off the excess drug with a cotton pad, rinse the burn thoroughly with warm water, and dry the epidermis. Then, for several days, you should use anti-burn medications, for example, Panthenol or Olazol.
  2. Rash. Appears in places other than where the solution was used. This is evidence that you are allergic to this product. If it was not possible to remove the papilloma the first time, it is not recommended to re-use Verrukacid. Allergies are neutralized by antihistamines such as Cetrin, Suprastin and the use of antiallergic ointments at the site of the rash.
  3. Redness of the eyelids. This is possible if the product was used in places close to the eyes. This side effect does not require special treatment. However, you should temporarily reduce visual activity, in particular, limit the use of contact lenses and the use of smartphones, laptops, and tablets. When going out into bright sunlight, snow or the beach, where there is glare from the water, be sure to wear sunglasses.
Note! It is strictly forbidden to treat papillomas on the mucous membranes with Verrucacid, as well as to lubricate moles and nevi. This can trigger their growth and degeneration into cancer.

Results of removal of papillomas and warts with Verrucacid

The photo shows the process of removing a plantar wart with Verrucacid

As the manufacturers note, when papillomas are removed with Verrucadid, a day after applying the drug, the area begins to dry out. After another couple of days, a crust forms, which disappears after 1-2 weeks. If after the mummification process the growth partially remains, the treatment procedure should be repeated according to the above instructions.

Verrucacid for warts and papillomas has many positive reviews, both from patients and doctors who use this remedy in their medical practice. If the instructions are strictly followed, it has a fairly mild effect, does not cause extensive burns, and does not contribute to tissue scarring.

The use of the drug is considered ineffective when there is a very strong concentration of the human papillomavirus in the blood, multiple concentrations of tumors and low immunity. In this case, doctors recommend starting the removal of papillomas not with skin therapy, but with blood treatment and boosting immunity.

Real reviews about the use of Verrucacid

Reviews of Verrukacid on the Internet are quite common. At the same time, it is difficult to find negative ones. Patients who used the drug were mostly satisfied with it. Here are reviews of some of them.

Irina, 53 years old 

I used Verrucacid to remove a plantar wart. Due to the fact that the drug has an oily base, it does not spread over the skin as much as, for example, salicylic acid. However, this does not mean that you do not need to treat the skin around the wart with zinc ointment. When I first used Verrukacid for papilloma, I didn’t do it, and then I really regretted it. I waited 2 weeks for the skin around to heal. After that, I treated the spine itself one more time. There was no trace left of the wart that had plagued me for 2 years. I was pleased with the fact that the drug is inexpensive, easy to use and does not leave scars, as was the case with me after surgical removal of a thorn on my other leg.

Evgeniy, 38 years old

I used the drug to remove warts on my hands. I neglected the requirement to read the instructions for Verrukatsid from beginning to end, which is why I was somewhat embarrassed when, after treatment, the wart began to burn, burn and itch. After that, over the course of a week, it first brightened, then turned black, and then fell off. The effect is good, but the application made me nervous. After a couple of months, two warts appeared near the place where the previous ones were. I treated it again with Verrukacid, and for more than a year now there have been no recurrent tumors.

Oksana, 27 years old 

At my own peril and risk, I treated genital warts on the skin near the labia. I was nervous, since using Verrucacid for these purposes is not recommended. Firstly, it is terribly inconvenient, since you need to use a mirror and bend the hell out of it. Secondly, it is quite difficult to prevent the drug from spreading onto healthy skin, since the places are very delicate, also close to the mucous membrane. Although it’s not very pleasant to go to the doctor with this, I realized that I won’t risk it anymore. The effect was good. But if I have additional problems, I will still turn to a gynecologist, dermatologist, or, as a last resort, a cosmetologist.

How to use Verrukacid for papillomas and warts - watch the video:

Today, Verrukacid is one of the most popular remedies for fighting papillomas at home. The main advantages of the drug are its high efficiency and availability, the disadvantage is the danger of causing chemical burns to healthy tissues located next to the tumor. Carefully read the instructions for Verrukacid before use, and if the treatment does not give the desired results, consult a doctor to select the correct treatment method.

  1. Read also: Salicylic ointment for removing papillomas