Spring is just around the corner! Is your bike ready?

As the good old hackneyed Russian folk says: “Prepare your sleigh in the summer.” And even though it’s only January, winter is in full swing, I think it’s time to work on my cart, which, as the proverb tells us: “will come in handy in the summer” - and I’m talking about bicycles, which while the snow is still there, are now covered with a dense layer dust in our closets, closets and garbage chutes...

I don’t know about you, but I’m already preparing for the upcoming cycling season. You ask how? – yes, it’s very simple – without wasting any time, I already ordered the missing accessories for the bike from the online store. You may ask: which one exactly? — on one well-known Chinese site (I won’t say which one, you all already know it). I ordered the so-called “bolotniks” - fenders for the wheels of my mountain friend. I remember last year, when you went out in the rain, your pants were always covered in splashes at the first puddle you came across. I also ordered a penny bell for myself, sometimes there was food on my mountain, and in front there were yawning and loitering pedestrians trudged along - how many times did I have to “Careful!” them to shout. This is somehow stupid - now my iron horse will be equipped with a horn.

I also plan to order a white light for the steering wheel, and, accordingly, a red light for the sirloin, as well as a set of reflectors, which I never had before. But nowadays, as you know, DPS nicknames are terrible - so it’s better to play it safe...

Are you already preparing your bike for the coming spring? I recently found out about the new arrival of Schwalbe bicycle tires, isn’t that great news? I think it’s worth at the same time slightly updating the tires of my wheels, otherwise I’m already completely bald, and there are still so many bike trips, bike excursions, and just pleasant and healthy riding ahead. Eh! May it be spring soon!

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