Kidney ulcers

The causes of kidney ulcers are exactly the same as the causes of other ulcers. This is the essence of the reasons for the disruption of continuity and then suppuration. An ulcer sometimes occurs from the splitting of a vessel and its opening due to reasons known in such cases, sometimes it is due to an opened abscess, and sometimes due to a stone that has come out. It also occurs as a result of bile juices or juices with the properties of bavrac, which cause abrasions, as well as from sticky juices that cause abrasions when abruptly removed from the place to which they stick. Ulcers in the kidneys are less malignant than ulcers in the bladder or ulcers in the canals between them, and the quality of ulcers in the canals is average, and the reason for this is that ulcers in an organ rich in nerves are more difficult to heal than ulcers in a fleshy organ. Most often, ulcers form in the canals, and they occur from yellow gall matter, which causes abrasions, or from a scratching stone; Sometimes these ulcers are corrosive, sometimes they are not. Often from such ulcers fistulas are formed, which never heal, although the flow from them sometimes stops if the body is clean of matter, and resumes when overflowing. Ulcers with benign matter do not cause much fear, and with them there is no need to fear expansion and corrosion, but with malignant matter, expansion and corrosion occurs, leading to death, and the one whose kidney has ruptured dies. Sometimes the head of the tumor is turned towards the outer integument of the body, and the tumor opens outwards.

Signs. A sign of an ulcer in the kidneys is that pus and hairy particles the color of lenticular vetch come out in the urine, and sometimes the urine is red, the color of meat slop; sometimes the patient feels pain at the site of the kidneys. Often the ulcer is preceded by bloody urine, an abscess in the kidneys, or pain due to a stone being torn off. Sometimes the possibility of ulcer formation is indicated by a blow or push to the kidneys inflicted on the patient. But when a vessel is opened there is no pain, and the opening is indicated by the constant release of bloody urine little by little; the discharge of bloody urine, if it occurs from the opening of an abscess or the splitting of a vessel lying above, can last two or three days, but if it lasts a long time, then the reason is the opening of a vessel or ulcer. If the discharge of bloody urine continues and there is a change in color or pus in the urine, then the cause can only be an ulcer in the kidneys or bladder. This kind of bloody urine weakens, for although the quantity each time is small, the frequency of urination leads to the excretion of a significant amount of blood. The difference between ulcers in the kidneys and in the bladder is that with ulcers in the kidneys, urine is released freely, and ulcers in the bladder are accompanied by urine retention. The films for ulcers in the kidneys are red, and for ulcers in the bladder they are white. They are large and thick if the ulcer is in the bladder itself, small and thin if the ulcer is in the canals. The difference is also recognized by the place of pain, because the place of pain with one or another ulcer changes: with an ulcer in the kidneys it is felt at the top, with an ulcer in the canals - in the middle, and with an ulcer in the canal of the penis - below all; sometimes the pain from ulcers in the canal becomes severe and rises every minute, like labor pains. The desired difference is sometimes recognized by the severity of the pain: with ulcers in the bladder, the pain is more severe, since it is an organ rich in nerves, with great sensitivity, and also by the fact that frequent urination with blood, although it is a sign of both types of ulcers, with an ulcer, the bladder is less abundant and there is less blood in the urine. If a person suffering from an ulcer in the kidneys or bladder urinates blood after he has urinated with pus, it is concluded that the vessel has been corroded. The severity and malignancy of kidney ulcers is sometimes indicated by the effectiveness of treatment, the long duration of the disease, heavy sediment and the bad green color of the urine being released, as well as its strong stench.

Treatment. The first thing one should strive for when treating ulcers in the kidneys and bladder is balancing the juices - they should be turned from bilious and having the properties of bavrac into fresh ones, so that they do not cause one wound after another - as well as abstinence from everything sharp, bitter , salty and sour. It is necessary to limit drinking water so that the need to urinate decreases and the movements of the kidneys and irritation under the influence of what flows through them become less: after all, the main canon of treating ulcers is to provide them with rest. One way to balance the juices is bloodletting, if necessary, as well as a gentle, gentle release without any harshness, which does not send down a lot of sharp juices at once; the purpose of such relaxation is to reduce the amount of juices in the body and direct them away from the kidneys. The longer laxatives that remove bile are not used, the better, unless this is necessary; it is most advisable to first balance the matter and then remove it, best of all - by vomiting; vomiting is the most worthy of the remedies used to treat ulcers in the kidneys, because it cleanses, empties, and diverts juices in the opposite direction from the kidneys. Sometimes the frequent use of vomiting turns out to be a treatment measure that can be limited to without resorting to others; It is best to first use the seeds for the patient, and then resort to vomiting. Vomiting should be caused after eating by means that relieve it, for example, melon and its seeds, especially with sweet wine, and also shikanjubin with hot water; vomiting should not cause a strong, sudden shock. Balances juices, for example, taking Rakka melon, kissa, bladder cherry and sleeping poppy. One of the rules that must be followed is this: if the pain is severe, then first treat the pain, then the ulcer. When the ulcer is fresh and the tumor has just opened, it is easier to treat it, and for this sometimes kissa seeds with violet wine are enough; if the ulcer has become chronic, then the matter is more difficult.

You should hasten to cleanse the ulcer: in mild cases, with the help of light diuretics like the seeds of bladder cherry or marshmallow and even fennel, and in case of a bad, malignant ulcer, adiantum in moderation, “orris root”, horehound and vetch flour; in this case, treatment with drinking and medicinal dressings should be combined if the disease is malignant. Sometimes the medicines also include hyssop, rue, and the like. And when the ulcer is cleansed, start healing it so that corrosion does not occur. Patients should remain calm and avoid getting tired as much as possible. Moreover, from physical exercise they should limit themselves to rubbing the limbs and removing from the body what is removed during physical exercise through dry poultices; they are not even allowed to walk and similar movements, especially if they are used to physical exercise. Then, when they have recovered, they are gradually given light exercise until they return to their normal movements.

As for the treatment of the ulcer itself, first of all, copulation should be avoided, for copulation is very harmful for ulcers; You should not move a lot and do physical exercises, limiting yourself to rubbing - it is beneficial and diverts blood from the kidneys to the body. As for treating such patients with medications, substances that dry and cleanse without burning should be used. If the ulcer is not so malignant, then a moderate cleansing and drying medicine is sufficient, but with a malignant ulcer, something better cleanses and washes away impurities, as well as something stronger drying and prevents the appearance of impurities, and then a strongly astringent and retaining juices is required to prevent the outpouring of bad juices. When the ulcer is cleansed, dries out and the flow of juices to it is stopped, recovery will occur. All ulcer medicines should be mixed with adhesives, such as starch, tragacanth and cold gums; covering with an adhesive substance is one way to protect the ulcers from being corroded by the juices passing through them. Those of these substances that are fatty, such as lac, are added to impart fleshiness to the organ, which from them acquires strength, durability and the ability to heal. Diuretic and thinning drugs should also be mixed with the adhesive substances, so that they deliver corrective and closing drugs to the ulcer, although these drugs themselves are harmful and stimulating. Sometimes you have to add to them drugs that cause numbness: sleeping pills poppy, henbane, mandrake, opium, hemlock; this is done to soothe pain, dry out and divert juices. If you know that there is impurity in the ulcers, give the patient a drink of a cleansing medicine with diuretic power, for example, sugar water or water sweetened with honey, with some seeds, so that it drives urine and washes the ulcer, and then prescribe drying substances.

Medicines to drink that treat not very malignant ulcers in the kidneys are, for example, marshmallow seeds or horehound seeds and roots with water sweetened with honey, or bladder cherry seeds, or nightshade juice, especially mountain nightshade; also qissa seeds, Armenian clay with julab and maidenhair with honey-sweetened water; The rhizome of iris has the ability to dry, clean, cause ripening and glue. Also helpful are flaxseed with tragacanth - part by part and two parts of starch in water sweetened with honey, pine nuts with cucumber seeds, which are taken in the form of powder from the palm of your hand, soporific poppy seeds, roasted and crushed, take one and a half dirhams with boiled water aromatic rush and iris rhizome. Mountain parsley or wild carrot seeds with fragrant wine and a small amount of Armenian clay are more powerful than the medicines we mentioned; sometimes benefit from taking bdelium diluted with turpentine gum and printing clay, taken in equal parts. At the reception they give up to a mithqal in sweet wine. Vetch flour also strongly cleans and dries; if you add to it, for example, printed clay of acacia and squeezed salsify juice, the usefulness becomes perfect. Orris root is also a strong remedy, it produces the same or similar effect.

As for complex medicines, they take, for example, peeled qissa seeds - thirty-five hubbs, pine nuts - twelve hubbs, almonds - five hubbs and saffron - as much as the rest of the medicines weigh, and drink on an empty stomach; if the heat is strong, then pine nuts are replaced with cucumber seeds.

Another recipe: pine nuts - twenty hubb, qissa seeds - forty hubb and starch - one and a half dirhams are given to drink in one and a half ritls of water, which was boiled with spikenard and celery seeds, taken in quantities of eight dirhams, until there was only one quarter left. They also take seal clay, dragon's blood, incense, starch, melon seeds, vetch seeds, kissa seeds, pumpkin seeds, thickly brewed licorice juice, lacquer, Chinese rhubarb, pine nuts, soporific poppy seeds and henbane seeds - in equal quantities and give them to drink with maybukhtaj as much as required by observation. Also: large pine nuts - thirty habbs, peeled almonds - twenty, fleshy dates - fifteen pieces, tragacanth - four misqals, thickly brewed licorice juice - four misqals, saffron - a sixth of a miskal - all this is kneaded on maybukhtaj and consumed.

When the pain intensifies, you should refuse treatment for the ulcer and treat, for example, with the following medicine: take henbane seeds - danak, opium - qirat, cucumber seeds - two dirhams, watercress seeds - dirham, purslane seeds - dirham. It immediately soothes the pain. If the pain is not great, it is soothed by drinking milk instead of water and fragrant wine, and among strong medicines - cookies, flatbreads with bubble cherries, flatbreads

Asclepiades, cakes of Dioscorides, powder with lacquer, as well as mountain rhubarb and bladder cherry seed; Dubrovnik powders are a very powerful remedy. Often the patient benefits from enemas prescribed for contiguity dysentery; Sometimes they also use medicinal bandages of the same kind, which are placed on the back, near the place where the waist is tightened with a belt, or near empty places. For example, they take flour from lentil vetch, boiled with wine and honey, or dry roses, lentils, honey and myrtle seeds and apply a bandage from them. This dressing also prevents the ulcer from rotting and expanding. For rubbing, henna oil, mastic tree oil and quince oil are used. Sometimes, for example, maya is mixed in with them, and often duck fat is needed to soften them.

As for fistulas, there is no other treatment for them except drying out and preventing decay. Dried by constant cleansing and preventing overflow of juices, both quantitatively and qualitatively; this is enough to treat a fistula that is not malignant, but malignant fistulas should be treated with the same drugs and the use of medicinal dressings and drinks that prevent decay, for example, known astringents, which at the same time wash without burning and cleanse.