Ulcers in the stomach

Ulcers and pimples in the stomach sometimes arise as a result of the pungency of juices, which are absorbed into its substance and come into contact with it, but are often formed as a result of discharges entering the stomach from other organs. Thus, the stomach is often ulcerated due to hot, burning discharges descending from the head and capable of rotting, and the stomach becomes rotten and corroded if the descent of the juices continues for a long time.

Signs and differences. Ulcers in the stomach, especially in its lower part, often cause shortness of breath, profuse sweating, fainting and coldness of the extremities. Sometimes ulcers in the stomach are indicated by fetid belching and the rise of vapors, which cause dryness and dryness of the tongue; Vomiting is often observed. When there are acne in the stomach, belching becomes very frequent. The difference between an ulcer in the esophagus and an ulcer in the mouth of the stomach is that with an ulcer formed in the esophagus, pain is felt from behind, between the shoulder blades, and in the neck to the beginning of the chest; the position of the ulcer is determined by the passage of ingested food; she points out where it hurts, passing by that place, and when she passes it, the pain calms down a little. As for an ulcer at the mouth of the stomach, its sign is that the pain is felt in the lower chest and upper abdomen and is stronger. Swallowed food points to it, passing through the chest, and the pain most often deviates towards the walls of the abdomen. With such an ulcer, breathing becomes short and the body becomes cold, and it often leads to fainting. If the ulcer is located at the bottom of the stomach, then this is indicated by the release of ulcer flakes in the feces in the absence of abrasions in the intestines and a feeling of pain after the food taken has settled in the lower part of the stomach; the pain is mild.

Stomach ulcers and intestinal ulcers are distinguished by the location where pain is felt when food enters the body. Output of flakes

ulcers that are discharged during stool are rare, and these scales are thin, like those that come out of the upper intestines. The fact that the ulcer is in the stomach is concluded from the fact that the pain is felt not in the region of the intestines, but above, but the matter is often unclear here, and this disease is confused with high dysentery, that is, with dysentery in the high intestines. You should be well versed in this.

As for vomiting, when scales come out with it, they are only due to ulcers in the esophagus and stomach. If you want to check this, you should feed the patient something that contains vinegar or mustard.

Treatment. A fresh wound formed in the stomach should be treated with astringent drugs, prescribe quickly digestible foods and avoid drugs for ulcers, which include verdigris, lead white, lead litharge, tutia and the like. On the contrary, ulcers in the stomach and its corrosion should first be treated by cleansing with the help of, for example, water sweetened with honey and julab, and the cleansing agent should not have such a strong cleansing effect as to cause suffering, ulcerate more than it cleanses, and be beneficial by shaking stomach ; on the contrary, its cleansing and washing action should direct the juices downward. If there is corrosion and dead meat, then the patient should be treated with a medicine that clears away dead meat, heals and builds up the meat. Bitter Iyaraj is perfect for this.

When the ulcer is cleared, the patient should be given sour cow's milk with water, from which the cream has been skimmed, drink made from quince and pomegranate, and the like. Such patients are also given barley water with pomegranate and condensed juices of astringent fruits; sometimes you have to feed them veal and goat stomachs in vinegar. Know that until you have cleared your stomach of all impurities, there is no benefit in any other treatment or in the use of healing medicines; If you use meat-building remedies, then if the disease is in the area of ​​the esophagus or the mouth of the stomach, put in these medicines a fair amount of adhesives, for example, gum and tragacanth. Sometimes filunia helps with stomach ulcers; Amber lozenges are also useful, especially if there is bloody vomiting. All thickly brewed juices of astringent fruits are beneficial; Sometimes thickly brewed sapling juice and thickly brewed wormwood juice help. If there are ulcers in the stomach and it is not possible for any reason to avoid laxation, then laxative cassia should be used; if excessive weakening occurs as a result of ulcers, it should be treated with cakes made from bamboo nodules and thickly brewed astringent juices with boiled barley juice. When corrosion is present, it is treated with the remedies mentioned in the paragraph on the treatment of hemoptysis.