
HypoInsulinism is a syndrome caused by insufficient levels of insulin in the blood. Often incorrectly classified as "metabolic syndrome". This is also the result of excessive consumption of carbohydrates. With the transition of the population of the modern world to a “Western” diet and the cheaper food over the past 150–200 years due to poor nutrition, the frequency of this disease has increased significantly in the population of almost all developed and all developing countries of the world. Eating sugary foods to lower blood sugar levels produces large amounts of insulin. With further excess insulin, glucose with its help begins to be poorly absorbed by the body, while blood sugar levels continue to fall rather than rise. Eventually, the amount of insulin produced exceeds the daily norm, and hypoglycemia occurs. This process occurs constantly with any sweet food (including grapes, vegetables, soy products, white rice, meat, and so on). That is why the ancient Greeks noticed that excessive consumption of wine leads to death, and wine is incompatible with other types of food. Because alcohol is the same sweet food, which, on the contrary, increases the level of insulin, which in this case reduces the production of insulin by the pancreas. All other types of food (sauces, spices, herbs, etc.) consumed with alcohol increase the excretion of glucose in the urine several times. That is why alcohol drunk, on the one hand, should be diluted with water in a ratio of 2 to 1, and on the other hand, should be combined only with carbohydrate foods that contain a lot of fructose and easily digestible carbohydrates (baked goods, flour, sweets). Sweet and generally carbohydrate foods do not go well with protein foods. Their combination makes sugar-rich foods (which we are used to eating with other foods) much more harmful and of little benefit to our body. Therefore, we must completely eliminate the consumption of sweet foods from our diet. (Please note that in classical dietary practice, only highly sweet, that is, “sugar-containing” foods are prohibited. Fruits that have a laxative effect can be consumed.) As practice has shown, this disease can develop in any person as a result of excessive consumption of sweets when overeating.

Hypoinsulemia does not always appear immediately, and sometimes its effects are detected after some time. The first symptoms indicate mild hypoinsulinemia: increased appetite with weight loss, fatigue, hair loss, brittle nails and teeth, dry skin, exercise intolerance, irritability, depression, weakness. Over time, the temperature of the whole body may even increase (up to 37C), and other diseases may also arise, for example, diabetes, fatty liver, etc.. In this case, a person increases his weight due to the accumulation of fat (and not muscle mass), as The result is health problems. If such signs occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an appropriate examination. Moreover, there is a risk of passing by a real illness, but at the same time losing health and aggravating your condition.

Hypoinsulinemia is a syndrome in which the body does not have enough insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and helps cells use glucose. With hypoinsulinemia, people experience symptoms that may include fatigue, low energy, hunger, irritability, and so on. Problems with insulin can have a variety of causes, such as thyroid disease, not eating enough, or taking certain medications. To treat hypoinsulinemia, doctors usually recommend lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise. In addition, other treatments may sometimes be needed, such as giving extra doses of insulin or changing the type of medication. Important to know: If you suspect hypoinsulinum, consult your doctor immediately for a diagnosis and treatment plan.