How to avoid puffiness under the eyes

A slight puffiness under the eyes looks cute in adolescence, but as the years go by it becomes unnerving. Especially if it appears for any reason: late bedtime, early rise, party the night before. We'll tell you how to avoid this problem.

  1. The main causes of swelling under the eyes
  2. How to eliminate morning puffiness under the eyes
  3. Cosmetic procedures to get rid of swelling
  4. Care for eyelid skin prone to swelling
  5. Rules for choosing suitable funds
  6. Review of eye skin care products
  7. Products with caffeine: video

The main causes of swelling under the eyes

“The skin on the eyelids is approximately six times thinner than, for example, on the cheekbones. Therefore, it is prone to dryness and irritation. And due to the large number of facial muscles, “crow’s feet” form here quite early.

The subcutaneous fatty tissue under the eyes is loose, so it accumulates water well, which causes swelling.”

Edema may have other causes.

Allergic reactions

Poor-quality cosmetics, polluted environment, contact lenses, unbalanced diet - these are just some of the irritating factors that can lead to puffy eyes.


Kidney disease, heart disease, salt imbalance in the blood and lymph - to rule out these causes, make an appointment with a doctor. The same recommendation is relevant if bags under the eyes and severe swelling appear suddenly and seemingly for no reason.

Among the causes of swelling under the eyes is a violation of the daily routine. © iStock

Spasm of the eye muscles

If you often squint while reading a book or looking closely at objects on the street, it makes sense to have your eyesight checked.

Lymph stagnation

Constant tension in the muscles around the eye impedes the drainage of lymph. There is only one recommendation - consultation with a doctor.

Loose adipose tissue

This is one of the key causes of eyelid swelling. Knowing this, you can simply adjust your diet:

eat less salt;

drink enough water (but not at night);

give up alcohol;

but green tea, celery, white cabbage and cucumbers, on the contrary, should be included in the diet - these products have good drainage properties.

In addition, swelling of the eyes contributes to:

The skin under the eyes is several times thinner than on other parts of the face. © iStock

How to eliminate morning puffiness under the eyes

If swelling is a temporary phenomenon, you can cope with it quite easily, especially at a young age.

Contrast shower and cold

A contrast shower in the morning or washing with cool water helps a lot. Cold constricts blood vessels and significantly reduces swelling. Now on sale there are special patches with a cooling effect that have pronounced draining properties.

For the patches to work perfectly, keep them in the refrigerator - the result will be noticeable almost immediately.

Sports activities

Nothing helps fight swelling like exercise. Movement, as well as proper breathing, stimulate lymph flow and help reduce swelling.


An effective method against puffiness under the eyes is lymphatic drainage massage. It will reduce swelling under the eyes and prevent their further occurrence.


Eyelid skin cream can relieve several problems at once, including reducing bags under the eyes. Provided that the composition contains the correct components.

Caffeine does the job best - it strengthens blood vessels and improves blood circulation.

And hyaluronic acid, vitamins K and C, grape and apricot seed oils refresh, moisturize the skin and make it smooth.

Eye patches, which usually have a slight cooling effect, are great for bags under the eyes.

Fabric eye patches “Moisturizing + fresh look” against bags and dark circles under the eyes, Garnier impregnated with a light composition with orange juice and hyaluronic acid. Quickly and visibly reduce bags under the eyes, relieve signs of fatigue, cooling the skin by 4˚C.

Eye mask in patches Advanced Génifique, Lancôme, impregnated with a proprietary concentrate based on probiotics, transforms the skin of the eyelids in 10 minutes.

Folk remedies

If you urgently need to deal with swelling, you can turn to homemade SOS remedies.


Suitable for these purposes:

black tea, you can soak cotton pads with it or simply apply a tea bag to your eyelids;

cornflower water or a decoction of cornflower leaves;


Mix a tablespoon of strong black coffee with a tablespoon of honey, add a little olive oil. Soak cotton pads in the mixture and place in the refrigerator. Use as needed, placing the “patches” on your eyelids for 15 minutes.

Potato and cucumber mask

Grate and chop half a small cucumber. Apply the prepared paste to your eyelids, lie down and relax for 15 minutes.

Use home remedies only if you are 100% sure that you do not have an allergic reaction (for example, to honey).

Cosmetic procedures to get rid of swelling

All non-invasive methods against edema are aimed at stimulating lymph flow and blood circulation.

Lymph and blood flow are stimulated by weak pulses of electric current. The course consists of 10 procedures.

It can be carried out both as an independent procedure and as part of a comprehensive facial care. When performed correctly, the condition of the area around the eyes immediately improves.

A course of injections of modern drugs based on peptides and amino acids is prescribed to combat swelling and circles under the eyes.

Care for eyelid skin prone to swelling

If you already know that bags will appear under your eyes after a long party or severe lack of sleep, follow some simple rules.

Lymphatic drainage and cosmetics with caffeine help with puffiness under the eyes. © iStock

Always remove your makeup before going to bed.

When working at the computer for a long time, take breaks for eye exercises.

Drink at least 1.5–2 liters of clean still water daily.

Minimize the consumption of salty, fried, spicy foods.

Do not smoke! Nicotine is one of the main provocateurs of swelling under the eyes (this is due to impaired microcirculation).

Choose the right pillow for sleeping and strictly follow the regime. Let us remind you that the optimal time for a good night's rest is 8 hours.

Use proven cosmetics to care for the skin around your eyes.

But you don’t need to do this

You should not hide bags under your eyes with concealer and, especially, foundation. These remedies will only highlight the problem.

Bright eye makeup (multi-colored shadows, colored mascara and eyeliner) will make swelling on the eyelids more noticeable.

Rules for choosing suitable funds

Special products will help relieve swelling under the eyes. And here it is important to know what is included in their formula. The list of ingredients that fight puffiness of the eyelid skin is below.

Fragmented hyaluronic acid intensely moisturizes.

Caffeine has an anti-edematous effect, improves blood and lymph flow.

Collagen and elastin increase skin turgor.

Blueberry extract fights glycation - the process of “gluing” collagen fibers.

Proxilan helps the skin become firmer and more elastic.

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, regulates melanin production and stimulates collagen synthesis. Ascorbic acid also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves skin immunity.

Vitamin E fights free radicals and prevents inflammation. Strengthens cell membranes, which means the protective potential of the skin.

Peptides improve skin tone around the eyes, promote the removal of end products of hemoglobin breakdown, eliminating dark circles.

Review of eye skin care products

Pharmacy cosmetics

Product name Peculiarities Effect
Eye contour cream Idéalia, Vichy A care product with radiant particles. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fights dark circles and signs of fatigue.
Moisturizing cream-gel Hydraphase Intense Yeux, La Roche-Posay The formula provides intense hydration and reduction of bags under the eyes. Suitable for sensitive eyes. Intensively moisturizes dehydrated eyelid skin thanks to the action of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, reduces swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes.
Anti-glycation cream for the skin around the eyes A.G.E. Eye Complex, SkinCeuticals Improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, visibly corrects deep and superficial wrinkles. Reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Creams, fillers, serums

Cools, suitable for sensitive skin.

Product name Peculiarities Effect
Eye cream Revitalift Filler [HA], L’Oréal Paris Evens out the relief of tear grooves. Fills wrinkles, reduces puffiness of eyelids.
Cream for the skin around the eyes “Anti-aging care, Active lifting 45+”, Garnier Fights age-related skin changes. Tightens the skin around the eyes, makes it more elastic, reduces wrinkles.
Super Multi-Corrective Eye-Opening Serum, Kiehl’s Creates the effect of an “open look”. Strengthens and tightens the skin around the eyes, smoothes expression lines and age wrinkles, saturates the skin with moisture.
eye cream AQUASOURCE TOTAL EYE REVITALIZER, biotherm Makes dark circles and swelling less pronounced.

Products with caffeine: video

Many ladies, waking up in the morning, are afraid to look in the mirror, because from there they see something swollen and unattractive. This is a common occurrence after a stormy party, but if swelling becomes regular, then it’s worth thinking about. To avoid health problems, you need to consult a specialist. Many ladies know simple ways to get rid of swelling of the face and eyes. But the list of solutions is extensive. And we offer to replenish it.

Causes of swelling on the face

The accumulation of fluid in the tissues causes swelling of the facial skin, which can occur because someone could not resist eating smoked or salty food late in the evening or drinking a lot of water at night. Kidney and heart disease can significantly increase swelling of the facial skin due to accumulated fluid. To avoid puffiness under the eyes, you need to give your body enough sleep. If you often spend the night in the company of friends, drinking alcohol, suffer from insomnia, sleep on an uncomfortable bed, fall asleep late and wake up early, a swollen face will become the norm.

In the heat, swelling of the eyelids may increase. Fluid consumption increases and it begins to stagnate in the body. The face swells in the morning in women on the eve of the menstrual cycle. Metabolic disorders and lack of vitamins can contribute to the appearance of edema. Hormonal changes during pregnancy are another reason for the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body. Swelling can be a consequence of injury and an allergic reaction.

What to do for swelling of the face and eyes

The ideal option is to consult with doctors in case of undesirable consequences with the skin. He will tell you how to get rid of puffiness and accumulated excess moisture. A good remedy is lymphatic drainage massage. Compresses with herbal infusions will help get rid of swelling on the face in the morning. If you are thinking about how to quickly relieve swelling under the eyes that has arisen due to accumulated fluid, then do not tire yourself with long thoughts; ice cubes, which can be made using medicinal herbs or tea, will do.

Effective methods for eliminating swelling

To quickly eliminate swelling and get rid of accumulated fluid in the body, ventilate the room you are in. Having absorbed the oxygen it needs, the skin “deflates”. A glass of water with lemon is a quick response to swelling and relieves it almost instantly thanks to the acid contained in citrus fruits. It will be useful to wash your face with cold water, the temperature of which will not exceed twenty degrees. So, below we will look at detailed tips on how to deal with “swollen” facial skin and excess water in the body.

Balanced diet

To reduce swelling and increase fluid output, it is recommended to follow a certain diet. A positive bonus is that it will help you lose excess weight. To reduce swelling and remove fluid, it is recommended to include teas, green tea, and lingonberries in your diet. Useful:

  1. hawthorn decoction;
  2. rosehip decoction;
  3. herbal mixture with horsetail, bearberry, nettle, lemon balm.

In the “for facial skin” menu, enable:

  1. all drinks that have a diuretic effect;
  2. decoctions;
  3. fruit drinks.

The body will be grateful. Don't forget about:

Diuretic products that will tidy up the skin of the face, promote the removal of fluid, and remove potassium. To make up for this loss, it is recommended to take supplements that contain it. A lack of potassium can have a detrimental effect on:

If you have facial swelling, an apple diet will be beneficial. These fruits help remove toxins and excess fluid accumulated in the body. To achieve the greatest effect, you need:

  1. Consume two kilograms of unsweetened apples per day.
  2. Do not exclude juice from these fruits to remove excess moisture.

For those who have obesity, diabetes or heart failure, an oat diet will be beneficial for their facial skin:

  1. Boil the flakes in water without oil or salt.
  2. You need to eat at least five hundred grams a day.
  3. Wash it down with decoctions and tea without sugar.

A potato diet would be appropriate for swelling. You should consume up to 2 kilograms of potatoes per day, boiled or baked in their skins. The cucumber diet will involve consuming two dozen green vegetables per day. If hunger persists, you can add a little boiled beef or a soft-boiled egg. This will not affect your facial skin. A vegetable diet will allow you to consume no more than 1.5 kg of vegetables per day. Do not forget about individual intolerance. This may affect the skin and fluid removal may be slower.

Do not decide to go on a diet or give up foods out of passion - consult a therapist first so as not to cause harm to the body. To reduce swelling of the eyelids, you should forget about the following products:

  1. salt;
  2. beets;
  3. green beans;
  4. Dutch cheese;
  5. champignons;
  6. tomatoes;
  7. canned food (and other semi-finished products containing many other substances and preservatives that prevent the removal of liquid).

Cosmetology procedures

Whatever causes the swelling, it gives rise to only one desire - to get rid of it as soon as possible. Sometimes a long course of various procedures may be required for good-looking facial skin. To get rid of excess fluid, you will have to go to a beauty salon. A qualified specialist will carefully examine the state of the body, find out individual characteristics, what will be effective and what is contraindicated, and then offer a carefully designed course to improve the skin:

  1. Mesotherapy. The procedure involves subcutaneous injections of medication into the desired areas of the face. Often homeopathic medicines and vitamins are used as solutions for injections, the composition of which is formed individually by a cosmetologist after a thorough examination of the patient and helps to remove fluid accumulated in the body. The procedures are done once every 7 days for several months. Medicines are administered using the back-trace or mesh method, after which there are no needle marks on the face.
  2. Cryolifting. To achieve the desired result, the removal of fluid accumulated in the body, extreme cold is used, causing specific, precisely calculated and controlled damage. In the area where manipulation is carried out, the properties of the skin change significantly, which helps the medicines penetrate deeper and be more effective. Cryolifting is a possible replacement for mesotherapy if it is not possible for some reason. The effect of cryolifting is long-lasting and noticeable, and the facial skin is “blown away” by swelling.
  3. Application of mineral waters and mud. The particles and substances contained in the therapeutic mud have a beneficial effect on the skin, restoring its strength and flexibility, helping to eliminate swelling, eliminating excess moisture from the body. Swelling is reduced due to the influence of certain irritants: the temperature of the applied substance, chemical components.


Diuretics for facial swelling will invariably be effective. You should find out the possible causes of swelling of the face at an appointment with a specialist. If these are problems with internal organs, then the use of diuretics will be justified. If the problem of accumulation of excess water is caused by lifestyle, diet or bad habits, then you can do without a pill for facial swelling, giving up everything harmful.

A diuretic may eliminate swelling, but not the cause. Upon completion of the course of such medications, excess fluid will again accumulate in the body. To eliminate the cause, a full examination is required. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe synthetic drugs, but such drugs act entirely on the entire body, leading to dehydration and even loss of substances it needs. If the cause is an allergic reaction, then antihistamines such as Suprastin and Tavegil will help get rid of the swelling.

Diuretics. Furosemide is considered the strongest diuretic. It is often used for swelling of the face, helping to relieve even severe manifestations, promoting the removal of fluid. Being a very powerful remedy, it requires caution in use, as it leads to dehydration and rids the body of important microelements. In case of slight swelling of the eyes, there is no need for such strong drugs; potassium-sparing diuretics can be used. This is “Veroshpiron”, the effect of which appears only after five days.

Cosmetics for home use

Top manufacturers of cosmetics for facial skin will not leave you bewildered; the choice is huge: masks, gels, creams, etc. These “things” will instantly put your appearance in order. Which brand to give the palm to is up to you. You don’t have to shell out money for expensive cosmetics, but use natural ingredients to create your own beauty. Many people like hand-made products. Below we will look at how to get rid of unwanted swelling of the face and eyes.

  1. To relieve swelling, you should prefer those products used by professionals; you can also choose them in a regular cosmetic store, but do not ignore the letters on the packaging indicating the composition. It should include: minerals, antioxidants, mud, vitamins, algae. If the cream contains ivy extract, this means that it will actively help remove fluid accumulated in the body and make the skin smooth. It will be absorbed faster if you wet your eyelids a little before applying.
  1. If your face and eyes swell in the morning, a mask of cucumber and lemon will help; it easily eliminates swelling and removes excess fluid from the body. This mixture is recommended for use on normal to oily skin. For dry you need to use half the amount of lemon juice. Ingredients of the mask: fresh cucumber, 25 milliliters of “yellow” nectar. Mix the latter with the vegetable chopped in a blender. Apply the mixture to your face for twenty minutes.
  2. If you have normal or oily skin, then you can get rid of swelling and remove excess fluid accumulated in the body using a coffee or cocoa mask. It will require fifty milliliters of yogurt, thirty milliliters of lemon juice, twenty-five grams of ground coffee or cocoa powder. For dry skin, you can make a similar mask, but use vegetable oil instead of yogurt, and honey instead of juice. Keep the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes.
  1. Soda lotions will help get rid of swelling of the facial skin and remove excess moisture from the body. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of strong black tea and mix. Soak cotton pads in the liquid, place them on your eyes and hold for no more than fifteen minutes. If the swelling affects a large area, then you can do a ten-minute relaxation session with a lotion on the entire face. Compresses on the eyelids to remove fluid can be made from infusions of chamomile flowers, dill, birch leaves, and parsley root.
  2. A good remedy is grated potatoes mixed with beaten egg white. It removes excess water, and the protein provides a lifting effect. Tea bags are a simple and effective remedy to relieve puffy eyes. You should hold the cool compress on your eyes for fifteen minutes - and the wow effect is guaranteed.
  3. To relieve swelling, you can make an ice compress. Place the cubes in a bag and place on the swollen area for half an hour. You can wipe your face with them in the morning. Do not write off the magical properties of cucumber. Circles of this vegetable, placed on swollen areas, along with getting rid of swelling, will tighten the skin and give it a lighter shade. An effective remedy for removing fluid is a compress with calendula decoction. After 15 minutes, the skin will glow.

Exercise and massage

You can relieve swelling and remove excess fluid with massage. Lightly pinching and stroking the skin, move along the lines running from the nose to the outer parts of the face. Then from the middle of the neck to its sides. Along the forehead from the top to the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, down from the eyes, from the nose to the temples. With this massage, the blood supply to the skin improves, the removal of moisture increases, which eliminates swelling. It is recommended to combine it with sports; a set of exercises to remove excess fluid should include:

  1. active movements of arms and legs;
  2. stretching;
  3. flexion;
  4. extension;
  5. rotational movements;
  6. sharp swings;
  7. tilts.

This will lead to warming up of the muscles and activity of the joints located near the lymph nodes. There are exercises for bags under the eyes; doing them regularly, after a couple of months you can forget about droopy eyelids:

  1. Rotate your eyes left and right, keeping your head straight.
  2. Close your eyes, then open your eyes sharply. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Alternately close and open your eyes.

How to relieve swelling from the face and eyes using folk remedies and herbs

  1. Parsley root. A simple recipe for those who don’t know how to quickly get rid of swelling of the face and eyes, and excess fluid. The root should be crushed, mixed in equal parts with the tea leaves after drinking the tea, mixed thoroughly, applied to the skin of the eyelids, and left for ten minutes. You can use parsley root without adding tea, this also enhances the removal of fluid from the body.
  2. Bear ears. The prepared decoction will be very useful for swelling. For this you will need: a glass of boiling water, one tablespoon of bear ears, which will have to steep for two hours. The decoction should be drunk no more than three times a day before meals.
  3. Chamomile. Throw a tablespoon of dried flowers of this plant into a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes, and then wipe the skin of the eyelids with a cotton swab soaked in the infusion for the same amount of time. In a similar way, you can make an infusion of mint, eyebright or linden blossom. Chamomile can be used together with tea; then, along with one teaspoon of chamomile, pour boiling water over the same amount of black or green tea. And you can forget about swelling!
  4. Birch leaves. Throw five leaves into a glass of cold water, preferably mineral water, and leave overnight. You can pour boiling water over the leaves and leave for two hours. After straining, moisten the skin of the eyelids, spending at least a quarter of an hour on the procedure. Voila – there was no swelling.
  5. Horsetail Throw one tablespoon of dry ingredient into a glass of boiling water and boil for twenty minutes. After waiting for the broth to become warm, make compresses on the eyes and hold for as long as you prepared. Horsetail helps fight not only swelling of the facial skin, but also eye fatigue, nervous tics, and removes excess water from the body.

How to remove puffiness under the eyes, remove excess water from the body without causing harm to health? Puffiness under the eyes is a sign of fluid retention in the body. To get rid of morning swelling, you will need no more than 10-20 minutes.

This will not prevent you from getting ready for work quickly. There are seven recipes for getting rid of edema.

Today in the article:

How to quickly remove puffiness under the eyes

Recipe 1 – Quick

To do this, you will need raw potatoes, cold brewed black tea, or regular ice from the refrigerator.

1. A mask made from raw potatoes is made simply: the peeled fruit is grated on a coarse grater, laid out on gauze, and then applied to the eyelids as a mask. After 15 minutes the swelling was gone.

2. Brewed tea bags are suitable for removing bags under the eyes. They need to be cooled a little and applied to the eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

3. Regular ice is ideal for morning wipes. It significantly reduces swelling in just a couple of minutes.

How to remove puffiness under the eyes in the morning

Recipe 2 - Unloading

This method is good in cases where swelling does not appear from time to time, but every morning. To get rid of them you need to act comprehensively. First, check with a therapist. Secondly, reduce the consumption of everything salty, fried, pickled, canned.

And be sure to arrange fasting days on clean water once every seven to ten days. Juices, milk, soda and soups do not count as water. It is difficult to maintain such a fasting, but thanks to water fasting days, the swelling will decrease.

Recipe 3 - Professional

Cosmetologists professionally deal with the elimination of swelling around the eyes. They have many effective tools in their arsenal. The most effective are hardware techniques - microcurrents and pressotherapy.

Both procedures stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow. Thanks to this, stagnation is quickly eliminated, and all excess liquid is removed.

Usually, to achieve a lasting result, it is enough to do a course of 10-15 procedures. At the same time, experts recommend taking care of your health again: finding out the cause of swelling under the eyes and fluid retention.

Recipe 4 - Antiallergic

Sometimes puffiness around the eyes is caused by an allergic reaction. The ideal remedy in this case would be an antihistamine tablet. But you shouldn’t swallow pills at the first swelling.

How to remove puffiness under the eyes due to allergies? Allergic swelling is usually accompanied by itching and rash, and sometimes even difficulty breathing. It is in these cases that the medicine will help you. But if there is no improvement within an hour after taking it, you should seek help from a professional.

Recipe 5 - Green

There is a special diet that helps to “expel” all retained fluid from the body. For one or two days you can only eat boiled rice without salt and drink green tea without sugar. The diet also includes cucumbers and parsley, and in unlimited quantities.

Recipe 6 - Cosmetic

How to quickly remove puffiness under the eyes at home? If you trust homemade recipes, take advantage of the achievements of the cosmetic industry. On the shelves you can find many products that will help you say goodbye to swelling.

This category includes, for example, cream with Chinese mushroom extract by Estee Lauder. It significantly improves complexion and quickly gets rid of bags under the eyes.

Products around the eyes include anti-puffiness creams around the eyes. They improve blood circulation and stimulate lymph flow. It is important to know that if you have swelling, you should not use oily facial products. They only aggravate the problem by creating an impenetrable film on the skin.

Recipe 7 – Vitamin

Often, dark circles around the eyes occur due to a lack of B vitamins in the body, as well as magnesium, zinc and selenium. Such a deficiency leads to disturbances in the water balance in the body. Often it is because of this that swelling increases during the premenstrual period. The best remedy in this case is to regularly take a vitamin-mineral complex.

How to remove puffiness under the eyes? If there is slight swelling under the eyes, you should not take diuretics, especially strong ones. After taking such drugs, fluid begins to be washed out primarily from the blood vessels, and not from the tissues. This can lead to blood clots.

Remember: only a doctor can prescribe diuretics after first determining the cause of edema.

Please watch the video: Parsley is the #1 remedy against bags and puffiness under the eyes.

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