Hair Breathing (Part 3)


The “hair breathing” exercise is perhaps the most sophisticated and unusual. As far as I know, until very recently it was unknown in the West.

And who would believe such a “nonsense” that “energy flows through the hair”? But the strangest thing is that once you try to do the exercise, you will be convinced that such a phenomenon really exists and is not a figment of a sick imagination.

Doubts arise due to the fact that the thinking of Eastern people is fundamentally different from Western stereotypes. While I was studying the secrets of inner alchemy, the same thought repeatedly occurred to me: “I can sit in thought for a thousand years, but I still won’t understand what’s the matter.” Often I shared similar thoughts with other students, who nodded their heads in understanding.

Now I consider it an honor to tell people about these strange and somewhat eccentric exercises. As I write these lines, a sly smile involuntarily appears on my face: I am going to teach you “pubic hair breathing.” I bet you that none of the readers have heard of anything like this before.
Taoist yoga is an unknown and wonderful world, and I will be happy to introduce my readers to it.

Pubic hair is considered a by-product of qi and corresponds to the lungs. The “external opening” of the lungs is the nose. This relationship may not seem so obvious.
Most often, qi is translated as “breath.” When we breathe, air enters the body through the nose and goes to the lungs. At the same time, qi is interpreted as life force. Qi is stored in pubic hair. Therefore, by learning how to extract excess energy from pubic hair, you will actually master the method of extracting excess life force.

It is this relationship that must be realized for a holistic perception of Eastern wisdom. The exercise itself is the true heritage of Taoist masters. I cannot judge how they comprehended this pattern. But I know that it exists and is used effectively. Try it yourself and you will be pleasantly surprised.