Abstinence Sexual Partial

Introduction Sexual abstinence is the physiological mechanism of partial loss of genital function in humans or animals under the influence of disturbances in the external environment, pathology in internal organs, and other non-genital organs. Sexual withdrawal syndrome has common roots with many etiopathogenetic mechanisms, including the hereditary predisposition of the individual, social interactions, the prevailing social orientation of the person, psychological experiences and other psychophysiological effects that influence sexual mechanisms and the functioning of organs. The absence of pathologies of the reproductive system in representatives of an organism or organism, the development of which is accompanied by primary sexual function, is called primary sexual function.

Sexual abstinence Abstinence (Abrochthon, Avras, Abrasterns, Abrasting, Adratensky, etc.) - from lat. abstinentia - abstinence, freed from any social prohibitions, the manifestation of any super-strong irritants or conditions. Sexual abstinence is a pronounced violation of the intensity of behavior, when indifferent parameters are first formed and actualized, and then a sharp drop occurs, that is, psychophysiological inversion

Abstinence is a cumulative set of psychological syndromes that develop in a person suffering from addiction. Now there are a huge number of different types of addictive conditions that manifest themselves in increased feelings of hunger, adrenaline, all-consuming attachment to their partner, excessive attraction, obsessive thoughts and actions that people forbid themselves to think about, and so on.

One type of withdrawal is sexual addiction. People who find satisfaction through natural