Benign Acanthosis Nigricans

Acanthosis nigericans benigna is a skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of thick, dark patches of skin on the face, arms and legs. In some cases, especially in children, the condition can lead to emotional disturbances and social isolation. This condition is called benign because it is not associated with the development of malignant neoplasms or other serious diseases such as diabetes. However, it can cause discomfort and lead to psychological problems.

Acanthosis nigericas benigna is considered a benign pigmentary hyperplasia of the skin and is classified as a keloid skin lesion. This disease most often affects people who are overweight, older people or those who have excess cholesterol in the blood. People who have a genetic predisposition to this pathology may also be susceptible to this disease. Пигментные пятна, появляющиеся на коже при acanthosis niggerigans benigna, состоят из соединительных тканей кожи, липидов и волокон коллагена. These areas appear in places where the skin thickens,