Aedes Albopictus

Bites from Aedes mosquitoes (such as Aedes aegypti) can cause serious reactions, but if you are unlucky enough to come across a species like Aedes albopictu, which is also known as the West African mosquito, be doubly careful. Whether you live in the southern United States, Asia or Australia, be prepared to have your blood sucked by these giant yellow and black mosquitoes! They are really huge - the male’s body length ranges from 39 to 57 mm, and in females it is even longer - from 49 to 72 mm. Color varies from bright yellow to brick red. Now you have nothing to fear, as entomological scientists are fighting this mosquito. This species of mosquito is now banned for import and sale in some countries. In the United States, a large population of Aedes, which was not previously represented in these territories, was subject to a ban on export from Mexico. The Mexican government is now planning

**Aedes albopictus** (Blue mosquito) is a species of mosquito in the mosquito family (Tipulidae), belonging to the genus Aedes, included in the genus Diptera. Subfamily Aedinae - distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, including Russia, Africa, Asia, Central and South America and Australia.

**Aedes albipictus** is also known as "Neave's mosquito", "Japanese mosquito" or "Australian mosquito" (in the UK) and "Painted mosquito" or "White mosquito" (in France).

Now the blue mosquito is widespread throughout the world and is actively