
Allopa-Leredda is the most common of all sebaceous tumors. This term was first used by the French scientists Hallopeau and Lerede, after whom it received its name. There is also another name - Darier because of the doctor J. M. Darier. Sebaceous gland adenomas are located symmetrically on both sides of the face and protrude slightly above the skin. Usually, both halves or one are involved in the pathological process at once. The size of the formation varies from very small to 5 cm in diameter. Most often, tumors are found in adolescence and children. It is characterized by the formation of a dense neoplasm, reminiscent of cauliflower, located mainly on the scalp. Among the cases, the most common are patients aged 20 to 30 years, in whom single formations are much less common.

There are several types of this disease: * Capitate; * Meaty; * Warty.

Warty sebaceous adoms do not always occur, because their appearance is facilitated by various types of injuries - this is an external factor.

The capitate type involves the adina and the second layer of skin. For the warty form, it is important to have overgrown subcutaneous connective tissue in the form of a thick layer, leading to a typical appearance. Always involved in the pathological process

Allop-LeRedda syndrome. Also known as Darien, Darier-Lhoest, Hallopeau or Le Reaud's Disease.

Adenoma of the sebaceous glands Darier-LeRedd or adenomatous Darier is a tumor disease of the epidermal layer of the skin, manifested by the appearance of specific formations. The pathology is classified among dermofibromatous and vascular skin diseases in women. In the international classification of diseases ICD, the disease received code 296 in group 40.

It is characterized by unilateral (less often bilateral) lesions of the skin of the palms and soles, and less commonly of the dorsal surfaces of the extremities. Patients suffer from unpleasant pain in the area of ​​the rash, and its area may increase. The skin of the lesions is dry and covered with small scales, the follicles of the glands are dilated and tortuous. The adenomatous type of sebaceous-epidermal tumor differs from the previous one by a more rapid proliferation of inflammatory elements - vesicles, ulcers, erosions, pustules. Individual forms of papules can merge into large plaques. In some areas of the skin, small tubercles are found that are characterized by compaction. Sometimes anhidrosis of the focal part of the skin surface may occur. There are no melanocytic lesions in the plaque area. Over time, the tumor becomes large, reaching tens of centimeters in diameter. Swelling on the skin persists for many years. The pain associated with the lesion and the presence of adenoma of the sebaceous glands is gradually lost. Treatment of tumors consists of removing them through surgery or cryotherapy.

Allopo - Leredda

Allopo-Leredda is a symmetrical adenoma of the sebaceous glands. This disease was described in the 19th century by French dermatologists F. N. Hallopé and E. Lérédde, as well as J. Darié. It is characterized by the proliferation of fibrous tissue in the area of ​​the sebaceous glands and the formation of a dense warty surface.

The development of the disease is associated with disruption of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, which begin to produce excess sebum. As a result, dense growths appear on the scalp, which can be painful and cause discomfort.

Treatment of allopolypereddy includes removal of tumors using surgical methods. However, in the presence of multiple lesions, complex treatment may be required, including the use of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Prevention of allopolyperedia involves proper care of the scalp and limiting exposure to factors that can lead to disruption of the sebaceous glands. It is also important to monitor your health and promptly consult a doctor if any skin diseases appear.