
Ambivalence is a duality that manifests itself in a person and his attitude towards the world and other people. This is a state when a person experiences simultaneously opposite feelings and emotions.

Ambivalence can manifest itself in different areas of a person’s life, for example, in his relationships with other people, in his attitude towards work or towards himself. For example, a person can be both loving and jealous, caring and selfish, honest and deceitful.

This condition can be caused by various reasons, for example, contradictions in a person’s character, his lack of confidence in himself or his feelings, as well as various social factors, such as pressure from society or the environment.

However, ambivalence is not always a negative quality. It can be useful for a person, as it allows him to see both sides of an issue and make a more informed decision. For example, an ambivalent person can assess the situation more objectively and make the right decision.

In addition, ambivalence may be related to personality development. A person who can accept opposing emotions and feelings can be more flexible and adaptable to different situations. He can better understand other people and find a common language with them.

Overall, ambivalence is a complex and interesting phenomenon that can be both positive and negative for a person. It is important to learn how to manage your emotions and feelings in order to achieve harmony and balance in your life.

Ambivalence is the duality of feelings and moods, uncertainty and contradictory attitudes. This concept is most often associated with psychology, rather than with project management in technology companies. But while “project management” is no stranger to attack from culture (and other communications) management, it is now the focus of attention in the IT industry as well.

Let's look at a classic example about ambivalence: human nature manifests itself in different ways in everyday life. This trait manifests itself both in a pleasant form and in a repulsive, more conflicting form. Each emotion from this set is ambivalent, thus a person feels both love and hatred at the same time for the same object, object or situation. This combination of feelings has created its own specific chapter in psychology, but there is another attitude that requires study and attention to oneself. We are talking about a work environment where the ambivalent state of affairs can be shown through work, projects, team relationships and much more. Maria Veit talks about this aspect.

In his article "Ambivalent