Sanitary Water Analysis

Analysis of the sanitary condition of water is an important stage in assessing the quality of drinking water. It allows you to determine the compliance of water with state standards and identify possible risks to human health.

Hygienic indicators of water quality include the following parameters:

  1. Chromaticity - determined by a color scale that shows how colored the water is. The normal value for drinking water is no more than 20 degrees.
  2. Turbidity is an indicator that characterizes the amount of suspended particles in water. The normal value should not exceed 1.5 mg/l.
  3. Smell and taste are determined organoleptically, that is, using the senses. The absence of smell and taste is considered normal.
  4. Hardness is determined by the calcium and magnesium content in water. The optimal hardness value should not exceed 7 mEq/l.
  5. Hydrogen index (pH) - shows the acidity or alkalinity of water. The normal pH value is between 6.5 and 8.5.
  6. Iron - determined by the iron content of water and can be hazardous to health. The normal iron content should not exceed 0.3 mg/l.
  7. Chlorides - determined by the amount of chlorides in water, which can be harmful to health. The normal chloride value should not exceed 350 mg/l.
  8. Nitrates - determined by the nitrate content of water, which can be harmful to health. The normal value of nitrates should not exceed 45 mg/l.
  9. Fluoride - determined by the amount of fluoride in water, which can be beneficial to teeth and bones. The normal fluoride value should not exceed 1 mg/l.

Analysis of the sanitary condition of drinking water is a special procedure carried out by sanitary and epidemiological services to determine the hygienic level of water that is consumed by the population as food and can be used for domestic purposes. This need is caused by the desire to prevent the emergence and spread of infectious diseases that lead to disruption of human health, mass spread and an increase in the number of deaths. During work, employees collect water from wells or wells, assess the drinking and domestic water potential of the source, and then apply the most current testing methods, the purpose of which is to identify microscopic life forms and various toxic substances in water samples based on the state standard. Based on the results, a conclusion is made about the suitability of water for consumption and the possibility of using it in the future until the results of laboratory tests are obtained for several indicators of chemical composition: iron content, the presence of oxygen, pH, color and turbidity, the presence of bromine and chlorides, which may be significant criteria when answering the question whether it is safer to drink or not. Water is the source of life on earth. In modern times, this is the main way to combat hunger and infection. There is a wide variety of water sources. Pollution levels and water quality may vary by location, but there are categories that affect the characteristics of all water resources: precipitation, rain, wind, microorganisms, organic changes, climatic conditions, etc. Specialists in this field are aware of all the possible risks associated with drinking liquids, so they conduct various types of testing, including analysis of sanitary water. Thanks to its results, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the compliance of the source with certain safety standards and prevent the possible occurrence of infections of various types.