
Atheroma is a retention cyst of the sebaceous gland of the skin, formed as a result of blockage of the excretory duct of the gland.

Symptoms and course

Atheroma can occur on any part of the body where hair grows, but is most often localized on the scalp, face, back, neck and genital area.

It has the appearance of a limited, mobile, round, soft-elastic tumor-like formation with clear contours, located in the thickness of the skin. The skin over the atheroma does not fold. Sometimes an enlarged excretory duct of the gland is detected on the skin near the center of the formation.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with epithelial cysts and soft tissue tumors (fibromas, lipomas).

Suppuration of atheroma occurs when microorganisms penetrate through a duct or lymphogenously. Pain, hyperemia, swelling, soreness, fever, and fluctuation are noted. When suppuration occurs, the atheroma can spontaneously open with the release of pus and sebum-like contents.

The treatment is surgical - under local anesthesia, the atheroma is removed along with the capsule and a section of overlying skin. Leaving even small areas of the capsule leads to relapse.

The prognosis is favorable.

Atheroma is a benign tumor of the sebaceous glands, deposition of atheromatous material (black) in the form of a cystic tumor (less commonly, a node). ATHEROMY - (Greek). Tumors of the nerve sheaths into the cranial cavity, whereby a component of them is retained in the sheath and forms a chancre in the center, growing in nodes around it; Sensory nerves are predominantly affected. Atherams are pathological changes in the sebaceous glands. The formation of a fatty substance is determined, which clogs the outlet and provokes a painful compaction. Such neoplasms are the result of problems with the endocrine system. Undesirable localization is located on the back, in the genital area, face, chest. Treatment of atheromas must be carried out after diagnosing the cause of development.