Poisoning with Fish Poison

Fish is an important source of food for people around the world. It is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, and is considered one of the healthiest foods. However, some types of fish may contain toxic substances that can cause poisoning if eaten.

Fish poisoning can occur due to consumption of poisonous fish or its parts. Depending on what kind of fish and under what conditions the poisoning occurred, its symptoms may vary.

One form of poisoning is cholera-like poisoning, which occurs from poisoning with poisonous fish or its parts. Symptoms of this form of poisoning may include vomiting, colic, diarrhea, dizziness, dry mouth, extreme thirst, fear, urinary retention, headache and seizures.

Another form of poisoning is the paralytic form, which occurs mainly from eating spoiled, under-salted herring, sturgeon and spoiled canned food. Symptoms of this form of poisoning include nausea and mild vomiting, followed by diarrhea. If measures are not taken, the disease quickly begins to develop and can lead to complete or partial paralysis. A person can die a few hours after the first signs of poisoning appear.

If you suspect that you or someone close to you has been poisoned by fish poison, you should immediately call a doctor. It is important to start treatment as soon as possible to prevent serious consequences.

Before the doctor arrives, you can give the patient an emetic - a glass of soapy water (soapy milk) or stick your finger down his throat, despite the fact that he already feels like vomiting. Then, after vomiting, give a laxative - two spoons of castor oil and put a deep enema of 4-6 glasses with two spoons of castor oil or a tablespoon of chamomile in a mug (the chamomile must first be infused).

When the stomach is empty, the body should be rubbed with a cloth soaked in vinegar or vodka, a heating pad should be placed on the stomach, strong tea, red wine, strong coffee should be given inside, but not boiled, only well-infused, which should be given every half hour. It is useful to take a warm bath, after which you put him to bed and wrap him well. When the stomach calms down, then give mucous soups, the best from flaxseed.

The third form of poisoning manifests itself in a hives-like rash with mild fever and itching. This disease is treated in the same way as urticaria. Treatment with 0.3 grams of aspirin at night for several days after poisoning may also be helpful.

In general, preventing fish poisoning involves properly handling and preparing fish. It is necessary to ensure that the fish is fresh and not spoiled. It is also important to properly cook fish before eating to ensure it is fully cooked and free of toxic substances.

Fish poisoning can be a serious illness that can have dangerous consequences. Therefore, if you suspect that you or someone you love has been poisoned by fish, seek medical attention immediately. It is important to start treatment as soon as possible to prevent serious complications.