Audiogram Speech

A speech audiogram is a curve displaying the dependence of the proportion of correctly perceived words (as a percentage) on the sound intensity during speech audiometry. Speech audiometry is carried out to determine speech intelligibility thresholds, i.e. the minimum volume at which the subject can understand and repeat the given words. During the study, the subject is presented with lists of words or numbers with a gradual increase in volume. The results are recorded in the audiogram in the form of a curve showing at what volume level the subject begins to understand the given speech. Speech audiometry allows you to assess the functional state of the auditory analyzer during the perception of spoken speech.

Speech audiogram (audioacoustic curve)

A speech audiogram is a special type of medical sound curve that reflects the dependence of the perceived sound level of the patient’s speech on the number of sounds correctly reproduced by him. It is also called the “audio-acoustic curve”. The laws for constructing a standard audiogram are carried out in accordance with diagnostic standards for the patient’s sound perception. Using these standards, the patient's level of hearing impairment and the effectiveness of treatment for his disease are determined.

If this disease is at the initial stage of its development or is just beginning to progress, then the perception of only high frequencies is impaired. You can talk to the patient at a normal voice level or conduct an examination within the limits of mild