

Audiology is a science that studies hearing impairment and methods of its correction. Hearing impairment can be caused by various reasons, such as genetic factors, infections, injuries, age-related changes and other factors. Audiologists are involved in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of people with hearing impairments.

One of the main methods for diagnosing hearing impairment is audiometry. This method allows you to determine the patient’s hearing level and identify its impairment. Audiometry is carried out using special equipment that allows you to measure the amplitude of sound and the frequency of its vibrations.

Treatment for hearing loss may include hearing aids, cochlear implants, ear surgery, and other methods. Hearing aids help improve the patient's sound quality, and cochlear implantation is a surgical method that can completely restore hearing.

Rehabilitation of patients with hearing impairment includes classes with teachers of the deaf, speech therapists and other specialists. They help patients learn to communicate with others, read and write, and develop other skills necessary for a full life.

Overall, audiology plays an important role in the lives of people with hearing loss, helping them adapt to their environment and lead full lives.

Audiology is the science of deafness and hearing impairment. Audiology is practiced by specialists called audiologists and audiologists. This name for the profession arose from combining the Greek words “audios” and “logos” in one term. This name is translated as “the study of sound” or “the science of hearing.”

Despite the fact that the term “audiologist” is used more and more often, people in this profession have come to be classified as doctors, while a teacher of the deaf ear means only a specialist in deaf pedagogy without taking into account the specialty of his professional education.

Audiology is an interdisciplinary science with specific tasks for each level of professional development of a person. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify in which areas the specialist operates and what medical and pedagogical aspects are taken into account in this general area of ​​​​helping such people.

If we talk about what professional group a person belongs to (medical worker, teacher, researcher), it is important to understand how narrowly the competencies acquired by him will be applied, and what disciplines are affected. In the first case, we are talking about the audiologist himself. An audiologist (also known as a special hearing doctor [otolaryngologist]) has a medical professional education and conducts clinical work. Zanima