
Autoerotic personality implies that a person strives to be aroused independently, without external stimuli, to bring pleasure to himself. As a rule, symptoms of an autoerotic personality are absent in infancy and childhood. The first signs may develop in childhood or adolescence: - increased sexual interest - feeling of excitement from the sight and images nudity - masturbation - “forcing” pleasure from adult behavior - increased response to one’s own body - fantasies with strong sexual content - appearance of fantasies of violence or sadism

At the same time, for the development of the disease, a special factor is required - a certain phase of development of a man or woman. During this period, natural sexual interests are replaced by autothetical ones. The main feature in this case is the ability to suppress one’s own desires. Sexopathology distinguishes three forms of autoeroticism - insatiable sexual desire, exaggerated introspective sexual impressions and autosexuality. They arise due to abnormal formation of sexuality or severe violation of gender identification. Autoerotic ideas arise due to increased excitability and growing interest in one’s body.

The mechanism for the appearance of secondary symptoms is the development of distorted sexual consciousness and the persistent suppression of all natural instincts. The following stages are characteristic for a developed autoerotic orientation:

- autofrottage - erosfrottage and deprinn in relation to female objects. This is achieved through constant self-reward in the form of voluntary masturbation - complete absence of a sexual partner