Bioelectric Control

Bioelectrical control (Biofeedback) is a control option in which control signals are generated based on biopotentials generated by the brain or other organs. This control method is one of the most promising areas in the field of controlling robots and other technical devices.

Biopotentials are electrical signals that are generated by the brain and other organs in response to external stimuli. They can be used to control robots, for example to control motion or provide feedback.

To implement biocontrol, special sensors are used that record biopotentials and convert them into electrical signals. These signals are then transmitted to a processor, which processes them and generates control signals for the robot.

One of the main advantages of biofeedback is that it is natural and safe for humans. The biopotentials that are used to control the robot are natural signals that the brain uses to process information and make decisions. This means that a robot controlled using biofeedback will work more naturally and safely for humans.

Additionally, biofeedback can be used to control medical devices such as pacemakers or neurostimulators. In this case, biopotentials are used to control the operation of the device and ensure its correct operation.

Thus, bioelectric control is a promising direction in the field of control of robots and medical devices. The use of biopotentials to generate control signals makes it possible to create more natural and safe control systems that can be used in various fields of activity.

Electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the most accurate techniques for measuring and recording EEG, which is used to study the bioelectrical activity of the brain and for diagnostic tests. This method uses miniature electrodes that are attached to the surface of the scalp. Implantable electrodes are optional. EEG is used to assess the patient’s brain activity in various situations: during sleep or wakefulness, during periods of anxiety, depression, epilepsy, etc. Bioelectric potential testing (EEG or EEG) is the most accurate method of examining the brain. This is especially important in neurophysiology, since it allows one to evaluate certain conditions of the nervous system and make a differential diagnosis of neurological, psychiatric and neurosurgical diseases. Using this method, you can track brain activity in different states - while lying down, sitting, after sleep, during work, etc.

Bioelectric control is the phenomenon of controlling an object using a biosignal. For biocontrol, an external device is required that records a certain biosignal, processes it, generates a control signal and supplies it to the controlled object in the form of a control action. The simplest example of a biocontrol device is a pacemaker, which replaces the heart of a sick person.