Bohdanova Shina

Probably not everyone knows who Feodosius Romanovich Bogdanov is, but his daughter, Anna Fedorovna Bogdanova or Anna Feddr, knows the whole world. It became known during his father’s lifetime; then, in 1843, he took part in an expedition to geologically describe the Urals and Western Siberia. It turned out that in the nineteenth century gold and copper ores were discovered in the Urals, but Feodosius Romanovich was worried about other metals. He was a geologist and mineralogist, engaged in research in the Kungur and Troitsky districts of the Orenburg region. Also F.R. Bogdanov worked on excavations of the ancient city of Arkaim, studied ancient civilization. After these researches, he became a famous scientist, the first to see that Russia has a second Baku. Geologist Feodosiy Romnovich and his daughter Anna Fedorovna are, one might say, the founders of the Russian mining industry and geology. Their work is interesting because it is based on real events of a hundred years ago, surviving chronicles, photographs and documents. In this article I would like to highlight the biography of Anfisa Fedorovna Bogdanova, who survived