Boy or girl: how to conceive a baby of a certain gender?

Every mother rejoices at the birth of her first child, be it a boy or a girl. But not all parents are overcome with joyful emotions if the family is approaching the second or third addition of a same-sex baby. Often, parents of many children, for example, of two growing princesses, want the long-awaited hero boy to dilute the girl’s company.

Is it possible to “order” the gender of your baby’s future in advance? Let's figure this out.

Boy or girl: theories of conception

Even ancient Greek doctors insisted that it was absolutely possible to conceive a child of a certain gender. To do this, you just need to wait for a certain time of year and... start actively “working.” So, in their opinion, boys are most often conceived in the spring-summer period, and girls, accordingly, in the autumn-winter period.

But the Germans in the old days believed that sex in rainy weather contributed to the conception of a girl, and in dry weather - a boy. Now German scientists have come to a more substantiated theory, which states that sex on the day of ovulation contributes to the conception of a boy, since male Y chromosomes are more active and mobile, but female X chromosomes are more tenacious. Therefore, it is on the day of ovulation that male chromosomes have a greater chance of fertilizing a female egg. And if a married couple dreams of a girl, then they need to make love 2 days before ovulation.

Half a century ago, French scientists were even able to develop a special, but very simple diet for an expectant mother who wanted to give birth to a child of a certain gender. In their opinion, in order to give birth to a girl, a woman had to consume foods rich in calcium and magnesium two to three months before conception. And if the expectant mother wanted to give birth to an heir, then her diet should contain foods enriched with potassium, and she should also eat more salty and spicy foods.

There is another, no less interesting theory about the conception of a boy. Thus, New Zealand researchers are confident that the bodies of active and purposeful women, who also know how to cope with their emotions in stressful situations, contain more of the male hormone testosterone, which is why they most often give birth to boys.

Diet of the expectant mother

Today there are a fair number of special diets that promote the conception of a child of a certain gender. It is difficult to judge how scientifically substantiated they are, but at the same time, the most common ones are popular among many married couples.

We want a boy. So, in order to give birth to a boy, the expectant mother should indulge in all types of fish and meat, and season her dishes with spicy spices. For vegetables, preference should be given to potatoes, lentils and legumes, and for cereals, rice and semolina. Among the fruits, the most commonly consumed are oranges, bananas, peaches, apricots, as well as dried fruits such as dates, prunes and dried apricots.

The best drinks are mineral water, tea, coffee, red wine and beer in moderation. But it is advisable to limit dairy and fermented milk products, which contain a lot of calcium, in your menu. This also applies to confectionery and chocolate, which contain ingredients such as eggs, milk and cocoa.

We want a girl. But in order to conceive a girl, the expectant mother can feast on all kinds of sweets, but limit herself to yeast and salty products. It is also undesirable to get carried away with sausages and smoked products, shrimp and crayfish, and instead eat different types of fish and meat, but in moderation.

You should also lean on green vegetables - cucumbers, all types of lettuce, asparagus, green peas. As for fruits, focus on green apples, kiwi, mango, watermelon, melon and often enjoy walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts.